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Created November 18, 2022 01:07
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A dump of all session attributes when using the rauth library against the Etrade API
session attributes:
_get_oauth_params <bound method OAuth1Session._get_oauth_params of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
_parse_optional_params <bound method OAuth1Session._parse_optional_params of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
_set_url <bound method RauthSession._set_url of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
access_token REDACTED
access_token_response <Response [200]>
access_token_secret REDACTED
adapters OrderedDict([('https://', <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter object at 0x108304eb0>), ('http://', <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter object at 0x108309040>)])
auth None
cert None
close <bound method Session.close of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
consumer_key REDACTED
consumer_secret REDACTED
cookies <RequestsCookieJar[]>
delete <bound method Session.delete of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
get <bound method Session.get of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
get_adapter <bound method Session.get_adapter of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
get_redirect_target <bound method SessionRedirectMixin.get_redirect_target of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
head <bound method Session.head of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
headers {'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.28.1', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Connection': 'keep-alive'}
hooks {'response': []}
max_redirects 30
merge_environment_settings <bound method Session.merge_environment_settings of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
mount <bound method Session.mount of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
options <bound method Session.options of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
params {}
patch <bound method Session.patch of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
post <bound method of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
prepare_request <bound method Session.prepare_request of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
proxies {}
put <bound method Session.put of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
rebuild_auth <bound method SessionRedirectMixin.rebuild_auth of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
rebuild_method <bound method SessionRedirectMixin.rebuild_method of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
rebuild_proxies <bound method SessionRedirectMixin.rebuild_proxies of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
request <bound method OAuth1Session.request of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
request_token_response <Response [200]>
resolve_redirects <bound method SessionRedirectMixin.resolve_redirects of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
send <bound method Session.send of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
service <rauth.service.OAuth1Service object at 0x107aa0400>
should_strip_auth <bound method SessionRedirectMixin.should_strip_auth of <rauth.session.OAuth1Session object at 0x108304c10>>
signature <rauth.oauth.HmacSha1Signature object at 0x108304ee0>
stream False
trust_env True
verify True
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