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Last active March 8, 2017 00:09
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  • Save natemccurdy/d0661bd6d316f966e85f7c6530b305ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save natemccurdy/d0661bd6d316f966e85f7c6530b305ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bootstrap to make editing code on Windows better
# 1. Install the Puppet agent from
# 2. puppet module install chocolatey-chocolatey
# 3. puppet module install cyberious-apm
# 4. puppet apply windows_dev_node.pp
include chocolatey
$choco_packages = [
package { $choco_packages:
ensure => present,
provider => 'chocolatey',
$gem_packages = [
# Due to the bug at the link below, the install_options need to be set
# so that Puppet doesn't try to install the gem into its own Ruby stack.
# This also makes this resource *not* idempotent, but as this is mostly just a
# one-time provisioning script, that's not a deal-breaker.
package { $gem_packages:
ensure => present,
provider => 'gem',
install_options => {
'--install-dir' => 'C:\tools\ruby22\lib\ruby\gems\2.2.0',
'--bindir' => 'c:\tools\ruby22\bin'},
require => Package['ruby'],
$apm_packages = [
package { $apm_packages:
ensure => present,
provider => 'apm',
require => Package['atom'],
exec { 'git alias: unstage':
command => 'git config --global alias.unstage "reset HEAD --"',
path => $::path,
exec { 'git alias: co':
command => 'git config --global "checkout"',
path => $::path,
exec { 'git alias: hist':
command => "git config --global alias.hist \"log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)[%ad]%C(reset) %C(green)[%h]%C(reset) | %C(red)%s %C(bold red){{%an}}%C(reset) %C(blue)%d%C(reset)' --graph --date=short\"",
path => $::path,
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