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Created September 16, 2018 15:16
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const xl = require('excel4node');
const costsObj = {
'supplies': {
'paper': 100,
'toner': 50,
'equipment': {
'laptops': 3500,
'accessories': 150
const wb = new xl.Workbook();
const dollarStyle = wb.createStyle({ numberFormat: '$#,##0.00; ($#,##0.00); -' });
const ws = wb.addWorksheet('Groupings', {
outline: {
summaryBelow: true, // Change to False if your summary row is above your item rows
let curRow = 1;
const typeSumRows = [];
for (const type in costsObj) {
const typeStartRow = curRow;
let typeEndRow = curRow;
for (const item in costsObj[type]) {
ws.cell(curRow, 1).string(item);
ws.cell(curRow, 2).number(costsObj[type][item]).style(dollarStyle);
// The first argument to the group method is the level of grouping the row should belong to
// The 2nd argument is whether the group should be collapsed by default
ws.row(curRow).group(2, true)
typeEndRow = curRow;
curRow = curRow + 1;
ws.cell(curRow, 1).string(type);
ws.cell(curRow, 2).formula(`SUM(B${typeStartRow}:B${typeEndRow})`).style(dollarStyle);
// Summary row is at one group level higher than items
curRow = curRow + 1;
// When no grouping is specified, a group level of '0' is implied
ws.cell(curRow, 1).string('total');
const typeSumCells = => `B${r}`);
ws.cell(curRow, 2).formula(`SUM(${typeSumCells.join(',')})`).style(dollarStyle);
wb.write('Cost Projections.xlsx');
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