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Typescript definitions for apify-client-js
declare module 'apify-client' {
class ApifyClient {
constructor(options?: {
baseUrl?: string;
maxRetries?: number;
minDelayBetweenRetriesMillis?: number;
requestInterceptors?: Function[];
timeoutSecs?: number;
token?: string;
actors(): ActorCollectionClient;
actor(id: string): ActorClient;
versionNumber: string,
options?: {
useCache?: boolean;
betaPackages?: boolean;
tag?: string;
waitForFinish?: number;
): Build;
builds(): BuildCollectionClient;
datasets(): DatasetCollectionClient;
dataset(id: string): DatasetClient;
keyValueStores(): KeyValueStoreCollectionClient;
keyValueStore(id: string): KeyValueStoreClient;
log(buildOrRunId: string): LogClient;
requestQueues(): RequestQueueCollection;
requestQueue(id: string, options?: { clientKey?: object }): RequestQueueClient;
run(id: string): RunClient;
tasks(): TaskCollectionClient;
task(id: string): TaskClient;
schedules(): ScheduleCollectionClient;
schedule(id: string): ScheduleClient;
user(id: string): UserClient;
webhooks(): WebhookCollectionClient;
webhook(id: string): WebhookClient;
webhookDispatches(): WebhookDispatchCollectionClient;
webhookDispatch(id: string): WebhookDispatchClient;
interface ActorCollectionClient {
create(actor: { name: string; description: string; isPublic: boolean }): Promise<Actor>;
list(options?: {
my?: boolean;
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
desc?: boolean;
}): Promise<PaginationList<ActorClient>>;
interface BaseCollectionClientProps {
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
desc?: boolean;
interface BuildCollectionClient {
list(options?: BaseCollectionClientProps): Promise<PaginationList<Build>>;
interface Build {
id: string;
actId: string;
userId: string;
startedAt: string;
finishedAt?: string;
status: string;
meta: {
origin: string;
clientIp: string;
userAgent: string;
stats: {
durationMillis: number;
runTimeSecs: number;
computedUnits: number;
options: {
inputSchema?: string;
readme?: string;
buildNumber: string;
interface Dataset {
id: string;
name: string;
userId: string;
createdAt: string;
modifiedAt: string;
accessedAt: string;
itemCount: number;
cleanItemCount: number;
actId?: Maybe<object>;
actRunId?: Maybe<object>;
fields?: string[];
interface DatasetClient {
delete(): Promise<void>;
format: DownloadItemFormat,
options?: {
attachment?: boolean;
bom?: boolean;
clean?: boolean;
delimiter?: string;
desc?: boolean;
fields?: string[];
omit?: string[];
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
skipEmpty?: boolean;
skipHeaderRow?: boolean;
skipHidden?: boolean;
unwind?: string;
xmlRoot?: string;
xmlRow?: string;
): Promise<Buffer>;
get(): Promise<Dataset>;
listItems(options?: {
clean?: boolean;
desc?: boolean;
fields?: string[];
omit?: string[];
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
skipEmpty?: boolean;
skipHidden?: boolean;
unwind?: string;
}): Promise<PaginationList<any>>;
pushItems(items: object | string | object[] | string[]): Promise<void>;
update(newFields: object): Promise<Dataset>;
interface DatasetCollectionClient {
getOrCreate(name?: string): Promise<object>;
list(options?: BaseCollectionClientProps): Promise<PaginationList<Dataset>>;
interface KeyValueStoreClient {
delete(): Promise<void>;
deleteRecord(key: string): Promise<void>;
get(): Promise<KeyValueStore>;
key: string,
options?: { buffer?: boolean; stream?: boolean },
): Promise<KeyValueStoreRecord>;
listKeys(options?: { limit?: object; exclusiveStartKey?: string }): Promise<object>;
setRecord(record: KeyValueStoreRecord): Promise<void>;
update(newRecords: { [key as string]: KeyValueStoreRecordValue }): Promise<KeyValueStore>;
interface KeyValueStore {
id: string;
name: string;
userId: string;
createdAt: string;
modifiedAt: string;
accessedAt: string;
actId?: Maybe<object>;
actRunId?: Maybe<object>;
interface KeyValueStoreCollectionClient {
getOrCreate(name?: string): Promise<object>;
list(options?: BaseCollectionClientProps): Promise<PaginationList<KeyValueStore>>;
interface KeyValueStoreRecord {
key: string;
value: KeyValueStoreRecordValue;
contentType?: string;
interface LogClient {
get(): Promise<Maybe<string>>;
stream(): Promise<Maybe<Readable>>;
interface PaginationList<T> {
items: T[];
total: number;
offset: number;
count: number;
limit: number;
desc: boolean;
interface Request {
id: string;
retryCount: number;
uniqueKey: string;
url: string;
method: string;
loadedUrl?: object;
payload?: object;
noRetry?: boolean;
errorMessages?: any[];
headers?: object;
userData?: {
label?: string;
image?: string;
handledAt?: object;
interface RequestQueueClient {
addRequest(request: any, options?: any): Promise<RequestQueueClientBaseResponse>;
delete(): Promise<void>;
deleteRequest(id: string): Promise<void>;
get(): Promise<RequestQueue>;
getRequest(id: string): Promise<Maybe<Request>>;
listHead(options?: {
limit?: number;
}): Promise<{
limit: number;
queueModifiedAt: string;
hadMultipleClients: boolean;
items: Pick<Request, 'id' | 'retryCount' | 'uniqueKey' | 'url' | 'method'>[];
update(newFields: object): Promise<RequestQueue>;
request: Request,
options?: { forefront?: boolean },
): Promise<RequestQueueClientBaseResponse>;
interface RequestQueueClientBaseResponse {
requestId: string;
wasAlreadyPresent: boolean;
wasAlreadyHandled: boolean;
interface RequestQueueCollection {
getOrCreate(name?: string): Promise<object>;
options?: { unnamed?: boolean } & BaseCollectionClientProps,
): Promise<PaginationList<RequestQueue>>;
interface Run {
id: string;
actId: string;
userId: string;
actorTaskId: string;
startedAt: string;
finishedAt: string | null;
status: TaskStatus;
meta: {
origin: string;
userAgent: string;
stats: {
inputBodyLen: number;
restartCount: number;
durationMillis: number;
resurrectCount: number;
runTimeSecs: number;
metamorph: number;
computeUnits: number;
memAvgBytes: number;
memMaxBytes: number;
memCurrentBytes: number;
cpuAvgUsage: number;
cpuMaxUsage: number;
cpuCurrentUsage: number;
options: {
build: string;
timeoutSecs: number;
memoryMbytes: number;
diskMbytes: number;
buildId: string;
exitCode: number;
defaultKeyValueStoreId: string;
defaultDatasetId: string;
defaultRequestQueueId: string;
interface RunClient {
abort(): Promise<Run>;
dataset(): DatasetClient;
get(options?: { waitForFinish?: boolean }): Promise<Run>;
keyValueStore(): KeyValueStoreClient;
log(): LogClient;
targetActorId: string,
input?: KeyValue,
options?: {
contentType?: object;
build?: object;
): Promise<Run>;
requestQueue(): RequestQueueClient;
resurrect(options?: { build?: string; memory?: number; timeout?: number }): Promise<Run>;
waitForFinish(options?: { waitSecs?: number }): Promise<Run>;
interface RunCollectionClient {
options?: BaseCollectionClientProps & {
status?: boolean;
interface Schedule {
id: string;
userId: string;
name: string;
cronExpression: string;
timezone: string;
isEnabled: boolean;
isExclusive: boolean;
description?: string;
createdAt: string;
modifiedAt: string;
nextRunAt?: string;
lastRunAt?: string;
actions: ScheduleAction[];
interface ScheduleAction {
id: string;
type: string;
actorTaskId: string;
input?: KeyValue;
interface ScheduleClient {
delete(): Promise<void>;
get(): Promise<Maybe<Schedule>>;
getLog(): Promise<Maybe<string>>;
update(newFields: object): Promise<Schedule>;
interface ScheduleCollectionClient {
create(schedule?: Schedule): Promise<Schedule>;
list(options?: BaseCollectionClientProps): Promise<PaginationList<Schedule>>;
interface Task {
id: string;
userId: string;
actId: string;
name: string;
username?: string;
createdAt: string;
modifiedAt: string;
removedAt?: string;
stats?: {
totalRuns: number;
options?: {
build?: string;
timeoutSecs?: number;
memoryMbytes?: number;
input?: KeyValue;
interface TaskClient {
call(input?: object, options?: TaskOptions): Promise<Run>;
delete(): Promise<void>;
get(): Promise<Maybe<Task>>;
getInput(): Promise<Maybe<object>>;
lastRun(options: { status: string }): RunClient;
runs(): RunCollectionClient;
start(input?: object, options?: TaskOptions): Promise<Run>;
update(newFields: object): Promise<Task>;
updateInput(): Promise<object>;
webhooks(): WebhookCollectionClient;
interface TaskCollectionClient {
create(task?: object): Promise<Task>;
list(options?: BaseCollectionClientProps): Promise<PaginationList<Task>>;
interface User {
username: string;
profile: {
bio?: string;
name?: string;
pictureUrl?: string;
githubUsername?: string;
websiteUrl?: string;
twitterUsername?: string;
interface UserClient {
get(): Promise<Maybe<User>>;
interface TaskOptions {
build?: string;
memory?: number;
timeout?: number;
waitSecs?: number;
webhooks?: object[];
interface Webhook {
id: string;
createdAt: string;
modifiedAt: string;
userId: string;
isAdHoc?: boolean;
eventTypes?: EventType[];
condition: {
actorId?: string;
actorTaskId?: string;
actorRunId?: string;
ignoreSslErrors: boolean;
doNotRetry?: boolean;
requestUrl: string;
payloadTemplate?: string;
lastDispatch?: {
status: string;
finishedAt: string;
stats?: {
totalDispatches: number;
interface WebhookCall {
startedAt?: string;
finishedAt?: string;
errorMessage?: string;
responseStatus?: number;
responseBody?: string;
interface WebhookClient {
delete(): Promise<void>;
dispatches(): WebhookDispatchCollectionClient;
get(): Promise<Maybe<Webhook>>;
update(newFields: object): Promise<Webhook>;
interface WebhookCollectionClient {
create(webhook?: object): Promise<Webhook>;
list(options?: BaseCollectionClientProps): Promise<PaginationList<Webhook>>;
interface WebhookDispatch {
id: string;
userId: string;
webhookId: string;
createdAt: string;
status: string;
eventType: EventType;
eventData: {
actorId: string;
actorRunId: string;
calls: WebhookCall[];
interface WebhookDispatchClient {
get(): Promise<Maybe<WebhookDispatch>>;
interface WebhookDispatchCollectionClient {
list(options?: BaseCollectionClientProps): Promise<PaginationList<WebhookDispatch>>;
type DownloadItemFormat = 'json' | 'jsonl' | 'xml' | 'html' | 'csv' | 'xlsx' | 'rss';
type EventType =
type KeyValue = { [key: string]: string | number | object | null | undefined };
type KeyValueStoreRecordValue = null | string | number | object;
type Maybe<T> = T | null | undefined;
export = ApifyClient;
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