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Last active October 9, 2023 20:25
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PE API Reference and Notes

Puppet Enterprise API's

Reference doc:

Authentication Methods

API Endpoint RBAC Token Certificate How to whitelist a cert?
Activity /activity-api/v1/ puppet_enterprise::profile::console::whitelisted_certnames
Node Classifier /classifier-api/v1/ puppet_enterprise::profile::console::whitelisted_certnames
PuppetDB /pdb/query/v4/ puppet_enterprise::profile::puppetdb::whitelisted_certnames
RBAC /rbac-api/v1/ puppet_enterprise::profile::console::whitelisted_certnames
Status1 /status/v1/ puppet_enterprise::profile::console::whitelisted_certnames
Code Manager /code-manager/v1/
Orchestrator /orchestrator/v1/ feature request: ORCH-1679
CA /puppet-ca/v1/ puppet_enterprise::profile::certificate_authority::client_whitelist
Puppet Server /puppet-admin-api/v1/ New auth.conf2
Puppet /puppet/v3 New auth.conf2

1 The Status API can be used without authentication.
2 auth.conf needs manually updated. This module can help automate that.

Validated against Puppet Enterprise version 2017.3.5

Example Usage



Code Manager

Node Classifier


The Orchestrator API requires an RBAC token, and will not work with certificates. For a service account, generate a token that doesn't expire:

[root@pe-201735-agent ~]# puppet access login -l 0
Enter your Puppet Enterprise credentials.
Username: puppet_api_service_account

Access token saved to: /root/.puppetlabs/token

Run Puppet

Use either puppet-job run or the /orchestrator/v1/command/deploy/ endpoint to trigger Puppet runs remotely.

Note: User needs "Run Puppet on agent nodes" AND "View node data from PuppetDB" permissions to do this.

# Use a PQL query
puppet-job run -q 'facts {name = "osfamily" and value = "RedHat"}'

# Use a node list
puppet-job run -n ","

# Run nodes against a feature branch with noop
puppet-job run -n "," -e "fix_apache" --noop 
# Run puppet on a list of nodes
curl -sk https://puppet-master:8143/orchestrator/v1/command/deploy \
  -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  -d @- <<'EOF'
  "environment" : "production",
  "scope" : {
    "nodes" : [ "server1", "server2" ]

# Run on all nodes in datacenter A, against a feature branch, with noop, and with concurrency.
curl -sk https://puppet-master:8143/orchestrator/v1/command/deploy \
  -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  -d @- <<'EOF'
  "environment" : "fix_apache",
  "noop" : true,
  "concurrency": 5,
  "scope" : {
    "query" : "facts { name = \"datacenter\" and value = \"A\" }"

Run a Task

Use either puppet-task run or the /orchestrator/v1/command/task/ endpoint to run a Puppet Task.

Note: User needs "Run Tasks" and probably "View node data from PuppetDB" permissions to do this.

# Run a task with JSON parameters
puppet-task run service --params '{"action": "status", "name": "sshd"}' --nodes server1

# Run a task with arguments for parameters
puppet-task run service action=status name=sshd --nodes server1

# Run a task against nodes from a PQL query
puppet-task run service action=status name=sshd -q 'facts { name = "datacenter" and value = "A" }'
# Run a task on a set of nodes.
curl -sk https://puppet-master:8143/orchestrator/v1/command/task \
  -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  -d @- <<'EOF'
  "task" : "service",
  "params" : {
    "action" : "status",
    "name" : "sshd"
  "scope" : {
    "nodes" : ["server1"]

# Run a task from a non-production environment on nodes from a PQL query.
curl -sk https://puppet-master:8143/orchestrator/v1/command/task \
  -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  -d @- <<'EOF'
  "task" : "service",
  "environment": "try_something_new",
  "params" : {
    "action" : "status",
    "name" : "sshd"
  "scope" : {
    "query" : "facts { name = \"datacenter\" and value = \"A\" }"

View Jobs

Use either puppet-job show or the /orchestrator/v1/jobs/ endpoint to view Orchestrator jobs.

Note: User needs "View Orchestrator" permission to perform do this.

# View all jobs
puppet-job show

# View a job by numer
puppet-job show 3

# View a job with machine-readable JSON output
puppet-job show 3 --format json
# View all jobs
curl -sk -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \

# View a job by number (#3 in this case)
curl -sk -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \


Puppet Server


Use either puppet-query or the /pdb/query/v4/ endpoint to query PuppetDB.

Note: User needs "View node data from PuppetDB" permission to use token-based authentication or whitelist a certificate and use cert-based authentication.

Reference Doc:
PQL Reference Doc:

puppet-query examples:

# Count all nodes per datacenter (based on a 'datacenter' fact).
puppet query 'facts[value, count(certname)] { name = "datacenter" group by value }'

# Show all the facts for a nodes matching a regular expression.
puppet query 'inventory[facts] { certname ~ foo }'

# Show all active nodes.
puppet query 'nodes {deactivated is null and expired is null}'

REST API examples:

# PQL (body data, POST): Count all nodes per datacenter (based on a 'datacenter' fact).
curl -sk https://puppet-master:8081/pdb/query/v4 \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
  -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \
  -d '{"query": "facts[value, count(certname)] { name = \"datacenter\" group by value }" }'

# PQL (urlencode data, GET): Count all nodes per datacenter (based on a 'datacenter' fact).
curl -sk https://puppet-master:8081/pdb/query/v4 \
  -X GET \
  -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \
  --data-urlencode 'query=facts[value, count(certname)] { name = "datacenter" group by value }'

# AST (urlencode data, GET): Return the node object for the certname 'foo'.
curl -sk https://puppet-master:8081/pdb/query/v4 \
  -X GET \
  -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet access show)" \
  --data-urlencode 'query=["from","nodes",["=","certname","foo"]]'

# Use a whitelisted certificate instead of an RBAC token.
curl -sk https://puppet-master:8081/pdb/query/v4 \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
  --cert   $(puppet config print hostcert) \
  --key    $(puppet config print hostprivkey) \
  --cacert $(puppet config print localcacert) \
  -d '{"query": "facts[value, count(certname)] { name = \"datacenter\" group by value }" }'



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