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Created December 11, 2015 15:54
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import scala.concurrent.{ Future, ExecutionContext }
object GroupedAsync {
def sequencePar[K, V, R](fs: ((K, V)) => Future[(K, R)])(input: Seq[(K, V)])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[(K, R)]] = {
val result: Future[Seq[(K, R)]] = {
val grouped: Map[K, Seq[(K, V)]] = input.groupBy(_._1)
val futurePerKeyMap: Map[K, Future[Seq[(K, R)]]] = grouped.mapValues { elements =>
val l: Future[Seq[(K, R)]] = elements.foldLeft(Future(Seq.empty[(K, R)])) {
(previousFuture, next) =>
for {
previousResults <- previousFuture
next <- fs(next)
} yield previousResults :+ next
val future: Future[Seq[Seq[(K, R)]]] = Future.sequence(futurePerKeyMap.valuesIterator.toSeq)
val flat =
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