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Created August 6, 2013 03:54
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require 'net/http'
require 'json'
names=%w{ ututtza publicstaticmainvoid netscrape getus }
# Use a different method of string interpolation/templating.
# This way I can define the URL template once here, and then insert different
# names into it later.
# See:
uri_template = "{name}&c:show=name,online_status%%20&c:resolve=online_status"
names.each do |name|
uri = URI(uri_template % {name: name})
# Parse the JSON into a hash.
# Keys are strings, values are hashes, arrays, strings, numbers, or booleans.
status = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get(uri))
# So just grab the online status out of the JSON object.
online_status = status["character_list"][0]["online_status"]
# Check if online_status is "1" and save that to a boolean.
online = online_status == "1"
# Use string interpolation and a ternary if statement to print out status.
# See:
puts "#{name} is #{ online ? 'ONline' : 'OFFline' }"
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