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Created March 31, 2012 01:44
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  • Save natestarner/2258561 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save natestarner/2258561 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. and nginx workaround
<!-- include that socket client that serves out -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//connect your client to the socket server. Make sure that you specify
//the port here. It needs to be the same as what nodejs is listening on
var chat = io.connect("");
//add all your chat.on custom events next
/* most reverse proxies struggle working with websockets
* Many fixes require additional modules or tweaks to
* the proxy (nginx, HAproxy, etc)
* this is a pure javascript solution to get it working
* The ideal workflow is this:
* nginx listens on port 80
* nodejs listens on port 8080
* listens on port 8080 through nodejs app
* nginx proxies any requests on port 80 over to nodejs on 8080
* client connects directly to node/socket server on port 8080
* and communicates directly without involvement of a reverse proxy
//create the node server, have listen on it
var app = express.createServer()
, io = socketio.listen(app);
//have node listen on a port other than 80
//set up socket,io to do whatever you want
io.set("authorization", function(handshakeData, accept){
//authorization code here
//accept connection from anywhere, this is default
//socket connection
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
//add all of your socket.on custom events here
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