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Created January 10, 2018 06:43
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using GameSparks.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class GSDataHelpers {
/** Converts a serializable object into GameSparks compatible GSData. */
public static GSData ObjectToGSData(object obj) {
GSRequestData gsData = new GSRequestData();
gsData.AddString("type", obj.GetType().ToString());
foreach(var field in obj.GetType().GetFields()) {
if(!field.IsNotSerialized && field.GetValue(obj) != null) {
if(field.FieldType == typeof(string)) {
gsData.AddString(field.Name, field.GetValue(obj).ToString());
} else if(field.FieldType == typeof(bool)) {
gsData.AddBoolean(field.Name, bool.Parse(field.GetValue(obj).ToString()));
} else if(field.FieldType == typeof(int)) {
gsData.AddNumber(field.Name, (int)Convert.ToInt32(field.GetValue(obj)));
} else if(field.FieldType == typeof(float) || field.GetValue(obj).GetType() == typeof(double)) {
gsData.AddNumber(field.Name, Double.Parse(field.GetValue(obj).ToString()));
} else if(field.FieldType == typeof(List<string>) || field.GetValue(obj).GetType() == typeof(string[])) {
gsData.AddStringList(field.Name, (field.FieldType == typeof(List<string>)) ? field.GetValue(obj) as List<string> : new List<string>(field.GetValue(obj) as string[]));
} else if(field.FieldType == typeof(List<int>) || field.GetValue(obj).GetType() == typeof(int[])) {
gsData.AddNumberList(field.Name, (field.FieldType == typeof(List<int>)) ? field.GetValue(obj) as List<int> : new List<int>(field.GetValue(obj) as int[]));
} else if(field.FieldType == typeof(List<float>) || field.GetValue(obj).GetType() == typeof(float[])) {
gsData.AddNumberList(field.Name, (field.FieldType == typeof(List<float>)) ? field.GetValue(obj) as List<float> : new List<float>(field.GetValue(obj) as float[]));
} else if(field.FieldType == typeof(DateTime)) {
gsData.AddDate(field.Name, (DateTime)field.GetValue(obj));
} else if(field.FieldType.IsClass && !field.FieldType.IsGenericType) {
gsData.AddObject(field.Name, ObjectToGSData(field.GetValue(obj)));
} else if (field.FieldType.IsGenericType && field.FieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>) || field.FieldType.IsArray) {
List<GSData> gsDataList = new List<GSData>();
foreach(var elem in field.GetValue(obj) as IList) {
gsData.AddObjectList(field.Name, gsDataList);
return gsData;
/** Converts GSData to the corresponding class. */
public static object GSDataToObject(GSData gsData) {
Type objType = Type.GetType(gsData.GetString("type"));
object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(objType);
foreach(var typeField in objType.GetFields()) {
if(!typeField.IsNotSerialized && gsData.ContainsKey(typeField.Name)) {
if(typeField.FieldType == typeof(string)) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, gsData.GetString(typeField.Name));
} else if(typeField.FieldType == typeof(int)) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, (int)gsData.GetNumber(typeField.Name).Value);
} else if(typeField.FieldType == typeof(float)) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, (float)gsData.GetFloat(typeField.Name).Value);
} else if(typeField.FieldType == typeof(bool)) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, gsData.GetBoolean(typeField.Name));
} else if(typeField.FieldType == typeof(DateTime)) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, gsData.GetDate(typeField.Name));
} else if((typeField.FieldType == typeof(List<string>) || typeField.FieldType == typeof(string[]) )) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, (typeField.FieldType == typeof(List<string>)) ? (object)gsData.GetStringList(typeField.Name) : gsData.GetStringList(typeField.Name).ToArray());
} else if((typeField.FieldType == typeof(List<int>) || typeField.FieldType == typeof(int[]))) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, (typeField.FieldType == typeof(List<int>)) ? (object)gsData.GetIntList(typeField.Name) : gsData.GetIntList(typeField.Name).ToArray());
} else if((typeField.FieldType == typeof(List<float>) || typeField.FieldType == typeof(float[]))) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, (typeField.FieldType == typeof(List<float>)) ? (object)gsData.GetFloatList(typeField.Name) : gsData.GetFloatList(typeField.Name).ToArray());
} else if(typeField.FieldType.IsClass && !typeField.FieldType.IsGenericType && !typeField.FieldType.IsArray) {
typeField.SetValue(obj, GSDataToObject(gsData.GetGSData(typeField.Name)));
} else if(!typeField.FieldType.IsArray && typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(typeField.FieldType)) {
IList genericList = Activator.CreateInstance(typeField.FieldType) as IList;
foreach(GSData gsDataElem in gsData.GetGSDataList(typeField.Name)) {
object elem = GSDataToObject(gsDataElem);
typeField.SetValue(obj, genericList);
} else if(typeField.FieldType.IsArray) {
List<GSData> gsArrayData = gsData.GetGSDataList(typeField.Name);
// create a new instance of the array. The Activator class cannot do this for arrays //
// so this will create a new array of types inside the array, with the count of what is in the gsdata list //
Array newArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeField.FieldType.GetElementType(), gsArrayData.Count);
object[] objArray = new object[gsArrayData.Count]; // create a new array of objects where the serialized objects will be kept
for(int i = 0; i < gsArrayData.Count; i++) {
objArray[i] = GSDataToObject(gsArrayData[i]); // convert the JSON data inside the list to an object
Array.Copy(objArray, newArray, objArray.Length); //covert the object[] to the original type
typeField.SetValue(obj, newArray);
return obj;
/** Returns the size of the data in bytes. */
public static int SizeOfGSData(GSData data) {
return data.JSON.Length * sizeof(char);
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