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Last active April 2, 2020 22:43
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Save nateswart/8328138 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create Reminders tasks from flagged emails in on OSX Mavericks using Gmail accounts.
on run
-- This script is designed to work with Gmail and OSX Mavericks
-- Make sure is actually running
if not (application "Mail" is running) then
end if
-- Make sure is actually running
if not (application "Reminders" is running) then
end if
-- We'll put a double newline between segments of the message in the notes field
set newline to (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10)
tell application "Mail"
-- Look through all email accounts
repeat with _account in imap accounts
set _inbox to _account's mailbox "[Gmail]/All Mail"
-- Get a list of all flagged messages for this box
set _messages to (a reference to (every message in _inbox whose flagged status is true))
set _msglist to contents of _messages
-- Walk through all flagged messages in this box
repeat with _message in _msglist
set fromMsg to (extract name from sender of _message as string)
set subjMsg to (subject of _message as string)
set msgID to message id of _message
set msgBody to content of _message
tell application "Reminders"
make new reminder with properties {name:subjMsg, body:"From: " & fromMsg & newline & msgBody & "message://%3c" & msgID & "%3e"}
end tell
-- unflag the message
set flagged status of _message to false
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end run
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