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Created June 15, 2016 14:17
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Name: Nate Venn

Which Assignments and Why?

  • Which assignments did you choose to complete this week?
    • The Plan
    • Community Involvment
  • Why did you choose these assignments?
    • I chose the the community involvment because I feel that being part of a community is what will help me get a job and also keep me engaged.

Submitted Assignments

The Plan

build a React app

  • Currently, I have followed along with one React Tutorial and contributed to a React app (LookingFor). I have also written a blog post on a architecture that works really well with React called Flux.
  • Success for me would be when I have a working app that is all in React. It would be thoroughly tested, probably using the enzyme testing suite. It will follow the the flux pattern.
  • Outline
  • Finish the React for Beginners tutorial
  • Continue listening to the React Podcasts
  • Continue reading blog posts about React
  • Sign up for Egghead learning videos. These videos come straight from the React team.
  • Rebuild IdeaBox in React
  • build a Kanban React app SurviveJS
  • Join the ReactJS Denver meetup. Third Thursday of each month
  • participate in a one day ReactJS workshop
  • this is important to me beacuse I really enjoy working in React and it seems that React is becoming a hot new framework that could lead me to a job.

Finish all JavaScript and Ruby exercisms

  • Currently I have 4 JS exercise and 14 Ruby exercises complete
  • success for me would be when they are all finished
  • Outline
  • work on one exxercim a day
  • after submitting exercises review other implementations of the same problem and refactor.
  • Ask for feedback/get code reviews from my mentor or other's on
  • this is important for me because it will keep my skills sharp.

Learn Green Sock animation

  • I have experimented with making a loader animate using Green Sock animation
  • Success would be when I can implement complex aminations to a project for data visualization.
  • Outline
  • Take the offical Green Sock tutorial
  • Read blog posts on Green Sock
  • implement some simple animations into a React app
  • Pair with Hoyoul Kang, a friend that knows Green Sock
  • This is important to me because I think data visuization is really cool and its something that I believe is a useful skill to have as a web developer.

Community involement


  • CFP has closed
  • volunteering
  • Three talk ideas
  • The future of testing JavaScript
  • JavaScript as a declarative programming style
  • How did JS make it into modern browsers, complex web applications, mobile, and serve-side programming?
NFJS UberConf
  • CFP has closed
  • I have emailed the organizer about scholarships
  • Three talk ideas
  • Code optimization with profiling and benchmarking
  • Building lightweight single page apps with firebase storage
  • Web apps with React
Rocky Mountain Ruby
  • CFP ends on June 15
  • The site does not say if there are scholorships. Hopefully I will have a job by then and can afford to pay my way. It's in mid to late September
  • Three talk ideas
    • What's new in Rails 5
    • Rails and ReactJS
    • Opal: Ruby to JavaScript compiler


ReactJS Denver
  • Sponsors
  • Granicus
  • Next Meetup
  • Ways to become more involved
  • give a beginners track talk
  • Take workshops or classes offered through the meetup
  • get coffee with someone from the meetup
  • Dont be shy
JavaScript Lunch-N-code
  • Sponsors
  • JoyaSolutions
  • Next Meetup
  • Ways to become more involved
  • give a beginners track talk
  • Take workshops or classes offered through the meetup
  • get coffee with someone from the meetup
  • Dont be shy
Full Stack
  • Sponsors
  • Mode Set
  • Next Meetup
  • Organizers
  • Mike Pack
  • Ways to become more involved
  • give a beginners track talk
  • Take workshops or classes offered through the meetup
  • get coffee with someone from the meetup
  • Dont be shy

Blog post ideas

  1. Testing React components using Enzyme
  2. Deploying a React Node application to Heroku
  3. How to use promises

Staying involved

  • Participate in community nights/demo nights
  • Stay in the slack channel
  • I dont plan to stay in touch with my mentors. I lost two of them in previous modules and my last mentor was just too busy to meet.
  • Hopefully stay in touch with my cohort on the Turing slack channel/Linkedin/twitter/getting a beer or other social events
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