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Last active October 27, 2022 18:21
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Disable Windows Defender (Nicely)
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
# "Disables" Defender by adding exclusions and turning off advanced bits. Run this under an elevated powershell prompt
# Defender will be essentially gutted/disabled without messing with any files/underlying services. Windows Security center will still display that AV is working etc.
$driveletters = [char]'a'..[char]'z'
# Ref
# Useful:
$paramHash = @{
AllowDatagramProcessingOnWinServer = $False
AllowNetworkProtectionDownLevel = $False
AllowNetworkProtectionOnWinServer = $False
DisableArchiveScanning = $True
DisableBehaviorMonitoring = $True
DisableBlockAtFirstSeen = $True
DisableCatchupFullScan = $True
DisableCatchupQuickScan = $True
DisableDatagramProcessing = $True
DisableDnsOverTcpParsing = $True
DisableDnsParsing = $True
DisableEmailScanning = $True
DisableHttpParsing = $True
DisableInboundConnectionFiltering = $True
DisableIntrusionPreventionSystem = $True
DisableIOAVProtection = $True
DisableNetworkProtectionPerfTelemetry = $True
DisablePrivacyMode = $True
DisableRdpParsing = $True
DisableRealtimeMonitoring = $True
DisableRemovableDriveScanning = $True
DisableRestorePoint = $True
DisableScanningMappedNetworkDrivesForFullScan = $True
DisableScanningNetworkFiles = $True
DisableScriptScanning = $True
DisableSshParsing = $True
DisableTDTFeature = $True
DisableTlsParsing = $True
EnableDnsSinkhole = $False
EnableNetworkProtection = 0
ExclusionIPAddress = '*'
ExclusionPath = '*'
ExclusionProcess = '*'
HighThreatDefaultAction = 'Allow'
LowThreatDefaultAction = 'Allow'
MAPSReporting = 'Disabled'
ModerateThreatDefaultAction = 'Allow'
PUAProtection = 'Disabled'
SubmitSamplesConsent = 2
UnknownThreatDefaultAction = 'Allow'
# Try each parameter since they may vary based on OS version
$curParam = @{
"$_" = $paramHash["$_"]
Set-MpPreference @curParam -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
foreach ($letter in $driveletters) {
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "${letter}:\" -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
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