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Created April 29, 2016 08:52
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  • Save natfarleydev/87158b0e731fb8bd25923a3ef97d409d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save natfarleydev/87158b0e731fb8bd25923a3ef97d409d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ '/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/node',
1 verbose cli '/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/npm',
1 verbose cli 'install' ]
2 info using npm@3.8.8
3 info using node@v4.3.1
4 silly loadCurrentTree Starting
5 silly install loadCurrentTree
6 silly install readLocalPackageData
7 silly install normalizeTree
8 silly loadCurrentTree Finishing
9 silly loadIdealTree Starting
10 silly install loadIdealTree
11 silly cloneCurrentTree Starting
12 silly install cloneCurrentTreeToIdealTree
13 silly cloneCurrentTree Finishing
14 silly loadShrinkwrap Starting
15 silly install loadShrinkwrap
16 silly loadShrinkwrap Finishing
17 silly loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree Starting
18 silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree
19 silly fetchNamedPackageData pageres
20 silly mapToRegistry name pageres
21 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
22 silly mapToRegistry registry
23 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
23 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'pageres',
23 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
23 silly mapToRegistry name: 'pageres',
23 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
23 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
23 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
24 silly mapToRegistry uri
25 verbose request uri
26 verbose request no auth needed
27 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:47:56 AM
28 verbose request id 40bdf99d6883398b
29 verbose etag "C1IDLT67I4TAT0B7CICJ775EC"
30 http request GET
31 http 304
32 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:47:56 GMT',
32 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
32 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
32 verbose headers etag: '"C1IDLT67I4TAT0B7CICJ775EC"',
32 verbose headers age: '93',
32 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
32 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6346-LHR',
32 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
32 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '1',
32 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919676.726377,VS0,VE0',
32 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
33 silly get cb [ 304,
33 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:47:56 GMT',
33 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
33 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
33 silly get etag: '"C1IDLT67I4TAT0B7CICJ775EC"',
33 silly get age: '93',
33 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
33 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6346-LHR',
33 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
33 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '1',
33 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919676.726377,VS0,VE0',
33 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
34 verbose etag from cache
35 verbose get saving pageres to /home/vagrant/.npm/
36 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
37 silly resolveWithNewModule pageres@4.1.1 checking installable status
38 silly cache add args [ 'pageres@^4.1.1', null ]
39 verbose cache add spec pageres@^4.1.1
40 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
40 silly cache add raw: 'pageres@^4.1.1',
40 silly cache add scope: null,
40 silly cache add name: 'pageres',
40 silly cache add rawSpec: '^4.1.1',
40 silly cache add spec: '>=4.1.1 <5.0.0',
40 silly cache add type: 'range' }
41 silly addNamed pageres@>=4.1.1 <5.0.0
42 verbose addNamed ">=4.1.1 <5.0.0" is a valid semver range for pageres
43 silly addNameRange { name: 'pageres', range: '>=4.1.1 <5.0.0', hasData: false }
44 silly mapToRegistry name pageres
45 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
46 silly mapToRegistry registry
47 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
47 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'pageres',
47 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
47 silly mapToRegistry name: 'pageres',
47 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
47 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
47 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
48 silly mapToRegistry uri
49 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
50 verbose get not expired, no request
51 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'pageres', range: '>=4.1.1 <5.0.0', hasData: true }
52 silly addNameRange versions [ 'pageres',
52 silly addNameRange [ '0.1.0',
52 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
52 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
52 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
52 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
52 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
52 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
52 silly addNameRange '0.2.2',
52 silly addNameRange '0.2.3',
52 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
52 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
52 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
52 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
52 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
52 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
52 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
52 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
52 silly addNameRange '1.2.2',
52 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
52 silly addNameRange '1.4.0',
52 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
52 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
52 silly addNameRange '3.0.1',
52 silly addNameRange '3.0.2',
52 silly addNameRange '4.0.0',
52 silly addNameRange '4.1.0',
52 silly addNameRange '4.1.1' ] ]
53 silly addNamed pageres@4.1.1
54 verbose addNamed "4.1.1" is a plain semver version for pageres
55 silly cache afterAdd pageres@4.1.1
56 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/pageres/4.1.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
57 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
58 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/pageres/4.1.1/package/package.json written
59 silly fetchNamedPackageData fsevents
60 silly mapToRegistry name fsevents
61 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
62 silly mapToRegistry registry
63 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
63 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'fsevents',
63 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
63 silly mapToRegistry name: 'fsevents',
63 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
63 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
63 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
64 silly mapToRegistry uri
65 verbose request uri
66 verbose request no auth needed
67 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:05 AM
68 verbose etag "8PVGYBXJZ0N7A0VP5BLLIVEG2"
69 http request GET
70 http 304
71 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:05 GMT',
71 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
71 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
71 verbose headers etag: '"8PVGYBXJZ0N7A0VP5BLLIVEG2"',
71 verbose headers age: '118',
71 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
71 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6329-LHR',
71 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
71 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '4',
71 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919685.895596,VS0,VE0',
71 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
72 silly get cb [ 304,
72 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:05 GMT',
72 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
72 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
72 silly get etag: '"8PVGYBXJZ0N7A0VP5BLLIVEG2"',
72 silly get age: '118',
72 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
72 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6329-LHR',
72 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
72 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '4',
72 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919685.895596,VS0,VE0',
72 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
73 verbose etag from cache
74 verbose get saving fsevents to /home/vagrant/.npm/
75 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
76 silly resolveWithNewModule fsevents@1.0.11 checking installable status
77 silly fetchNamedPackageData lodash.template
78 silly mapToRegistry name lodash.template
79 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
80 silly mapToRegistry registry
81 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
81 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'lodash.template',
81 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
81 silly mapToRegistry name: 'lodash.template',
81 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
81 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
81 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
82 silly mapToRegistry uri
83 silly fetchNamedPackageData screenshot-stream
84 silly mapToRegistry name screenshot-stream
85 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
86 silly mapToRegistry registry
87 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
87 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'screenshot-stream',
87 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
87 silly mapToRegistry name: 'screenshot-stream',
87 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
87 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
87 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
88 silly mapToRegistry uri
89 verbose request uri
90 verbose request no auth needed
91 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
92 verbose etag "3EKNZ212BPZPAB9267FG0DQDV"
93 http request GET
94 verbose request uri
95 verbose request no auth needed
96 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
97 verbose etag "6HOWL67IX6AEYD5EGOK3NIIV"
98 http request GET
99 http 304
100 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
100 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
100 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
100 verbose headers etag: '"6HOWL67IX6AEYD5EGOK3NIIV"',
100 verbose headers age: '95',
100 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
100 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6334-LHR',
100 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
100 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '1',
100 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.286517,VS0,VE0',
100 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
101 silly get cb [ 304,
101 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
101 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
101 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
101 silly get etag: '"6HOWL67IX6AEYD5EGOK3NIIV"',
101 silly get age: '95',
101 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
101 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6334-LHR',
101 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
101 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '1',
101 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.286517,VS0,VE0',
101 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
102 verbose etag from cache
103 verbose get saving screenshot-stream to /home/vagrant/.npm/
104 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
105 http 304
106 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
106 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
106 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
106 verbose headers etag: '"3EKNZ212BPZPAB9267FG0DQDV"',
106 verbose headers age: '281',
106 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
106 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6335-LHR',
106 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
106 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '7',
106 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.287167,VS0,VE0',
106 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
107 silly get cb [ 304,
107 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
107 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
107 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
107 silly get etag: '"3EKNZ212BPZPAB9267FG0DQDV"',
107 silly get age: '281',
107 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
107 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6335-LHR',
107 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
107 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '7',
107 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.287167,VS0,VE0',
107 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
108 verbose etag from cache
109 verbose get saving lodash.template to /home/vagrant/.npm/
110 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
111 silly resolveWithNewModule screenshot-stream@3.3.0 checking installable status
112 silly cache add args [ 'screenshot-stream@^3.1.0', null ]
113 verbose cache add spec screenshot-stream@^3.1.0
114 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
114 silly cache add raw: 'screenshot-stream@^3.1.0',
114 silly cache add scope: null,
114 silly cache add name: 'screenshot-stream',
114 silly cache add rawSpec: '^3.1.0',
114 silly cache add spec: '>=3.1.0 <4.0.0',
114 silly cache add type: 'range' }
115 silly addNamed screenshot-stream@>=3.1.0 <4.0.0
116 verbose addNamed ">=3.1.0 <4.0.0" is a valid semver range for screenshot-stream
117 silly addNameRange { name: 'screenshot-stream',
117 silly addNameRange range: '>=3.1.0 <4.0.0',
117 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
118 silly mapToRegistry name screenshot-stream
119 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
120 silly mapToRegistry registry
121 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
121 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'screenshot-stream',
121 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
121 silly mapToRegistry name: 'screenshot-stream',
121 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
121 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
121 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
122 silly mapToRegistry uri
123 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
124 silly resolveWithNewModule lodash.template@4.2.4 checking installable status
125 silly cache add args [ 'lodash.template@^4.0.1', null ]
126 verbose cache add spec lodash.template@^4.0.1
127 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
127 silly cache add raw: 'lodash.template@^4.0.1',
127 silly cache add scope: null,
127 silly cache add name: 'lodash.template',
127 silly cache add rawSpec: '^4.0.1',
127 silly cache add spec: '>=4.0.1 <5.0.0',
127 silly cache add type: 'range' }
128 silly addNamed lodash.template@>=4.0.1 <5.0.0
129 verbose addNamed ">=4.0.1 <5.0.0" is a valid semver range for lodash.template
130 silly addNameRange { name: 'lodash.template',
130 silly addNameRange range: '>=4.0.1 <5.0.0',
130 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
131 silly mapToRegistry name lodash.template
132 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
133 silly mapToRegistry registry
134 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
134 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'lodash.template',
134 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
134 silly mapToRegistry name: 'lodash.template',
134 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
134 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
134 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
135 silly mapToRegistry uri
136 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
137 verbose get not expired, no request
138 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'screenshot-stream',
138 silly addNameRange range: '>=3.1.0 <4.0.0',
138 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
139 silly addNameRange versions [ 'screenshot-stream',
139 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0',
139 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
139 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
139 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
139 silly addNameRange '1.0.4',
139 silly addNameRange '1.0.5',
139 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
139 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
139 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
139 silly addNameRange '1.2.2',
139 silly addNameRange '1.2.3',
139 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
139 silly addNameRange '1.3.1',
139 silly addNameRange '1.3.2',
139 silly addNameRange '1.3.3',
139 silly addNameRange '1.3.4',
139 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
139 silly addNameRange '2.0.1',
139 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
139 silly addNameRange '2.1.1',
139 silly addNameRange '2.1.2',
139 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
139 silly addNameRange '3.1.0',
139 silly addNameRange '3.2.0',
139 silly addNameRange '3.3.0' ] ]
140 silly addNamed screenshot-stream@3.3.0
141 verbose addNamed "3.3.0" is a plain semver version for screenshot-stream
142 verbose get not expired, no request
143 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'lodash.template',
143 silly addNameRange range: '>=4.0.1 <5.0.0',
143 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
144 silly addNameRange versions [ 'lodash.template',
144 silly addNameRange [ '2.0.0',
144 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
144 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
144 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
144 silly addNameRange '2.3.0',
144 silly addNameRange '2.4.0',
144 silly addNameRange '2.4.1',
144 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
144 silly addNameRange '3.0.1',
144 silly addNameRange '3.1.0',
144 silly addNameRange '3.2.0',
144 silly addNameRange '3.3.0',
144 silly addNameRange '3.3.1',
144 silly addNameRange '3.3.2',
144 silly addNameRange '3.4.0',
144 silly addNameRange '3.5.0',
144 silly addNameRange '3.5.1',
144 silly addNameRange '3.6.0',
144 silly addNameRange '3.6.1',
144 silly addNameRange '3.6.2',
144 silly addNameRange '4.0.0',
144 silly addNameRange '4.0.1',
144 silly addNameRange '4.0.2',
144 silly addNameRange '4.1.0',
144 silly addNameRange '4.1.1',
144 silly addNameRange '4.2.0',
144 silly addNameRange '4.2.1',
144 silly addNameRange '4.2.2',
144 silly addNameRange '4.2.3',
144 silly addNameRange '4.2.4' ] ]
145 silly addNamed lodash.template@4.2.4
146 verbose addNamed "4.2.4" is a plain semver version for lodash.template
147 silly cache afterAdd screenshot-stream@3.3.0
148 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/screenshot-stream/3.3.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
149 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
150 silly cache afterAdd lodash.template@4.2.4
151 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.template/4.2.4/package/package.json not in flight; writing
152 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
153 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/screenshot-stream/3.3.0/package/package.json written
154 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.template/4.2.4/package/package.json written
155 silly fetchNamedPackageData lodash.keys
156 silly mapToRegistry name lodash.keys
157 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
158 silly mapToRegistry registry
159 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
159 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'lodash.keys',
159 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
159 silly mapToRegistry name: 'lodash.keys',
159 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
159 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
159 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
160 silly mapToRegistry uri
161 silly fetchNamedPackageData lodash.templatesettings
162 silly mapToRegistry name lodash.templatesettings
163 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
164 silly mapToRegistry registry
165 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
165 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'lodash.templatesettings',
165 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
165 silly mapToRegistry name: 'lodash.templatesettings',
165 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
165 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
165 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
166 silly mapToRegistry uri
167 verbose request uri
168 verbose request no auth needed
169 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
170 verbose etag "CLL9Q5JCP51YJSE8EG0KC1HU0"
171 http request GET
172 verbose request uri
173 verbose request no auth needed
174 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
175 verbose etag "2WR4DSO1NDUY2F1WCFJ06J9D7"
176 http request GET
177 http 304
178 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
178 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
178 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
178 verbose headers etag: '"CLL9Q5JCP51YJSE8EG0KC1HU0"',
178 verbose headers age: '257',
178 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
178 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6333-LHR',
178 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
178 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '12',
178 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.564017,VS0,VE0',
178 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
179 silly get cb [ 304,
179 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
179 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
179 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
179 silly get etag: '"CLL9Q5JCP51YJSE8EG0KC1HU0"',
179 silly get age: '257',
179 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
179 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6333-LHR',
179 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
179 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '12',
179 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.564017,VS0,VE0',
179 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
180 verbose etag from cache
181 verbose get saving lodash.keys to /home/vagrant/.npm/
182 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
183 http 304
184 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
184 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
184 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
184 verbose headers etag: '"2WR4DSO1NDUY2F1WCFJ06J9D7"',
184 verbose headers age: '278',
184 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
184 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6346-LHR',
184 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
184 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '4',
184 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.564064,VS0,VE0',
184 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
185 silly get cb [ 304,
185 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
185 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
185 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
185 silly get etag: '"2WR4DSO1NDUY2F1WCFJ06J9D7"',
185 silly get age: '278',
185 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
185 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6346-LHR',
185 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
185 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '4',
185 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.564064,VS0,VE0',
185 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
186 verbose etag from cache
187 verbose get saving lodash.templatesettings to /home/vagrant/.npm/
188 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
189 silly resolveWithNewModule lodash.keys@4.0.6 checking installable status
190 silly cache add args [ 'lodash.keys@^4.0.0', null ]
191 verbose cache add spec lodash.keys@^4.0.0
192 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
192 silly cache add raw: 'lodash.keys@^4.0.0',
192 silly cache add scope: null,
192 silly cache add name: 'lodash.keys',
192 silly cache add rawSpec: '^4.0.0',
192 silly cache add spec: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0',
192 silly cache add type: 'range' }
193 silly addNamed lodash.keys@>=4.0.0 <5.0.0
194 verbose addNamed ">=4.0.0 <5.0.0" is a valid semver range for lodash.keys
195 silly addNameRange { name: 'lodash.keys', range: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0', hasData: false }
196 silly mapToRegistry name lodash.keys
197 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
198 silly mapToRegistry registry
199 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
199 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'lodash.keys',
199 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
199 silly mapToRegistry name: 'lodash.keys',
199 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
199 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
199 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
200 silly mapToRegistry uri
201 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
202 silly resolveWithNewModule lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1 checking installable status
203 silly cache add args [ 'lodash.templatesettings@^4.0.0', null ]
204 verbose cache add spec lodash.templatesettings@^4.0.0
205 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
205 silly cache add raw: 'lodash.templatesettings@^4.0.0',
205 silly cache add scope: null,
205 silly cache add name: 'lodash.templatesettings',
205 silly cache add rawSpec: '^4.0.0',
205 silly cache add spec: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0',
205 silly cache add type: 'range' }
206 silly addNamed lodash.templatesettings@>=4.0.0 <5.0.0
207 verbose addNamed ">=4.0.0 <5.0.0" is a valid semver range for lodash.templatesettings
208 silly addNameRange { name: 'lodash.templatesettings',
208 silly addNameRange range: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0',
208 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
209 silly mapToRegistry name lodash.templatesettings
210 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
211 silly mapToRegistry registry
212 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
212 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'lodash.templatesettings',
212 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
212 silly mapToRegistry name: 'lodash.templatesettings',
212 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
212 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
212 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
213 silly mapToRegistry uri
214 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
215 verbose get not expired, no request
216 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'lodash.keys', range: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0', hasData: true }
217 silly addNameRange versions [ 'lodash.keys',
217 silly addNameRange [ '2.0.0',
217 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
217 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
217 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
217 silly addNameRange '2.3.0',
217 silly addNameRange '2.4.0',
217 silly addNameRange '2.4.1',
217 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
217 silly addNameRange '3.0.1',
217 silly addNameRange '3.0.2',
217 silly addNameRange '3.0.3',
217 silly addNameRange '3.0.4',
217 silly addNameRange '3.0.5',
217 silly addNameRange '3.0.6',
217 silly addNameRange '3.0.7',
217 silly addNameRange '3.1.0',
217 silly addNameRange '3.1.1',
217 silly addNameRange '3.1.2',
217 silly addNameRange '4.0.0',
217 silly addNameRange '4.0.1',
217 silly addNameRange '4.0.2',
217 silly addNameRange '4.0.3',
217 silly addNameRange '4.0.4',
217 silly addNameRange '4.0.5',
217 silly addNameRange '4.0.6' ] ]
218 silly addNamed lodash.keys@4.0.6
219 verbose addNamed "4.0.6" is a plain semver version for lodash.keys
220 verbose get not expired, no request
221 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'lodash.templatesettings',
221 silly addNameRange range: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0',
221 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
222 silly addNameRange versions [ 'lodash.templatesettings',
222 silly addNameRange [ '2.0.0',
222 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
222 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
222 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
222 silly addNameRange '2.3.0',
222 silly addNameRange '2.4.0',
222 silly addNameRange '2.4.1',
222 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
222 silly addNameRange '3.0.1',
222 silly addNameRange '3.1.0',
222 silly addNameRange '3.1.1',
222 silly addNameRange '4.0.0',
222 silly addNameRange '4.0.1' ] ]
223 silly addNamed lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
224 verbose addNamed "4.0.1" is a plain semver version for lodash.templatesettings
225 silly cache afterAdd lodash.keys@4.0.6
226 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.keys/4.0.6/package/package.json not in flight; writing
227 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
228 silly cache afterAdd lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
229 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.templatesettings/4.0.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
230 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
231 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.keys/4.0.6/package/package.json written
232 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.templatesettings/4.0.1/package/package.json written
233 silly fetchNamedPackageData lodash.escape
234 silly mapToRegistry name lodash.escape
235 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
236 silly mapToRegistry registry
237 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
237 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'lodash.escape',
237 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
237 silly mapToRegistry name: 'lodash.escape',
237 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
237 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
237 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
238 silly mapToRegistry uri
239 verbose request uri
240 verbose request no auth needed
241 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
242 verbose etag "73WKZL8T43VFKLDTZP84ZIPGD"
243 http request GET
244 http 304
245 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
245 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
245 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
245 verbose headers etag: '"73WKZL8T43VFKLDTZP84ZIPGD"',
245 verbose headers age: '279',
245 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
245 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6337-LHR',
245 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
245 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '9',
245 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.632619,VS0,VE0',
245 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
246 silly get cb [ 304,
246 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
246 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
246 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
246 silly get etag: '"73WKZL8T43VFKLDTZP84ZIPGD"',
246 silly get age: '279',
246 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
246 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6337-LHR',
246 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
246 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '9',
246 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.632619,VS0,VE0',
246 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
247 verbose etag from cache
248 verbose get saving lodash.escape to /home/vagrant/.npm/
249 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
250 silly resolveWithNewModule lodash.escape@4.0.0 checking installable status
251 silly cache add args [ 'lodash.escape@^4.0.0', null ]
252 verbose cache add spec lodash.escape@^4.0.0
253 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
253 silly cache add raw: 'lodash.escape@^4.0.0',
253 silly cache add scope: null,
253 silly cache add name: 'lodash.escape',
253 silly cache add rawSpec: '^4.0.0',
253 silly cache add spec: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0',
253 silly cache add type: 'range' }
254 silly addNamed lodash.escape@>=4.0.0 <5.0.0
255 verbose addNamed ">=4.0.0 <5.0.0" is a valid semver range for lodash.escape
256 silly addNameRange { name: 'lodash.escape',
256 silly addNameRange range: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0',
256 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
257 silly mapToRegistry name lodash.escape
258 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
259 silly mapToRegistry registry
260 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
260 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'lodash.escape',
260 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
260 silly mapToRegistry name: 'lodash.escape',
260 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
260 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
260 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
261 silly mapToRegistry uri
262 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
263 verbose get not expired, no request
264 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'lodash.escape', range: '>=4.0.0 <5.0.0', hasData: true }
265 silly addNameRange versions [ 'lodash.escape',
265 silly addNameRange [ '2.0.0',
265 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
265 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
265 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
265 silly addNameRange '2.3.0',
265 silly addNameRange '2.4.0',
265 silly addNameRange '2.4.1',
265 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
265 silly addNameRange '3.1.0',
265 silly addNameRange '3.1.1',
265 silly addNameRange '3.1.2',
265 silly addNameRange '3.2.0',
265 silly addNameRange '4.0.0' ] ]
266 silly addNamed lodash.escape@4.0.0
267 verbose addNamed "4.0.0" is a plain semver version for lodash.escape
268 silly cache afterAdd lodash.escape@4.0.0
269 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.escape/4.0.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
270 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
271 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.escape/4.0.0/package/package.json written
272 silly fetchNamedPackageData phantom-bridge
273 silly mapToRegistry name phantom-bridge
274 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
275 silly mapToRegistry registry
276 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
276 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'phantom-bridge',
276 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
276 silly mapToRegistry name: 'phantom-bridge',
276 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
276 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
276 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
277 silly mapToRegistry uri
278 verbose request uri
279 verbose request no auth needed
280 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
281 verbose etag "4IU13RGVSIO98U9O30XCTTF48"
282 http request GET
283 http 304
284 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
284 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
284 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
284 verbose headers etag: '"4IU13RGVSIO98U9O30XCTTF48"',
284 verbose headers age: '94',
284 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
284 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6327-LHR',
284 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
284 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '1',
284 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.735726,VS0,VE0',
284 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
285 silly get cb [ 304,
285 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
285 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
285 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
285 silly get etag: '"4IU13RGVSIO98U9O30XCTTF48"',
285 silly get age: '94',
285 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
285 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6327-LHR',
285 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
285 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '1',
285 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.735726,VS0,VE0',
285 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
286 verbose etag from cache
287 verbose get saving phantom-bridge to /home/vagrant/.npm/
288 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
289 silly resolveWithNewModule phantom-bridge@2.0.1 checking installable status
290 silly cache add args [ 'phantom-bridge@^2.0.0', null ]
291 verbose cache add spec phantom-bridge@^2.0.0
292 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
292 silly cache add raw: 'phantom-bridge@^2.0.0',
292 silly cache add scope: null,
292 silly cache add name: 'phantom-bridge',
292 silly cache add rawSpec: '^2.0.0',
292 silly cache add spec: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0',
292 silly cache add type: 'range' }
293 silly addNamed phantom-bridge@>=2.0.0 <3.0.0
294 verbose addNamed ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0" is a valid semver range for phantom-bridge
295 silly addNameRange { name: 'phantom-bridge',
295 silly addNameRange range: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0',
295 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
296 silly mapToRegistry name phantom-bridge
297 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
298 silly mapToRegistry registry
299 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
299 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'phantom-bridge',
299 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
299 silly mapToRegistry name: 'phantom-bridge',
299 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
299 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
299 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
300 silly mapToRegistry uri
301 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
302 verbose get not expired, no request
303 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'phantom-bridge',
303 silly addNameRange range: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0',
303 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
304 silly addNameRange versions [ 'phantom-bridge', [ '1.0.0', '2.0.0', '2.0.1' ] ]
305 silly addNamed phantom-bridge@2.0.1
306 verbose addNamed "2.0.1" is a plain semver version for phantom-bridge
307 silly cache afterAdd phantom-bridge@2.0.1
308 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/phantom-bridge/2.0.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
309 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
310 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/phantom-bridge/2.0.1/package/package.json written
311 silly fetchNamedPackageData phantomjs-prebuilt
312 silly mapToRegistry name phantomjs-prebuilt
313 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
314 silly mapToRegistry registry
315 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
315 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'phantomjs-prebuilt',
315 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
315 silly mapToRegistry name: 'phantomjs-prebuilt',
315 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
315 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
315 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
316 silly mapToRegistry uri
317 verbose request uri
318 verbose request no auth needed
319 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
320 verbose etag "EPIKNTJWKC07RP8KO21WZG2KV"
321 http request GET
322 http 304
323 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
323 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
323 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
323 verbose headers etag: '"EPIKNTJWKC07RP8KO21WZG2KV"',
323 verbose headers age: '135',
323 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
323 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6325-LHR',
323 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
323 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '1',
323 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.807948,VS0,VE0',
323 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
324 silly get cb [ 304,
324 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
324 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
324 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
324 silly get etag: '"EPIKNTJWKC07RP8KO21WZG2KV"',
324 silly get age: '135',
324 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
324 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6325-LHR',
324 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
324 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '1',
324 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.807948,VS0,VE0',
324 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
325 verbose etag from cache
326 verbose get saving phantomjs-prebuilt to /home/vagrant/.npm/
327 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
328 silly resolveWithNewModule phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 checking installable status
329 silly cache add args [ 'phantomjs-prebuilt@^2.1.3', null ]
330 verbose cache add spec phantomjs-prebuilt@^2.1.3
331 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
331 silly cache add raw: 'phantomjs-prebuilt@^2.1.3',
331 silly cache add scope: null,
331 silly cache add name: 'phantomjs-prebuilt',
331 silly cache add rawSpec: '^2.1.3',
331 silly cache add spec: '>=2.1.3 <3.0.0',
331 silly cache add type: 'range' }
332 silly addNamed phantomjs-prebuilt@>=2.1.3 <3.0.0
333 verbose addNamed ">=2.1.3 <3.0.0" is a valid semver range for phantomjs-prebuilt
334 silly addNameRange { name: 'phantomjs-prebuilt',
334 silly addNameRange range: '>=2.1.3 <3.0.0',
334 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
335 silly mapToRegistry name phantomjs-prebuilt
336 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
337 silly mapToRegistry registry
338 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
338 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'phantomjs-prebuilt',
338 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
338 silly mapToRegistry name: 'phantomjs-prebuilt',
338 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
338 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
338 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
339 silly mapToRegistry uri
340 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
341 verbose get not expired, no request
342 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'phantomjs-prebuilt',
342 silly addNameRange range: '>=2.1.3 <3.0.0',
342 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
343 silly addNameRange versions [ 'phantomjs-prebuilt',
343 silly addNameRange [ '2.1.2', '2.1.3', '2.1.4', '2.1.5', '2.1.6', '2.1.7' ] ]
344 silly addNamed phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
345 verbose addNamed "2.1.7" is a plain semver version for phantomjs-prebuilt
346 silly cache afterAdd phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
347 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/phantomjs-prebuilt/2.1.7/package/package.json not in flight; writing
348 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
349 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/phantomjs-prebuilt/2.1.7/package/package.json written
350 silly fetchNamedPackageData request
351 silly mapToRegistry name request
352 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
353 silly mapToRegistry registry
354 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
354 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'request',
354 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
354 silly mapToRegistry name: 'request',
354 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
354 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
354 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
355 silly mapToRegistry uri
356 silly fetchNamedPackageData request-progress
357 silly mapToRegistry name request-progress
358 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
359 silly mapToRegistry registry
360 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
360 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'request-progress',
360 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
360 silly mapToRegistry name: 'request-progress',
360 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
360 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
360 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
361 silly mapToRegistry uri
362 silly fetchNamedPackageData which
363 silly mapToRegistry name which
364 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
365 silly mapToRegistry registry
366 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
366 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'which',
366 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
366 silly mapToRegistry name: 'which',
366 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
366 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
366 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
367 silly mapToRegistry uri
368 verbose request uri
369 verbose request no auth needed
370 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
371 verbose etag "19G5EQ93ULHSSXTYNINBGF2WY"
372 http request GET
373 verbose request uri
374 verbose request no auth needed
375 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
376 verbose etag "A36ADXEIZO4UHMDTBCUBVXKST"
377 http request GET
378 verbose request uri
379 verbose request no auth needed
380 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:07 AM
381 verbose etag "1LNT1QFZDAEZ9PNFIXT281QRJ"
382 http request GET
383 http 304
384 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
384 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
384 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
384 verbose headers etag: '"A36ADXEIZO4UHMDTBCUBVXKST"',
384 verbose headers age: '135',
384 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
384 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6341-LHR',
384 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
384 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '4',
384 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.895374,VS0,VE0',
384 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
385 silly get cb [ 304,
385 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
385 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
385 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
385 silly get etag: '"A36ADXEIZO4UHMDTBCUBVXKST"',
385 silly get age: '135',
385 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
385 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6341-LHR',
385 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
385 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '4',
385 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.895374,VS0,VE0',
385 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
386 verbose etag from cache
387 verbose get saving request-progress to /home/vagrant/.npm/
388 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
389 http 304
390 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
390 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
390 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
390 verbose headers etag: '"1LNT1QFZDAEZ9PNFIXT281QRJ"',
390 verbose headers age: '198',
390 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
390 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6329-LHR',
390 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
390 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '9',
390 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.896558,VS0,VE0',
390 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
391 silly get cb [ 304,
391 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
391 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
391 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
391 silly get etag: '"1LNT1QFZDAEZ9PNFIXT281QRJ"',
391 silly get age: '198',
391 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
391 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6329-LHR',
391 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
391 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '9',
391 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.896558,VS0,VE0',
391 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
392 verbose etag from cache
393 verbose get saving which to /home/vagrant/.npm/
394 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
395 http 304
396 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
396 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
396 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
396 verbose headers etag: '"19G5EQ93ULHSSXTYNINBGF2WY"',
396 verbose headers age: '281',
396 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
396 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6323-LHR',
396 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
396 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '9',
396 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.897160,VS0,VE0',
396 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
397 silly get cb [ 304,
397 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:07 GMT',
397 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
397 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
397 silly get etag: '"19G5EQ93ULHSSXTYNINBGF2WY"',
397 silly get age: '281',
397 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
397 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6323-LHR',
397 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
397 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '9',
397 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919687.897160,VS0,VE0',
397 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
398 verbose etag from cache
399 verbose get saving request to /home/vagrant/.npm/
400 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
401 silly resolveWithNewModule request-progress@2.0.1 checking installable status
402 silly cache add args [ 'request-progress@~2.0.1', null ]
403 verbose cache add spec request-progress@~2.0.1
404 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
404 silly cache add raw: 'request-progress@~2.0.1',
404 silly cache add scope: null,
404 silly cache add name: 'request-progress',
404 silly cache add rawSpec: '~2.0.1',
404 silly cache add spec: '>=2.0.1 <2.1.0',
404 silly cache add type: 'range' }
405 silly addNamed request-progress@>=2.0.1 <2.1.0
406 verbose addNamed ">=2.0.1 <2.1.0" is a valid semver range for request-progress
407 silly addNameRange { name: 'request-progress',
407 silly addNameRange range: '>=2.0.1 <2.1.0',
407 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
408 silly mapToRegistry name request-progress
409 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
410 silly mapToRegistry registry
411 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
411 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'request-progress',
411 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
411 silly mapToRegistry name: 'request-progress',
411 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
411 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
411 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
412 silly mapToRegistry uri
413 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
414 silly resolveWithNewModule which@1.2.4 checking installable status
415 silly cache add args [ 'which@~1.2.2', null ]
416 verbose cache add spec which@~1.2.2
417 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
417 silly cache add raw: 'which@~1.2.2',
417 silly cache add scope: null,
417 silly cache add name: 'which',
417 silly cache add rawSpec: '~1.2.2',
417 silly cache add spec: '>=1.2.2 <1.3.0',
417 silly cache add type: 'range' }
418 silly addNamed which@>=1.2.2 <1.3.0
419 verbose addNamed ">=1.2.2 <1.3.0" is a valid semver range for which
420 silly addNameRange { name: 'which', range: '>=1.2.2 <1.3.0', hasData: false }
421 silly mapToRegistry name which
422 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
423 silly mapToRegistry registry
424 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
424 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'which',
424 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
424 silly mapToRegistry name: 'which',
424 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
424 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
424 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
425 silly mapToRegistry uri
426 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
427 silly resolveWithNewModule request@2.67.0 checking installable status
428 silly cache add args [ 'request@~2.67.0', null ]
429 verbose cache add spec request@~2.67.0
430 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
430 silly cache add raw: 'request@~2.67.0',
430 silly cache add scope: null,
430 silly cache add name: 'request',
430 silly cache add rawSpec: '~2.67.0',
430 silly cache add spec: '>=2.67.0 <2.68.0',
430 silly cache add type: 'range' }
431 silly addNamed request@>=2.67.0 <2.68.0
432 verbose addNamed ">=2.67.0 <2.68.0" is a valid semver range for request
433 silly addNameRange { name: 'request', range: '>=2.67.0 <2.68.0', hasData: false }
434 silly mapToRegistry name request
435 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
436 silly mapToRegistry registry
437 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
437 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'request',
437 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
437 silly mapToRegistry name: 'request',
437 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
437 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
437 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
438 silly mapToRegistry uri
439 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
440 verbose get not expired, no request
441 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'request-progress',
441 silly addNameRange range: '>=2.0.1 <2.1.0',
441 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
442 silly addNameRange versions [ 'request-progress',
442 silly addNameRange [ '0.1.0',
442 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
442 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
442 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
442 silly addNameRange '0.2.2',
442 silly addNameRange '0.2.3',
442 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
442 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
442 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
442 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
442 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
442 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
442 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
442 silly addNameRange '2.0.1' ] ]
443 silly addNamed request-progress@2.0.1
444 verbose addNamed "2.0.1" is a plain semver version for request-progress
445 verbose get not expired, no request
446 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'which', range: '>=1.2.2 <1.3.0', hasData: true }
447 silly addNameRange versions [ 'which',
447 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0',
447 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
447 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
447 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
447 silly addNameRange '1.0.5',
447 silly addNameRange '1.0.6',
447 silly addNameRange '1.0.7',
447 silly addNameRange '1.0.8',
447 silly addNameRange '1.0.9',
447 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
447 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
447 silly addNameRange '1.1.2',
447 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
447 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
447 silly addNameRange '1.2.4' ] ]
448 silly addNamed which@1.2.4
449 verbose addNamed "1.2.4" is a plain semver version for which
450 verbose get not expired, no request
451 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'request', range: '>=2.67.0 <2.68.0', hasData: true }
452 silly addNameRange versions [ 'request',
452 silly addNameRange [ '0.10.0',
452 silly addNameRange '0.8.3',
452 silly addNameRange '0.9.0',
452 silly addNameRange '0.9.1',
452 silly addNameRange '0.9.5',
452 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
452 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
452 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
452 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
452 silly addNameRange '1.9.0',
452 silly addNameRange '1.9.1',
452 silly addNameRange '1.9.2',
452 silly addNameRange '1.9.3',
452 silly addNameRange '1.9.5',
452 silly addNameRange '1.9.7',
452 silly addNameRange '1.9.8',
452 silly addNameRange '1.9.9',
452 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.0.1',
452 silly addNameRange '2.0.2',
452 silly addNameRange '2.0.3',
452 silly addNameRange '2.0.4',
452 silly addNameRange '2.0.5',
452 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.1.1',
452 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.2.5',
452 silly addNameRange '2.2.6',
452 silly addNameRange '2.2.9',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.1',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.2',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.3',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.100',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.150',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.151',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.152',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.153',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.200',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.201',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.202',
452 silly addNameRange '2.9.203',
452 silly addNameRange '2.10.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.11.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.11.1',
452 silly addNameRange '2.11.2',
452 silly addNameRange '2.11.3',
452 silly addNameRange '2.11.4',
452 silly addNameRange '2.12.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.14.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.16.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.16.2',
452 silly addNameRange '2.16.4',
452 silly addNameRange '2.16.6',
452 silly addNameRange '2.18.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.19.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.20.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.21.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.22.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.23.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.24.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.25.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.26.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.27.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.28.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.29.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.30.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.31.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.32.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.33.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.34.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.35.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.36.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.37.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.38.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.39.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.40.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.41.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.42.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.43.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.44.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.45.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.46.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.47.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.48.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.49.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.50.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.51.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.52.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.53.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.54.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.55.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.56.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.57.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.58.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.59.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.60.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.61.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.62.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.63.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.64.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.65.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.66.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.67.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.68.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.69.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.70.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.71.0',
452 silly addNameRange '2.72.0' ] ]
453 silly addNamed request@2.67.0
454 verbose addNamed "2.67.0" is a plain semver version for request
455 silly cache afterAdd request-progress@2.0.1
456 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/request-progress/2.0.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
457 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
458 silly cache afterAdd which@1.2.4
459 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/which/1.2.4/package/package.json not in flight; writing
460 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
461 silly cache afterAdd request@2.67.0
462 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/request/2.67.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
463 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
464 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/request-progress/2.0.1/package/package.json written
465 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/which/1.2.4/package/package.json written
466 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/request/2.67.0/package/package.json written
467 silly fetchNamedPackageData bl
468 silly mapToRegistry name bl
469 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
470 silly mapToRegistry registry
471 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
471 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'bl',
471 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
471 silly mapToRegistry name: 'bl',
471 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
471 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
471 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
472 silly mapToRegistry uri
473 silly fetchNamedPackageData caseless
474 silly mapToRegistry name caseless
475 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
476 silly mapToRegistry registry
477 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
477 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'caseless',
477 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
477 silly mapToRegistry name: 'caseless',
477 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
477 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
477 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
478 silly mapToRegistry uri
479 silly fetchNamedPackageData extend
480 silly mapToRegistry name extend
481 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
482 silly mapToRegistry registry
483 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
483 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'extend',
483 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
483 silly mapToRegistry name: 'extend',
483 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
483 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
483 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
484 silly mapToRegistry uri
485 silly fetchNamedPackageData forever-agent
486 silly mapToRegistry name forever-agent
487 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
488 silly mapToRegistry registry
489 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
489 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'forever-agent',
489 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
489 silly mapToRegistry name: 'forever-agent',
489 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
489 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
489 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
490 silly mapToRegistry uri
491 silly fetchNamedPackageData form-data
492 silly mapToRegistry name form-data
493 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
494 silly mapToRegistry registry
495 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
495 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'form-data',
495 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
495 silly mapToRegistry name: 'form-data',
495 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
495 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
495 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
496 silly mapToRegistry uri
497 silly fetchNamedPackageData qs
498 silly mapToRegistry name qs
499 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
500 silly mapToRegistry registry
501 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
501 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'qs',
501 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
501 silly mapToRegistry name: 'qs',
501 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
501 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
501 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
502 silly mapToRegistry uri
503 silly fetchNamedPackageData tunnel-agent
504 silly mapToRegistry name tunnel-agent
505 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
506 silly mapToRegistry registry
507 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
507 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'tunnel-agent',
507 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
507 silly mapToRegistry name: 'tunnel-agent',
507 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
507 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
507 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
508 silly mapToRegistry uri
509 silly fetchNamedPackageData http-signature
510 silly mapToRegistry name http-signature
511 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
512 silly mapToRegistry registry
513 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
513 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'http-signature',
513 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
513 silly mapToRegistry name: 'http-signature',
513 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
513 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
513 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
514 silly mapToRegistry uri
515 silly fetchNamedPackageData oauth-sign
516 silly mapToRegistry name oauth-sign
517 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
518 silly mapToRegistry registry
519 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
519 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'oauth-sign',
519 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
519 silly mapToRegistry name: 'oauth-sign',
519 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
519 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
519 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
520 silly mapToRegistry uri
521 silly fetchNamedPackageData hawk
522 silly mapToRegistry name hawk
523 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
524 silly mapToRegistry registry
525 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
525 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'hawk',
525 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
525 silly mapToRegistry name: 'hawk',
525 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
525 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
525 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
526 silly mapToRegistry uri
527 silly fetchNamedPackageData aws-sign2
528 silly mapToRegistry name aws-sign2
529 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
530 silly mapToRegistry registry
531 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
531 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'aws-sign2',
531 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
531 silly mapToRegistry name: 'aws-sign2',
531 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
531 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
531 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
532 silly mapToRegistry uri
533 silly fetchNamedPackageData combined-stream
534 silly mapToRegistry name combined-stream
535 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
536 silly mapToRegistry registry
537 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
537 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'combined-stream',
537 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
537 silly mapToRegistry name: 'combined-stream',
537 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
537 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
537 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
538 silly mapToRegistry uri
539 verbose request uri
540 verbose request no auth needed
541 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
542 verbose etag "40FP6KUDH52O0QFN62E3494DI"
543 http request GET
544 verbose request uri
545 verbose request no auth needed
546 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
547 verbose etag "31X3RJHEJY3DII8ZZ4JC45YBC"
548 http request GET
549 verbose request uri
550 verbose request no auth needed
551 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
552 verbose etag "E6RVQQEEWSRD0L7UTZBKWFVHR"
553 http request GET
554 verbose request uri
555 verbose request no auth needed
556 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
557 verbose etag "AN8DYHW8FVWM228PCRXS53C8O"
558 http request GET
559 verbose request uri
560 verbose request no auth needed
561 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
562 verbose etag "3XJMLBBZR4G7BWE1WFWH5HP31"
563 http request GET
564 verbose request uri
565 verbose request no auth needed
566 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
567 verbose etag "B0T1YHZIW2HJ8JNLNUVBOJNBN"
568 http request GET
569 verbose request uri
570 verbose request no auth needed
571 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
572 verbose etag "5431PXAZURN09OWZMSA9JZ82Z"
573 http request GET
574 verbose request uri
575 verbose request no auth needed
576 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
577 verbose etag "3LOY4BPPOLHY6BXJ6EAARO7S9"
578 http request GET
579 verbose request uri
580 verbose request no auth needed
581 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
582 verbose etag "9P5ESQ0UNHJTR4Z0BAF8IOD2W"
583 http request GET
584 verbose request uri
585 verbose request no auth needed
586 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
587 verbose etag "1OV5I0C68AA61JNUNABG09KZL"
588 http request GET
589 verbose request uri
590 verbose request no auth needed
591 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
592 verbose etag "27R48E29FV1E9H5GP3QGA5YV3"
593 http request GET
594 verbose request uri
595 verbose request no auth needed
596 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
597 verbose etag "B4WTGKY32M1VDZX0V45HEIVUL"
598 http request GET
599 http 304
600 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
600 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
600 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
600 verbose headers etag: '"40FP6KUDH52O0QFN62E3494DI"',
600 verbose headers age: '166',
600 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
600 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6323-LHR',
600 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
600 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '4',
600 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.106408,VS0,VE0',
600 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
601 silly get cb [ 304,
601 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
601 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
601 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
601 silly get etag: '"40FP6KUDH52O0QFN62E3494DI"',
601 silly get age: '166',
601 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
601 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6323-LHR',
601 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
601 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '4',
601 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.106408,VS0,VE0',
601 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
602 verbose etag from cache
603 verbose get saving bl to /home/vagrant/.npm/
604 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
605 http 304
606 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
606 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
606 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
606 verbose headers etag: '"E6RVQQEEWSRD0L7UTZBKWFVHR"',
606 verbose headers age: '282',
606 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
606 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6321-LHR',
606 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
606 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '15',
606 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.106491,VS0,VE0',
606 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
607 silly get cb [ 304,
607 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
607 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
607 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
607 silly get etag: '"E6RVQQEEWSRD0L7UTZBKWFVHR"',
607 silly get age: '282',
607 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
607 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6321-LHR',
607 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
607 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '15',
607 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.106491,VS0,VE0',
607 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
608 verbose etag from cache
609 verbose get saving extend to /home/vagrant/.npm/
610 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
611 http 304
612 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
612 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
612 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
612 verbose headers etag: '"27R48E29FV1E9H5GP3QGA5YV3"',
612 verbose headers age: '172',
612 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
612 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6342-LHR',
612 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
612 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '12',
612 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.107069,VS0,VE0',
612 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
613 silly get cb [ 304,
613 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
613 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
613 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
613 silly get etag: '"27R48E29FV1E9H5GP3QGA5YV3"',
613 silly get age: '172',
613 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
613 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6342-LHR',
613 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
613 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '12',
613 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.107069,VS0,VE0',
613 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
614 verbose etag from cache
615 verbose get saving aws-sign2 to /home/vagrant/.npm/
616 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
617 http 304
618 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
618 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
618 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
618 verbose headers etag: '"9P5ESQ0UNHJTR4Z0BAF8IOD2W"',
618 verbose headers age: '265',
618 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
618 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6343-LHR',
618 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
618 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '13',
618 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.107082,VS0,VE0',
618 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
619 silly get cb [ 304,
619 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
619 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
619 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
619 silly get etag: '"9P5ESQ0UNHJTR4Z0BAF8IOD2W"',
619 silly get age: '265',
619 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
619 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6343-LHR',
619 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
619 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '13',
619 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.107082,VS0,VE0',
619 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
620 verbose etag from cache
621 verbose get saving oauth-sign to /home/vagrant/.npm/
622 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
623 http 304
624 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
624 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
624 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
624 verbose headers etag: '"B0T1YHZIW2HJ8JNLNUVBOJNBN"',
624 verbose headers age: '113',
624 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
624 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6340-LHR',
624 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
624 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '13',
624 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.108351,VS0,VE0',
624 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
625 silly get cb [ 304,
625 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
625 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
625 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
625 silly get etag: '"B0T1YHZIW2HJ8JNLNUVBOJNBN"',
625 silly get age: '113',
625 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
625 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6340-LHR',
625 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
625 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '13',
625 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.108351,VS0,VE0',
625 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
626 verbose etag from cache
627 verbose get saving qs to /home/vagrant/.npm/
628 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
629 http 304
630 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
630 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
630 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
630 verbose headers etag: '"5431PXAZURN09OWZMSA9JZ82Z"',
630 verbose headers age: '60',
630 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
630 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6331-LHR',
630 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
630 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '2',
630 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.108713,VS0,VE0',
630 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
631 silly get cb [ 304,
631 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
631 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
631 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
631 silly get etag: '"5431PXAZURN09OWZMSA9JZ82Z"',
631 silly get age: '60',
631 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
631 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6331-LHR',
631 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
631 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '2',
631 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.108713,VS0,VE0',
631 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
632 verbose etag from cache
633 verbose get saving tunnel-agent to /home/vagrant/.npm/
634 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
635 http 304
636 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
636 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
636 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
636 verbose headers etag: '"3XJMLBBZR4G7BWE1WFWH5HP31"',
636 verbose headers age: '87',
636 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
636 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6321-LHR',
636 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
636 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '6',
636 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.108755,VS0,VE0',
636 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
637 silly get cb [ 304,
637 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
637 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
637 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
637 silly get etag: '"3XJMLBBZR4G7BWE1WFWH5HP31"',
637 silly get age: '87',
637 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
637 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6321-LHR',
637 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
637 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '6',
637 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.108755,VS0,VE0',
637 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
638 verbose etag from cache
639 verbose get saving form-data to /home/vagrant/.npm/
640 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
641 http 304
642 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
642 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
642 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
642 verbose headers etag: '"3LOY4BPPOLHY6BXJ6EAARO7S9"',
642 verbose headers age: '188',
642 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
642 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6341-LHR',
642 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
642 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '6',
642 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.109396,VS0,VE0',
642 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
643 silly get cb [ 304,
643 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
643 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
643 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
643 silly get etag: '"3LOY4BPPOLHY6BXJ6EAARO7S9"',
643 silly get age: '188',
643 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
643 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6341-LHR',
643 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
643 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '6',
643 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.109396,VS0,VE0',
643 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
644 verbose etag from cache
645 verbose get saving http-signature to /home/vagrant/.npm/
646 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
647 http 304
648 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
648 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
648 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
648 verbose headers etag: '"31X3RJHEJY3DII8ZZ4JC45YBC"',
648 verbose headers age: '165',
648 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
648 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6347-LHR',
648 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
648 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '7',
648 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.109151,VS0,VE0',
648 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
649 silly get cb [ 304,
649 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
649 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
649 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
649 silly get etag: '"31X3RJHEJY3DII8ZZ4JC45YBC"',
649 silly get age: '165',
649 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
649 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6347-LHR',
649 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
649 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '7',
649 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.109151,VS0,VE0',
649 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
650 verbose etag from cache
651 verbose get saving caseless to /home/vagrant/.npm/
652 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
653 http 304
654 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
654 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
654 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
654 verbose headers etag: '"AN8DYHW8FVWM228PCRXS53C8O"',
654 verbose headers age: '64',
654 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
654 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6337-LHR',
654 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
654 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '4',
654 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.109983,VS0,VE0',
654 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
655 silly get cb [ 304,
655 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
655 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
655 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
655 silly get etag: '"AN8DYHW8FVWM228PCRXS53C8O"',
655 silly get age: '64',
655 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
655 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6337-LHR',
655 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
655 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '4',
655 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.109983,VS0,VE0',
655 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
656 verbose etag from cache
657 verbose get saving forever-agent to /home/vagrant/.npm/
658 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
659 http 304
660 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
660 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
660 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
660 verbose headers etag: '"B4WTGKY32M1VDZX0V45HEIVUL"',
660 verbose headers age: '166',
660 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
660 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6321-LHR',
660 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
660 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '10',
660 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.109736,VS0,VE0',
660 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
661 silly get cb [ 304,
661 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
661 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
661 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
661 silly get etag: '"B4WTGKY32M1VDZX0V45HEIVUL"',
661 silly get age: '166',
661 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
661 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6321-LHR',
661 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
661 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '10',
661 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.109736,VS0,VE0',
661 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
662 verbose etag from cache
663 verbose get saving combined-stream to /home/vagrant/.npm/
664 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
665 http 304
666 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
666 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
666 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
666 verbose headers etag: '"1OV5I0C68AA61JNUNABG09KZL"',
666 verbose headers age: '166',
666 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
666 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6338-LHR',
666 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
666 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '8',
666 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.111288,VS0,VE0',
666 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
667 silly get cb [ 304,
667 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
667 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
667 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
667 silly get etag: '"1OV5I0C68AA61JNUNABG09KZL"',
667 silly get age: '166',
667 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
667 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6338-LHR',
667 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
667 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '8',
667 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.111288,VS0,VE0',
667 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
668 verbose etag from cache
669 verbose get saving hawk to /home/vagrant/.npm/
670 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
671 silly resolveWithNewModule bl@1.0.3 checking installable status
672 silly cache add args [ 'bl@~1.0.0', null ]
673 verbose cache add spec bl@~1.0.0
674 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
674 silly cache add raw: 'bl@~1.0.0',
674 silly cache add scope: null,
674 silly cache add name: 'bl',
674 silly cache add rawSpec: '~1.0.0',
674 silly cache add spec: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0',
674 silly cache add type: 'range' }
675 silly addNamed bl@>=1.0.0 <1.1.0
676 verbose addNamed ">=1.0.0 <1.1.0" is a valid semver range for bl
677 silly addNameRange { name: 'bl', range: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0', hasData: false }
678 silly mapToRegistry name bl
679 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
680 silly mapToRegistry registry
681 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
681 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'bl',
681 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
681 silly mapToRegistry name: 'bl',
681 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
681 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
681 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
682 silly mapToRegistry uri
683 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
684 silly resolveWithNewModule extend@3.0.0 checking installable status
685 silly cache add args [ 'extend@~3.0.0', null ]
686 verbose cache add spec extend@~3.0.0
687 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
687 silly cache add raw: 'extend@~3.0.0',
687 silly cache add scope: null,
687 silly cache add name: 'extend',
687 silly cache add rawSpec: '~3.0.0',
687 silly cache add spec: '>=3.0.0 <3.1.0',
687 silly cache add type: 'range' }
688 silly addNamed extend@>=3.0.0 <3.1.0
689 verbose addNamed ">=3.0.0 <3.1.0" is a valid semver range for extend
690 silly addNameRange { name: 'extend', range: '>=3.0.0 <3.1.0', hasData: false }
691 silly mapToRegistry name extend
692 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
693 silly mapToRegistry registry
694 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
694 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'extend',
694 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
694 silly mapToRegistry name: 'extend',
694 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
694 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
694 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
695 silly mapToRegistry uri
696 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
697 silly resolveWithNewModule aws-sign2@0.6.0 checking installable status
698 silly cache add args [ 'aws-sign2@~0.6.0', null ]
699 verbose cache add spec aws-sign2@~0.6.0
700 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
700 silly cache add raw: 'aws-sign2@~0.6.0',
700 silly cache add scope: null,
700 silly cache add name: 'aws-sign2',
700 silly cache add rawSpec: '~0.6.0',
700 silly cache add spec: '>=0.6.0 <0.7.0',
700 silly cache add type: 'range' }
701 silly addNamed aws-sign2@>=0.6.0 <0.7.0
702 verbose addNamed ">=0.6.0 <0.7.0" is a valid semver range for aws-sign2
703 silly addNameRange { name: 'aws-sign2', range: '>=0.6.0 <0.7.0', hasData: false }
704 silly mapToRegistry name aws-sign2
705 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
706 silly mapToRegistry registry
707 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
707 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'aws-sign2',
707 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
707 silly mapToRegistry name: 'aws-sign2',
707 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
707 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
707 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
708 silly mapToRegistry uri
709 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
710 silly resolveWithNewModule oauth-sign@0.8.1 checking installable status
711 silly cache add args [ 'oauth-sign@~0.8.0', null ]
712 verbose cache add spec oauth-sign@~0.8.0
713 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
713 silly cache add raw: 'oauth-sign@~0.8.0',
713 silly cache add scope: null,
713 silly cache add name: 'oauth-sign',
713 silly cache add rawSpec: '~0.8.0',
713 silly cache add spec: '>=0.8.0 <0.9.0',
713 silly cache add type: 'range' }
714 silly addNamed oauth-sign@>=0.8.0 <0.9.0
715 verbose addNamed ">=0.8.0 <0.9.0" is a valid semver range for oauth-sign
716 silly addNameRange { name: 'oauth-sign', range: '>=0.8.0 <0.9.0', hasData: false }
717 silly mapToRegistry name oauth-sign
718 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
719 silly mapToRegistry registry
720 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
720 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'oauth-sign',
720 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
720 silly mapToRegistry name: 'oauth-sign',
720 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
720 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
720 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
721 silly mapToRegistry uri
722 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
723 silly resolveWithNewModule qs@5.2.0 checking installable status
724 silly cache add args [ 'qs@~5.2.0', null ]
725 verbose cache add spec qs@~5.2.0
726 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
726 silly cache add raw: 'qs@~5.2.0',
726 silly cache add scope: null,
726 silly cache add name: 'qs',
726 silly cache add rawSpec: '~5.2.0',
726 silly cache add spec: '>=5.2.0 <5.3.0',
726 silly cache add type: 'range' }
727 silly addNamed qs@>=5.2.0 <5.3.0
728 verbose addNamed ">=5.2.0 <5.3.0" is a valid semver range for qs
729 silly addNameRange { name: 'qs', range: '>=5.2.0 <5.3.0', hasData: false }
730 silly mapToRegistry name qs
731 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
732 silly mapToRegistry registry
733 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
733 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'qs',
733 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
733 silly mapToRegistry name: 'qs',
733 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
733 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
733 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
734 silly mapToRegistry uri
735 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
736 silly resolveWithNewModule tunnel-agent@0.4.2 checking installable status
737 silly cache add args [ 'tunnel-agent@~0.4.1', null ]
738 verbose cache add spec tunnel-agent@~0.4.1
739 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
739 silly cache add raw: 'tunnel-agent@~0.4.1',
739 silly cache add scope: null,
739 silly cache add name: 'tunnel-agent',
739 silly cache add rawSpec: '~0.4.1',
739 silly cache add spec: '>=0.4.1 <0.5.0',
739 silly cache add type: 'range' }
740 silly addNamed tunnel-agent@>=0.4.1 <0.5.0
741 verbose addNamed ">=0.4.1 <0.5.0" is a valid semver range for tunnel-agent
742 silly addNameRange { name: 'tunnel-agent', range: '>=0.4.1 <0.5.0', hasData: false }
743 silly mapToRegistry name tunnel-agent
744 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
745 silly mapToRegistry registry
746 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
746 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'tunnel-agent',
746 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
746 silly mapToRegistry name: 'tunnel-agent',
746 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
746 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
746 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
747 silly mapToRegistry uri
748 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
749 silly resolveWithNewModule form-data@1.0.0-rc4 checking installable status
750 silly cache add args [ 'form-data@~1.0.0-rc3', null ]
751 verbose cache add spec form-data@~1.0.0-rc3
752 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
752 silly cache add raw: 'form-data@~1.0.0-rc3',
752 silly cache add scope: null,
752 silly cache add name: 'form-data',
752 silly cache add rawSpec: '~1.0.0-rc3',
752 silly cache add spec: '>=1.0.0-rc3 <1.1.0',
752 silly cache add type: 'range' }
753 silly addNamed form-data@>=1.0.0-rc3 <1.1.0
754 verbose addNamed ">=1.0.0-rc3 <1.1.0" is a valid semver range for form-data
755 silly addNameRange { name: 'form-data',
755 silly addNameRange range: '>=1.0.0-rc3 <1.1.0',
755 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
756 silly mapToRegistry name form-data
757 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
758 silly mapToRegistry registry
759 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
759 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'form-data',
759 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
759 silly mapToRegistry name: 'form-data',
759 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
759 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
759 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
760 silly mapToRegistry uri
761 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
762 silly resolveWithNewModule http-signature@1.1.1 checking installable status
763 silly cache add args [ 'http-signature@~1.1.0', null ]
764 verbose cache add spec http-signature@~1.1.0
765 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
765 silly cache add raw: 'http-signature@~1.1.0',
765 silly cache add scope: null,
765 silly cache add name: 'http-signature',
765 silly cache add rawSpec: '~1.1.0',
765 silly cache add spec: '>=1.1.0 <1.2.0',
765 silly cache add type: 'range' }
766 silly addNamed http-signature@>=1.1.0 <1.2.0
767 verbose addNamed ">=1.1.0 <1.2.0" is a valid semver range for http-signature
768 silly addNameRange { name: 'http-signature',
768 silly addNameRange range: '>=1.1.0 <1.2.0',
768 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
769 silly mapToRegistry name http-signature
770 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
771 silly mapToRegistry registry
772 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
772 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'http-signature',
772 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
772 silly mapToRegistry name: 'http-signature',
772 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
772 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
772 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
773 silly mapToRegistry uri
774 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
775 silly resolveWithNewModule caseless@0.11.0 checking installable status
776 silly cache add args [ 'caseless@~0.11.0', null ]
777 verbose cache add spec caseless@~0.11.0
778 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
778 silly cache add raw: 'caseless@~0.11.0',
778 silly cache add scope: null,
778 silly cache add name: 'caseless',
778 silly cache add rawSpec: '~0.11.0',
778 silly cache add spec: '>=0.11.0 <0.12.0',
778 silly cache add type: 'range' }
779 silly addNamed caseless@>=0.11.0 <0.12.0
780 verbose addNamed ">=0.11.0 <0.12.0" is a valid semver range for caseless
781 silly addNameRange { name: 'caseless', range: '>=0.11.0 <0.12.0', hasData: false }
782 silly mapToRegistry name caseless
783 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
784 silly mapToRegistry registry
785 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
785 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'caseless',
785 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
785 silly mapToRegistry name: 'caseless',
785 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
785 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
785 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
786 silly mapToRegistry uri
787 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
788 silly resolveWithNewModule forever-agent@0.6.1 checking installable status
789 silly cache add args [ 'forever-agent@~0.6.1', null ]
790 verbose cache add spec forever-agent@~0.6.1
791 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
791 silly cache add raw: 'forever-agent@~0.6.1',
791 silly cache add scope: null,
791 silly cache add name: 'forever-agent',
791 silly cache add rawSpec: '~0.6.1',
791 silly cache add spec: '>=0.6.1 <0.7.0',
791 silly cache add type: 'range' }
792 silly addNamed forever-agent@>=0.6.1 <0.7.0
793 verbose addNamed ">=0.6.1 <0.7.0" is a valid semver range for forever-agent
794 silly addNameRange { name: 'forever-agent',
794 silly addNameRange range: '>=0.6.1 <0.7.0',
794 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
795 silly mapToRegistry name forever-agent
796 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
797 silly mapToRegistry registry
798 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
798 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'forever-agent',
798 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
798 silly mapToRegistry name: 'forever-agent',
798 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
798 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
798 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
799 silly mapToRegistry uri
800 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
801 silly resolveWithNewModule combined-stream@1.0.5 checking installable status
802 silly cache add args [ 'combined-stream@~1.0.5', null ]
803 verbose cache add spec combined-stream@~1.0.5
804 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
804 silly cache add raw: 'combined-stream@~1.0.5',
804 silly cache add scope: null,
804 silly cache add name: 'combined-stream',
804 silly cache add rawSpec: '~1.0.5',
804 silly cache add spec: '>=1.0.5 <1.1.0',
804 silly cache add type: 'range' }
805 silly addNamed combined-stream@>=1.0.5 <1.1.0
806 verbose addNamed ">=1.0.5 <1.1.0" is a valid semver range for combined-stream
807 silly addNameRange { name: 'combined-stream',
807 silly addNameRange range: '>=1.0.5 <1.1.0',
807 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
808 silly mapToRegistry name combined-stream
809 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
810 silly mapToRegistry registry
811 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
811 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'combined-stream',
811 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
811 silly mapToRegistry name: 'combined-stream',
811 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
811 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
811 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
812 silly mapToRegistry uri
813 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
814 silly resolveWithNewModule hawk@3.1.3 checking installable status
815 silly cache add args [ 'hawk@~3.1.0', null ]
816 verbose cache add spec hawk@~3.1.0
817 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
817 silly cache add raw: 'hawk@~3.1.0',
817 silly cache add scope: null,
817 silly cache add name: 'hawk',
817 silly cache add rawSpec: '~3.1.0',
817 silly cache add spec: '>=3.1.0 <3.2.0',
817 silly cache add type: 'range' }
818 silly addNamed hawk@>=3.1.0 <3.2.0
819 verbose addNamed ">=3.1.0 <3.2.0" is a valid semver range for hawk
820 silly addNameRange { name: 'hawk', range: '>=3.1.0 <3.2.0', hasData: false }
821 silly mapToRegistry name hawk
822 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
823 silly mapToRegistry registry
824 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
824 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'hawk',
824 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
824 silly mapToRegistry name: 'hawk',
824 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
824 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
824 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
825 silly mapToRegistry uri
826 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
827 verbose get not expired, no request
828 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'bl', range: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0', hasData: true }
829 silly addNameRange versions [ 'bl',
829 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
829 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
829 silly addNameRange '0.4.2',
829 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.7.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.8.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.8.1',
829 silly addNameRange '0.8.2',
829 silly addNameRange '0.9.0',
829 silly addNameRange '0.9.1',
829 silly addNameRange '0.9.2',
829 silly addNameRange '0.9.3',
829 silly addNameRange '0.9.4',
829 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
829 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
829 silly addNameRange '0.9.5',
829 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
829 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
829 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
829 silly addNameRange '1.1.2' ] ]
830 silly addNamed bl@1.0.3
831 verbose addNamed "1.0.3" is a plain semver version for bl
832 verbose get not expired, no request
833 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'extend', range: '>=3.0.0 <3.1.0', hasData: true }
834 silly addNameRange versions [ 'extend',
834 silly addNameRange [ '1.0.0',
834 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
834 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
834 silly addNameRange '1.1.3',
834 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
834 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
834 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
834 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
834 silly addNameRange '2.0.1',
834 silly addNameRange '3.0.0' ] ]
835 silly addNamed extend@3.0.0
836 verbose addNamed "3.0.0" is a plain semver version for extend
837 verbose get not expired, no request
838 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'aws-sign2', range: '>=0.6.0 <0.7.0', hasData: true }
839 silly addNameRange versions [ 'aws-sign2', [ '0.4.0', '0.5.0', '0.6.0' ] ]
840 silly addNamed aws-sign2@0.6.0
841 verbose addNamed "0.6.0" is a plain semver version for aws-sign2
842 verbose get not expired, no request
843 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'oauth-sign', range: '>=0.8.0 <0.9.0', hasData: true }
844 silly addNameRange versions [ 'oauth-sign',
844 silly addNameRange [ '0.2.0',
844 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
844 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
844 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
844 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
844 silly addNameRange '0.7.0',
844 silly addNameRange '0.8.0',
844 silly addNameRange '0.8.1' ] ]
845 silly addNamed oauth-sign@0.8.1
846 verbose addNamed "0.8.1" is a plain semver version for oauth-sign
847 verbose get not expired, no request
848 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'qs', range: '>=5.2.0 <5.3.0', hasData: true }
849 silly addNameRange versions [ 'qs',
849 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
849 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
849 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
849 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
849 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
849 silly addNameRange '0.0.6',
849 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
849 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
849 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
849 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
849 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
849 silly addNameRange '0.3.2',
849 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
849 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
849 silly addNameRange '0.4.2',
849 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
849 silly addNameRange '0.5.1',
849 silly addNameRange '0.5.2',
849 silly addNameRange '0.5.3',
849 silly addNameRange '0.5.4',
849 silly addNameRange '0.5.5',
849 silly addNameRange '0.5.6',
849 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
849 silly addNameRange '0.6.1',
849 silly addNameRange '0.6.2',
849 silly addNameRange '0.6.3',
849 silly addNameRange '0.6.4',
849 silly addNameRange '0.6.5',
849 silly addNameRange '0.6.6',
849 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
849 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
849 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
849 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
849 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
849 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
849 silly addNameRange '1.2.2',
849 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
849 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
849 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
849 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
849 silly addNameRange '2.2.2',
849 silly addNameRange '2.2.3',
849 silly addNameRange '2.2.4',
849 silly addNameRange '2.2.5',
849 silly addNameRange '2.3.0',
849 silly addNameRange '2.3.1',
849 silly addNameRange '2.3.2',
849 silly addNameRange '2.3.3',
849 silly addNameRange '2.4.0',
849 silly addNameRange '2.4.1',
849 silly addNameRange '2.4.2',
849 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
849 silly addNameRange '3.1.0',
849 silly addNameRange '4.0.0',
849 silly addNameRange '5.0.0',
849 silly addNameRange '5.1.0',
849 silly addNameRange '5.2.0',
849 silly addNameRange '6.0.0',
849 silly addNameRange '6.0.1',
849 silly addNameRange '6.0.2',
849 silly addNameRange '6.1.0' ] ]
850 silly addNamed qs@5.2.0
851 verbose addNamed "5.2.0" is a plain semver version for qs
852 verbose get not expired, no request
853 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'tunnel-agent', range: '>=0.4.1 <0.5.0', hasData: true }
854 silly addNameRange versions [ 'tunnel-agent',
854 silly addNameRange [ '0.2.0', '0.3.0', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2' ] ]
855 silly addNamed tunnel-agent@0.4.2
856 verbose addNamed "0.4.2" is a plain semver version for tunnel-agent
857 verbose get not expired, no request
858 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'form-data', range: '>=1.0.0-rc3 <1.1.0', hasData: true }
859 silly addNameRange versions [ 'form-data',
859 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.0',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.6',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.8',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.9',
859 silly addNameRange '0.0.10',
859 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
859 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
859 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
859 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
859 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
859 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
859 silly addNameRange '1.0.0-rc1',
859 silly addNameRange '1.0.0-rc2',
859 silly addNameRange '1.0.0-rc3',
859 silly addNameRange '1.0.0-rc4' ] ]
860 silly addNamed form-data@1.0.0-rc4
861 verbose addNamed "1.0.0-rc4" is a plain semver version for form-data
862 verbose get not expired, no request
863 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'http-signature',
863 silly addNameRange range: '>=1.1.0 <1.2.0',
863 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
864 silly addNameRange versions [ 'http-signature',
864 silly addNameRange [ '0.9.0',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.2',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.3',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.4',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.5',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.6',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.7',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.8',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.9',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.10',
864 silly addNameRange '0.9.11',
864 silly addNameRange '0.10.0',
864 silly addNameRange '0.10.1',
864 silly addNameRange '0.11.0',
864 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
864 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
864 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
864 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
864 silly addNameRange '1.1.1' ] ]
865 silly addNamed http-signature@1.1.1
866 verbose addNamed "1.1.1" is a plain semver version for http-signature
867 verbose get not expired, no request
868 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'caseless', range: '>=0.11.0 <0.12.0', hasData: true }
869 silly addNameRange versions [ 'caseless',
869 silly addNameRange [ '0.1.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.7.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.8.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.9.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.10.0',
869 silly addNameRange '0.11.0' ] ]
870 silly addNamed caseless@0.11.0
871 verbose addNamed "0.11.0" is a plain semver version for caseless
872 verbose get not expired, no request
873 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'forever-agent', range: '>=0.6.1 <0.7.0', hasData: true }
874 silly addNameRange versions [ 'forever-agent',
874 silly addNameRange [ '0.2.0', '0.3.0', '0.4.0', '0.5.0', '0.5.2', '0.6.0', '0.6.1' ] ]
875 silly addNamed forever-agent@0.6.1
876 verbose addNamed "0.6.1" is a plain semver version for forever-agent
877 verbose get not expired, no request
878 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'combined-stream',
878 silly addNameRange range: '>=1.0.5 <1.1.0',
878 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
879 silly addNameRange versions [ 'combined-stream',
879 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.0',
879 silly addNameRange '0.0.1',
879 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
879 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
879 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
879 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
879 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
879 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
879 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
879 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
879 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
879 silly addNameRange '1.0.4',
879 silly addNameRange '1.0.5' ] ]
880 silly addNamed combined-stream@1.0.5
881 verbose addNamed "1.0.5" is a plain semver version for combined-stream
882 verbose get not expired, no request
883 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'hawk', range: '>=3.1.0 <3.2.0', hasData: true }
884 silly addNameRange versions [ 'hawk',
884 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
884 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
884 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
884 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
884 silly addNameRange '0.0.6',
884 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
884 silly addNameRange '0.0.8',
884 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.5.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.5.2',
884 silly addNameRange '0.5.3',
884 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.6.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.7.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.7.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.8.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.9.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.10.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.10.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.10.2',
884 silly addNameRange '0.11.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.11.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.12.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.12.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.12.2',
884 silly addNameRange '0.13.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.13.1',
884 silly addNameRange '0.14.0',
884 silly addNameRange '0.15.0',
884 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
884 silly addNameRange '1.1.0-pre',
884 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
884 silly addNameRange '1.1.2',
884 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
884 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
884 silly addNameRange '2.1.1',
884 silly addNameRange '2.1.2',
884 silly addNameRange '2.1.3',
884 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
884 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
884 silly addNameRange '2.2.2',
884 silly addNameRange '2.2.3',
884 silly addNameRange '2.3.0',
884 silly addNameRange '2.3.1',
884 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
884 silly addNameRange '3.1.0',
884 silly addNameRange '3.1.1',
884 silly addNameRange '4.0.0',
884 silly addNameRange '3.1.2',
884 silly addNameRange '4.0.1',
884 silly addNameRange '4.1.0',
884 silly addNameRange '4.1.1',
884 silly addNameRange '3.1.3',
884 silly addNameRange '4.1.2' ] ]
885 silly addNamed hawk@3.1.3
886 verbose addNamed "3.1.3" is a plain semver version for hawk
887 silly cache afterAdd bl@1.0.3
888 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/bl/1.0.3/package/package.json not in flight; writing
889 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
890 silly cache afterAdd extend@3.0.0
891 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/extend/3.0.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
892 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
893 silly cache afterAdd aws-sign2@0.6.0
894 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/aws-sign2/0.6.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
895 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
896 silly cache afterAdd oauth-sign@0.8.1
897 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/oauth-sign/0.8.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
898 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
899 silly cache afterAdd qs@5.2.0
900 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/qs/5.2.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
901 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
902 silly cache afterAdd tunnel-agent@0.4.2
903 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/tunnel-agent/0.4.2/package/package.json not in flight; writing
904 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
905 silly cache afterAdd form-data@1.0.0-rc4
906 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/form-data/1.0.0-rc4/package/package.json not in flight; writing
907 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
908 silly cache afterAdd http-signature@1.1.1
909 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/http-signature/1.1.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
910 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
911 silly cache afterAdd caseless@0.11.0
912 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/caseless/0.11.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
913 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
914 silly cache afterAdd forever-agent@0.6.1
915 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/forever-agent/0.6.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
916 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
917 silly cache afterAdd combined-stream@1.0.5
918 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/combined-stream/1.0.5/package/package.json not in flight; writing
919 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
920 silly cache afterAdd hawk@3.1.3
921 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/hawk/3.1.3/package/package.json not in flight; writing
922 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
923 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/bl/1.0.3/package/package.json written
924 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/extend/3.0.0/package/package.json written
925 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/aws-sign2/0.6.0/package/package.json written
926 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/oauth-sign/0.8.1/package/package.json written
927 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/qs/5.2.0/package/package.json written
928 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/tunnel-agent/0.4.2/package/package.json written
929 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/form-data/1.0.0-rc4/package/package.json written
930 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/http-signature/1.1.1/package/package.json written
931 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/caseless/0.11.0/package/package.json written
932 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/forever-agent/0.6.1/package/package.json written
933 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/combined-stream/1.0.5/package/package.json written
934 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/hawk/3.1.3/package/package.json written
935 silly fetchNamedPackageData readable-stream
936 silly mapToRegistry name readable-stream
937 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
938 silly mapToRegistry registry
939 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
939 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'readable-stream',
939 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
939 silly mapToRegistry name: 'readable-stream',
939 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
939 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
939 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
940 silly mapToRegistry uri
941 verbose request uri
942 verbose request no auth needed
943 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
944 verbose etag "5BRLUWE930IXBNK5TODDA6JF"
945 http request GET
946 http 304
947 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
947 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
947 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
947 verbose headers etag: '"5BRLUWE930IXBNK5TODDA6JF"',
947 verbose headers age: '9',
947 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
947 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6329-LHR',
947 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
947 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '2',
947 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.286913,VS0,VE0',
947 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
948 silly get cb [ 304,
948 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
948 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
948 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
948 silly get etag: '"5BRLUWE930IXBNK5TODDA6JF"',
948 silly get age: '9',
948 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
948 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6329-LHR',
948 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
948 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '2',
948 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.286913,VS0,VE0',
948 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
949 verbose etag from cache
950 verbose get saving readable-stream to /home/vagrant/.npm/
951 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
952 silly resolveWithNewModule readable-stream@2.0.6 checking installable status
953 silly cache add args [ 'readable-stream@~2.0.5', null ]
954 verbose cache add spec readable-stream@~2.0.5
955 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
955 silly cache add raw: 'readable-stream@~2.0.5',
955 silly cache add scope: null,
955 silly cache add name: 'readable-stream',
955 silly cache add rawSpec: '~2.0.5',
955 silly cache add spec: '>=2.0.5 <2.1.0',
955 silly cache add type: 'range' }
956 silly addNamed readable-stream@>=2.0.5 <2.1.0
957 verbose addNamed ">=2.0.5 <2.1.0" is a valid semver range for readable-stream
958 silly addNameRange { name: 'readable-stream',
958 silly addNameRange range: '>=2.0.5 <2.1.0',
958 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
959 silly mapToRegistry name readable-stream
960 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
961 silly mapToRegistry registry
962 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
962 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'readable-stream',
962 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
962 silly mapToRegistry name: 'readable-stream',
962 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
962 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
962 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
963 silly mapToRegistry uri
964 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
965 verbose get not expired, no request
966 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'readable-stream',
966 silly addNameRange range: '>=2.0.5 <2.1.0',
966 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
967 silly addNameRange versions [ 'readable-stream',
967 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
967 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
967 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
967 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
967 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
967 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
967 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
967 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.15',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.17',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.7',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.8',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.9',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.24',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.25',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.10',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.25-1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.11',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.26',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.26-1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.11-1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.26-2',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.12',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.26-3',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.26-4',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.12-1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.27-1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.13-1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.31',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.13',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.32',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.32-1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.33-1',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.33-2',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.33',
967 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
967 silly addNameRange '2.0.1',
967 silly addNameRange '2.0.2',
967 silly addNameRange '2.0.3',
967 silly addNameRange '2.0.4',
967 silly addNameRange '2.0.5',
967 silly addNameRange '2.0.6',
967 silly addNameRange '1.0.34',
967 silly addNameRange '1.1.14',
967 silly addNameRange '2.1.0' ] ]
968 silly addNamed readable-stream@2.0.6
969 verbose addNamed "2.0.6" is a plain semver version for readable-stream
970 silly cache afterAdd readable-stream@2.0.6
971 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/readable-stream/2.0.6/package/package.json not in flight; writing
972 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
973 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/readable-stream/2.0.6/package/package.json written
974 silly fetchNamedPackageData isarray
975 silly mapToRegistry name isarray
976 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
977 silly mapToRegistry registry
978 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
978 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'isarray',
978 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
978 silly mapToRegistry name: 'isarray',
978 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
978 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
978 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
979 silly mapToRegistry uri
980 verbose request uri
981 verbose request no auth needed
982 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
983 verbose etag "9BAUPW5RTV3W0838KA6Y08NTG"
984 http request GET
985 http 304
986 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
986 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
986 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
986 verbose headers etag: '"9BAUPW5RTV3W0838KA6Y08NTG"',
986 verbose headers age: '53',
986 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
986 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6348-LHR',
986 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
986 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '11',
986 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.367600,VS0,VE0',
986 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
987 silly get cb [ 304,
987 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
987 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
987 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
987 silly get etag: '"9BAUPW5RTV3W0838KA6Y08NTG"',
987 silly get age: '53',
987 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
987 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6348-LHR',
987 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
987 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '11',
987 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.367600,VS0,VE0',
987 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
988 verbose etag from cache
989 verbose get saving isarray to /home/vagrant/.npm/
990 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
991 silly resolveWithNewModule isarray@1.0.0 checking installable status
992 silly cache add args [ 'isarray@~1.0.0', null ]
993 verbose cache add spec isarray@~1.0.0
994 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
994 silly cache add raw: 'isarray@~1.0.0',
994 silly cache add scope: null,
994 silly cache add name: 'isarray',
994 silly cache add rawSpec: '~1.0.0',
994 silly cache add spec: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0',
994 silly cache add type: 'range' }
995 silly addNamed isarray@>=1.0.0 <1.1.0
996 verbose addNamed ">=1.0.0 <1.1.0" is a valid semver range for isarray
997 silly addNameRange { name: 'isarray', range: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0', hasData: false }
998 silly mapToRegistry name isarray
999 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1000 silly mapToRegistry registry
1001 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1001 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'isarray',
1001 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1001 silly mapToRegistry name: 'isarray',
1001 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1001 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1001 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1002 silly mapToRegistry uri
1003 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
1004 verbose get not expired, no request
1005 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'isarray', range: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0', hasData: true }
1006 silly addNameRange versions [ 'isarray', [ '0.0.0', '0.0.1', '1.0.0' ] ]
1007 silly addNamed isarray@1.0.0
1008 verbose addNamed "1.0.0" is a plain semver version for isarray
1009 silly cache afterAdd isarray@1.0.0
1010 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/isarray/1.0.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
1011 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1012 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/isarray/1.0.0/package/package.json written
1013 silly fetchNamedPackageData delayed-stream
1014 silly mapToRegistry name delayed-stream
1015 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1016 silly mapToRegistry registry
1017 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1017 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'delayed-stream',
1017 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1017 silly mapToRegistry name: 'delayed-stream',
1017 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1017 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1017 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1018 silly mapToRegistry uri
1019 verbose request uri
1020 verbose request no auth needed
1021 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
1022 verbose etag "3R3PDLMYOHW7LS95R001QU3HH"
1023 http request GET
1024 http 304
1025 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1025 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
1025 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1025 verbose headers etag: '"3R3PDLMYOHW7LS95R001QU3HH"',
1025 verbose headers age: '173',
1025 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
1025 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6343-LHR',
1025 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1025 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '12',
1025 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.409366,VS0,VE0',
1025 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
1026 silly get cb [ 304,
1026 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1026 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
1026 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1026 silly get etag: '"3R3PDLMYOHW7LS95R001QU3HH"',
1026 silly get age: '173',
1026 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
1026 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6343-LHR',
1026 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1026 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '12',
1026 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.409366,VS0,VE0',
1026 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
1027 verbose etag from cache
1028 verbose get saving delayed-stream to /home/vagrant/.npm/
1029 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1030 silly resolveWithNewModule delayed-stream@1.0.0 checking installable status
1031 silly cache add args [ 'delayed-stream@~1.0.0', null ]
1032 verbose cache add spec delayed-stream@~1.0.0
1033 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
1033 silly cache add raw: 'delayed-stream@~1.0.0',
1033 silly cache add scope: null,
1033 silly cache add name: 'delayed-stream',
1033 silly cache add rawSpec: '~1.0.0',
1033 silly cache add spec: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0',
1033 silly cache add type: 'range' }
1034 silly addNamed delayed-stream@>=1.0.0 <1.1.0
1035 verbose addNamed ">=1.0.0 <1.1.0" is a valid semver range for delayed-stream
1036 silly addNameRange { name: 'delayed-stream',
1036 silly addNameRange range: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0',
1036 silly addNameRange hasData: false }
1037 silly mapToRegistry name delayed-stream
1038 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1039 silly mapToRegistry registry
1040 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1040 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'delayed-stream',
1040 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1040 silly mapToRegistry name: 'delayed-stream',
1040 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1040 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1040 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1041 silly mapToRegistry uri
1042 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
1043 verbose get not expired, no request
1044 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'delayed-stream',
1044 silly addNameRange range: '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0',
1044 silly addNameRange hasData: true }
1045 silly addNameRange versions [ 'delayed-stream',
1045 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.0',
1045 silly addNameRange '0.0.1',
1045 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
1045 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
1045 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
1045 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
1045 silly addNameRange '0.0.6',
1045 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
1045 silly addNameRange '1.0.0' ] ]
1046 silly addNamed delayed-stream@1.0.0
1047 verbose addNamed "1.0.0" is a plain semver version for delayed-stream
1048 silly cache afterAdd delayed-stream@1.0.0
1049 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/delayed-stream/1.0.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
1050 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1051 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/delayed-stream/1.0.0/package/package.json written
1052 silly fetchNamedPackageData hoek
1053 silly mapToRegistry name hoek
1054 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1055 silly mapToRegistry registry
1056 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1056 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'hoek',
1056 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1056 silly mapToRegistry name: 'hoek',
1056 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1056 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1056 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1057 silly mapToRegistry uri
1058 silly fetchNamedPackageData boom
1059 silly mapToRegistry name boom
1060 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1061 silly mapToRegistry registry
1062 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1062 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'boom',
1062 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1062 silly mapToRegistry name: 'boom',
1062 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1062 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1062 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1063 silly mapToRegistry uri
1064 silly fetchNamedPackageData cryptiles
1065 silly mapToRegistry name cryptiles
1066 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1067 silly mapToRegistry registry
1068 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1068 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'cryptiles',
1068 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1068 silly mapToRegistry name: 'cryptiles',
1068 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1068 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1068 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1069 silly mapToRegistry uri
1070 silly fetchNamedPackageData sntp
1071 silly mapToRegistry name sntp
1072 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1073 silly mapToRegistry registry
1074 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1074 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'sntp',
1074 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1074 silly mapToRegistry name: 'sntp',
1074 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1074 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1074 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1075 silly mapToRegistry uri
1076 verbose request uri
1077 verbose request no auth needed
1078 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
1079 verbose etag "2U176I0HIL9JCGWWDEP9YPI4M"
1080 http request GET
1081 verbose request uri
1082 verbose request no auth needed
1083 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
1084 verbose etag "6LUC7X8H3MDDUNX7YF27Q317G"
1085 http request GET
1086 verbose request uri
1087 verbose request no auth needed
1088 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
1089 verbose etag "99IFMGJJU8VHDG34AJNVUOITE"
1090 http request GET
1091 verbose request uri
1092 verbose request no auth needed
1093 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
1094 verbose etag "381DNCTO4BY8XHD84Q4VZRKBA"
1095 http request GET
1096 http 304
1097 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1097 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
1097 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1097 verbose headers etag: '"2U176I0HIL9JCGWWDEP9YPI4M"',
1097 verbose headers age: '245',
1097 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
1097 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6333-LHR',
1097 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1097 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '9',
1097 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.484618,VS0,VE0',
1097 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
1098 silly get cb [ 304,
1098 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1098 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
1098 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1098 silly get etag: '"2U176I0HIL9JCGWWDEP9YPI4M"',
1098 silly get age: '245',
1098 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
1098 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6333-LHR',
1098 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1098 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '9',
1098 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.484618,VS0,VE0',
1098 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
1099 verbose etag from cache
1100 verbose get saving hoek to /home/vagrant/.npm/
1101 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1102 http 304
1103 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1103 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
1103 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1103 verbose headers etag: '"99IFMGJJU8VHDG34AJNVUOITE"',
1103 verbose headers age: '112',
1103 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
1103 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6340-LHR',
1103 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1103 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '2',
1103 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.485510,VS0,VE0',
1103 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
1104 silly get cb [ 304,
1104 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1104 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
1104 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1104 silly get etag: '"99IFMGJJU8VHDG34AJNVUOITE"',
1104 silly get age: '112',
1104 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
1104 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6340-LHR',
1104 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1104 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '2',
1104 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.485510,VS0,VE0',
1104 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
1105 verbose etag from cache
1106 verbose get saving cryptiles to /home/vagrant/.npm/
1107 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1108 http 304
1109 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1109 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
1109 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1109 verbose headers etag: '"381DNCTO4BY8XHD84Q4VZRKBA"',
1109 verbose headers age: '187',
1109 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
1109 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6336-LHR',
1109 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1109 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '8',
1109 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.486151,VS0,VE0',
1109 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
1110 silly get cb [ 304,
1110 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1110 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
1110 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1110 silly get etag: '"381DNCTO4BY8XHD84Q4VZRKBA"',
1110 silly get age: '187',
1110 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
1110 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6336-LHR',
1110 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1110 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '8',
1110 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.486151,VS0,VE0',
1110 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
1111 verbose etag from cache
1112 verbose get saving sntp to /home/vagrant/.npm/
1113 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1114 http 304
1115 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1115 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
1115 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1115 verbose headers etag: '"6LUC7X8H3MDDUNX7YF27Q317G"',
1115 verbose headers age: '93',
1115 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
1115 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6347-LHR',
1115 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1115 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '5',
1115 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.485665,VS0,VE0',
1115 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
1116 silly get cb [ 304,
1116 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1116 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
1116 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1116 silly get etag: '"6LUC7X8H3MDDUNX7YF27Q317G"',
1116 silly get age: '93',
1116 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
1116 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6347-LHR',
1116 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1116 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '5',
1116 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.485665,VS0,VE0',
1116 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
1117 verbose etag from cache
1118 verbose get saving boom to /home/vagrant/.npm/
1119 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1120 silly resolveWithNewModule hoek@2.16.3 checking installable status
1121 silly cache add args [ 'hoek@2.x.x', null ]
1122 verbose cache add spec hoek@2.x.x
1123 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
1123 silly cache add raw: 'hoek@2.x.x',
1123 silly cache add scope: null,
1123 silly cache add name: 'hoek',
1123 silly cache add rawSpec: '2.x.x',
1123 silly cache add spec: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0',
1123 silly cache add type: 'range' }
1124 silly addNamed hoek@>=2.0.0 <3.0.0
1125 verbose addNamed ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0" is a valid semver range for hoek
1126 silly addNameRange { name: 'hoek', range: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0', hasData: false }
1127 silly mapToRegistry name hoek
1128 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1129 silly mapToRegistry registry
1130 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1130 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'hoek',
1130 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1130 silly mapToRegistry name: 'hoek',
1130 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1130 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1130 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1131 silly mapToRegistry uri
1132 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
1133 silly resolveWithNewModule cryptiles@2.0.5 checking installable status
1134 silly cache add args [ 'cryptiles@2.x.x', null ]
1135 verbose cache add spec cryptiles@2.x.x
1136 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
1136 silly cache add raw: 'cryptiles@2.x.x',
1136 silly cache add scope: null,
1136 silly cache add name: 'cryptiles',
1136 silly cache add rawSpec: '2.x.x',
1136 silly cache add spec: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0',
1136 silly cache add type: 'range' }
1137 silly addNamed cryptiles@>=2.0.0 <3.0.0
1138 verbose addNamed ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0" is a valid semver range for cryptiles
1139 silly addNameRange { name: 'cryptiles', range: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0', hasData: false }
1140 silly mapToRegistry name cryptiles
1141 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1142 silly mapToRegistry registry
1143 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1143 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'cryptiles',
1143 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1143 silly mapToRegistry name: 'cryptiles',
1143 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1143 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1143 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1144 silly mapToRegistry uri
1145 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
1146 silly resolveWithNewModule sntp@1.0.9 checking installable status
1147 silly cache add args [ 'sntp@1.x.x', null ]
1148 verbose cache add spec sntp@1.x.x
1149 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
1149 silly cache add raw: 'sntp@1.x.x',
1149 silly cache add scope: null,
1149 silly cache add name: 'sntp',
1149 silly cache add rawSpec: '1.x.x',
1149 silly cache add spec: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0',
1149 silly cache add type: 'range' }
1150 silly addNamed sntp@>=1.0.0 <2.0.0
1151 verbose addNamed ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0" is a valid semver range for sntp
1152 silly addNameRange { name: 'sntp', range: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0', hasData: false }
1153 silly mapToRegistry name sntp
1154 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1155 silly mapToRegistry registry
1156 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1156 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'sntp',
1156 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1156 silly mapToRegistry name: 'sntp',
1156 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1156 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1156 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1157 silly mapToRegistry uri
1158 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
1159 silly resolveWithNewModule boom@2.10.1 checking installable status
1160 silly cache add args [ 'boom@2.x.x', null ]
1161 verbose cache add spec boom@2.x.x
1162 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
1162 silly cache add raw: 'boom@2.x.x',
1162 silly cache add scope: null,
1162 silly cache add name: 'boom',
1162 silly cache add rawSpec: '2.x.x',
1162 silly cache add spec: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0',
1162 silly cache add type: 'range' }
1163 silly addNamed boom@>=2.0.0 <3.0.0
1164 verbose addNamed ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0" is a valid semver range for boom
1165 silly addNameRange { name: 'boom', range: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0', hasData: false }
1166 silly mapToRegistry name boom
1167 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1168 silly mapToRegistry registry
1169 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1169 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'boom',
1169 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1169 silly mapToRegistry name: 'boom',
1169 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1169 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1169 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1170 silly mapToRegistry uri
1171 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
1172 verbose get not expired, no request
1173 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'hoek', range: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0', hasData: true }
1174 silly addNameRange versions [ 'hoek',
1174 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.3',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.4',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.5',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.6',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.7',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.8',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.9',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.10',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.11',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.12',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.13',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.14',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.15',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.16',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.17',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.18',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.19',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.0.21',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.4.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.4.3',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.4.4',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.4.5',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.6.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.6.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.7.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.7.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.7.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.7.3',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.7.4',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.7.5',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.7.6',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.8.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.8.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.8.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.8.3',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.8.4',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.8.5',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.9.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.9.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '0.10.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.1.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.4.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.4.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.5.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.5.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '1.5.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.1.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.3.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.4.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.4.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.5.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.5.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.6.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.7.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.8.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.8.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.9.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.9.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.10.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.11.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.11.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.12.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.13.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.13.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.14.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.15.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.16.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.16.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.16.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '2.16.3',
1174 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
1174 silly addNameRange '3.0.1',
1174 silly addNameRange '3.0.2',
1174 silly addNameRange '3.0.3',
1174 silly addNameRange '3.0.4',
1174 silly addNameRange '4.0.0' ] ]
1175 silly addNamed hoek@2.16.3
1176 verbose addNamed "2.16.3" is a plain semver version for hoek
1177 verbose get not expired, no request
1178 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'cryptiles', range: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0', hasData: true }
1179 silly addNameRange versions [ 'cryptiles',
1179 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
1179 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
1179 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
1179 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
1179 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
1179 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
1179 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
1179 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
1179 silly addNameRange '0.2.2',
1179 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
1179 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
1179 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
1179 silly addNameRange '2.0.1',
1179 silly addNameRange '2.0.2',
1179 silly addNameRange '2.0.3',
1179 silly addNameRange '2.0.4',
1179 silly addNameRange '2.0.5',
1179 silly addNameRange '3.0.0' ] ]
1180 silly addNamed cryptiles@2.0.5
1181 verbose addNamed "2.0.5" is a plain semver version for cryptiles
1182 verbose get not expired, no request
1183 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'sntp', range: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0', hasData: true }
1184 silly addNameRange versions [ 'sntp',
1184 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.0',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.0.1',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.2.2',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.2.3',
1184 silly addNameRange '0.2.4',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.4',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.5',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.6',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.7',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.8',
1184 silly addNameRange '1.0.9',
1184 silly addNameRange '2.0.0' ] ]
1185 silly addNamed sntp@1.0.9
1186 verbose addNamed "1.0.9" is a plain semver version for sntp
1187 verbose get not expired, no request
1188 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'boom', range: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0', hasData: true }
1189 silly addNameRange versions [ 'boom',
1189 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.0.2',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.1.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.2',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.3',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.4',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.5',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.6',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.7',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.3.8',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '0.4.2',
1189 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
1189 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '1.1.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '1.1.2',
1189 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '1.2.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.0.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.1.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.2.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.2.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.2.2',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.3.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.4.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.4.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.4.2',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.5.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.5.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.6.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.6.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.7.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.7.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.7.2',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.8.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.9.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.10.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '2.10.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '3.0.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '3.1.0',
1189 silly addNameRange '3.1.1',
1189 silly addNameRange '3.1.2' ] ]
1190 silly addNamed boom@2.10.1
1191 verbose addNamed "2.10.1" is a plain semver version for boom
1192 silly cache afterAdd hoek@2.16.3
1193 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/hoek/2.16.3/package/package.json not in flight; writing
1194 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1195 silly cache afterAdd cryptiles@2.0.5
1196 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/cryptiles/2.0.5/package/package.json not in flight; writing
1197 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1198 silly cache afterAdd sntp@1.0.9
1199 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/sntp/1.0.9/package/package.json not in flight; writing
1200 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1201 silly cache afterAdd boom@2.10.1
1202 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/boom/2.10.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
1203 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1204 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/hoek/2.16.3/package/package.json written
1205 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/cryptiles/2.0.5/package/package.json written
1206 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/sntp/1.0.9/package/package.json written
1207 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/boom/2.10.1/package/package.json written
1208 silly fetchNamedPackageData assert-plus
1209 silly mapToRegistry name assert-plus
1210 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1211 silly mapToRegistry registry
1212 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1212 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'assert-plus',
1212 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1212 silly mapToRegistry name: 'assert-plus',
1212 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1212 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1212 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1213 silly mapToRegistry uri
1214 verbose request uri
1215 verbose request no auth needed
1216 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
1217 verbose etag "CDXANEU9TYY5MJGCB0W7NKCP0"
1218 http request GET
1219 http 304
1220 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1220 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
1220 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1220 verbose headers etag: '"CDXANEU9TYY5MJGCB0W7NKCP0"',
1220 verbose headers age: '105',
1220 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
1220 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6338-LHR',
1220 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1220 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '5',
1220 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.572517,VS0,VE0',
1220 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
1221 silly get cb [ 304,
1221 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1221 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
1221 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1221 silly get etag: '"CDXANEU9TYY5MJGCB0W7NKCP0"',
1221 silly get age: '105',
1221 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
1221 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6338-LHR',
1221 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1221 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '5',
1221 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.572517,VS0,VE0',
1221 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
1222 verbose etag from cache
1223 verbose get saving assert-plus to /home/vagrant/.npm/
1224 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1225 silly resolveWithNewModule assert-plus@0.2.0 checking installable status
1226 silly cache add args [ 'assert-plus@^0.2.0', null ]
1227 verbose cache add spec assert-plus@^0.2.0
1228 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
1228 silly cache add raw: 'assert-plus@^0.2.0',
1228 silly cache add scope: null,
1228 silly cache add name: 'assert-plus',
1228 silly cache add rawSpec: '^0.2.0',
1228 silly cache add spec: '>=0.2.0 <0.3.0',
1228 silly cache add type: 'range' }
1229 silly addNamed assert-plus@>=0.2.0 <0.3.0
1230 verbose addNamed ">=0.2.0 <0.3.0" is a valid semver range for assert-plus
1231 silly addNameRange { name: 'assert-plus', range: '>=0.2.0 <0.3.0', hasData: false }
1232 silly mapToRegistry name assert-plus
1233 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1234 silly mapToRegistry registry
1235 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1235 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'assert-plus',
1235 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1235 silly mapToRegistry name: 'assert-plus',
1235 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1235 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1235 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1236 silly mapToRegistry uri
1237 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
1238 verbose get not expired, no request
1239 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'assert-plus', range: '>=0.2.0 <0.3.0', hasData: true }
1240 silly addNameRange versions [ 'assert-plus',
1240 silly addNameRange [ '0.1.0',
1240 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
1240 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
1240 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
1240 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
1240 silly addNameRange '0.1.5',
1240 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
1240 silly addNameRange '1.0.0' ] ]
1241 silly addNamed assert-plus@0.2.0
1242 verbose addNamed "0.2.0" is a plain semver version for assert-plus
1243 silly cache afterAdd assert-plus@0.2.0
1244 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/assert-plus/0.2.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
1245 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1246 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/assert-plus/0.2.0/package/package.json written
1247 silly fetchNamedPackageData throttleit
1248 silly mapToRegistry name throttleit
1249 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1250 silly mapToRegistry registry
1251 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1251 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'throttleit',
1251 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1251 silly mapToRegistry name: 'throttleit',
1251 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1251 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1251 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1252 silly mapToRegistry uri
1253 verbose request uri
1254 verbose request no auth needed
1255 info attempt registry request try #1 at 8:48:08 AM
1256 verbose etag "DEV52XHNN6KPQTVRSSEWG6FY5"
1257 http request GET
1258 http 304
1259 verbose headers { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1259 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish',
1259 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1259 verbose headers etag: '"DEV52XHNN6KPQTVRSSEWG6FY5"',
1259 verbose headers age: '27',
1259 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive',
1259 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6333-LHR',
1259 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1259 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '1',
1259 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.609519,VS0,VE0',
1259 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' }
1260 silly get cb [ 304,
1260 silly get { date: 'Fri, 29 Apr 2016 08:48:08 GMT',
1260 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
1260 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
1260 silly get etag: '"DEV52XHNN6KPQTVRSSEWG6FY5"',
1260 silly get age: '27',
1260 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
1260 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-lhr6333-LHR',
1260 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
1260 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '1',
1260 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1461919688.609519,VS0,VE0',
1260 silly get vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } ]
1261 verbose etag from cache
1262 verbose get saving throttleit to /home/vagrant/.npm/
1263 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1264 silly resolveWithNewModule throttleit@1.0.0 checking installable status
1265 silly cache add args [ 'throttleit@^1.0.0', null ]
1266 verbose cache add spec throttleit@^1.0.0
1267 silly cache add parsed spec Result {
1267 silly cache add raw: 'throttleit@^1.0.0',
1267 silly cache add scope: null,
1267 silly cache add name: 'throttleit',
1267 silly cache add rawSpec: '^1.0.0',
1267 silly cache add spec: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0',
1267 silly cache add type: 'range' }
1268 silly addNamed throttleit@>=1.0.0 <2.0.0
1269 verbose addNamed ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0" is a valid semver range for throttleit
1270 silly addNameRange { name: 'throttleit', range: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0', hasData: false }
1271 silly mapToRegistry name throttleit
1272 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
1273 silly mapToRegistry registry
1274 silly mapToRegistry data Result {
1274 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'throttleit',
1274 silly mapToRegistry scope: null,
1274 silly mapToRegistry name: 'throttleit',
1274 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '',
1274 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest',
1274 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' }
1275 silly mapToRegistry uri
1276 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
1277 verbose get not expired, no request
1278 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'throttleit', range: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0', hasData: true }
1279 silly addNameRange versions [ 'throttleit', [ '0.0.1', '0.0.2', '1.0.0' ] ]
1280 silly addNamed throttleit@1.0.0
1281 verbose addNamed "1.0.0" is a plain semver version for throttleit
1282 silly cache afterAdd throttleit@1.0.0
1283 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/throttleit/1.0.0/package/package.json not in flight; writing
1284 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1285 verbose afterAdd /home/vagrant/.npm/throttleit/1.0.0/package/package.json written
1286 silly loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree Finishing
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune habitrpg@3.0.0-alpha
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- 2@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- abbrev@1.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- accepts@1.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- acorn-globals@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- acorn-to-esprima@2.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- acorn@1.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- addressparser@0.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- adm-zip@0.4.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- after@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- agent-base@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- semver@5.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- align-text@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- amazon-payments@0.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request@2.34.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xml2js@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- amdefine@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- amplitude@2.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ansi-escapes@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ansi-styles@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- anymatch@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- apidoc-core@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- apidoc@0.13.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- winston@2.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- apn@1.7.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- archive-type@3.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- archy@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- argparse@1.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- arr-diff@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- arr-flatten@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-differ@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-filter@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-find-index@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-flatten@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-map@0.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-reduce@0.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-slice@0.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-union@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-uniq@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- array-unique@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- arraybuffer.slice@0.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- arrify@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- asap@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- asn1.js@4.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- asn1@0.1.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- assert-plus@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- assert@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- assertion-error@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ast-types@0.8.16
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- astw@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- async-each-series@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- async-each@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- async@1.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- aws-sdk@2.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@3.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- sax@1.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- xml2js@0.4.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xmlbuilder@2.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- aws-sign2@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-code-frame@6.7.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-core@6.7.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-eslint@6.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.assign@4.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash.pickby@4.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash._baseiteratee@4.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash.keysin@4.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-generator@6.7.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helper-call-delegate@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helper-define-map@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helper-function-name@6.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helper-get-function-arity@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helper-hoist-variables@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helper-optimise-call-expression@6.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helper-regex@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helper-replace-supers@6.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-helpers@6.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-messages@6.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants@6.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions@6.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions@6.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoped-functions@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping@6.7.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-computed-properties@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-duplicate-keys@6.6.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-for-of@6.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-function-name@6.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-literals@6.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs@6.7.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-object-super@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters@6.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties@6.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-spread@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-sticky-regex@6.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-template-literals@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol@6.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-unicode-regex@6.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-regenerator@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode@6.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-polyfill@6.7.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- core-js@2.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-preset-es2015@6.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-regenerator-runtime@6.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-register@6.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- core-js@2.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-runtime@5.8.38
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-template@6.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-traverse@6.7.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babel-types@6.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babelify@7.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- babylon@6.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- backo2@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- balanced-match@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- base64-arraybuffer@0.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- base64-js@0.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- base64-stream@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- base64-url@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- base64id@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- basic-auth-connect@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- basic-auth@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- batch@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- beeper@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- benchmark@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- better-assert@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bin-build@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bin-check@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bin-pack@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bin-version-check@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- semver@4.3.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bin-version@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bin-wrapper@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- binary-extensions@1.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- binary@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bl@0.9.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- blob@0.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bluebird@3.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bn.js@4.11.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- body-parser@1.15.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- qs@6.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- boolbase@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- boom@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bower-config@0.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- osenv@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bower-endpoint-parser@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bower-json@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bower-logger@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bower-registry-client@0.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- form-data@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- async@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- mime-types@2.0.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hawk@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lru-cache@2.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mkdirp@0.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- oauth-sign@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@2.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request@2.51.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- rimraf@2.2.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bower@1.3.12
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- caseless@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@4.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hawk@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimatch@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mkdirp@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- oauth-sign@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- q@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@1.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request@2.42.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- rimraf@2.2.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- semver@2.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- brace-expansion@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- braces@1.8.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- brorand@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browser-pack@6.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browser-resolve@1.11.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browserify-aes@1.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browserify-cipher@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browserify-des@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browserify-rsa@4.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browserify-sign@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browserify-zlib@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- browserify@12.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@5.0.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bson@0.4.19
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- buffer-crc32@0.2.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- buffer-to-vinyl@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- buffer-xor@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- buffer@3.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- buffers@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bufferstreams@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- buildmail@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- needle@0.10.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- builtin-modules@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- builtin-status-codes@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- byline@4.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- bytes@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- c2dm@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- callsite@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- camelcase@2.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- capture-stack-trace@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cardinal@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- caseless@0.8.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- caw@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- center-align@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chai-as-promised@5.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chai-dom@1.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chai-jquery@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chai-things@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chai@3.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chainsaw@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chalk@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- character-parser@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cheerio@0.19.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chmodr@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- chokidar@1.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cipher-base@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- clap@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- clean-css@2.2.23
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cli-color@0.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cli-cursor@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cli-width@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cliui@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- wordwrap@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- clone-stats@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- clone@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- co@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- coa@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- code-point-at@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- coffee-script@1.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- colors@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- combine-source-map@0.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- convert-source-map@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- combined-stream@0.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- commander@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- component-bind@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- component-emitter@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- component-inherit@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- compressible@2.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- compression@1.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- concat-map@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- config-chain@1.1.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- configstore@0.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- object-assign@2.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- connect-ratelimit@0.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- connect-timeout@1.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- http-errors@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- connect@3.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- console-browserify@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- console-stream@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- constantinople@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- constants-browserify@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- content-disposition@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- content-type@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- contentstream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- convert-source-map@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cookie-parser@1.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- cookie@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cookie-session@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cookie-signature@1.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cookie@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cookiejar@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cookies@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- core-js@1.2.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- coupon-code@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- coveralls@2.11.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- argparse@0.1.16
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- boom@2.10.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- js-yaml@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@5.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request@2.67.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- underscore.string@2.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- crc@3.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- create-ecdh@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- create-error-class@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- create-hash@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- create-hmac@1.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cryptiles@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- crypto-browserify@3.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- csrf@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- css-parse@1.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- css-select@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- css-stringify@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- css-what@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- css@1.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- css-parse@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- csso@1.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- csurf@1.8.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cookie@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- http-errors@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- csv-stringify@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- csv@0.3.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ctype@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- custom-event@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cwise-compiler@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cwise-parser@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cwise@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- cycle@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- d@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- dashdash@1.13.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- assert-plus@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- data-uri-to-buffer@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- date-now@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- dateformat@1.0.2-1.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- deap@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- debug@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- decamelize@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- decompress-tar@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- clone@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- tar-stream@1.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- decompress-tarbz2@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- clone@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- tar-stream@1.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- decompress-targz@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- clone@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- tar-stream@1.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- decompress-unzip@3.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- decompress-zip@0.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- nopt@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- q@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- decompress@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@5.0.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- deep-diff@0.1.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- deep-eql@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- type-detect@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- deep-equal@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- deep-extend@0.2.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- deep-is@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- defaults@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- defined@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- del@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- delayed-stream@0.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- depd@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- deprecated@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- deps-sort@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- des.js@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- destroy@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- detect-indent@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- detective@4.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- di@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- diff@1.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- diffie-hellman@5.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- docco@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- doctrine@0.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- esutils@1.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- dom-serialize@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- dom-serializer@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- domelementtype@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- domain-browser@1.1.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- domain-middleware@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- domelementtype@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- domhandler@2.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- domutils@1.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- download@4.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@5.0.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- got@5.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- duplexer@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- duplexer2@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- duplexer3@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- duplexify@3.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- each-async@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- easydate@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ee-first@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- elliptic@6.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- emitter-component@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- end-of-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- has-binary@0.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- accepts@1.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime-types@2.0.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- negotiator@0.4.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ent@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- entities@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- error-ex@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- errorhandler@1.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- es5-ext@0.10.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- es5-shim@4.5.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- es6-iterator@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- es6-map@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- es6-promise@3.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- es6-set@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- es6-symbol@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- es6-weak-map@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- es6-iterator@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- es6-symbol@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- escape-html@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- escodegen@1.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- esprima@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- estraverse@1.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- esutils@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- source-map@0.1.43
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- escope@3.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- es6-weak-map@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- eslint-config-habitrpg@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- eslint-plugin-babel@3.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- eslint-plugin-mocha@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- ramda@0.21.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- eslint@2.8.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- doctrine@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- esutils@1.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- espree@3.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- acorn-jsx@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- acorn@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@7.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- globals@9.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ignore@3.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- inquirer@0.12.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- cli-width@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- readline2@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | | `-- mute-stream@0.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@4.11.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- optionator@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- fast-levenshtein@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- levn@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- wordwrap@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- pluralize@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- require-uncached@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- caller-path@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | | `-- callsites@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- resolve-from@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- shelljs@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- table@3.7.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- slice-ansi@0.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- tv4@1.2.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- xregexp@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- user-home@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- esmangle-evaluator@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- esprima@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- esrecurse@4.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- estraverse@4.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- estraverse-fb@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- estraverse@4.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- esutils@2.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- etag@1.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- event-emitter@0.3.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- event-stream@3.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- eventemitter2@0.4.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- eventemitter3@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- events@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- evp_bytestokey@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- exec-buffer@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- exec-series@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- executable@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- exit-hook@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- exit@0.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- expand-braces@0.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- braces@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- expand-range@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- is-number@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- repeat-string@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- expand-brackets@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- expand-range@1.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- expect.js@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- express-csv@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- express-session@1.11.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cookie@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- depd@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- uid-safe@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- express-validator@2.20.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@4.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- validator@4.9.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- express@4.13.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- methods@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- negotiator@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vary@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- extend-shallow@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- extend@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- extglob@0.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- extract-zip@1.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- concat-stream@1.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- debug@0.7.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mkdirp@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- extsprintf@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- eyes@0.1.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- falafel@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fancy-log@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fast-levenshtein@1.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- faye-websocket@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fd-slicer@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- figures@1.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- file-entry-cache@1.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- file-type@3.8.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- file-url@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- filename-regex@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- filename-reserved-regex@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- filenamify-url@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- filenamify@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fileset@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@5.0.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fill-range@2.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- finalhandler@0.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- find-index@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- find-up@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- path-exists@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- find-versions@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- findup-sync@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@3.2.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- minimatch@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- firebase-token-generator@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- firebase@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- faye-websocket@0.9.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- websocket-driver@0.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- websocket-extensions@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- first-chunk-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- flagged-respawn@0.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- flat-cache@1.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- for-in@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- for-own@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- foreach@2.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- forever-agent@0.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- form-data@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- async@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- formatio@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- formidable@1.0.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- forwarded@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fresh@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- from@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fs-extra@0.26.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fstream-ignore@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- fstream@1.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- function-bind@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gaze@0.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- generate-function@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- generate-object-property@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- get-pixels@3.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- get-proxy@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- get-res@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- get-stream@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- getobject@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gif-encoder@0.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gifsicle@3.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- glob-base@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- glob-parent@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- glob-stream@3.1.18
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- glob-watcher@0.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- glob@4.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- glob2base@0.0.12
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- globals@8.18.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- globby@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- glob@6.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- globule@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@3.1.21
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@1.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- inherits@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- minimatch@0.2.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- glogg@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- got@6.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- graceful-fs@4.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- graceful-readlink@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- growl@1.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-cli@0.1.13
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- resolve@0.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-contrib-clean@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- rimraf@2.2.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-contrib-copy@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-contrib-cssmin@0.10.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-contrib-stylus@0.20.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-contrib-uglify@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- gzip-size@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- maxmin@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- pretty-bytes@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-contrib-watch@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-hashres@0.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- wrench@1.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-karma@0.12.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-legacy-log-utils@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- colors@0.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- underscore.string@2.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-legacy-log@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- colors@0.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- underscore.string@2.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt-legacy-util@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.1.22
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- grunt@0.4.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- argparse@0.1.16
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- underscore.string@2.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.1.22
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- colors@0.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@3.1.21
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@1.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- iconv-lite@0.2.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- inherits@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- js-yaml@2.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimatch@0.2.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- rimraf@2.2.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-babel@6.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-decompress@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-eslint@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- eslint@1.10.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- espree@2.2.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@5.0.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- handlebars@4.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- inquirer@0.11.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- js-yaml@3.4.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- esprima@2.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mute-stream@0.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readline2@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- source-map@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- source-map@0.5.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- user-home@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-grunt@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-imagemin@2.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- pretty-bytes@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-nodemon@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-rename@1.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-sourcemaps@1.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-uglify@1.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp-util@3.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp.spritesmith@4.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- gulp-util@2.2.20
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- through2@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash._reinterpolate@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.defaults@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.escape@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.template@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.templatesettings@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimist@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- vinyl@0.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xtend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulp@3.9.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- archy@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- semver@4.3.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gulplog@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- gzip-size@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- handlebars-layouts@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- handlebars@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- optimist@0.3.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- har-validator@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- commander@2.9.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- has-binary@0.1.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- has-color@0.1.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- has-cors@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- has-flag@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- has-gulplog@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- has@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- hash.js@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- hasha@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- hawk@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- hoek@0.9.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- home-or-tmp@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- hooker@0.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- hooks-fixed@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- htmlescape@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- htmlparser2@3.8.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- domutils@1.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- entities@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- http-errors@1.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- http-proxy@1.13.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- http-signature@0.10.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- https-browserify@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- https-proxy-agent@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- humanize-url@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- icalendar@0.6.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- iconv-lite@0.4.13
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ieee754@1.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- iferr@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ignore-by-default@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- image-size@0.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- imagemin-gifsicle@4.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- imagemin-jpegtran@4.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- imagemin-optipng@4.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- imagemin-svgo@4.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- imagemin@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@5.0.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- imurmurhash@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- in-app-purchase@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.8.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- request@2.33.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- indent-string@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- repeating@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- indexof@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- infinity-agent@2.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- inflight@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- inherits@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ini@1.3.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- inline-process-browser@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- inline-source-map@0.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- inquirer@0.7.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- insert-module-globals@7.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- insight@0.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- inquirer@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-assign@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- tough-cookie@0.12.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- interpret@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- intersect@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- invariant@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- invert-kv@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- iota-array@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ip-regex@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ipaddr.js@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- irregular-plurals@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-absolute@0.1.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-binary-path@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-buffer@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-builtin-module@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-bzip2@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-dotfile@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-equal-shallow@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-extendable@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-extglob@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-finite@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-gif@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-glob@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-gzip@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-integer@1.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-jpg@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-my-json-valid@2.13.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-natural-number@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-npm@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-number@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-obj@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-path-cwd@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-path-in-cwd@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-path-inside@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-plain-obj@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-png@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-posix-bracket@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-primitive@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-promise@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-property@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-redirect@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-relative@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-resolvable@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-retry-allowed@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-root@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-stream@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-svg@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-tar@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-url@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-utf8@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-valid-glob@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- is-zip@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- isarray@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- isbinaryfile@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- isexe@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- isobject@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- isstream@0.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- istanbul@0.3.22
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- escodegen@1.7.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- esprima@1.2.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- esprima@2.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- estraverse@1.9.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- handlebars@4.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- source-map@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- optionator@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- wordwrap@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- source-map@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- supports-color@3.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- source-map@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- which@1.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- wordwrap@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jade@1.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- clean-css@3.4.12
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- commander@2.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- commander@2.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- source-map@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- source-map@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jasmine-core@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jasmine@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@3.2.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- minimatch@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jasminewd2@0.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jmespath@0.15.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jodid25519@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jpeg-js@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jpegtran-bin@3.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- js-tokens@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- js-yaml@3.5.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- esprima@2.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- js2xmlparser@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jsbn@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jsesc@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- json-content-demux@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- json-schema@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- json-stable-stringify@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- json3@3.2.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- json5@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jsonfile@2.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jsonify@0.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jsonparse@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jsonpointer@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- JSONStream@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jsprim@1.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- jstransformer@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- junk@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- kareem@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- karma-babel-preprocessor@6.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- karma-chai-plugins@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chai-as-promised@5.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chai@3.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- sinon@1.17.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- karma-coverage@0.5.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- escodegen@1.8.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- source-map@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- esprima@2.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- estraverse@1.9.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- fast-levenshtein@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- handlebars@4.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- source-map@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- istanbul@0.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- levn@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- optionator@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- supports-color@3.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- which@1.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- wordwrap@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- karma-mocha-reporter@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- karma-mocha@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- karma-phantomjs-launcher@0.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- karma@0.13.22
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- colors@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- core-js@2.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@7.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- mime@1.3.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- kerberos@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- kew@0.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- keygrip@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- kind-of@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- klaw@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- labeled-stream-splicer@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- latest-version@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- layout@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lazy-cache@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lazy-req@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lazystream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lcid@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lcov-parse@0.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lcov-result-merger@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@5.0.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- levn@0.2.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lexical-scope@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- libbase64@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- libmime@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- libqp@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- liftoff@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- findup-sync@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- glob@5.0.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- linkify-it@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- load-json-file@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lockfile@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._arraycopy@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._arrayeach@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._arraymap@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._baseassign@3.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._baseclone@3.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._basecopy@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._basedifference@3.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._baseflatten@3.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._basefor@3.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._baseindexof@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._basetostring@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._basevalues@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._bindcallback@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._cacheindexof@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._createassigner@3.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._createcache@3.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._escapehtmlchar@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._escapestringchar@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._getnative@3.9.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._htmlescapes@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._isiterateecall@3.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._isnative@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._objecttypes@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._pickbyarray@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._pickbycallback@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._reescape@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._reevaluate@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._reinterpolate@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._reunescapedhtml@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._root@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._shimkeys@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._stack@4.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash._stringtopath@4.7.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.assign@3.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.assigninwith@4.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash.keysin@4.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.clonedeep@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.debounce@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.defaults@3.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.escape@3.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.get@4.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.isarguments@3.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.isarray@3.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.isequal@4.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.isfunction@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.isobject@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.isplainobject@3.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.istypedarray@3.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.keys@3.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.keysin@3.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.memoize@3.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.merge@3.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.omit@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.pick@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.restparam@3.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.template@3.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.templatesettings@3.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.toplainobject@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.tostring@4.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash.values@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lodash@3.10.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- log-driver@1.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- log-symbols@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- log4js@0.6.35
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- semver@4.3.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- logalot@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- loggly@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- boom@2.10.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@5.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request@2.67.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lolex@1.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- longest@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- loose-envify@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- loud-rejection@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lowercase-keys@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lpad-align@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lpad@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lru-cache@2.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- lru-queue@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mailcomposer@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- map-obj@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- map-stream@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- markdown-it@5.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- marked@0.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- maxmin@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mdurl@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- media-typer@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mem@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- memoizee@0.3.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- meow@3.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- merge-descriptors@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- merge-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- method-override@2.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- methods@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vary@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- methods@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- micromatch@2.3.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- miller-rabin@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mime-db@1.22.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mime-types@2.1.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mime@1.2.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- minimalistic-assert@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- minimatch@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- minimist@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mkdirp@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- minimist@0.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mkpath@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mocha@2.4.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- commander@2.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@3.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- jade@0.26.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- commander@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- mkdirp@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimatch@0.2.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- supports-color@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- module-deps@4.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- moment@2.10.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mongodb-core@1.2.24
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mongodb@2.0.49
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- es6-promise@2.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.0.31
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mongoose-id-autoinc@2013.7.14-4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mongoose@4.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- async@0.9.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mongoskin@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bson@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- mongodb@1.3.19
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- morgan@1.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mout@0.9.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mpath@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mpns@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mpromise@0.5.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mquery@1.6.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- bluebird@2.9.26
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ms@0.7.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- multiparty@3.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- multipipe@0.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- duplexer2@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- muri@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- mute-stream@0.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nconf@0.8.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cliui@3.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- window-size@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- yargs@3.32.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ndarray-fill@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ndarray-pack@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ndarray@1.0.18
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- needle@0.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- negotiator@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nested-error-stacks@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- new-from@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- newrelic@1.26.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- agent-base@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- https-proxy-agent@0.3.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.1.13
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- semver@4.3.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- yakaa@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- next-tick@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nib@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@3.2.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimatch@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mkdirp@0.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- sax@0.5.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- stylus@0.45.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nock@2.18.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- debug@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- ms@0.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- node-bitmap@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- node-forge@0.6.39
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- node-gcm@0.9.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- debug@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- node-status-codes@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- node-uuid@1.4.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nodemailer-direct-transport@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nodemailer-smtp-transport@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nodemailer-wellknown@0.1.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nodemailer@1.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nodemon@1.9.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- configstore@1.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- got@3.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- object-assign@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- latest-version@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- package-json@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- registry-url@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- semver-diff@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- string-length@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- touch@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- update-notifier@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xdg-basedir@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nomnom@1.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nopt@3.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- noptify@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- nopt@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- normalize-path@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- normalize-url@1.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- npmconf@2.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- semver@4.3.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- nth-check@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- number-is-nan@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- oauth-sign@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- oauth@0.9.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- obj-extend@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- object-assign@4.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- object-component@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- object-inspect@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- object-keys@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- object-path@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- object.omit@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- omggif@1.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- on-finished@2.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- on-headers@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- once@1.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- onetime@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- opn@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- optimist@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- minimist@0.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- optional@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- optionator@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- options@0.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- optipng-bin@3.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- orchestrator@0.3.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- end-of-stream@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ordered-read-streams@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- os-browserify@0.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- os-filter-obj@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- os-homedir@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- os-locale@1.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- os-name@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- os-tmpdir@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- osenv@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- osx-release@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- p-throttler@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- q@0.9.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- package-json@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- got@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- object-assign@0.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pageres@4.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.escape@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.keys@4.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash.template@4.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pako@0.2.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parents@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parse-asn1@5.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parse-cookie-phantomjs@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parse-data-uri@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parse-glob@3.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parse-json@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parsejson@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parseqs@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parseuri@0.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- parseurl@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- passport-facebook@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- passport-oauth2@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- passport-strategy@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- passport@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- path-browserify@0.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- path-exists@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- path-is-inside@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- path-platform@0.11.15
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- path-to-regexp@0.1.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- path-type@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pause-stream@0.0.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pause@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- paypal-ipn@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- paypal-rest-sdk@1.6.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pbkdf2@3.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pend@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- boom@2.10.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@5.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request-progress@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request@2.67.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- throttleit@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- which@1.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- phantomjs@1.9.20
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- boom@2.10.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@5.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request-progress@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request@2.67.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- throttleit@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- which@1.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pify@2.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pinkie@2.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pipe-event@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pixelsmith@1.3.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- concat-stream@1.4.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pkginfo@0.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- plur@2.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pngjs2@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- prelude-ls@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- prepend-http@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- preserve@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pretty-bytes@0.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pretty-data@0.40.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pretty-hrtime@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- private@0.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- process@0.11.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- progress@1.1.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- promise@6.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- promptly@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- propagate@0.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- proto-list@1.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- protocolify@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- path-exists@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- protractor@3.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- boom@2.10.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- extend@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@6.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@5.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- request@2.67.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- source-map-support@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- source-map@0.1.32
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- proxy-addr@1.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ps-tree@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- public-encrypt@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- pump@0.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- once@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- punycode@1.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- push-notify@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lodash@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- q@1.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- qs@0.6.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- query-string@3.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- querystring-es3@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- querystring@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- quote-stream@0.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ramda@0.18.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- random-bytes@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- randomatic@1.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- randombytes@2.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- range-parser@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- raw-body@2.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- bytes@2.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- rc@1.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- deep-extend@0.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- read-all-stream@3.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- read-json-sync@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- read-only-stream@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- read-pkg@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- read@1.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- readable-stream@1.0.27-1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- readdirp@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- readline2@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- recast@0.11.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- esprima@2.7.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- rechoir@0.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- redent@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- redeyed@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- reduce-component@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- regenerate@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- regex-cache@0.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- regexp-clone@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- regexpu-core@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- registry-url@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- regjsgen@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- regjsparser@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- remarkable@1.6.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- argparse@0.1.16
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | +-- underscore.string@2.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- autolinker@0.15.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- repeat-element@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- repeat-string@1.5.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- repeating@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- replace-ext@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- request-progress@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- request-replay@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- request@2.44.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- caseless@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- hawk@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- oauth-sign@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@1.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- requires-port@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- resolve@1.1.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- response-time@2.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- depd@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- restore-cursor@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- retry@0.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- rewire@2.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- right-align@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- rimraf@2.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- glob@7.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ripemd160@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- rndm@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- run-async@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- run-sequence@1.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- rx-lite@3.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- rx@2.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- s3-upload-stream@1.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- samsam@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- saucelabs@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- save-pixels@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- jpeg-js@0.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sax@0.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- scmp@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- secure-keys@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- seek-bzip@1.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- commander@2.8.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- selenium-webdriver@2.52.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- adm-zip@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- tmp@0.0.24
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xml2js@0.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- semver-diff@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- semver@2.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- semver-regex@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- semver-truncate@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- semver@5.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- send@0.13.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- mime@1.3.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sequencify@0.0.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- serve-favicon@2.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- serve-index@1.7.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- negotiator@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- serve-static@1.10.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- set-immediate-shim@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sha.js@2.4.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- shallow-copy@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- shasum@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- shebang-regex@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- shell-quote@1.4.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- shelljs@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sigmund@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- signal-exit@2.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sinon-chai@2.8.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sinon@1.17.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- slash@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sliced@0.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- slide@1.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- smtp-connection@1.3.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sntp@0.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- debug@0.7.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- component-emitter@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- json3@3.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +--
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sort-keys@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- source-map-support@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- source-map@0.1.32
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- source-map@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sparkles@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- spdx-exceptions@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- split@0.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sprintf-js@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- spritesheet-templates@10.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- handlebars@3.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- source-map@0.1.43
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- underscore.string@3.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- underscore@1.4.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- spritesmith@1.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- semver@5.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- squeak@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sshpk@1.7.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- asn1@0.2.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stack-trace@0.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stat-mode@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- static-eval@0.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- escodegen@0.0.28
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- estraverse@1.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- static-module@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- concat-stream@1.4.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- duplexer2@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- statuses@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stream-browserify@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stream-combiner@0.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stream-combiner2@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stream-consume@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stream-counter@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stream-http@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stream-splicer@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strict-uri-encode@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- string-length@0.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@0.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- string-width@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stringify-object@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stringstream@0.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strip-ansi@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strip-bom-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strip-bom@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strip-dirs@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strip-indent@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strip-json-comments@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strip-outer@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- strip-url-auth@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stripe@4.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- qs@2.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- stylus@0.49.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- glob@3.2.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- minimatch@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mkdirp@0.3.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- sax@0.5.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- source-map@0.1.43
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- subarg@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- sum-up@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- superagent-defaults@0.1.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- superagent@1.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.9.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- form-data@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime-types@2.0.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime@1.3.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- qs@2.3.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- supports-color@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- svgo@0.6.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- colors@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- sax@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- swagger-node-express@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- body-parser@1.13.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bytes@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- commander@2.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- compression@1.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- content-disposition@0.5.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- cookie@0.1.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- depd@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- destroy@1.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- escape-html@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- express@3.21.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | | `-- connect@2.30.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- finalhandler@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- iconv-lite@0.4.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@1.3.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- merge-descriptors@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- methods@1.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- mime@1.3.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- morgan@1.6.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- negotiator@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- pause@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- qs@4.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- send@0.13.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vary@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- syntax-error@1.1.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tar-fs@0.5.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tar-stream@0.4.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tempfile@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- text-table@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- throttleit@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- through@2.3.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- through2-concurrent@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- through2-filter@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- through2@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tildify@1.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- time-stamp@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- timed-out@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- timers-browserify@1.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- timers-ext@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- timespan@2.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tiny-lr-fork@0.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- debug@0.7.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- qs@0.5.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tmp@0.0.23
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- to-absolute-glob@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- to-array@0.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- to-arraybuffer@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- to-csv@0.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- touch@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- nopt@1.0.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tough-cookie@2.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- transformers@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- is-promise@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- optimist@0.3.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- promise@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- source-map@0.1.43
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- uglify-js@2.2.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- traverse@0.3.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- trim-newlines@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- trim-repeated@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- trim-right@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tryit@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tty-browserify@0.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tunnel-agent@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- tweetnacl@0.14.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- type-check@0.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- type-detect@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- type-is@1.6.12
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- typedarray@0.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uc.micro@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uglify-js@2.3.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- optimist@0.3.7
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- source-map@0.1.43
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uglify-save-license@0.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uglify-to-browserify@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uid-number@0.0.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uid-safe@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uid2@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ultron@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- umd@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- undefsafe@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- underscore.string@2.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- underscore@1.6.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uniq@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- unique-stream@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- universal-analytics@0.3.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- async@0.2.10
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- unpipe@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- unreachable-branch-transform@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- unzip-response@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- update-notifier@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uri-path@0.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- url-parse-lax@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- url-regex@3.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- url@0.11.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- punycode@1.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- url2@1.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- punycode@1.3.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- url@0.10.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- user-home@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- useragent@2.1.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- lru-cache@2.2.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- utf8@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- util@0.10.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- utils-merge@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- uuid@2.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- v8flags@2.0.11
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vali-date@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- validator@4.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vary@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- verror@1.3.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vhost@3.0.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- viewport-list@4.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- create-error-class@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- got@4.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- pinkie-promise@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- pinkie@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vinyl-assign@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vinyl-buffer@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vinyl-fs@0.3.14
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- clone@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- strip-bom@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vinyl-source-stream@1.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- clone@0.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.6.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vinyl-sourcemaps-apply@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vinyl-transform@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- bl@0.7.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- through2@0.4.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vinyl@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- vm-browserify@0.0.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- void-elements@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- w3counter@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- create-error-class@2.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- got@4.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- pinkie-promise@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- pinkie@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ware@1.3.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- whet.extend@0.9.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- which@1.0.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- win-release@1.1.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- window-size@0.1.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- winston@2.2.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- async@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- with@4.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- wns@0.5.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- wordwrap@0.0.3
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- wrap-ansi@2.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- wrap-fn@0.1.5
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- wrappy@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- wrench@1.5.9
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- write-file-atomic@1.1.4
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- write@0.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- ws@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xdg-basedir@1.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xml-crypto@0.1.25
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xmldom@0.1.16
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xml-escape@1.0.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xml2js@0.4.16
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | +-- lodash@4.11.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- xmlbuilder@4.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xmlbuilder@8.2.2
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xmldom-fork-fixed@0.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xmldom@0.1.19
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xmlhttprequest-ssl@1.5.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xpath.js@1.0.6
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- xtend@4.0.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- y18n@3.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- yargs@3.10.0
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune | `-- camelcase@1.2.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune +-- yauzl@2.4.1
1287 silly idealTree:prePrune `-- yeast@0.1.2
1288 silly loadIdealTree Finishing
1289 silly currentTree habitrpg@3.0.0-alpha
1289 silly currentTree +-- 2@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- abbrev@1.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- accepts@1.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- acorn-globals@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- acorn-to-esprima@2.0.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- acorn@1.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- addressparser@0.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- adm-zip@0.4.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- after@0.8.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- agent-base@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- semver@5.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- align-text@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- amazon-payments@0.0.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- request@2.34.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xml2js@0.4.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- amdefine@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- amplitude@2.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- ansi-escapes@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- ansi-styles@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- anymatch@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- apidoc-core@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- apidoc@0.13.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- winston@2.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- apn@1.7.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- archive-type@3.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- archy@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- argparse@1.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- arr-diff@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- arr-flatten@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-differ@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-filter@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-find-index@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-flatten@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-map@0.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-reduce@0.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-slice@0.2.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-union@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-uniq@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- array-unique@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- arraybuffer.slice@0.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- arrify@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- asap@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- asn1.js@4.5.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- asn1@0.1.11
1289 silly currentTree +-- assert-plus@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- assert@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- assertion-error@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- ast-types@0.8.16
1289 silly currentTree +-- astw@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- async-each-series@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- async-each@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- async@1.5.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- aws-sdk@2.3.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@3.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- sax@1.1.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- xml2js@0.4.15
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xmlbuilder@2.6.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- aws-sign2@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-code-frame@6.7.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-core@6.7.6
1289 silly currentTree | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-eslint@6.0.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash.assign@4.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash.pickby@4.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash._baseiteratee@4.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash.keysin@4.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-generator@6.7.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helper-call-delegate@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helper-define-map@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helper-function-name@6.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helper-get-function-arity@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helper-hoist-variables@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helper-optimise-call-expression@6.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helper-regex@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helper-replace-supers@6.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-helpers@6.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-messages@6.7.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants@6.7.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions@6.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions@6.5.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoped-functions@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping@6.7.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-computed-properties@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-duplicate-keys@6.6.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-for-of@6.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-function-name@6.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-literals@6.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs@6.7.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-object-super@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters@6.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties@6.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-spread@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-sticky-regex@6.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-template-literals@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol@6.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-unicode-regex@6.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-regenerator@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode@6.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-polyfill@6.7.4
1289 silly currentTree | `-- core-js@2.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-preset-es2015@6.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-regenerator-runtime@6.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-register@6.7.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- core-js@2.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-runtime@5.8.38
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-template@6.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-traverse@6.7.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- babel-types@6.7.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- babelify@7.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- babylon@6.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- backo2@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- balanced-match@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- base64-arraybuffer@0.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- base64-js@0.0.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- base64-stream@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- base64-url@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- base64id@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- basic-auth-connect@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- basic-auth@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- batch@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- beeper@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- benchmark@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- better-assert@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- bin-build@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- bin-check@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- bin-pack@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- bin-version-check@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- semver@4.3.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- bin-version@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- bin-wrapper@3.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- binary-extensions@1.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- binary@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- bl@0.9.5
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree +-- blob@0.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- bluebird@3.3.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- bn.js@4.11.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- body-parser@1.15.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- qs@6.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- boolbase@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- boom@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- bower-config@0.5.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- osenv@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- bower-endpoint-parser@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- bower-json@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- bower-logger@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- bower-registry-client@0.2.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | +-- form-data@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- async@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- mime-types@2.0.14
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hawk@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lru-cache@2.3.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mkdirp@0.3.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@2.3.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- request@2.51.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- rimraf@2.2.8
1289 silly currentTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- bower@1.3.12
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- caseless@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@4.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hawk@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mkdirp@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- q@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@1.2.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- request@2.42.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- rimraf@2.2.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- semver@2.3.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- brace-expansion@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- braces@1.8.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- brorand@1.0.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- browser-pack@6.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- browser-resolve@1.11.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- browserify-aes@1.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- browserify-cipher@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- browserify-des@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- browserify-rsa@4.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- browserify-sign@4.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- browserify-zlib@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- browserify@12.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- bson@0.4.19
1289 silly currentTree +-- buffer-crc32@0.2.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- buffer-to-vinyl@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- buffer-xor@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- buffer@3.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- buffers@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- bufferstreams@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- buildmail@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- needle@0.10.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- builtin-modules@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- builtin-status-codes@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- byline@4.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- bytes@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- c2dm@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- callsite@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- camelcase@2.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- capture-stack-trace@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- cardinal@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- caseless@0.8.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- caw@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- center-align@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- chai-as-promised@5.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- chai-dom@1.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- chai-jquery@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- chai-things@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- chai@3.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- chainsaw@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- chalk@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- character-parser@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- cheerio@0.19.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- chmodr@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- chokidar@1.4.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- cipher-base@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- clap@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- clean-css@2.2.23
1289 silly currentTree +-- cli-color@0.3.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- cli-cursor@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- cli-width@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- cliui@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- wordwrap@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- clone-stats@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- clone@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- co@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- coa@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- code-point-at@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- coffee-script@1.3.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- colors@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- combine-source-map@0.7.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- convert-source-map@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- combined-stream@0.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- commander@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- component-bind@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- component-emitter@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- component-inherit@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- compressible@2.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- compression@1.6.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- concat-map@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- config-chain@1.1.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- configstore@0.3.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | `-- object-assign@2.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- connect-ratelimit@0.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- connect-timeout@1.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- http-errors@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- connect@3.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- console-browserify@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- console-stream@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- constantinople@3.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- constants-browserify@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- content-disposition@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- content-type@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- contentstream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree +-- convert-source-map@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- cookie-parser@1.3.5
1289 silly currentTree | `-- cookie@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- cookie-session@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- cookie-signature@1.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- cookie@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- cookiejar@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- cookies@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- core-js@1.2.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- coupon-code@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- coveralls@2.11.9
1289 silly currentTree | +-- argparse@0.1.16
1289 silly currentTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- boom@2.10.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- js-yaml@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@5.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree | +-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- underscore.string@2.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- crc@3.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- create-ecdh@4.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- create-error-class@3.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- create-hash@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- create-hmac@1.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- cryptiles@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- crypto-browserify@3.11.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- csrf@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- css-parse@1.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- css-select@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- css-stringify@1.0.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- css-what@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- css@1.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | `-- css-parse@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- csso@1.8.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- csurf@1.8.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- cookie@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- http-errors@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- csv-stringify@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- csv@0.3.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- ctype@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- custom-event@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- cwise-compiler@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- cwise-parser@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- cwise@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- cycle@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- d@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- dashdash@1.13.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- assert-plus@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- data-uri-to-buffer@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- date-now@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- dateformat@1.0.2-1.2.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- deap@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- debug@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- decamelize@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- decompress-tar@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bl@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- clone@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- tar-stream@1.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- decompress-tarbz2@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bl@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- clone@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- tar-stream@1.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- decompress-targz@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bl@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- clone@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- tar-stream@1.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- decompress-unzip@3.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- decompress-zip@0.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- nopt@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- q@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- decompress@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- deep-diff@0.1.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- deep-eql@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- type-detect@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- deep-equal@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- deep-extend@0.2.11
1289 silly currentTree +-- deep-is@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- defaults@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- defined@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- del@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- delayed-stream@0.0.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- depd@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- deprecated@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- deps-sort@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- des.js@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- destroy@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- detect-indent@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- detective@4.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- di@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- diff@1.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- diffie-hellman@5.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- docco@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- doctrine@0.7.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- esutils@1.1.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- dom-serialize@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- dom-serializer@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- domelementtype@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- domain-browser@1.1.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- domain-middleware@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- domelementtype@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- domhandler@2.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- domutils@1.4.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- download@4.4.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1289 silly currentTree | +-- got@5.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- duplexer@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- duplexer2@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- duplexer3@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- duplexify@3.4.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- each-async@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- easydate@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- ecc-jsbn@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- ee-first@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- elliptic@6.2.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- emitter-component@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- end-of-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree | `-- has-binary@0.1.6
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree | +-- accepts@1.1.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime-types@2.0.14
1289 silly currentTree | `-- negotiator@0.4.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- ent@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- entities@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- error-ex@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- errorhandler@1.4.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- es5-ext@0.10.11
1289 silly currentTree +-- es5-shim@4.5.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- es6-iterator@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- es6-map@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- es6-promise@3.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- es6-set@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- es6-symbol@3.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- es6-weak-map@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- es6-iterator@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- es6-symbol@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- escape-html@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- escodegen@1.3.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- esprima@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- estraverse@1.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- esutils@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- source-map@0.1.43
1289 silly currentTree +-- escope@3.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- es6-weak-map@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- eslint-config-habitrpg@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- eslint-plugin-babel@3.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- eslint-plugin-mocha@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- ramda@0.21.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- eslint@2.8.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- doctrine@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- esutils@1.1.6
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- espree@3.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- acorn-jsx@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- acorn@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@7.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- globals@9.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ignore@3.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- inquirer@0.12.0
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- cli-width@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- readline2@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | | `-- mute-stream@0.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@4.11.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- optionator@0.8.1
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- fast-levenshtein@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- levn@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- wordwrap@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- pluralize@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- require-uncached@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- caller-path@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | | | `-- callsites@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- resolve-from@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- shelljs@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- table@3.7.8
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- slice-ansi@0.0.4
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- tv4@1.2.7
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- xregexp@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- user-home@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- esmangle-evaluator@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- esprima@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- esrecurse@4.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- estraverse@4.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- estraverse-fb@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- estraverse@4.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- esutils@2.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- etag@1.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- event-emitter@0.3.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- event-stream@3.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- eventemitter2@0.4.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- eventemitter3@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- events@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- evp_bytestokey@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- exec-buffer@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- exec-series@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- executable@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- exit-hook@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- exit@0.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- expand-braces@0.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- braces@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- expand-range@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- is-number@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- repeat-string@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- expand-brackets@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- expand-range@1.8.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- expect.js@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- express-csv@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- express-session@1.11.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- cookie@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- depd@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- uid-safe@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- express-validator@2.20.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@4.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- validator@4.9.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- express@4.13.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1289 silly currentTree | +-- methods@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- negotiator@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@4.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vary@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- extend-shallow@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- extend@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- extglob@0.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- extract-zip@1.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- concat-stream@1.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- debug@0.7.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mkdirp@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- extsprintf@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- eyes@0.1.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- falafel@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- fancy-log@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- fast-levenshtein@1.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- faye-websocket@0.4.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- fd-slicer@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- figures@1.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- file-entry-cache@1.2.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- file-type@3.8.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- file-url@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- filename-regex@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- filename-reserved-regex@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- filenamify-url@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- filenamify@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- fileset@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1289 silly currentTree | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- fill-range@2.2.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- finalhandler@0.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- find-index@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- find-up@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- path-exists@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- find-versions@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- findup-sync@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@3.2.11
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- minimatch@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- firebase-token-generator@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- firebase@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- faye-websocket@0.9.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- websocket-driver@0.5.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- websocket-extensions@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- first-chunk-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- flagged-respawn@0.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- flat-cache@1.0.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- for-in@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- for-own@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- foreach@2.0.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- forever-agent@0.5.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- form-data@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree | `-- async@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- formatio@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- formidable@1.0.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- forwarded@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- fresh@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- from@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- fs-extra@0.26.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- fstream-ignore@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- fstream@1.0.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- function-bind@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- gaze@0.5.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- generate-function@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- generate-object-property@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- get-pixels@3.2.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- get-proxy@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- get-res@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- get-stream@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- getobject@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- gif-encoder@0.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- gifsicle@3.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- glob-base@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- glob-parent@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- glob-stream@3.1.18
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- glob-watcher@0.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- glob@4.5.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- glob2base@0.0.12
1289 silly currentTree +-- globals@8.18.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- globby@4.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- glob@6.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- globule@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@3.1.21
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@1.2.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- inherits@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- minimatch@0.2.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- glogg@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- got@6.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- graceful-fs@4.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- graceful-readlink@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- growl@1.8.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-cli@0.1.13
1289 silly currentTree | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- resolve@0.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-contrib-clean@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- rimraf@2.2.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-contrib-copy@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-contrib-cssmin@0.10.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-contrib-stylus@0.20.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-contrib-uglify@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- gzip-size@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- maxmin@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- pretty-bytes@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-contrib-watch@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-hashres@0.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- wrench@1.4.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-karma@0.12.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-legacy-log-utils@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- colors@0.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- underscore.string@2.3.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-legacy-log@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- colors@0.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- underscore.string@2.3.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt-legacy-util@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.1.22
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- grunt@0.4.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- argparse@0.1.16
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- underscore.string@2.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.1.22
1289 silly currentTree | +-- colors@0.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@3.1.21
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@1.2.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- iconv-lite@0.2.11
1289 silly currentTree | +-- inherits@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- js-yaml@2.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@0.2.14
1289 silly currentTree | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1289 silly currentTree | +-- rimraf@2.2.8
1289 silly currentTree | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-babel@6.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-decompress@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-eslint@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- eslint@1.10.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- espree@2.2.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- inquirer@0.11.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- js-yaml@3.4.5
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- esprima@2.7.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mute-stream@0.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readline2@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- source-map@0.4.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- source-map@0.5.5
1289 silly currentTree | `-- user-home@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-grunt@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-imagemin@2.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- pretty-bytes@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-nodemon@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-rename@1.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-sourcemaps@1.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-uglify@1.5.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp-util@3.0.7
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp.spritesmith@4.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
1289 silly currentTree | +-- gulp-util@2.2.20
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- through2@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash._reinterpolate@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash.defaults@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash.escape@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash.template@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash.templatesettings@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimist@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- vinyl@0.2.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xtend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulp@3.9.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- archy@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- semver@4.3.6
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- gulplog@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- gzip-size@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- handlebars-layouts@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- handlebars@2.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- har-validator@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- commander@2.9.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- has-binary@0.1.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- has-color@0.1.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- has-cors@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- has-flag@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- has-gulplog@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- has@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- hash.js@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- hasha@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- hawk@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- hoek@0.9.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- home-or-tmp@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- hooker@0.2.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- hooks-fixed@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.4
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1289 silly currentTree +-- htmlparser2@3.8.3
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1289 silly currentTree +-- http-errors@1.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- http-proxy@1.13.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- http-signature@0.10.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- https-browserify@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- https-proxy-agent@1.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- humanize-url@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- icalendar@0.6.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- iconv-lite@0.4.13
1289 silly currentTree +-- ieee754@1.1.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- iferr@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- ignore-by-default@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- image-size@0.3.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- imagemin-gifsicle@4.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- imagemin-jpegtran@4.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- imagemin-optipng@4.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- imagemin-svgo@4.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- imagemin@4.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- imurmurhash@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- in-app-purchase@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.8.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- request@2.33.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- indexof@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- infinity-agent@2.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- inflight@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- inherits@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- ini@1.3.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- inline-process-browser@2.0.1
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1289 silly currentTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- inline-source-map@0.6.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- inquirer@0.7.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- insight@0.4.3
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- inquirer@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- intersect@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- invariant@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- invert-kv@1.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- is-buffer@1.1.3
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1289 silly currentTree +-- is-jpg@1.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- is-npm@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-number@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-obj@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-path-cwd@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-path-in-cwd@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-path-inside@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-plain-obj@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-png@1.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- is-promise@2.1.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- is-relative@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-resolvable@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-retry-allowed@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-root@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-stream@1.1.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- is-tar@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-typedarray@1.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- is-utf8@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-valid-glob@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- is-zip@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- isarray@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- isbinaryfile@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- isexe@1.1.2
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1289 silly currentTree +-- isstream@0.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- istanbul@0.3.22
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- handlebars@4.0.5
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- optionator@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- wordwrap@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- source-map@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- supports-color@3.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- source-map@0.5.3
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- clean-css@3.4.12
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- source-map@0.4.4
1289 silly currentTree | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- source-map@0.5.3
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1289 silly currentTree +-- jasmine@2.4.1
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1289 silly currentTree +-- jasminewd2@0.0.8
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1289 silly currentTree +-- jpegtran-bin@3.0.6
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1289 silly currentTree +-- jsbn@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- jsesc@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- json-content-demux@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- json-schema@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- json-stable-stringify@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- json3@3.2.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- json5@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- jsonfile@2.2.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- jsonify@0.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- jsonparse@1.2.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- JSONStream@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- jsprim@1.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- jstransformer@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- junk@1.0.2
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1289 silly currentTree +-- karma-chai-plugins@0.6.1
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- chai@3.4.1
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- escodegen@1.8.0
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- source-map@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- esprima@2.7.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- estraverse@1.9.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- fast-levenshtein@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- handlebars@4.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- source-map@0.4.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- istanbul@0.4.3
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | +-- which@1.2.4
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.1
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1289 silly currentTree +-- karma-phantomjs-launcher@0.2.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- karma@0.13.22
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1289 silly currentTree +-- latest-version@0.2.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- lazy-req@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lazystream@1.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
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1289 silly currentTree | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- levn@0.2.5
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1289 silly currentTree +-- libbase64@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- libmime@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- libqp@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- liftoff@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- findup-sync@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- glob@5.0.15
1289 silly currentTree +-- linkify-it@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- load-json-file@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lockfile@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._arraycopy@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._arrayeach@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._arraymap@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._baseassign@3.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._baseclone@3.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._basecopy@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._basedifference@3.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._baseflatten@3.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._basefor@3.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._baseindexof@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._basetostring@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._basevalues@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._bindcallback@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._cacheindexof@3.0.2
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1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._createcache@3.1.2
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1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._escapestringchar@2.4.1
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1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._htmlescapes@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._isiterateecall@3.0.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._isnative@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._objecttypes@2.4.1
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1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._pickbycallback@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._reescape@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._reevaluate@3.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._root@3.0.1
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1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._stack@4.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash._stringtopath@4.7.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.assign@3.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.assigninwith@4.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash.keysin@4.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.clonedeep@3.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.debounce@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.defaults@3.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.escape@3.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.get@4.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.isarguments@3.0.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.isarray@3.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.isequal@4.1.4
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.isfunction@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.isobject@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.isplainobject@3.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.istypedarray@3.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.keys@3.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.keysin@3.0.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.memoize@3.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.merge@3.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.omit@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.pick@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.restparam@3.6.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.template@3.6.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.templatesettings@3.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.toplainobject@3.0.0
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1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash.values@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lodash@3.10.1
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1289 silly currentTree +-- log-symbols@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- log4js@0.6.35
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- semver@4.3.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- logalot@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- loggly@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- boom@2.10.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@5.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- lolex@1.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- longest@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- loose-envify@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- loud-rejection@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lowercase-keys@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lpad-align@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- lpad@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- lru-cache@2.5.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- lru-queue@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mailcomposer@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- map-obj@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- map-stream@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- markdown-it@5.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- marked@0.3.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- maxmin@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mdurl@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- media-typer@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mem@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- memoizee@0.3.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- meow@3.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- merge-descriptors@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- merge-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- method-override@2.3.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- methods@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vary@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- methods@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- micromatch@2.3.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- miller-rabin@4.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mime-db@1.22.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mime-types@2.1.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- mime@1.2.11
1289 silly currentTree +-- minimalistic-assert@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- minimatch@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- minimist@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mkdirp@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- minimist@0.0.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- mkpath@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mocha@2.4.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- commander@2.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@3.2.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- jade@0.26.3
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- commander@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- mkdirp@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@0.2.14
1289 silly currentTree | `-- supports-color@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- module-deps@4.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- moment@2.10.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- mongodb-core@1.2.24
1289 silly currentTree +-- mongodb@2.0.49
1289 silly currentTree | +-- es6-promise@2.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.0.31
1289 silly currentTree +-- mongoose-id-autoinc@2013.7.14-4
1289 silly currentTree +-- mongoose@4.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- async@0.9.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mongoskin@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bson@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- mongodb@1.3.19
1289 silly currentTree +-- morgan@1.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mout@0.9.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- mpath@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- mpns@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mpromise@0.5.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- mquery@1.6.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- bluebird@2.9.26
1289 silly currentTree +-- ms@0.7.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- multiparty@3.3.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- multipipe@0.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- duplexer2@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- muri@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- mute-stream@0.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- nconf@0.8.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- cliui@3.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- window-size@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree | `-- yargs@3.32.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- ndarray-fill@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- ndarray-pack@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- ndarray@1.0.18
1289 silly currentTree +-- needle@0.11.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- negotiator@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- nested-error-stacks@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- new-from@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- newrelic@1.26.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- agent-base@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- https-proxy-agent@0.3.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.1.13
1289 silly currentTree | +-- semver@4.3.6
1289 silly currentTree | `-- yakaa@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- next-tick@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- nib@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@3.2.11
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mkdirp@0.3.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- sax@0.5.8
1289 silly currentTree | `-- stylus@0.45.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- nock@2.18.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- debug@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- ms@0.6.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- node-bitmap@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- node-forge@0.6.39
1289 silly currentTree +-- node-gcm@0.9.15
1289 silly currentTree | `-- debug@0.8.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- node-status-codes@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- node-uuid@1.4.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- nodemailer-direct-transport@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- nodemailer-smtp-transport@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- nodemailer-wellknown@0.1.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- nodemailer@1.11.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- nodemon@1.9.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- configstore@1.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- got@3.3.1
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- object-assign@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- latest-version@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1289 silly currentTree | +-- package-json@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- registry-url@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- semver-diff@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- string-length@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- touch@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- update-notifier@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xdg-basedir@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- nomnom@1.8.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- nopt@3.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- noptify@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- nopt@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- normalize-path@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- normalize-url@1.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- npmconf@2.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- semver@4.3.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- nth-check@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- number-is-nan@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- oauth-sign@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- oauth@0.9.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- obj-extend@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- object-assign@4.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- object-component@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- object-inspect@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- object-keys@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- object-path@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- object.omit@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- omggif@1.0.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- on-finished@2.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- on-headers@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- once@1.3.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- onetime@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- opn@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- optimist@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- minimist@0.0.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- optional@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- optionator@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- options@0.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- optipng-bin@3.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- orchestrator@0.3.7
1289 silly currentTree | `-- end-of-stream@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- ordered-read-streams@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- os-browserify@0.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- os-filter-obj@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- os-homedir@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- os-locale@1.4.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- os-name@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- os-tmpdir@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- osenv@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- osx-release@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- p-throttler@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- q@0.9.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- package-json@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- got@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- object-assign@0.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- pako@0.2.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- parents@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- parse-asn1@5.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- parse-cookie-phantomjs@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- parse-data-uri@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- parse-glob@3.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- parse-json@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- parsejson@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- parseqs@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- parseuri@0.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- parseurl@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- passport-facebook@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- passport-oauth2@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- passport-strategy@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- passport@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- path-browserify@0.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- path-exists@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- path-is-inside@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- path-platform@0.11.15
1289 silly currentTree +-- path-to-regexp@0.1.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- path-type@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- pause-stream@0.0.11
1289 silly currentTree +-- pause@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- paypal-ipn@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- paypal-rest-sdk@1.6.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- pbkdf2@3.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- pend@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- phantomjs@1.9.20
1289 silly currentTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- boom@2.10.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@5.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- request-progress@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree | +-- throttleit@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- which@1.2.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- pify@2.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- pinkie@2.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- pipe-event@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- pixelsmith@1.3.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- concat-stream@1.4.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- pkginfo@0.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- plur@2.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- pngjs2@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- prelude-ls@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- prepend-http@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- preserve@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- pretty-bytes@0.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- pretty-data@0.40.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- pretty-hrtime@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- private@0.1.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- process@0.11.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- progress@1.1.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- promise@6.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- promptly@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- propagate@0.3.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- proto-list@1.2.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- protocolify@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- path-exists@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- protractor@3.2.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- boom@2.10.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@6.0.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@5.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree | +-- source-map-support@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- source-map@0.1.32
1289 silly currentTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- proxy-addr@1.0.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- ps-tree@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- public-encrypt@4.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- pump@0.3.5
1289 silly currentTree | `-- once@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- punycode@1.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- push-notify@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lodash@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- q@1.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- qs@0.6.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- query-string@3.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- querystring-es3@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- querystring@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- quote-stream@0.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- ramda@0.18.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- random-bytes@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- randomatic@1.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- randombytes@2.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- range-parser@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- raw-body@2.1.6
1289 silly currentTree | `-- bytes@2.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- rc@1.1.6
1289 silly currentTree | `-- deep-extend@0.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- read-all-stream@3.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- read-json-sync@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- read-only-stream@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- read-pkg@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- read@1.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- readable-stream@1.0.27-1
1289 silly currentTree +-- readdirp@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- readline2@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- recast@0.11.5
1289 silly currentTree | `-- esprima@2.7.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- rechoir@0.6.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- redent@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- redeyed@0.4.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- reduce-component@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- regenerate@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- regex-cache@0.4.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- regexp-clone@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- regexpu-core@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- registry-url@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- regjsgen@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- regjsparser@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- remarkable@1.6.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- argparse@0.1.16
1289 silly currentTree | | +-- underscore.string@2.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- autolinker@0.15.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- repeat-element@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- repeat-string@1.5.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- repeating@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- replace-ext@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- request-progress@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- request-replay@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- request@2.44.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- caseless@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- hawk@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@1.2.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- requires-port@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- resolve@1.1.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- response-time@2.3.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- depd@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- restore-cursor@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- retry@0.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- rewire@2.5.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- right-align@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- rimraf@2.5.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- glob@7.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- ripemd160@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- rndm@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- run-async@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- run-sequence@1.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- rx-lite@3.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- rx@2.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- s3-upload-stream@1.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- samsam@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- saucelabs@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- save-pixels@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- jpeg-js@0.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- sax@0.6.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- scmp@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- secure-keys@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- seek-bzip@1.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | `-- commander@2.8.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- selenium-webdriver@2.52.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- adm-zip@0.4.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- tmp@0.0.24
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xml2js@0.4.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- semver-diff@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- semver@2.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- semver-regex@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- semver-truncate@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- semver@5.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- send@0.13.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- mime@1.3.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- sequencify@0.0.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- serve-favicon@2.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- serve-index@1.7.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1289 silly currentTree | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- negotiator@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- serve-static@1.10.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- set-immediate-shim@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- sha.js@2.4.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- shallow-copy@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- shasum@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- shebang-regex@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- shell-quote@1.4.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- shelljs@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- sigmund@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- signal-exit@2.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- sinon-chai@2.8.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- sinon@1.17.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- slash@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- sliced@0.0.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- slide@1.1.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- smtp-connection@1.3.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- sntp@0.2.4
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree | `--
1289 silly currentTree | `-- debug@0.7.4
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree | `-- component-emitter@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree | `-- json3@3.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +--
1289 silly currentTree +-- sort-keys@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- source-map-support@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- source-map@0.1.32
1289 silly currentTree +-- source-map@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- sparkles@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- spdx-exceptions@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- split@0.3.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- sprintf-js@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- spritesheet-templates@10.0.1
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1289 silly currentTree | +-- source-map@0.1.43
1289 silly currentTree | +-- underscore.string@3.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- underscore@1.4.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- spritesmith@1.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | `-- semver@5.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- squeak@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- sshpk@1.7.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- asn1@0.2.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- stack-trace@0.0.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- stat-mode@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- static-eval@0.2.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- escodegen@0.0.28
1289 silly currentTree | `-- estraverse@1.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- static-module@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- concat-stream@1.4.10
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree | +-- duplexer2@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- statuses@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- stream-browserify@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- stream-combiner@0.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- stream-combiner2@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- stream-consume@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- stream-counter@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- stream-http@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- stream-splicer@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- strict-uri-encode@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
1289 silly currentTree +-- string-length@0.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@0.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- string-width@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- stringify-object@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- stringstream@0.0.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- strip-ansi@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- strip-bom-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- strip-bom@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- strip-dirs@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- strip-indent@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- strip-json-comments@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- strip-outer@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- strip-url-auth@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- stripe@4.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- qs@2.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- stylus@0.49.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- glob@3.2.11
1289 silly currentTree | +-- minimatch@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mkdirp@0.3.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- sax@0.5.8
1289 silly currentTree | `-- source-map@0.1.43
1289 silly currentTree +-- subarg@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- sum-up@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- superagent-defaults@0.1.14
1289 silly currentTree +-- superagent@1.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- form-data@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime-types@2.0.14
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime@1.3.4
1289 silly currentTree | `-- qs@2.3.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- supports-color@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- svgo@0.6.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- colors@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- sax@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- swagger-node-express@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1289 silly currentTree | +-- body-parser@1.13.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bytes@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- commander@2.6.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- compression@1.5.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- content-disposition@0.5.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- cookie@0.1.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- depd@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- destroy@1.0.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- escape-html@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- express@3.21.2
1289 silly currentTree | | `-- connect@2.30.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- finalhandler@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- iconv-lite@0.4.11
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@1.3.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- merge-descriptors@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- methods@1.1.2
1289 silly currentTree | +-- mime@1.3.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- morgan@1.6.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- negotiator@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree | +-- pause@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- qs@4.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- send@0.13.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vary@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- syntax-error@1.1.6
1289 silly currentTree | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- tar-fs@0.5.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- tar-stream@0.4.7
1289 silly currentTree +-- tempfile@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- text-table@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- throttleit@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- through@2.3.8
1289 silly currentTree +-- through2-concurrent@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- through2-filter@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- through2@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- tildify@1.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- time-stamp@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- timed-out@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- timers-browserify@1.4.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- timers-ext@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- timespan@2.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- tiny-lr-fork@0.0.5
1289 silly currentTree | +-- debug@0.7.4
1289 silly currentTree | `-- qs@0.5.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- tmp@0.0.23
1289 silly currentTree +-- to-absolute-glob@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- to-array@0.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- to-arraybuffer@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- to-csv@0.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- touch@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- nopt@1.0.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- tough-cookie@2.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- transformers@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- is-promise@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- optimist@0.3.7
1289 silly currentTree | +-- promise@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- source-map@0.1.43
1289 silly currentTree | `-- uglify-js@2.2.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- traverse@0.3.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- trim-newlines@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- trim-repeated@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- trim-right@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- tryit@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- tty-browserify@0.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- tunnel-agent@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- tweetnacl@0.14.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- type-check@0.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- type-detect@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- type-is@1.6.12
1289 silly currentTree +-- typedarray@0.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- uc.micro@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- uglify-js@2.3.6
1289 silly currentTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree | +-- optimist@0.3.7
1289 silly currentTree | `-- source-map@0.1.43
1289 silly currentTree +-- uglify-save-license@0.4.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- uglify-to-browserify@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- uid-number@0.0.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- uid-safe@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- uid2@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- ultron@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- umd@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- undefsafe@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- underscore.string@2.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- underscore@1.6.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- uniq@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- unique-stream@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- universal-analytics@0.3.11
1289 silly currentTree | `-- async@0.2.10
1289 silly currentTree +-- unpipe@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- unreachable-branch-transform@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- unzip-response@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- update-notifier@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- uri-path@0.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- url-parse-lax@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- url-regex@3.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- url@0.11.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- punycode@1.3.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- url2@1.0.4
1289 silly currentTree | +-- punycode@1.3.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- url@0.10.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- user-home@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- useragent@2.1.9
1289 silly currentTree | `-- lru-cache@2.2.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- utf8@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- util@0.10.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- utils-merge@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- uuid@2.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- v8flags@2.0.11
1289 silly currentTree +-- vali-date@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- validator@4.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- vary@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- verror@1.3.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- vhost@3.0.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- viewport-list@4.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- create-error-class@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- got@4.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- pinkie-promise@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- pinkie@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- vinyl-assign@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- vinyl-buffer@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- vinyl-fs@0.3.14
1289 silly currentTree | +-- clone@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | +-- strip-bom@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- vinyl-source-stream@1.1.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- clone@0.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1289 silly currentTree | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- vinyl-sourcemaps-apply@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- vinyl-transform@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- bl@0.7.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1289 silly currentTree | +-- through2@0.4.2
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- vinyl@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- vm-browserify@0.0.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- void-elements@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- w3counter@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- create-error-class@2.0.1
1289 silly currentTree | +-- got@4.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | +-- pinkie-promise@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- pinkie@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- ware@1.3.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- whet.extend@0.9.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- which@1.0.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- win-release@1.1.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- window-size@0.1.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- winston@2.2.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- async@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- with@4.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- wns@0.5.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- wordwrap@0.0.3
1289 silly currentTree +-- wrap-ansi@2.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- wrap-fn@0.1.5
1289 silly currentTree +-- wrappy@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- wrench@1.5.9
1289 silly currentTree +-- write-file-atomic@1.1.4
1289 silly currentTree +-- write@0.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- ws@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- xdg-basedir@1.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- xml-crypto@0.1.25
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xmldom@0.1.16
1289 silly currentTree +-- xml-escape@1.0.0
1289 silly currentTree +-- xml2js@0.4.16
1289 silly currentTree | +-- lodash@4.11.1
1289 silly currentTree | `-- xmlbuilder@4.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- xmlbuilder@8.2.2
1289 silly currentTree +-- xmldom-fork-fixed@0.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- xmldom@0.1.19
1289 silly currentTree +-- xmlhttprequest-ssl@1.5.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- xpath.js@1.0.6
1289 silly currentTree +-- xtend@4.0.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- y18n@3.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- yargs@3.10.0
1289 silly currentTree | `-- camelcase@1.2.1
1289 silly currentTree +-- yauzl@2.4.1
1289 silly currentTree `-- yeast@0.1.2
1290 silly idealTree habitrpg@3.0.0-alpha
1290 silly idealTree +-- 2@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- abbrev@1.0.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- accepts@1.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- acorn-globals@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- acorn-to-esprima@2.0.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- acorn@1.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- addressparser@0.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- adm-zip@0.4.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- after@0.8.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- agent-base@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- semver@5.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- align-text@0.1.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- amazon-payments@0.0.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- request@2.34.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xml2js@0.4.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- amdefine@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- amplitude@2.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- ansi-escapes@1.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- ansi-styles@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- anymatch@1.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- apidoc-core@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- apidoc@0.13.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- winston@2.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- apn@1.7.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- archive-type@3.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- archy@0.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- argparse@1.0.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- arr-diff@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- arr-flatten@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-differ@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-filter@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-find-index@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-flatten@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-map@0.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-reduce@0.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-slice@0.2.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-union@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-uniq@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- array-unique@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- arraybuffer.slice@0.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- arrify@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- asap@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- asn1.js@4.5.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- asn1@0.1.11
1290 silly idealTree +-- assert-plus@0.1.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- assert@1.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- assertion-error@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- ast-types@0.8.16
1290 silly idealTree +-- astw@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- async-each-series@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- async-each@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- async@1.5.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- aws-sdk@2.3.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@3.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- sax@1.1.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- xml2js@0.4.15
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xmlbuilder@2.6.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- aws-sign2@0.5.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-code-frame@6.7.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-core@6.7.6
1290 silly idealTree | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-eslint@6.0.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.assign@4.0.8
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash.pickby@4.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash._baseiteratee@4.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash.keysin@4.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-generator@6.7.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helper-call-delegate@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helper-define-map@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helper-function-name@6.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helper-get-function-arity@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helper-hoist-variables@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helper-optimise-call-expression@6.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helper-regex@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helper-replace-supers@6.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-helpers@6.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-messages@6.7.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-check-es2015-constants@6.7.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions@6.5.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions@6.5.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoped-functions@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping@6.7.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-classes@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-computed-properties@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-duplicate-keys@6.6.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-for-of@6.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-function-name@6.5.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-literals@6.5.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs@6.7.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-object-super@6.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters@6.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties@6.5.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-spread@6.6.5
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1290 silly idealTree +-- binary@0.3.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- bower-json@0.4.0
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1290 silly idealTree | | +-- async@0.9.2
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- lru-cache@2.3.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.5.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@4.0.6
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- hawk@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mkdirp@0.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- q@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- qs@1.2.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- request@2.42.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- rimraf@2.2.8
1290 silly idealTree | +-- semver@2.3.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- brorand@1.0.5
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1290 silly idealTree +-- browserify-des@1.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- browserify@12.0.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- buffer-to-vinyl@1.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- buffer-xor@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- buffer@3.6.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- buffers@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- bufferstreams@1.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- buildmail@2.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- builtin-modules@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- builtin-status-codes@2.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- c2dm@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- callsite@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- camelcase@2.1.1
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1290 silly idealTree +-- caseless@0.8.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- caw@1.2.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- chai@3.5.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- character-parser@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- cheerio@0.19.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- chmodr@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- chokidar@1.4.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- cipher-base@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- clap@1.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- clone@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- co@3.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- coa@1.0.1
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1290 silly idealTree +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
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1290 silly idealTree +-- configstore@0.3.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- connect-timeout@1.6.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- content-type@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- contentstream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree +-- convert-source-map@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- cookie-parser@1.3.5
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1290 silly idealTree +-- cookie-session@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- cookie-signature@1.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- cookie@0.1.5
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1290 silly idealTree +-- cookies@0.5.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- js-yaml@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree | +-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
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1290 silly idealTree | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- crc@3.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- create-ecdh@4.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- create-error-class@3.0.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- css@1.0.8
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1290 silly idealTree +-- csurf@1.8.3
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1290 silly idealTree +-- ctype@0.5.3
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1290 silly idealTree +-- cwise@1.0.9
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1290 silly idealTree +-- d@0.1.1
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1290 silly idealTree +-- data-uri-to-buffer@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- date-now@0.1.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- dateformat@1.0.2-1.2.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- deap@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- debug@2.2.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- decompress-tar@3.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bl@1.1.2
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- bl@1.1.2
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1290 silly idealTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
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1290 silly idealTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- decompress-zip@0.0.8
1290 silly idealTree | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1290 silly idealTree | +-- nopt@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- q@1.0.1
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
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1290 silly idealTree | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- deep-diff@0.1.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- deep-eql@0.1.3
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1290 silly idealTree +-- deep-equal@1.0.1
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1290 silly idealTree +-- deep-is@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- defaults@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- defined@1.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- docco@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- doctrine@0.7.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- download@4.4.3
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1290 silly idealTree | +-- got@5.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- duplexer2@0.1.4
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1290 silly idealTree +-- duplexify@3.4.3
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1290 silly idealTree +-- emitter-component@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- end-of-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree | `-- has-binary@0.1.6
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree | +-- accepts@1.1.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime-types@2.0.14
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1290 silly idealTree | | +-- acorn-jsx@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | | | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- acorn@3.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- globals@9.5.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- inquirer@0.12.0
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- cli-width@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- readline2@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | | | `-- mute-stream@0.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- optionator@0.8.1
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- fast-levenshtein@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- levn@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- wordwrap@1.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- require-uncached@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- caller-path@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | | | `-- callsites@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- resolve-from@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- shelljs@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- table@3.7.8
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- slice-ansi@0.0.4
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- tv4@1.2.7
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- xregexp@3.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- user-home@2.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- esprima@1.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- esrecurse@4.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- estraverse-fb@1.3.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- estraverse@4.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- esutils@2.0.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- event-emitter@0.3.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- event-stream@3.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- eventemitter2@0.4.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- eventemitter3@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- events@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- evp_bytestokey@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- exec-buffer@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- exec-series@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- executable@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- exit-hook@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- exit@0.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- expand-braces@0.1.2
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- expand-range@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- is-number@0.1.1
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1290 silly idealTree +-- expand-range@1.8.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- expect.js@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- express-csv@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- express-session@1.11.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- cookie@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- depd@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- uid-safe@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- express-validator@2.20.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@4.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- validator@4.9.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- express@4.13.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1290 silly idealTree | +-- methods@1.1.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- negotiator@0.5.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- qs@4.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- extend-shallow@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- extend@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- extglob@0.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- extract-zip@1.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- concat-stream@1.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- debug@0.7.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mkdirp@0.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- extsprintf@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- eyes@0.1.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- falafel@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- fancy-log@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- fast-levenshtein@1.0.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- faye-websocket@0.4.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- fd-slicer@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- figures@1.5.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- file-entry-cache@1.2.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- file-type@3.8.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- file-url@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- filename-regex@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- filename-reserved-regex@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- filenamify-url@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- filenamify@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- fileset@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1290 silly idealTree | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- fill-range@2.2.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- finalhandler@0.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- find-index@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- find-up@1.1.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- find-versions@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- findup-sync@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@3.2.11
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- minimatch@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- firebase-token-generator@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- firebase@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- faye-websocket@0.9.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- websocket-driver@0.5.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- websocket-extensions@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- first-chunk-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- flagged-respawn@0.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- flat-cache@1.0.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- for-in@0.1.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- for-own@0.1.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- foreach@2.0.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- forever-agent@0.5.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- form-data@0.1.4
1290 silly idealTree | `-- async@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- formatio@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- formidable@1.0.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- forwarded@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- fresh@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- from@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- fs-extra@0.26.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.8
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- fstream-ignore@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- fstream@1.0.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- function-bind@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- gaze@0.5.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- generate-function@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- generate-object-property@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- get-pixels@3.2.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- get-proxy@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- get-res@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- get-stream@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- getobject@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- gif-encoder@0.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- gifsicle@3.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- glob-base@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- glob-parent@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- glob-stream@3.1.18
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- glob-watcher@0.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- glob@4.5.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- minimatch@2.0.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- glob2base@0.0.12
1290 silly idealTree +-- globals@8.18.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- globby@4.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- glob@6.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- globule@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@3.1.21
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- inherits@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- minimatch@0.2.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- glogg@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- got@6.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- graceful-fs@4.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- graceful-readlink@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- growl@1.8.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-cli@0.1.13
1290 silly idealTree | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1290 silly idealTree | `-- resolve@0.3.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-contrib-clean@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- rimraf@2.2.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-contrib-copy@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-contrib-cssmin@0.10.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-contrib-stylus@0.20.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-contrib-uglify@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- gzip-size@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- maxmin@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- pretty-bytes@1.0.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-contrib-watch@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-hashres@0.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- wrench@1.4.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-karma@0.12.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-legacy-log-utils@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- colors@0.6.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- underscore.string@2.3.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-legacy-log@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- colors@0.6.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- underscore.string@2.3.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt-legacy-util@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.1.22
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- grunt@0.4.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- argparse@0.1.16
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- underscore.string@2.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.1.22
1290 silly idealTree | +-- colors@0.6.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@3.1.21
1290 silly idealTree | +-- graceful-fs@1.2.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- iconv-lite@0.2.11
1290 silly idealTree | +-- inherits@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- js-yaml@2.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimatch@0.2.14
1290 silly idealTree | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1290 silly idealTree | +-- rimraf@2.2.8
1290 silly idealTree | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-babel@6.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-decompress@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-eslint@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- eslint@1.10.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- espree@2.2.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1290 silly idealTree | +-- handlebars@4.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- inquirer@0.11.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- js-yaml@3.4.5
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- esprima@2.7.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mute-stream@0.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readline2@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- source-map@0.4.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- source-map@0.5.5
1290 silly idealTree | `-- user-home@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-grunt@0.5.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-imagemin@2.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- pretty-bytes@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-nodemon@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-rename@1.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-sourcemaps@1.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-uglify@1.5.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | `-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp-util@3.0.7
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
1290 silly idealTree | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp.spritesmith@4.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
1290 silly idealTree | +-- gulp-util@2.2.20
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- through2@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash._reinterpolate@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.defaults@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.escape@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.template@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.templatesettings@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimist@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- vinyl@0.2.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xtend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulp@3.9.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- archy@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- semver@4.3.6
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- gulplog@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- gzip-size@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- handlebars-layouts@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- handlebars@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- optimist@0.3.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- har-validator@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- commander@2.9.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- has-binary@0.1.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- has-color@0.1.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- has-cors@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- has-flag@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- has-gulplog@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- has@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- hash.js@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- hasha@2.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- hawk@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- hoek@0.9.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- home-or-tmp@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- hooker@0.2.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- hooks-fixed@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- htmlescape@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- htmlparser2@3.8.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- domutils@1.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- entities@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- http-errors@1.4.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- http-proxy@1.13.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- http-signature@0.10.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- https-browserify@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- https-proxy-agent@1.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- humanize-url@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- icalendar@0.6.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- iconv-lite@0.4.13
1290 silly idealTree +-- ieee754@1.1.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- iferr@0.1.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- ignore-by-default@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- image-size@0.3.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- imagemin-gifsicle@4.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- imagemin-jpegtran@4.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- imagemin-optipng@4.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- imagemin-svgo@4.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- imagemin@4.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- imurmurhash@0.1.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- in-app-purchase@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.8.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- request@2.33.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- indent-string@2.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- indexof@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- infinity-agent@2.0.3
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1290 silly idealTree +-- inherits@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- ini@1.3.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- inline-process-browser@2.0.1
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1290 silly idealTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- inline-source-map@0.6.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- inquirer@0.7.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- insert-module-globals@7.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- insight@0.4.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- inquirer@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- object-assign@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- supports-color@0.2.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- interpret@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- intersect@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- invariant@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- invert-kv@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- iota-array@1.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- ipaddr.js@1.0.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- irregular-plurals@1.1.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-binary-path@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-buffer@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-builtin-module@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-bzip2@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-dotfile@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-equal-shallow@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-extendable@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-extglob@1.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- is-number@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- is-obj@1.0.1
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1290 silly idealTree +-- is-path-in-cwd@1.0.0
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1290 silly idealTree | | `-- wordwrap@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- source-map@0.2.0
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1290 silly idealTree | | +-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- source-map@0.5.3
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1290 silly idealTree +-- jade@1.11.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.2.10
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1290 silly idealTree | `-- source-map@0.5.3
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1290 silly idealTree +-- jasmine@2.4.1
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1290 silly idealTree | `-- minimatch@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- jasminewd2@0.0.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- jmespath@0.15.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- jodid25519@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- jpeg-js@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- jpegtran-bin@3.0.6
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1290 silly idealTree +-- js-yaml@3.5.5
1290 silly idealTree | `-- esprima@2.7.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- js2xmlparser@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- jsbn@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- jsesc@0.5.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- json-content-demux@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- json-schema@0.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- json-stable-stringify@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- json3@3.2.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- json5@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- jsonfile@2.2.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- jsonify@0.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- jsonparse@1.2.0
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1290 silly idealTree +-- JSONStream@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- jsprim@1.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- jstransformer@0.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- junk@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- kareem@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- karma-babel-preprocessor@6.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- karma-chai-plugins@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chai-as-promised@5.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chai@3.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- sinon@1.17.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- karma-coverage@0.5.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- dateformat@1.0.12
1290 silly idealTree | +-- escodegen@1.8.0
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- source-map@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- esprima@2.7.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- estraverse@1.9.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- fast-levenshtein@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- handlebars@4.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- source-map@0.4.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- istanbul@0.4.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- levn@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- optionator@0.8.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- supports-color@3.1.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- uglify-js@2.6.2
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | +-- which@1.2.4
1290 silly idealTree | `-- wordwrap@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- karma-mocha-reporter@1.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- karma-mocha@0.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- karma-phantomjs-launcher@0.2.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- karma@0.13.22
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- colors@1.1.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- core-js@2.2.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@7.0.3
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1290 silly idealTree +-- kerberos@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- kew@0.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- keygrip@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- kind-of@3.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- klaw@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- labeled-stream-splicer@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- latest-version@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- layout@2.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lazy-cache@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- lazy-req@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lazystream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lcid@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lcov-parse@0.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- lcov-result-merger@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
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1290 silly idealTree | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@5.0.15
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- unique-stream@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- vinyl@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- levn@0.2.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- lexical-scope@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- libbase64@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- libmime@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- libqp@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- liftoff@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- findup-sync@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- glob@5.0.15
1290 silly idealTree +-- linkify-it@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- load-json-file@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lockfile@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._arraycopy@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._arrayeach@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._arraymap@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._baseassign@3.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._baseclone@3.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._basecopy@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._basedifference@3.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._baseflatten@3.1.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._basefor@3.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._baseindexof@3.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._basetostring@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._basevalues@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._bindcallback@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._cacheindexof@3.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._createassigner@3.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._createcache@3.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._escapehtmlchar@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._escapestringchar@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._getnative@3.9.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._htmlescapes@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._isiterateecall@3.0.9
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._isnative@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._objecttypes@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._pickbyarray@3.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._pickbycallback@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._reescape@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._reevaluate@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._reinterpolate@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._reunescapedhtml@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._root@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._shimkeys@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._stack@4.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash._stringtopath@4.7.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.assign@3.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.assigninwith@4.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash.keysin@4.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.clonedeep@3.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.debounce@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.defaults@3.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.escape@3.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.get@4.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.isarguments@3.0.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.isarray@3.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.isequal@4.1.4
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash.keys@4.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.isfunction@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.isobject@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.isplainobject@3.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.istypedarray@3.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.keys@3.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.keysin@3.0.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.memoize@3.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.merge@3.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.omit@3.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.pick@3.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.restparam@3.6.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.template@3.6.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.templatesettings@3.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.toplainobject@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.tostring@4.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash.values@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash.keys@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lodash@3.10.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- log-driver@1.2.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- log-symbols@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- log4js@0.6.35
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | `-- semver@4.3.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- logalot@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- loggly@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- boom@2.10.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- qs@5.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lolex@1.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- longest@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- loose-envify@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- loud-rejection@1.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lowercase-keys@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lpad-align@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- lpad@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- lru-cache@2.5.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- lru-queue@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mailcomposer@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- map-obj@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- map-stream@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- markdown-it@5.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- marked@0.3.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- maxmin@0.2.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mdurl@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- media-typer@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mem@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- memoizee@0.3.9
1290 silly idealTree +-- meow@3.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- merge-descriptors@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- merge-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- method-override@2.3.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- methods@1.1.2
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1290 silly idealTree +-- methods@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- micromatch@2.3.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- miller-rabin@4.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mime-db@1.22.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mime-types@2.1.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- mime@1.2.11
1290 silly idealTree +-- minimalistic-assert@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- minimatch@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- minimist@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mkdirp@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- minimist@0.0.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- mkpath@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mocha@2.4.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- commander@2.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@3.2.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- graceful-fs@2.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- jade@0.26.3
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- commander@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- mkdirp@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimatch@0.2.14
1290 silly idealTree | `-- supports-color@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- module-deps@4.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- moment@2.10.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- mongodb-core@1.2.24
1290 silly idealTree +-- mongodb@2.0.49
1290 silly idealTree | +-- es6-promise@2.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.0.31
1290 silly idealTree +-- mongoose-id-autoinc@2013.7.14-4
1290 silly idealTree +-- mongoose@4.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | `-- async@0.9.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mongoskin@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bson@0.2.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- mongodb@1.3.19
1290 silly idealTree +-- morgan@1.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mout@0.9.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- mpath@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- mpns@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mpromise@0.5.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- mquery@1.6.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- bluebird@2.9.26
1290 silly idealTree +-- ms@0.7.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- multiparty@3.3.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- multipipe@0.1.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- duplexer2@0.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- muri@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- mute-stream@0.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- nconf@0.8.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- cliui@3.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- window-size@0.1.4
1290 silly idealTree | `-- yargs@3.32.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- ndarray-fill@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- ndarray-pack@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- ndarray@1.0.18
1290 silly idealTree +-- needle@0.11.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- negotiator@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- nested-error-stacks@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- new-from@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- newrelic@1.26.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- agent-base@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- https-proxy-agent@0.3.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.1.13
1290 silly idealTree | +-- semver@4.3.6
1290 silly idealTree | `-- yakaa@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- next-tick@0.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- nib@1.0.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@3.2.11
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimatch@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mkdirp@0.3.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- sax@0.5.8
1290 silly idealTree | `-- stylus@0.45.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- nock@2.18.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- debug@1.0.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- ms@0.6.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- node-bitmap@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- node-forge@0.6.39
1290 silly idealTree +-- node-gcm@0.9.15
1290 silly idealTree | `-- debug@0.8.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- node-status-codes@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- node-uuid@1.4.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- nodemailer-direct-transport@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- nodemailer-smtp-transport@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- nodemailer-wellknown@0.1.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- nodemailer@1.11.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- nodemon@1.9.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- configstore@1.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- got@3.3.1
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- object-assign@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- latest-version@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- nopt@1.0.10
1290 silly idealTree | +-- package-json@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- registry-url@3.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- semver-diff@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- string-length@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- touch@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- update-notifier@0.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xdg-basedir@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- nomnom@1.8.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- nopt@3.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- noptify@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- nopt@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- normalize-path@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- normalize-url@1.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- npmconf@2.1.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- semver@4.3.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- nth-check@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- number-is-nan@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- oauth-sign@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- oauth@0.9.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- obj-extend@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- object-assign@4.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- object-component@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- object-inspect@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- object-keys@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree +-- object-path@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- object.omit@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- omggif@1.0.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- on-finished@2.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- on-headers@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- once@1.3.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- onetime@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- opn@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- optimist@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- minimist@0.0.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- optional@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- optionator@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- options@0.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- optipng-bin@3.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- orchestrator@0.3.7
1290 silly idealTree | `-- end-of-stream@0.1.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- ordered-read-streams@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- os-browserify@0.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- os-filter-obj@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- os-homedir@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- os-locale@1.4.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- os-name@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- os-tmpdir@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- osenv@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- osx-release@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- p-throttler@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- q@0.9.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- package-json@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- got@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- object-assign@0.3.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- pageres@4.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.escape@4.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.keys@4.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash.template@4.2.4
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- pako@0.2.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- parents@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- parse-asn1@5.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- parse-cookie-phantomjs@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- parse-data-uri@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- parse-glob@3.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- parse-json@2.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- parsejson@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- parseqs@0.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- parseuri@0.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- parseurl@1.3.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- passport-facebook@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- passport-oauth2@1.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- passport-strategy@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- passport@0.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- path-browserify@0.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- path-exists@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- path-is-inside@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- path-platform@0.11.15
1290 silly idealTree +-- path-to-regexp@0.1.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- path-type@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- pause-stream@0.0.11
1290 silly idealTree +-- pause@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- paypal-ipn@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- paypal-rest-sdk@1.6.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- pbkdf2@3.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- pend@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- boom@2.10.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1290 silly idealTree | +-- qs@5.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- request-progress@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree | +-- throttleit@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- which@1.2.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- phantomjs@1.9.20
1290 silly idealTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- boom@2.10.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- qs@5.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- request-progress@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree | +-- throttleit@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- which@1.2.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- pify@2.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- pinkie@2.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- pipe-event@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- pixelsmith@1.3.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- concat-stream@1.4.10
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- pkginfo@0.3.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- plur@2.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- pngjs2@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- prelude-ls@1.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- prepend-http@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- preserve@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- pretty-bytes@0.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- pretty-data@0.40.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- pretty-hrtime@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- private@0.1.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- process@0.11.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- progress@1.1.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- promise@6.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- promptly@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- propagate@0.3.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- proto-list@1.2.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- protocolify@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- path-exists@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- protractor@3.2.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- aws-sign2@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bl@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- boom@2.10.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- caseless@0.11.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- combined-stream@1.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- cryptiles@2.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- delayed-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- extend@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- forever-agent@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@6.0.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hawk@3.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hoek@2.16.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- http-signature@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.8.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- qs@5.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- request@2.67.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- sntp@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree | +-- source-map-support@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- source-map@0.1.32
1290 silly idealTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- proxy-addr@1.0.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- ps-tree@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- public-encrypt@4.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- pump@0.3.5
1290 silly idealTree | `-- once@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- punycode@1.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- push-notify@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lodash@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- q@1.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- qs@0.6.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- query-string@3.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- querystring-es3@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- querystring@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- quote-stream@0.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimist@0.0.8
1290 silly idealTree | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | +-- through2@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- ramda@0.18.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- random-bytes@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- randomatic@1.1.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- randombytes@2.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- range-parser@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- raw-body@2.1.6
1290 silly idealTree | `-- bytes@2.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- rc@1.1.6
1290 silly idealTree | `-- deep-extend@0.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- read-all-stream@3.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- read-json-sync@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- read-only-stream@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- read-pkg@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- read@1.0.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- readable-stream@1.0.27-1
1290 silly idealTree +-- readdirp@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimatch@2.0.10
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- readline2@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- recast@0.11.5
1290 silly idealTree | `-- esprima@2.7.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- rechoir@0.6.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- redent@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- redeyed@0.4.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- reduce-component@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- regenerate@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- regex-cache@0.4.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- regexp-clone@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- regexpu-core@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- registry-url@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- regjsgen@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- regjsparser@0.1.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- remarkable@1.6.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- argparse@0.1.16
1290 silly idealTree | | +-- underscore.string@2.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- underscore@1.7.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- autolinker@0.15.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- repeat-element@1.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- repeat-string@1.5.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- repeating@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- replace-ext@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- request-progress@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- request-replay@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- request@2.44.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- caseless@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- hawk@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime-types@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- oauth-sign@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- qs@1.2.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- requires-port@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- resolve@1.1.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- response-time@2.3.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- depd@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- restore-cursor@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- retry@0.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- rewire@2.5.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- right-align@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- rimraf@2.5.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- glob@7.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- ripemd160@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- rndm@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- run-async@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- run-sequence@1.1.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- rx-lite@3.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- rx@2.5.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- s3-upload-stream@1.0.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- samsam@1.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- saucelabs@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- save-pixels@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- jpeg-js@0.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- sax@0.6.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- scmp@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- secure-keys@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- seek-bzip@1.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | `-- commander@2.8.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- selenium-webdriver@2.52.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- adm-zip@0.4.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- tmp@0.0.24
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xml2js@0.4.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- semver-diff@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- semver@2.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- semver-regex@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- semver-truncate@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- semver@5.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- send@0.13.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- mime@1.3.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- sequencify@0.0.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- serve-favicon@2.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- serve-index@1.7.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1290 silly idealTree | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- negotiator@0.5.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- serve-static@1.10.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- set-immediate-shim@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- sha.js@2.4.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- shallow-copy@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- shasum@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- shebang-regex@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- shell-quote@1.4.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- shelljs@0.5.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- sigmund@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- signal-exit@2.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- sinon-chai@2.8.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- sinon@1.17.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- slash@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- sliced@0.0.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- slide@1.1.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- smtp-connection@1.3.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- sntp@0.2.4
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree | `--
1290 silly idealTree | `-- debug@0.7.4
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree | `-- component-emitter@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree | `-- json3@3.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +--
1290 silly idealTree +-- sort-keys@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- source-map-support@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | `-- source-map@0.1.32
1290 silly idealTree +-- source-map@0.5.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- sparkles@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- spdx-exceptions@1.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- split@0.3.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- sprintf-js@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- spritesheet-templates@10.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- handlebars@3.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- source-map@0.1.43
1290 silly idealTree | +-- underscore.string@3.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- underscore@1.4.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- spritesmith@1.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | `-- semver@5.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- squeak@1.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- sshpk@1.7.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- asn1@0.2.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- assert-plus@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- stack-trace@0.0.9
1290 silly idealTree +-- stat-mode@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- static-eval@0.2.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- escodegen@0.0.28
1290 silly idealTree | `-- estraverse@1.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- static-module@1.3.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- concat-stream@1.4.10
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree | +-- duplexer2@0.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- through2@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- statuses@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- stream-browserify@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- stream-combiner@0.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- stream-combiner2@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- stream-consume@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- stream-counter@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- stream-http@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- stream-splicer@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- strict-uri-encode@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
1290 silly idealTree +-- string-length@0.1.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@0.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- string-width@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- stringify-object@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- stringstream@0.0.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- strip-ansi@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- strip-bom-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- strip-bom@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- strip-dirs@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- strip-indent@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- strip-json-comments@1.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- strip-outer@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- strip-url-auth@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- stripe@4.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bluebird@2.10.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- qs@2.4.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- stylus@0.49.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- glob@3.2.11
1290 silly idealTree | +-- minimatch@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mkdirp@0.3.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- sax@0.5.8
1290 silly idealTree | `-- source-map@0.1.43
1290 silly idealTree +-- subarg@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- sum-up@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@1.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | `-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- superagent-defaults@0.1.14
1290 silly idealTree +-- superagent@1.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.9.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- form-data@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime-db@1.12.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime-types@2.0.14
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime@1.3.4
1290 silly idealTree | `-- qs@2.3.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- supports-color@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- svgo@0.6.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- colors@1.1.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- sax@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- swagger-node-express@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- accepts@1.2.13
1290 silly idealTree | +-- body-parser@1.13.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bytes@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- commander@2.6.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- compression@1.5.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- content-disposition@0.5.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- cookie@0.1.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- depd@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- destroy@1.0.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- escape-html@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- express@3.21.2
1290 silly idealTree | | `-- connect@2.30.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- finalhandler@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- http-errors@1.3.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- iconv-lite@0.4.11
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@1.3.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- merge-descriptors@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- methods@1.1.2
1290 silly idealTree | +-- mime@1.3.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- morgan@1.6.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- negotiator@0.5.3
1290 silly idealTree | +-- pause@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- qs@4.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- send@0.13.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- vary@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- syntax-error@1.1.6
1290 silly idealTree | `-- acorn@2.7.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- tar-fs@0.5.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- tar-stream@0.4.7
1290 silly idealTree +-- tempfile@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- text-table@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- throttleit@0.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- through@2.3.8
1290 silly idealTree +-- through2-concurrent@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- through2-filter@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- through2@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- tildify@1.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- time-stamp@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- timed-out@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- timers-browserify@1.4.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- timers-ext@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- timespan@2.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- tiny-lr-fork@0.0.5
1290 silly idealTree | +-- debug@0.7.4
1290 silly idealTree | `-- qs@0.5.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- tmp@0.0.23
1290 silly idealTree +-- to-absolute-glob@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- to-array@0.1.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- to-arraybuffer@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- to-csv@0.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- touch@0.0.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- nopt@1.0.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- tough-cookie@2.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- transformers@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- is-promise@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- optimist@0.3.7
1290 silly idealTree | +-- promise@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- source-map@0.1.43
1290 silly idealTree | `-- uglify-js@2.2.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- traverse@0.3.9
1290 silly idealTree +-- trim-newlines@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- trim-repeated@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- trim-right@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- tryit@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- tty-browserify@0.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- tunnel-agent@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- tweetnacl@0.14.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- type-check@0.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- type-detect@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- type-is@1.6.12
1290 silly idealTree +-- typedarray@0.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- uc.micro@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- uglify-js@2.3.6
1290 silly idealTree | +-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree | +-- optimist@0.3.7
1290 silly idealTree | `-- source-map@0.1.43
1290 silly idealTree +-- uglify-save-license@0.4.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- uglify-to-browserify@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- uid-number@0.0.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- uid-safe@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- uid2@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- ultron@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- umd@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- undefsafe@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- underscore.string@2.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- underscore@1.6.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- uniq@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- unique-stream@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- universal-analytics@0.3.11
1290 silly idealTree | `-- async@0.2.10
1290 silly idealTree +-- unpipe@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- unreachable-branch-transform@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- unzip-response@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- update-notifier@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-regex@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- ansi-styles@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- chalk@0.5.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- has-ansi@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-ansi@0.3.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- supports-color@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- uri-path@0.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- url-parse-lax@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- url-regex@3.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- url@0.11.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- punycode@1.3.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- url2@1.0.4
1290 silly idealTree | +-- punycode@1.3.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- url@0.10.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- user-home@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- useragent@2.1.9
1290 silly idealTree | `-- lru-cache@2.2.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- utf8@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- util@0.10.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- utils-merge@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- uuid@2.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- v8flags@2.0.11
1290 silly idealTree +-- vali-date@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- validator@4.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- vary@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- verror@1.3.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- vhost@3.0.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- viewport-list@4.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- create-error-class@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- got@4.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- pinkie-promise@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- pinkie@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- vinyl-assign@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- isarray@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- readable-stream@2.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- vinyl-buffer@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | `-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- vinyl-fs@0.3.14
1290 silly idealTree | +-- clone@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | +-- strip-bom@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- vinyl-source-stream@1.1.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- clone@0.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | +-- through2@0.6.5
1290 silly idealTree | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- vinyl-sourcemaps-apply@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- vinyl-transform@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- bl@0.7.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- object-keys@0.4.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
1290 silly idealTree | +-- through2@0.4.2
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xtend@2.1.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- vinyl@0.5.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- vm-browserify@0.0.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- void-elements@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- w3counter@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- create-error-class@2.0.1
1290 silly idealTree | +-- got@4.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | +-- pinkie-promise@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- pinkie@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- ware@1.3.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- whet.extend@0.9.9
1290 silly idealTree +-- which@1.0.9
1290 silly idealTree +-- win-release@1.1.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- window-size@0.1.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- winston@2.2.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- async@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- with@4.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- wns@0.5.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- wordwrap@0.0.3
1290 silly idealTree +-- wrap-ansi@2.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- wrap-fn@0.1.5
1290 silly idealTree +-- wrappy@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- wrench@1.5.9
1290 silly idealTree +-- write-file-atomic@1.1.4
1290 silly idealTree +-- write@0.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- ws@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- xdg-basedir@1.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- xml-crypto@0.1.25
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xmldom@0.1.16
1290 silly idealTree +-- xml-escape@1.0.0
1290 silly idealTree +-- xml2js@0.4.16
1290 silly idealTree | +-- lodash@4.11.1
1290 silly idealTree | `-- xmlbuilder@4.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- xmlbuilder@8.2.2
1290 silly idealTree +-- xmldom-fork-fixed@0.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- xmldom@0.1.19
1290 silly idealTree +-- xmlhttprequest-ssl@1.5.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- xpath.js@1.0.6
1290 silly idealTree +-- xtend@4.0.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- y18n@3.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- yargs@3.10.0
1290 silly idealTree | `-- camelcase@1.2.1
1290 silly idealTree +-- yauzl@2.4.1
1290 silly idealTree `-- yeast@0.1.2
1291 silly generateActionsToTake Starting
1292 silly install generateActionsToTake
1293 silly generateActionsToTake Finishing
1294 silly diffTrees action count 32
1295 silly diffTrees add lodash.escape@4.0.0
1296 silly diffTrees add lodash.keys@4.0.6
1297 silly diffTrees add lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1298 silly diffTrees add lodash.template@4.2.4
1299 silly diffTrees add assert-plus@0.2.0
1300 silly diffTrees add aws-sign2@0.6.0
1301 silly diffTrees add caseless@0.11.0
1302 silly diffTrees add delayed-stream@1.0.0
1303 silly diffTrees add combined-stream@1.0.5
1304 silly diffTrees add extend@3.0.0
1305 silly diffTrees add forever-agent@0.6.1
1306 silly diffTrees add form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1307 silly diffTrees add hoek@2.16.3
1308 silly diffTrees add boom@2.10.1
1309 silly diffTrees add cryptiles@2.0.5
1310 silly diffTrees add http-signature@1.1.1
1311 silly diffTrees add isarray@1.0.0
1312 silly diffTrees add oauth-sign@0.8.1
1313 silly diffTrees add qs@5.2.0
1314 silly diffTrees add readable-stream@2.0.6
1315 silly diffTrees add bl@1.0.3
1316 silly diffTrees add sntp@1.0.9
1317 silly diffTrees add hawk@3.1.3
1318 silly diffTrees add throttleit@1.0.0
1319 silly diffTrees add request-progress@2.0.1
1320 silly diffTrees add tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1321 silly diffTrees add request@2.67.0
1322 silly diffTrees add which@1.2.4
1323 silly diffTrees add phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1324 silly diffTrees add phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1325 silly diffTrees add screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1326 silly diffTrees add pageres@4.1.1
1327 silly decomposeActions action count 256
1328 silly decomposeActions fetch lodash.escape@4.0.0
1329 silly decomposeActions extract lodash.escape@4.0.0
1330 silly decomposeActions test lodash.escape@4.0.0
1331 silly decomposeActions preinstall lodash.escape@4.0.0
1332 silly decomposeActions build lodash.escape@4.0.0
1333 silly decomposeActions install lodash.escape@4.0.0
1334 silly decomposeActions postinstall lodash.escape@4.0.0
1335 silly decomposeActions finalize lodash.escape@4.0.0
1336 silly decomposeActions fetch lodash.keys@4.0.6
1337 silly decomposeActions extract lodash.keys@4.0.6
1338 silly decomposeActions test lodash.keys@4.0.6
1339 silly decomposeActions preinstall lodash.keys@4.0.6
1340 silly decomposeActions build lodash.keys@4.0.6
1341 silly decomposeActions install lodash.keys@4.0.6
1342 silly decomposeActions postinstall lodash.keys@4.0.6
1343 silly decomposeActions finalize lodash.keys@4.0.6
1344 silly decomposeActions fetch lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1345 silly decomposeActions extract lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1346 silly decomposeActions test lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1347 silly decomposeActions preinstall lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1348 silly decomposeActions build lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1349 silly decomposeActions install lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1350 silly decomposeActions postinstall lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1351 silly decomposeActions finalize lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1352 silly decomposeActions fetch lodash.template@4.2.4
1353 silly decomposeActions extract lodash.template@4.2.4
1354 silly decomposeActions test lodash.template@4.2.4
1355 silly decomposeActions preinstall lodash.template@4.2.4
1356 silly decomposeActions build lodash.template@4.2.4
1357 silly decomposeActions install lodash.template@4.2.4
1358 silly decomposeActions postinstall lodash.template@4.2.4
1359 silly decomposeActions finalize lodash.template@4.2.4
1360 silly decomposeActions fetch assert-plus@0.2.0
1361 silly decomposeActions extract assert-plus@0.2.0
1362 silly decomposeActions test assert-plus@0.2.0
1363 silly decomposeActions preinstall assert-plus@0.2.0
1364 silly decomposeActions build assert-plus@0.2.0
1365 silly decomposeActions install assert-plus@0.2.0
1366 silly decomposeActions postinstall assert-plus@0.2.0
1367 silly decomposeActions finalize assert-plus@0.2.0
1368 silly decomposeActions fetch aws-sign2@0.6.0
1369 silly decomposeActions extract aws-sign2@0.6.0
1370 silly decomposeActions test aws-sign2@0.6.0
1371 silly decomposeActions preinstall aws-sign2@0.6.0
1372 silly decomposeActions build aws-sign2@0.6.0
1373 silly decomposeActions install aws-sign2@0.6.0
1374 silly decomposeActions postinstall aws-sign2@0.6.0
1375 silly decomposeActions finalize aws-sign2@0.6.0
1376 silly decomposeActions fetch caseless@0.11.0
1377 silly decomposeActions extract caseless@0.11.0
1378 silly decomposeActions test caseless@0.11.0
1379 silly decomposeActions preinstall caseless@0.11.0
1380 silly decomposeActions build caseless@0.11.0
1381 silly decomposeActions install caseless@0.11.0
1382 silly decomposeActions postinstall caseless@0.11.0
1383 silly decomposeActions finalize caseless@0.11.0
1384 silly decomposeActions fetch delayed-stream@1.0.0
1385 silly decomposeActions extract delayed-stream@1.0.0
1386 silly decomposeActions test delayed-stream@1.0.0
1387 silly decomposeActions preinstall delayed-stream@1.0.0
1388 silly decomposeActions build delayed-stream@1.0.0
1389 silly decomposeActions install delayed-stream@1.0.0
1390 silly decomposeActions postinstall delayed-stream@1.0.0
1391 silly decomposeActions finalize delayed-stream@1.0.0
1392 silly decomposeActions fetch combined-stream@1.0.5
1393 silly decomposeActions extract combined-stream@1.0.5
1394 silly decomposeActions test combined-stream@1.0.5
1395 silly decomposeActions preinstall combined-stream@1.0.5
1396 silly decomposeActions build combined-stream@1.0.5
1397 silly decomposeActions install combined-stream@1.0.5
1398 silly decomposeActions postinstall combined-stream@1.0.5
1399 silly decomposeActions finalize combined-stream@1.0.5
1400 silly decomposeActions fetch extend@3.0.0
1401 silly decomposeActions extract extend@3.0.0
1402 silly decomposeActions test extend@3.0.0
1403 silly decomposeActions preinstall extend@3.0.0
1404 silly decomposeActions build extend@3.0.0
1405 silly decomposeActions install extend@3.0.0
1406 silly decomposeActions postinstall extend@3.0.0
1407 silly decomposeActions finalize extend@3.0.0
1408 silly decomposeActions fetch forever-agent@0.6.1
1409 silly decomposeActions extract forever-agent@0.6.1
1410 silly decomposeActions test forever-agent@0.6.1
1411 silly decomposeActions preinstall forever-agent@0.6.1
1412 silly decomposeActions build forever-agent@0.6.1
1413 silly decomposeActions install forever-agent@0.6.1
1414 silly decomposeActions postinstall forever-agent@0.6.1
1415 silly decomposeActions finalize forever-agent@0.6.1
1416 silly decomposeActions fetch form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1417 silly decomposeActions extract form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1418 silly decomposeActions test form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1419 silly decomposeActions preinstall form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1420 silly decomposeActions build form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1421 silly decomposeActions install form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1422 silly decomposeActions postinstall form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1423 silly decomposeActions finalize form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1424 silly decomposeActions fetch hoek@2.16.3
1425 silly decomposeActions extract hoek@2.16.3
1426 silly decomposeActions test hoek@2.16.3
1427 silly decomposeActions preinstall hoek@2.16.3
1428 silly decomposeActions build hoek@2.16.3
1429 silly decomposeActions install hoek@2.16.3
1430 silly decomposeActions postinstall hoek@2.16.3
1431 silly decomposeActions finalize hoek@2.16.3
1432 silly decomposeActions fetch boom@2.10.1
1433 silly decomposeActions extract boom@2.10.1
1434 silly decomposeActions test boom@2.10.1
1435 silly decomposeActions preinstall boom@2.10.1
1436 silly decomposeActions build boom@2.10.1
1437 silly decomposeActions install boom@2.10.1
1438 silly decomposeActions postinstall boom@2.10.1
1439 silly decomposeActions finalize boom@2.10.1
1440 silly decomposeActions fetch cryptiles@2.0.5
1441 silly decomposeActions extract cryptiles@2.0.5
1442 silly decomposeActions test cryptiles@2.0.5
1443 silly decomposeActions preinstall cryptiles@2.0.5
1444 silly decomposeActions build cryptiles@2.0.5
1445 silly decomposeActions install cryptiles@2.0.5
1446 silly decomposeActions postinstall cryptiles@2.0.5
1447 silly decomposeActions finalize cryptiles@2.0.5
1448 silly decomposeActions fetch http-signature@1.1.1
1449 silly decomposeActions extract http-signature@1.1.1
1450 silly decomposeActions test http-signature@1.1.1
1451 silly decomposeActions preinstall http-signature@1.1.1
1452 silly decomposeActions build http-signature@1.1.1
1453 silly decomposeActions install http-signature@1.1.1
1454 silly decomposeActions postinstall http-signature@1.1.1
1455 silly decomposeActions finalize http-signature@1.1.1
1456 silly decomposeActions fetch isarray@1.0.0
1457 silly decomposeActions extract isarray@1.0.0
1458 silly decomposeActions test isarray@1.0.0
1459 silly decomposeActions preinstall isarray@1.0.0
1460 silly decomposeActions build isarray@1.0.0
1461 silly decomposeActions install isarray@1.0.0
1462 silly decomposeActions postinstall isarray@1.0.0
1463 silly decomposeActions finalize isarray@1.0.0
1464 silly decomposeActions fetch oauth-sign@0.8.1
1465 silly decomposeActions extract oauth-sign@0.8.1
1466 silly decomposeActions test oauth-sign@0.8.1
1467 silly decomposeActions preinstall oauth-sign@0.8.1
1468 silly decomposeActions build oauth-sign@0.8.1
1469 silly decomposeActions install oauth-sign@0.8.1
1470 silly decomposeActions postinstall oauth-sign@0.8.1
1471 silly decomposeActions finalize oauth-sign@0.8.1
1472 silly decomposeActions fetch qs@5.2.0
1473 silly decomposeActions extract qs@5.2.0
1474 silly decomposeActions test qs@5.2.0
1475 silly decomposeActions preinstall qs@5.2.0
1476 silly decomposeActions build qs@5.2.0
1477 silly decomposeActions install qs@5.2.0
1478 silly decomposeActions postinstall qs@5.2.0
1479 silly decomposeActions finalize qs@5.2.0
1480 silly decomposeActions fetch readable-stream@2.0.6
1481 silly decomposeActions extract readable-stream@2.0.6
1482 silly decomposeActions test readable-stream@2.0.6
1483 silly decomposeActions preinstall readable-stream@2.0.6
1484 silly decomposeActions build readable-stream@2.0.6
1485 silly decomposeActions install readable-stream@2.0.6
1486 silly decomposeActions postinstall readable-stream@2.0.6
1487 silly decomposeActions finalize readable-stream@2.0.6
1488 silly decomposeActions fetch bl@1.0.3
1489 silly decomposeActions extract bl@1.0.3
1490 silly decomposeActions test bl@1.0.3
1491 silly decomposeActions preinstall bl@1.0.3
1492 silly decomposeActions build bl@1.0.3
1493 silly decomposeActions install bl@1.0.3
1494 silly decomposeActions postinstall bl@1.0.3
1495 silly decomposeActions finalize bl@1.0.3
1496 silly decomposeActions fetch sntp@1.0.9
1497 silly decomposeActions extract sntp@1.0.9
1498 silly decomposeActions test sntp@1.0.9
1499 silly decomposeActions preinstall sntp@1.0.9
1500 silly decomposeActions build sntp@1.0.9
1501 silly decomposeActions install sntp@1.0.9
1502 silly decomposeActions postinstall sntp@1.0.9
1503 silly decomposeActions finalize sntp@1.0.9
1504 silly decomposeActions fetch hawk@3.1.3
1505 silly decomposeActions extract hawk@3.1.3
1506 silly decomposeActions test hawk@3.1.3
1507 silly decomposeActions preinstall hawk@3.1.3
1508 silly decomposeActions build hawk@3.1.3
1509 silly decomposeActions install hawk@3.1.3
1510 silly decomposeActions postinstall hawk@3.1.3
1511 silly decomposeActions finalize hawk@3.1.3
1512 silly decomposeActions fetch throttleit@1.0.0
1513 silly decomposeActions extract throttleit@1.0.0
1514 silly decomposeActions test throttleit@1.0.0
1515 silly decomposeActions preinstall throttleit@1.0.0
1516 silly decomposeActions build throttleit@1.0.0
1517 silly decomposeActions install throttleit@1.0.0
1518 silly decomposeActions postinstall throttleit@1.0.0
1519 silly decomposeActions finalize throttleit@1.0.0
1520 silly decomposeActions fetch request-progress@2.0.1
1521 silly decomposeActions extract request-progress@2.0.1
1522 silly decomposeActions test request-progress@2.0.1
1523 silly decomposeActions preinstall request-progress@2.0.1
1524 silly decomposeActions build request-progress@2.0.1
1525 silly decomposeActions install request-progress@2.0.1
1526 silly decomposeActions postinstall request-progress@2.0.1
1527 silly decomposeActions finalize request-progress@2.0.1
1528 silly decomposeActions fetch tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1529 silly decomposeActions extract tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1530 silly decomposeActions test tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1531 silly decomposeActions preinstall tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1532 silly decomposeActions build tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1533 silly decomposeActions install tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1534 silly decomposeActions postinstall tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1535 silly decomposeActions finalize tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1536 silly decomposeActions fetch request@2.67.0
1537 silly decomposeActions extract request@2.67.0
1538 silly decomposeActions test request@2.67.0
1539 silly decomposeActions preinstall request@2.67.0
1540 silly decomposeActions build request@2.67.0
1541 silly decomposeActions install request@2.67.0
1542 silly decomposeActions postinstall request@2.67.0
1543 silly decomposeActions finalize request@2.67.0
1544 silly decomposeActions fetch which@1.2.4
1545 silly decomposeActions extract which@1.2.4
1546 silly decomposeActions test which@1.2.4
1547 silly decomposeActions preinstall which@1.2.4
1548 silly decomposeActions build which@1.2.4
1549 silly decomposeActions install which@1.2.4
1550 silly decomposeActions postinstall which@1.2.4
1551 silly decomposeActions finalize which@1.2.4
1552 silly decomposeActions fetch phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1553 silly decomposeActions extract phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1554 silly decomposeActions test phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1555 silly decomposeActions preinstall phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1556 silly decomposeActions build phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1557 silly decomposeActions install phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1558 silly decomposeActions postinstall phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1559 silly decomposeActions finalize phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1560 silly decomposeActions fetch phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1561 silly decomposeActions extract phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1562 silly decomposeActions test phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1563 silly decomposeActions preinstall phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1564 silly decomposeActions build phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1565 silly decomposeActions install phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1566 silly decomposeActions postinstall phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1567 silly decomposeActions finalize phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1568 silly decomposeActions fetch screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1569 silly decomposeActions extract screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1570 silly decomposeActions test screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1571 silly decomposeActions preinstall screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1572 silly decomposeActions build screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1573 silly decomposeActions install screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1574 silly decomposeActions postinstall screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1575 silly decomposeActions finalize screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1576 silly decomposeActions fetch pageres@4.1.1
1577 silly decomposeActions extract pageres@4.1.1
1578 silly decomposeActions test pageres@4.1.1
1579 silly decomposeActions preinstall pageres@4.1.1
1580 silly decomposeActions build pageres@4.1.1
1581 silly decomposeActions install pageres@4.1.1
1582 silly decomposeActions postinstall pageres@4.1.1
1583 silly decomposeActions finalize pageres@4.1.1
1584 silly executeActions Starting
1585 silly install executeActions
1586 silly doSerial global-install 0
1587 silly doParallel fetch 32
1588 verbose correctMkdir /home/vagrant/.npm/_locks correctMkdir not in flight; initializing
1589 verbose lock using /home/vagrant/.npm/_locks/staging-db29c5a769436947.lock for /vagrant/node_modules/.staging
1590 silly doParallel extract 32
1591 silly extract lodash.escape@4.0.0
1592 silly extract lodash.keys@4.0.6
1593 silly extract lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
1594 silly extract lodash.template@4.2.4
1595 silly extract assert-plus@0.2.0
1596 silly extract aws-sign2@0.6.0
1597 silly extract caseless@0.11.0
1598 silly extract delayed-stream@1.0.0
1599 silly extract combined-stream@1.0.5
1600 silly extract extend@3.0.0
1601 silly extract forever-agent@0.6.1
1602 silly extract form-data@1.0.0-rc4
1603 silly extract hoek@2.16.3
1604 silly extract boom@2.10.1
1605 silly extract cryptiles@2.0.5
1606 silly extract http-signature@1.1.1
1607 silly extract isarray@1.0.0
1608 silly extract oauth-sign@0.8.1
1609 silly extract qs@5.2.0
1610 silly extract readable-stream@2.0.6
1611 silly extract bl@1.0.3
1612 silly extract sntp@1.0.9
1613 silly extract hawk@3.1.3
1614 silly extract throttleit@1.0.0
1615 silly extract request-progress@2.0.1
1616 silly extract tunnel-agent@0.4.2
1617 silly extract request@2.67.0
1618 silly extract which@1.2.4
1619 silly extract phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
1620 silly extract phantom-bridge@2.0.1
1621 silly extract screenshot-stream@3.3.0
1622 silly extract pageres@4.1.1
1623 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239
1624 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29
1625 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2
1626 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c
1627 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802
1628 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19
1629 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d
1630 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d
1631 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee
1632 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15
1633 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa
1634 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb
1635 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb
1636 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03
1637 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668
1638 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e
1639 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510
1640 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d
1641 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb
1642 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5
1643 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f
1644 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2
1645 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca
1646 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae
1647 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521
1648 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34
1649 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40
1650 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478
1651 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5
1652 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6
1653 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b
1654 verbose unbuild node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532
1655 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239 is being purged from base /vagrant
1656 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239
1657 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29 is being purged from base /vagrant
1658 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29
1659 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2 is being purged from base /vagrant
1660 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2
1661 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c is being purged from base /vagrant
1662 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c
1663 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802 is being purged from base /vagrant
1664 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802
1665 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19 is being purged from base /vagrant
1666 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19
1667 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d is being purged from base /vagrant
1668 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d
1669 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d is being purged from base /vagrant
1670 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d
1671 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee is being purged from base /vagrant
1672 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee
1673 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15 is being purged from base /vagrant
1674 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15
1675 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa is being purged from base /vagrant
1676 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa
1677 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb is being purged from base /vagrant
1678 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb
1679 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb is being purged from base /vagrant
1680 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb
1681 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03 is being purged from base /vagrant
1682 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03
1683 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668 is being purged from base /vagrant
1684 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668
1685 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e is being purged from base /vagrant
1686 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e
1687 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510 is being purged from base /vagrant
1688 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510
1689 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d is being purged from base /vagrant
1690 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d
1691 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb is being purged from base /vagrant
1692 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb
1693 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5 is being purged from base /vagrant
1694 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5
1695 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f is being purged from base /vagrant
1696 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f
1697 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2 is being purged from base /vagrant
1698 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2
1699 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca is being purged from base /vagrant
1700 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca
1701 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae is being purged from base /vagrant
1702 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae
1703 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521 is being purged from base /vagrant
1704 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521
1705 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34 is being purged from base /vagrant
1706 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34
1707 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40 is being purged from base /vagrant
1708 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40
1709 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5 is being purged from base /vagrant
1710 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5
1711 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478 is being purged from base /vagrant
1712 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478
1713 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6 is being purged from base /vagrant
1714 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6
1715 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.keys/4.0.6/package.tgz
1716 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29
1717 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29 is being purged
1718 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29
1719 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.escape/4.0.0/package.tgz
1720 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239
1721 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239 is being purged
1722 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239
1723 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.templatesettings/4.0.1/package.tgz
1724 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2
1725 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2 is being purged
1726 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2
1727 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/lodash.template/4.2.4/package.tgz
1728 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c
1729 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c is being purged
1730 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c
1731 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/assert-plus/0.2.0/package.tgz
1732 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802
1733 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802 is being purged
1734 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802
1735 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/aws-sign2/0.6.0/package.tgz
1736 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19
1737 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19 is being purged
1738 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19
1739 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/caseless/0.11.0/package.tgz
1740 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d
1741 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d is being purged
1742 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d
1743 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/delayed-stream/1.0.0/package.tgz
1744 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d
1745 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d is being purged
1746 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d
1747 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/combined-stream/1.0.5/package.tgz
1748 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee
1749 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee is being purged
1750 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee
1751 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/extend/3.0.0/package.tgz
1752 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15
1753 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15 is being purged
1754 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15
1755 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/forever-agent/0.6.1/package.tgz
1756 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa
1757 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa is being purged
1758 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa
1759 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/form-data/1.0.0-rc4/package.tgz
1760 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb
1761 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb is being purged
1762 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb
1763 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/hoek/2.16.3/package.tgz
1764 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb
1765 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb is being purged
1766 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb
1767 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/boom/2.10.1/package.tgz
1768 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03
1769 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03 is being purged
1770 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03
1771 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/cryptiles/2.0.5/package.tgz
1772 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668
1773 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668 is being purged
1774 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668
1775 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/http-signature/1.1.1/package.tgz
1776 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e
1777 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e is being purged
1778 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e
1779 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/isarray/1.0.0/package.tgz
1780 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510
1781 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510 is being purged
1782 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510
1783 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/oauth-sign/0.8.1/package.tgz
1784 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d
1785 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d is being purged
1786 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d
1787 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/qs/5.2.0/package.tgz
1788 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb
1789 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb is being purged
1790 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb
1791 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/readable-stream/2.0.6/package.tgz
1792 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5
1793 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5 is being purged
1794 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5
1795 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/bl/1.0.3/package.tgz
1796 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f
1797 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f is being purged
1798 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f
1799 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/sntp/1.0.9/package.tgz
1800 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2
1801 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2 is being purged
1802 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2
1803 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/hawk/3.1.3/package.tgz
1804 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca
1805 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca is being purged
1806 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca
1807 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/throttleit/1.0.0/package.tgz
1808 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae
1809 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae is being purged
1810 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae
1811 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/request-progress/2.0.1/package.tgz
1812 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521
1813 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521 is being purged
1814 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521
1815 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b is being purged from base /vagrant
1816 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b
1817 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/tunnel-agent/0.4.2/package.tgz
1818 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34
1819 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34 is being purged
1820 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34
1821 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/request/2.67.0/package.tgz
1822 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40
1823 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40 is being purged
1824 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40
1825 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532 is being purged from base /vagrant
1826 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532
1827 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/screenshot-stream/3.3.0/package.tgz
1828 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5
1829 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5 is being purged
1830 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5
1831 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/phantom-bridge/2.0.1/package.tgz
1832 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478
1833 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478 is being purged
1834 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478
1835 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/pageres/4.1.1/package.tgz
1836 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6
1837 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6 is being purged
1838 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6
1839 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1840 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1841 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1842 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1843 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1844 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1845 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1846 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1847 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1848 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1849 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1850 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1851 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1852 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1853 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1854 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1855 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1856 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1857 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1858 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1859 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1860 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1861 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1862 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1863 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1864 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/which/1.2.4/package.tgz
1865 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b
1866 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b is being purged
1867 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b
1868 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1869 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1870 verbose tar unpack /home/vagrant/.npm/phantomjs-prebuilt/2.1.7/package.tgz
1871 verbose tar unpacking to /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532
1872 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532 is being purged
1873 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532
1874 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1875 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1876 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1877 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1878 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '775', '664' ]
1879 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1880 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1881 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1882 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1883 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1884 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1885 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1886 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1887 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1888 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1889 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1890 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1891 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1892 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1893 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1894 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1895 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1896 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1897 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1898 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1899 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1900 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1901 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1902 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1903 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1904 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1905 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1906 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1907 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1908 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1909 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1910 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1911 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1912 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1913 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1914 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1915 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1916 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1917 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1918 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1919 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1920 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1921 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1922 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1923 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1924 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 438, 436 ]
1925 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1926 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1927 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1928 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1929 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1930 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1931 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1932 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1933 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1934 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 420, 436 ]
1935 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1936 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1937 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1938 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
1939 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1940 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1941 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1942 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
1943 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1944 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1945 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1946 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
1947 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1948 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1949 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1950 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
1951 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1952 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
1953 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry License
1954 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'License', 420, 436 ]
1955 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1956 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry assert.js
1957 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1958 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1959 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1960 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
1961 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1962 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1963 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1964 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
1965 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1966 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1967 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry License
1968 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'License', 420, 436 ]
1969 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1970 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1971 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1972 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
1973 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1974 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1975 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1976 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
1977 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1978 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1979 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1980 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1981 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1982 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
1983 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1984 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 493, 509 ]
1985 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1986 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
1987 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1988 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1989 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1990 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1991 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .eslintrc
1992 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.eslintrc', 420, 436 ]
1993 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1994 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
1995 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1996 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
1997 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1998 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1999 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2000 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
2001 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2002 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2003 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2004 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
2005 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2006 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2007 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2008 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
2009 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2010 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2011 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2012 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
2013 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
2014 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test.js', 420, 436 ]
2015 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2016 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2017 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2018 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2019 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2020 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2021 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2022 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2023 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2024 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 438, 436 ]
2025 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry stream.js
2026 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'stream.js', 438, 436 ]
2027 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2028 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
2029 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2030 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2031 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2032 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2033 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry license
2034 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'license', 420, 436 ]
2035 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dist/index.js
2036 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'dist/index.js', 420, 436 ]
2037 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dist/util.js
2038 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'dist/util.js', 420, 436 ]
2039 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2040 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
2041 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2042 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2043 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2044 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 420, 436 ]
2045 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2046 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2047 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2048 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2049 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2050 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
2051 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example.js
2052 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'example.js', 420, 436 ]
2053 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2054 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2055 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2056 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2057 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2058 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
2059 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2060 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2061 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2062 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2063 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry license
2064 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'license', 420, 436 ]
2065 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
2066 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'Makefile', 420, 436 ]
2067 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2068 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2069 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2070 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2071 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2072 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry AUTHORS
2073 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2074 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
2075 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2076 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2077 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/combined_stream.js
2078 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/combined_stream.js', 420, 436 ]
2079 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2080 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2081 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
2082 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test.js', 420, 436 ]
2083 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2084 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2085 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
2086 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2087 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2088 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2089 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2090 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry License
2091 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'License', 420, 436 ]
2092 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .dockerignore
2093 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.dockerignore', 420, 436 ]
2094 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2095 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
2096 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2097 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2098 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bl.js
2099 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'bl.js', 420, 436 ]
2100 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
2101 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.jshintrc', 420, 436 ]
2102 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2103 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2104 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2105 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2106 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test.js
2107 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/test.js', 420, 436 ]
2108 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2109 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
2110 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2111 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2112 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 493, 509 ]
2113 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2114 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2115 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
2116 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test.js', 420, 436 ]
2117 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2118 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2119 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2120 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
2121 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry writable.js
2122 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'writable.js', 420, 436 ]
2123 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2124 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2125 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
2126 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry foo.js
2127 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'foo.js', 420, 436 ]
2128 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry license
2129 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'license', 438, 436 ]
2130 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2131 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 438, 436 ]
2132 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2133 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2134 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2135 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE', 420, 436 ]
2136 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry which.js
2137 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'which.js', 420, 436 ]
2138 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry install.js
2139 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'install.js', 420, 436 ]
2140 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/phantomjs
2141 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'bin/phantomjs', 493, 509 ]
2142 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE.txt
2143 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'LICENSE.txt', 420, 436 ]
2144 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .eslintrc
2145 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.eslintrc', 420, 436 ]
2146 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
2147 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.jshintrc', 420, 436 ]
2148 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/phantomjs.js
2149 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/phantomjs.js', 420, 436 ]
2150 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/exit.js
2151 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/exit.js', 420, 436 ]
2152 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/loadspeed.js
2153 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/loadspeed.js', 420, 436 ]
2154 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/tests.js
2155 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/tests.js', 420, 436 ]
2156 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2157 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2158 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2159 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2160 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry images/hoek.png
2161 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'images/hoek.png', 420, 436 ]
2162 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/escape.js
2163 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/escape.js', 420, 436 ]
2164 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2165 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2166 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
2167 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'Makefile', 420, 436 ]
2168 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/delayed_stream.js
2169 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/delayed_stream.js', 420, 436 ]
2170 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2171 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2172 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jscs.json
2173 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.jscs.json', 420, 436 ]
2174 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2175 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2176 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
2177 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/index.js', 420, 436 ]
2178 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/parser.js
2179 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/parser.js', 420, 436 ]
2180 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/signer.js
2181 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/signer.js', 420, 436 ]
2182 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/utils.js
2183 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/utils.js', 420, 436 ]
2184 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/verify.js
2185 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/verify.js', 420, 436 ]
2186 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .dir-locals.el
2187 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.dir-locals.el', 420, 436 ]
2188 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2189 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2190 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
2191 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/index.js
2192 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2193 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2194 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
2195 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'Makefile', 420, 436 ]
2196 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2197 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry request.js
2198 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2199 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2200 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
2201 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2202 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2203 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry images/boom.png
2204 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'images/boom.png', 493, 509 ]
2205 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry duplex.js
2206 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'duplex.js', 420, 436 ]
2207 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry transform.js
2208 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'transform.js', 420, 436 ]
2209 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dist/client.js
2210 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bower.json
2211 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry component.json
2212 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2213 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 420, 436 ]
2214 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .editorconfig
2215 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.editorconfig', 420, 436 ]
2216 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .editorconfig
2217 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.editorconfig', 420, 436 ]
2218 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/browser.js
2219 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/browser.js', 420, 436 ]
2220 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2221 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2222 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/basic.js
2223 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/basic.js', 420, 436 ]
2224 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2225 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/usage.js
2226 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2227 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2228 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/auth.js
2229 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2230 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2231 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry component.json
2232 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'component.json', 420, 436 ]
2233 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
2234 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/index.js', 420, 436 ]
2235 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2236 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 420, 436 ]
2237 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry component.json
2238 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'component.json', 420, 436 ]
2239 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .eslintignore
2240 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.eslintignore', 420, 436 ]
2241 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bower.json
2242 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'bower.json', 420, 436 ]
2243 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry component.json
2244 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'component.json', 420, 436 ]
2245 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
2246 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/index.js
2247 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/offset.js
2248 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/time.js
2249 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry passthrough.js
2250 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'passthrough.js', 420, 436 ]
2251 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry readable.js
2252 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'readable.js', 420, 436 ]
2253 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
2254 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/index.js', 493, 509 ]
2255 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2256 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 493, 509 ]
2257 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
2258 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.jshintrc', 420, 436 ]
2259 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2260 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2261 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test.js
2262 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/test.js', 420, 436 ]
2263 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/form_data.js
2264 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/form_data.js', 420, 436 ]
2265 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/bin.js
2266 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/bin.js', 420, 436 ]
2267 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/windows.js
2268 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/windows.js', 420, 436 ]
2269 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/which
2270 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'bin/which', 493, 509 ]
2271 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry images/hawk.png
2272 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry images/logo.png
2273 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/cookies.js
2274 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/getProxyFromURI.js
2275 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/escaper.js
2276 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/escaper.js', 420, 436 ]
2277 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/index.js
2278 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/index.js', 420, 436 ]
2279 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .eslintrc
2280 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.eslintrc', 420, 436 ]
2281 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2282 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2283 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry component.json
2284 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'component.json', 420, 436 ]
2285 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dist/qs.js
2286 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'dist/qs.js', 420, 436 ]
2287 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/_stream_duplex.js
2288 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/_stream_duplex.js', 420, 436 ]
2289 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/_stream_passthrough.js
2290 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/_stream_passthrough.js', 420, 436 ]
2291 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/index.js
2292 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/index.js', 493, 509 ]
2293 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/populate.js
2294 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/populate.js', 420, 436 ]
2295 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .eslintignore
2296 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.eslintignore', 420, 436 ]
2297 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/browser.js
2298 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/har.js
2299 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/helpers.js
2300 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/modules/test1.js
2301 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/modules/test1.js', 420, 436 ]
2302 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/modules/test2.js
2303 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/modules/test2.js', 420, 436 ]
2304 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/modules/test3.js
2305 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/modules/test3.js', 420, 436 ]
2306 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/_stream_readable.js
2307 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/_stream_readable.js', 420, 436 ]
2308 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
2309 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/index.js', 420, 436 ]
2310 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/parse.js
2311 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/parse.js', 420, 436 ]
2312 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/modules/ignore.txt
2313 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/modules/ignore.txt', 420, 436 ]
2314 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry wercker.yml
2315 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'wercker.yml', 420, 436 ]
2316 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19/node_modules is being purged
2317 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19/node_modules
2318 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29/node_modules is being purged
2319 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29/node_modules
2320 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239/node_modules is being purged
2321 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239/node_modules
2322 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa/node_modules is being purged
2323 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa/node_modules
2324 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2/node_modules is being purged
2325 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2/node_modules
2326 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c/node_modules is being purged
2327 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c/node_modules
2328 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee/node_modules is being purged
2329 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee/node_modules
2330 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/client.js
2331 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/crypto.js
2332 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478/node_modules is being purged
2333 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478/node_modules
2334 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/multipart.js
2335 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/oauth.js
2336 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/querystring.js
2337 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/redirect.js
2338 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/_stream_transform.js
2339 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/_stream_transform.js', 420, 436 ]
2340 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/_stream_writable.js
2341 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/_stream_writable.js', 420, 436 ]
2342 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/stringify.js
2343 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/stringify.js', 420, 436 ]
2344 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/utils.js
2345 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'lib/utils.js', 420, 436 ]
2346 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/tunnel.js
2347 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34/node_modules is being purged
2348 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34/node_modules
2349 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802/node_modules is being purged
2350 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802/node_modules
2351 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d/node_modules is being purged
2352 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d/node_modules
2353 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d/node_modules is being purged
2354 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d/node_modules
2355 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
2356 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/server.js
2357 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5/node_modules is being purged
2358 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5/node_modules
2359 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2360 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2361 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry doc/stream.markdown
2362 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'doc/stream.markdown', 420, 436 ]
2363 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6/node_modules is being purged
2364 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6/node_modules
2365 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2366 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 420, 436 ]
2367 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/parse.js
2368 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/parse.js', 420, 436 ]
2369 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2370 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .eslintrc
2371 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/utils.js
2372 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2373 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d/node_modules is being purged
2374 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d/node_modules
2375 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry doc/wg-meetings/
2376 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'doc/wg-meetings/', 420, 436 ]
2377 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .zuul.yml
2378 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.zuul.yml', 420, 436 ]
2379 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/stringify.js
2380 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/stringify.js', 420, 436 ]
2381 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/utils.js
2382 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/utils.js', 420, 436 ]
2383 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/browser.js
2384 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/client.js
2385 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668/node_modules is being purged
2386 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668/node_modules
2387 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510/node_modules is being purged
2388 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510/node_modules
2389 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f/node_modules is being purged
2390 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f/node_modules
2391 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/crypto.js
2392 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/index.js
2393 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/readme.js
2394 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae/node_modules is being purged
2395 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae/node_modules
2396 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/server.js
2397 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/uri.js
2398 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/utils.js
2399 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03/node_modules is being purged
2400 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03/node_modules
2401 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521/node_modules is being purged
2402 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521/node_modules
2403 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15/node_modules is being purged
2404 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15/node_modules
2405 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b/node_modules is being purged
2406 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b/node_modules
2407 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb/node_modules is being purged
2408 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb/node_modules
2409 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2/node_modules is being purged
2410 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2/node_modules
2411 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e/node_modules is being purged
2412 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e/node_modules
2413 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532/node_modules is being purged
2414 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532/node_modules
2415 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb/node_modules is being purged
2416 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb/node_modules
2417 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb/node_modules is being purged
2418 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb/node_modules
2419 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5/node_modules is being purged
2420 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5/node_modules
2421 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40/node_modules is being purged
2422 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40/node_modules
2423 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca/node_modules is being purged
2424 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca/node_modules
2425 silly doParallel preinstall 32
2426 silly preinstall lodash.escape@4.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239
2427 info lifecycle lodash.escape@4.0.0~preinstall: lodash.escape@4.0.0
2428 silly preinstall lodash.keys@4.0.6 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29
2429 info lifecycle lodash.keys@4.0.6~preinstall: lodash.keys@4.0.6
2430 silly preinstall lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2
2431 info lifecycle lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1~preinstall: lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
2432 silly preinstall lodash.template@4.2.4 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c
2433 info lifecycle lodash.template@4.2.4~preinstall: lodash.template@4.2.4
2434 silly preinstall assert-plus@0.2.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802
2435 info lifecycle assert-plus@0.2.0~preinstall: assert-plus@0.2.0
2436 silly preinstall aws-sign2@0.6.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19
2437 info lifecycle aws-sign2@0.6.0~preinstall: aws-sign2@0.6.0
2438 silly preinstall caseless@0.11.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d
2439 info lifecycle caseless@0.11.0~preinstall: caseless@0.11.0
2440 silly preinstall delayed-stream@1.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d
2441 info lifecycle delayed-stream@1.0.0~preinstall: delayed-stream@1.0.0
2442 silly preinstall combined-stream@1.0.5 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee
2443 info lifecycle combined-stream@1.0.5~preinstall: combined-stream@1.0.5
2444 silly preinstall extend@3.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15
2445 info lifecycle extend@3.0.0~preinstall: extend@3.0.0
2446 silly preinstall forever-agent@0.6.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa
2447 info lifecycle forever-agent@0.6.1~preinstall: forever-agent@0.6.1
2448 silly preinstall form-data@1.0.0-rc4 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb
2449 info lifecycle form-data@1.0.0-rc4~preinstall: form-data@1.0.0-rc4
2450 silly preinstall hoek@2.16.3 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb
2451 info lifecycle hoek@2.16.3~preinstall: hoek@2.16.3
2452 silly preinstall boom@2.10.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03
2453 info lifecycle boom@2.10.1~preinstall: boom@2.10.1
2454 silly preinstall cryptiles@2.0.5 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668
2455 info lifecycle cryptiles@2.0.5~preinstall: cryptiles@2.0.5
2456 silly preinstall http-signature@1.1.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e
2457 info lifecycle http-signature@1.1.1~preinstall: http-signature@1.1.1
2458 silly preinstall isarray@1.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510
2459 info lifecycle isarray@1.0.0~preinstall: isarray@1.0.0
2460 silly preinstall oauth-sign@0.8.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d
2461 info lifecycle oauth-sign@0.8.1~preinstall: oauth-sign@0.8.1
2462 silly preinstall qs@5.2.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb
2463 info lifecycle qs@5.2.0~preinstall: qs@5.2.0
2464 silly preinstall readable-stream@2.0.6 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5
2465 info lifecycle readable-stream@2.0.6~preinstall: readable-stream@2.0.6
2466 silly preinstall bl@1.0.3 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f
2467 info lifecycle bl@1.0.3~preinstall: bl@1.0.3
2468 silly preinstall sntp@1.0.9 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2
2469 info lifecycle sntp@1.0.9~preinstall: sntp@1.0.9
2470 silly preinstall hawk@3.1.3 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca
2471 info lifecycle hawk@3.1.3~preinstall: hawk@3.1.3
2472 silly preinstall throttleit@1.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae
2473 info lifecycle throttleit@1.0.0~preinstall: throttleit@1.0.0
2474 silly preinstall request-progress@2.0.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521
2475 info lifecycle request-progress@2.0.1~preinstall: request-progress@2.0.1
2476 silly preinstall tunnel-agent@0.4.2 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34
2477 info lifecycle tunnel-agent@0.4.2~preinstall: tunnel-agent@0.4.2
2478 silly preinstall request@2.67.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40
2479 info lifecycle request@2.67.0~preinstall: request@2.67.0
2480 silly preinstall which@1.2.4 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b
2481 info lifecycle which@1.2.4~preinstall: which@1.2.4
2482 silly preinstall phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532
2483 info lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~preinstall: phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
2484 silly preinstall phantom-bridge@2.0.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantom-bridge-10710478
2485 info lifecycle phantom-bridge@2.0.1~preinstall: phantom-bridge@2.0.1
2486 silly preinstall screenshot-stream@3.3.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/screenshot-stream-7333edf5
2487 info lifecycle screenshot-stream@3.3.0~preinstall: screenshot-stream@3.3.0
2488 silly preinstall pageres@4.1.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/pageres-f74af2e6
2489 info lifecycle pageres@4.1.1~preinstall: pageres@4.1.1
2490 silly lifecycle lodash.escape@4.0.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2491 silly lifecycle lodash.keys@4.0.6~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2492 silly lifecycle lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2493 silly lifecycle lodash.template@4.2.4~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2494 silly lifecycle assert-plus@0.2.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2495 silly lifecycle aws-sign2@0.6.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2496 silly lifecycle caseless@0.11.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2497 silly lifecycle delayed-stream@1.0.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2498 silly lifecycle extend@3.0.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2499 silly lifecycle combined-stream@1.0.5~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2500 silly lifecycle forever-agent@0.6.1~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2501 silly lifecycle form-data@1.0.0-rc4~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2502 silly lifecycle hoek@2.16.3~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2503 silly lifecycle boom@2.10.1~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2504 silly lifecycle cryptiles@2.0.5~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2505 silly lifecycle http-signature@1.1.1~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2506 silly lifecycle isarray@1.0.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2507 silly lifecycle oauth-sign@0.8.1~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2508 silly lifecycle qs@5.2.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2509 silly lifecycle readable-stream@2.0.6~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2510 silly lifecycle bl@1.0.3~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2511 silly lifecycle sntp@1.0.9~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2512 silly lifecycle hawk@3.1.3~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2513 silly lifecycle throttleit@1.0.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2514 silly lifecycle request-progress@2.0.1~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2515 silly lifecycle tunnel-agent@0.4.2~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2516 silly lifecycle request@2.67.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2517 silly lifecycle which@1.2.4~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2518 silly lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2519 silly lifecycle phantom-bridge@2.0.1~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2520 silly lifecycle screenshot-stream@3.3.0~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2521 silly lifecycle pageres@4.1.1~preinstall: no script for preinstall, continuing
2522 silly doReverseSerial remove 0
2523 silly doSerial move 0
2524 silly doSerial finalize 32
2525 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/pageres/node_modules/lodash.escape
2526 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/pageres/node_modules/lodash.keys
2527 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/pageres/node_modules/lodash.templatesettings
2528 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/pageres/node_modules/lodash.template
2529 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/assert-plus
2530 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/aws-sign2
2531 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/caseless
2532 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/delayed-stream
2533 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/combined-stream
2534 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/extend
2535 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/forever-agent
2536 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/form-data
2537 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/hoek
2538 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/boom
2539 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/cryptiles
2540 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/http-signature
2541 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/isarray
2542 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/oauth-sign
2543 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/qs
2544 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/readable-stream
2545 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/bl
2546 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/sntp
2547 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/hawk
2548 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/throttleit
2549 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/request-progress
2550 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/tunnel-agent
2551 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/request
2552 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/which
2553 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt
2554 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge
2555 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/screenshot-stream
2556 silly finalize /vagrant/node_modules/pageres
2557 silly doSerial build 32
2558 silly build lodash.escape@4.0.0
2559 info linkStuff lodash.escape@4.0.0
2560 silly linkStuff lodash.escape@4.0.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/pageres/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2561 verbose linkBins lodash.escape@4.0.0
2562 verbose linkMans lodash.escape@4.0.0
2563 silly build lodash.keys@4.0.6
2564 info linkStuff lodash.keys@4.0.6
2565 silly linkStuff lodash.keys@4.0.6 has /vagrant/node_modules/pageres/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2566 verbose linkBins lodash.keys@4.0.6
2567 verbose linkMans lodash.keys@4.0.6
2568 silly build lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
2569 info linkStuff lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
2570 silly linkStuff lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1 has /vagrant/node_modules/pageres/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2571 verbose linkBins lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
2572 verbose linkMans lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
2573 silly build lodash.template@4.2.4
2574 info linkStuff lodash.template@4.2.4
2575 silly linkStuff lodash.template@4.2.4 has /vagrant/node_modules/pageres/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2576 verbose linkBins lodash.template@4.2.4
2577 verbose linkMans lodash.template@4.2.4
2578 silly build assert-plus@0.2.0
2579 info linkStuff assert-plus@0.2.0
2580 silly linkStuff assert-plus@0.2.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2581 verbose linkBins assert-plus@0.2.0
2582 verbose linkMans assert-plus@0.2.0
2583 silly build aws-sign2@0.6.0
2584 info linkStuff aws-sign2@0.6.0
2585 silly linkStuff aws-sign2@0.6.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2586 verbose linkBins aws-sign2@0.6.0
2587 verbose linkMans aws-sign2@0.6.0
2588 silly build caseless@0.11.0
2589 info linkStuff caseless@0.11.0
2590 silly linkStuff caseless@0.11.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2591 verbose linkBins caseless@0.11.0
2592 verbose linkMans caseless@0.11.0
2593 silly build delayed-stream@1.0.0
2594 info linkStuff delayed-stream@1.0.0
2595 silly linkStuff delayed-stream@1.0.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2596 verbose linkBins delayed-stream@1.0.0
2597 verbose linkMans delayed-stream@1.0.0
2598 silly build combined-stream@1.0.5
2599 info linkStuff combined-stream@1.0.5
2600 silly linkStuff combined-stream@1.0.5 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2601 verbose linkBins combined-stream@1.0.5
2602 verbose linkMans combined-stream@1.0.5
2603 silly build extend@3.0.0
2604 info linkStuff extend@3.0.0
2605 silly linkStuff extend@3.0.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2606 verbose linkBins extend@3.0.0
2607 verbose linkMans extend@3.0.0
2608 silly build forever-agent@0.6.1
2609 info linkStuff forever-agent@0.6.1
2610 silly linkStuff forever-agent@0.6.1 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2611 verbose linkBins forever-agent@0.6.1
2612 verbose linkMans forever-agent@0.6.1
2613 silly build form-data@1.0.0-rc4
2614 info linkStuff form-data@1.0.0-rc4
2615 silly linkStuff form-data@1.0.0-rc4 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2616 verbose linkBins form-data@1.0.0-rc4
2617 verbose linkMans form-data@1.0.0-rc4
2618 silly build hoek@2.16.3
2619 info linkStuff hoek@2.16.3
2620 silly linkStuff hoek@2.16.3 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2621 verbose linkBins hoek@2.16.3
2622 verbose linkMans hoek@2.16.3
2623 silly build boom@2.10.1
2624 info linkStuff boom@2.10.1
2625 silly linkStuff boom@2.10.1 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2626 verbose linkBins boom@2.10.1
2627 verbose linkMans boom@2.10.1
2628 silly build cryptiles@2.0.5
2629 info linkStuff cryptiles@2.0.5
2630 silly linkStuff cryptiles@2.0.5 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2631 verbose linkBins cryptiles@2.0.5
2632 verbose linkMans cryptiles@2.0.5
2633 silly build http-signature@1.1.1
2634 info linkStuff http-signature@1.1.1
2635 silly linkStuff http-signature@1.1.1 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2636 verbose linkBins http-signature@1.1.1
2637 verbose linkMans http-signature@1.1.1
2638 silly build isarray@1.0.0
2639 info linkStuff isarray@1.0.0
2640 silly linkStuff isarray@1.0.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2641 verbose linkBins isarray@1.0.0
2642 verbose linkMans isarray@1.0.0
2643 silly build oauth-sign@0.8.1
2644 info linkStuff oauth-sign@0.8.1
2645 silly linkStuff oauth-sign@0.8.1 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2646 verbose linkBins oauth-sign@0.8.1
2647 verbose linkMans oauth-sign@0.8.1
2648 silly build qs@5.2.0
2649 info linkStuff qs@5.2.0
2650 silly linkStuff qs@5.2.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2651 verbose linkBins qs@5.2.0
2652 verbose linkMans qs@5.2.0
2653 silly build readable-stream@2.0.6
2654 info linkStuff readable-stream@2.0.6
2655 silly linkStuff readable-stream@2.0.6 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2656 verbose linkBins readable-stream@2.0.6
2657 verbose linkMans readable-stream@2.0.6
2658 silly build bl@1.0.3
2659 info linkStuff bl@1.0.3
2660 silly linkStuff bl@1.0.3 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2661 verbose linkBins bl@1.0.3
2662 verbose linkMans bl@1.0.3
2663 silly build sntp@1.0.9
2664 info linkStuff sntp@1.0.9
2665 silly linkStuff sntp@1.0.9 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2666 verbose linkBins sntp@1.0.9
2667 verbose linkMans sntp@1.0.9
2668 silly build hawk@3.1.3
2669 info linkStuff hawk@3.1.3
2670 silly linkStuff hawk@3.1.3 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2671 verbose linkBins hawk@3.1.3
2672 verbose linkMans hawk@3.1.3
2673 silly build throttleit@1.0.0
2674 info linkStuff throttleit@1.0.0
2675 silly linkStuff throttleit@1.0.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2676 verbose linkBins throttleit@1.0.0
2677 verbose linkMans throttleit@1.0.0
2678 silly build request-progress@2.0.1
2679 info linkStuff request-progress@2.0.1
2680 silly linkStuff request-progress@2.0.1 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2681 verbose linkBins request-progress@2.0.1
2682 verbose linkMans request-progress@2.0.1
2683 silly build tunnel-agent@0.4.2
2684 info linkStuff tunnel-agent@0.4.2
2685 silly linkStuff tunnel-agent@0.4.2 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2686 verbose linkBins tunnel-agent@0.4.2
2687 verbose linkMans tunnel-agent@0.4.2
2688 silly build request@2.67.0
2689 info linkStuff request@2.67.0
2690 silly linkStuff request@2.67.0 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2691 verbose linkBins request@2.67.0
2692 verbose linkMans request@2.67.0
2693 silly build which@1.2.4
2694 info linkStuff which@1.2.4
2695 silly linkStuff which@1.2.4 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2696 verbose linkBins which@1.2.4
2697 verbose link bins [ { which: './bin/which' },
2697 verbose link bins '/vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/.bin',
2697 verbose link bins false ]
2698 verbose linkMans which@1.2.4
2699 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/.bin/which is being purged
2700 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/.bin/which
2701 silly build phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
2702 info linkStuff phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
2703 silly linkStuff phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 has /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2704 verbose linkBins phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
2705 verbose link bins [ { phantomjs: './bin/phantomjs' },
2705 verbose link bins '/vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/.bin',
2705 verbose link bins false ]
2706 verbose linkMans phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
2707 silly gentlyRm /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/.bin/phantomjs is being purged
2708 verbose gentlyRm don't care about contents; nuking /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/.bin/phantomjs
2709 silly build phantom-bridge@2.0.1
2710 info linkStuff phantom-bridge@2.0.1
2711 silly linkStuff phantom-bridge@2.0.1 has /vagrant/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2712 verbose linkBins phantom-bridge@2.0.1
2713 verbose linkMans phantom-bridge@2.0.1
2714 silly build screenshot-stream@3.3.0
2715 info linkStuff screenshot-stream@3.3.0
2716 silly linkStuff screenshot-stream@3.3.0 has /vagrant/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2717 verbose linkBins screenshot-stream@3.3.0
2718 verbose linkMans screenshot-stream@3.3.0
2719 silly build pageres@4.1.1
2720 info linkStuff pageres@4.1.1
2721 silly linkStuff pageres@4.1.1 has /vagrant/node_modules as its parent node_modules
2722 verbose linkBins pageres@4.1.1
2723 verbose linkMans pageres@4.1.1
2724 silly doSerial global-link 0
2725 silly doParallel update-linked 0
2726 silly doSerial install 32
2727 silly install lodash.escape@4.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.escape-b25fd239
2728 info lifecycle lodash.escape@4.0.0~install: lodash.escape@4.0.0
2729 silly lifecycle lodash.escape@4.0.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2730 silly install lodash.keys@4.0.6 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.keys-6d1bce29
2731 info lifecycle lodash.keys@4.0.6~install: lodash.keys@4.0.6
2732 silly lifecycle lodash.keys@4.0.6~install: no script for install, continuing
2733 silly install lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.templatesettings-1fef15f2
2734 info lifecycle lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1~install: lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1
2735 silly lifecycle lodash.templatesettings@4.0.1~install: no script for install, continuing
2736 silly install lodash.template@4.2.4 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/lodash.template-c06f2d9c
2737 info lifecycle lodash.template@4.2.4~install: lodash.template@4.2.4
2738 silly lifecycle lodash.template@4.2.4~install: no script for install, continuing
2739 silly install assert-plus@0.2.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/assert-plus-e695f802
2740 info lifecycle assert-plus@0.2.0~install: assert-plus@0.2.0
2741 silly lifecycle assert-plus@0.2.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2742 silly install aws-sign2@0.6.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/aws-sign2-d5f7ae19
2743 info lifecycle aws-sign2@0.6.0~install: aws-sign2@0.6.0
2744 silly lifecycle aws-sign2@0.6.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2745 silly install caseless@0.11.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/caseless-c97bd05d
2746 info lifecycle caseless@0.11.0~install: caseless@0.11.0
2747 silly lifecycle caseless@0.11.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2748 silly install delayed-stream@1.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/delayed-stream-264d418d
2749 info lifecycle delayed-stream@1.0.0~install: delayed-stream@1.0.0
2750 silly lifecycle delayed-stream@1.0.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2751 silly install combined-stream@1.0.5 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/combined-stream-a2749eee
2752 info lifecycle combined-stream@1.0.5~install: combined-stream@1.0.5
2753 silly lifecycle combined-stream@1.0.5~install: no script for install, continuing
2754 silly install extend@3.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/extend-dc5ddd15
2755 info lifecycle extend@3.0.0~install: extend@3.0.0
2756 silly lifecycle extend@3.0.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2757 silly install forever-agent@0.6.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/forever-agent-8adb49aa
2758 info lifecycle forever-agent@0.6.1~install: forever-agent@0.6.1
2759 silly lifecycle forever-agent@0.6.1~install: no script for install, continuing
2760 silly install form-data@1.0.0-rc4 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/form-data-0aa392cb
2761 info lifecycle form-data@1.0.0-rc4~install: form-data@1.0.0-rc4
2762 silly lifecycle form-data@1.0.0-rc4~install: no script for install, continuing
2763 silly install hoek@2.16.3 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hoek-6bc134cb
2764 info lifecycle hoek@2.16.3~install: hoek@2.16.3
2765 silly lifecycle hoek@2.16.3~install: no script for install, continuing
2766 silly install boom@2.10.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/boom-7e4cee03
2767 info lifecycle boom@2.10.1~install: boom@2.10.1
2768 silly lifecycle boom@2.10.1~install: no script for install, continuing
2769 silly install cryptiles@2.0.5 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/cryptiles-90454668
2770 info lifecycle cryptiles@2.0.5~install: cryptiles@2.0.5
2771 silly lifecycle cryptiles@2.0.5~install: no script for install, continuing
2772 silly install http-signature@1.1.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/http-signature-c8e6205e
2773 info lifecycle http-signature@1.1.1~install: http-signature@1.1.1
2774 silly lifecycle http-signature@1.1.1~install: no script for install, continuing
2775 silly install isarray@1.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/isarray-92991510
2776 info lifecycle isarray@1.0.0~install: isarray@1.0.0
2777 silly lifecycle isarray@1.0.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2778 silly install oauth-sign@0.8.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/oauth-sign-5222786d
2779 info lifecycle oauth-sign@0.8.1~install: oauth-sign@0.8.1
2780 silly lifecycle oauth-sign@0.8.1~install: no script for install, continuing
2781 silly install qs@5.2.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/qs-b0177bdb
2782 info lifecycle qs@5.2.0~install: qs@5.2.0
2783 silly lifecycle qs@5.2.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2784 silly install readable-stream@2.0.6 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/readable-stream-801102f5
2785 info lifecycle readable-stream@2.0.6~install: readable-stream@2.0.6
2786 silly lifecycle readable-stream@2.0.6~install: no script for install, continuing
2787 silly install bl@1.0.3 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/bl-4a06b17f
2788 info lifecycle bl@1.0.3~install: bl@1.0.3
2789 silly lifecycle bl@1.0.3~install: no script for install, continuing
2790 silly install sntp@1.0.9 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/sntp-862d20b2
2791 info lifecycle sntp@1.0.9~install: sntp@1.0.9
2792 silly lifecycle sntp@1.0.9~install: no script for install, continuing
2793 silly install hawk@3.1.3 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/hawk-e7a9e6ca
2794 info lifecycle hawk@3.1.3~install: hawk@3.1.3
2795 silly lifecycle hawk@3.1.3~install: no script for install, continuing
2796 silly install throttleit@1.0.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/throttleit-d1b86dae
2797 info lifecycle throttleit@1.0.0~install: throttleit@1.0.0
2798 silly lifecycle throttleit@1.0.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2799 silly install request-progress@2.0.1 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-progress-575df521
2800 info lifecycle request-progress@2.0.1~install: request-progress@2.0.1
2801 silly lifecycle request-progress@2.0.1~install: no script for install, continuing
2802 silly install tunnel-agent@0.4.2 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/tunnel-agent-d2fbce34
2803 info lifecycle tunnel-agent@0.4.2~install: tunnel-agent@0.4.2
2804 silly lifecycle tunnel-agent@0.4.2~install: no script for install, continuing
2805 silly install request@2.67.0 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/request-2de52d40
2806 info lifecycle request@2.67.0~install: request@2.67.0
2807 silly lifecycle request@2.67.0~install: no script for install, continuing
2808 silly install which@1.2.4 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/which-e8a1c58b
2809 info lifecycle which@1.2.4~install: which@1.2.4
2810 silly lifecycle which@1.2.4~install: no script for install, continuing
2811 silly install phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 /vagrant/node_modules/.staging/phantomjs-prebuilt-0a302532
2812 info lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~install: phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
2813 verbose lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~install: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
2814 verbose lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~install: PATH: /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:/vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/node_modules/.bin:/vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/.bin:/vagrant/node_modules/.bin:/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin:/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/opt/vagrant_ruby/bin
2815 verbose lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~install: CWD: /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt
2816 silly lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~install: Args: [ '-c', 'node install.js' ]
2817 silly lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~install: Returned: code: 1 signal: null
2818 info lifecycle phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7~install: Failed to exec install script
2819 verbose unlock done using /home/vagrant/.npm/_locks/staging-db29c5a769436947.lock for /vagrant/node_modules/.staging
2820 silly rollbackFailedOptional Starting
2821 silly rollbackFailedOptional Finishing
2822 silly runTopLevelLifecycles Starting
2823 silly runTopLevelLifecycles Finishing
2824 silly install printInstalled
2825 warn optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
2826 warn notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.11
2827 verbose stack Error: phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install: `node install.js`
2827 verbose stack Exit status 1
2827 verbose stack at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js:244:16)
2827 verbose stack at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
2827 verbose stack at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:172:7)
2827 verbose stack at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/spawn.js:24:14)
2827 verbose stack at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
2827 verbose stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)
2827 verbose stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:821:16)
2827 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:211:5)
2828 verbose pkgid phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7
2829 verbose cwd /vagrant
2830 error Linux 3.2.0-23-generic
2831 error argv "/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/node" "/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/npm" "install"
2832 error node v4.3.1
2833 error npm v3.8.8
2834 error code ELIFECYCLE
2835 error phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install: `node install.js`
2835 error Exit status 1
2836 error Failed at the phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install script 'node install.js'.
2836 error Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
2836 error If you do, this is most likely a problem with the phantomjs-prebuilt package,
2836 error not with npm itself.
2836 error Tell the author that this fails on your system:
2836 error node install.js
2836 error You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
2836 error npm bugs phantomjs-prebuilt
2836 error Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
2836 error npm owner ls phantomjs-prebuilt
2836 error There is likely additional logging output above.
2837 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
npm WARN deprecated lodash@1.3.1: lodash@<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash@^4.0.0.
> phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt
> node install.js
this.pos = this
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:373:25)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
at Module.require (module.js:353:17)
at require (internal/module.js:12:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (/vagrant/node_modules/yauzl/index.js:3:17)
at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
bytes@2.1.0 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/bytes -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/bytes
commander@2.6.0 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/commander -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/commander
content-disposition@0.5.0 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/content-disposition -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/content-disposition
cookie@0.1.3 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/cookie -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/cookie
depd@1.0.1 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/depd -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/depd
destroy@1.0.3 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/send/node_modules/destroy -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/destroy
escape-html@1.0.2 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/escape-html -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/escape-html
- http-errors@1.3.1 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/send/node_modules/http-errors
finalhandler@0.4.0 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/finalhandler -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/finalhandler
http-errors@1.3.1 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/http-errors -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/http-errors
iconv-lite@0.4.11 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/body-parser/node_modules/iconv-lite -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/iconv-lite
merge-descriptors@1.0.0 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/merge-descriptors -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/merge-descriptors
methods@1.1.2 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/methods -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/methods
mime@1.3.4 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/send/node_modules/mime -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/mime
morgan@1.6.1 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/morgan -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/morgan
negotiator@0.5.3 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/compression/node_modules/accepts/node_modules/negotiator -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/negotiator
accepts@1.2.13 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/compression/node_modules/accepts -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/accepts
pause@0.1.0 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/pause -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/pause
qs@4.0.0 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/qs -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/qs
body-parser@1.13.3 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/body-parser -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/body-parser
send@0.13.0 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/send -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/send
vary@1.0.1 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/vary -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/vary
compression@1.5.2 node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/node_modules/compression -> node_modules/swagger-node-express/node_modules/compression
habitrpg@3.0.0-alpha /vagrant
+-- icalendar@0.6.4 (git://
`-- swagger-node-express@2.0.0 (git://
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.11
npm ERR! Linux 3.2.0-23-generic
npm ERR! argv "/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/node" "/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! node v4.3.1
npm ERR! npm v3.8.8
npm ERR! phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install: `node install.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install script 'node install.js'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the phantomjs-prebuilt package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! node install.js
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs phantomjs-prebuilt
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls phantomjs-prebuilt
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /vagrant/npm-debug.log
> phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install /vagrant/node_modules/phantom-bridge/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt
> node install.js
this.pos = this
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:373:25)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
at Module.require (module.js:353:17)
at require (internal/module.js:12:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (/vagrant/node_modules/yauzl/index.js:3:17)
at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
habitrpg@3.0.0-alpha /vagrant
`-- (empty)
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.0.11
npm ERR! Linux 3.2.0-23-generic
npm ERR! argv "/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/node" "/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! node v4.3.1
npm ERR! npm v3.8.8
npm ERR! phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install: `node install.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.7 install script 'node install.js'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the phantomjs-prebuilt package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! node install.js
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs phantomjs-prebuilt
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls phantomjs-prebuilt
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /vagrant/npm-debug.log
npm ERR! code 1
/home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/npm -> /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
npm@3.8.8 /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/npm
Ignoring sup-0.21.0 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine sup --version 0.21.0
Ignoring sup-0.21.0 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine sup --version 0.21.0
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'thepeopleseason/habitrpg'...
Progress: 40%
Progress: 50%
Progress: 60%
Progress: 70%
Progress: 80%
Progress: 90%
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Checking if box 'thepeopleseason/habitrpg' is up to date...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: habitica-api-v3_default_1461918734661_79503
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
default: Adapter 1: nat
==> default: Forwarding ports...
default: 3000 (guest) => 3000 (host) (adapter 1)
default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
default: SSH address:
default: SSH username: vagrant
default: SSH auth method: private key
default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
default: Inserting generated public key within guest...
default: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present...
default: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
default: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
default: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
default: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
default: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
default: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
default: your host and reload your VM.
default: Guest Additions Version: 4.2.0
default: VirtualBox Version: 5.0
==> default: Setting hostname...
==> default: Mounting shared folders...
default: /vagrant => /mnt/external/habiticadev/habitica-api-v3
==> default: Running provisioner: shell...
default: Running: /tmp/
==> default: stdin: is not a tty
==> default: Setting up Habitica...
==> default: Updating repositories...
==> default: Installing Unix build tools - needed for node-gyp to use make...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libstdc++6-4.6-dev.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 51095 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking libstdc++6-4.6-dev (from .../libstdc++6-4.6-dev_4.6.3-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package g++-4.6.
==> default: Unpacking g++-4.6 (from .../g++-4.6_4.6.3-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package g++.
==> default: Unpacking g++ (from .../g++_4%3a4.6.3-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package make.
==> default: Unpacking make (from .../make_3.81-8.1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libdpkg-perl.
==> default: Unpacking libdpkg-perl (from .../libdpkg-perl_1.16.1.2ubuntu7.7_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package patch.
==> default: Unpacking patch (from .../patch_2.6.1-3ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package dpkg-dev.
==> default: Unpacking dpkg-dev (from .../dpkg-dev_1.16.1.2ubuntu7.7_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package build-essential.
==> default: Unpacking build-essential (from .../build-essential_11.5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package fakeroot.
==> default: Unpacking fakeroot (from .../fakeroot_1.18.2-1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-perl.
==> default: Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-perl (from .../libalgorithm-diff-perl_1.19.02-2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl.
==> default: Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (from .../libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl_0.04-2build2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-merge-perl.
==> default: Unpacking libalgorithm-merge-perl (from .../libalgorithm-merge-perl_0.08-2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Setting up make (3.81-8.1ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libdpkg-perl ( ...
==> default: Setting up patch (2.6.1-3ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up dpkg-dev ( ...
==> default: Setting up fakeroot (1.18.2-1) ...
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/bin/fakeroot-sysv to provide /usr/bin/fakeroot (fakeroot) in auto mode.
==> default: Setting up libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.19.02-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-2build2) ...
==> default: Setting up libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libstdc++6-4.6-dev (4.6.3-1ubuntu5) ...
==> default: Setting up g++-4.6 (4.6.3-1ubuntu5) ...
==> default: Setting up g++ (4:4.6.3-1ubuntu5) ...
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/bin/g++ to provide /usr/bin/c++ (c++) in auto mode.
==> default: Setting up build-essential (11.5ubuntu2.1) ...
==> default: Installing python software properties...
==> default: Preconfiguring packages ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package unattended-upgrades.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 52235 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking unattended-upgrades (from .../unattended-upgrades_0.76ubuntu1.2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package python-pycurl.
==> default: Unpacking python-pycurl (from .../python-pycurl_7.19.0-4ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package python-software-properties.
==> default: Unpacking python-software-properties (from .../python-software-properties_0.82.7.7_all.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
==> default: ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot
==> default: Setting up unattended-upgrades (0.76ubuntu1.2) ...
==> default: Setting up python-pycurl (7.19.0-4ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up python-software-properties ( ...
==> default: Installing sprite dependencies...
==> default: Installing GraphicsMagick - provides gm and convert...
==> default: Preconfiguring packages ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libavahi-common-data.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 52308 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking libavahi-common-data (from .../libavahi-common-data_0.6.30-5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libavahi-common3.
==> default: Unpacking libavahi-common3 (from .../libavahi-common3_0.6.30-5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libavahi-client3.
==> default: Unpacking libavahi-client3 (from .../libavahi-client3_0.6.30-5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcups2.
==> default: Unpacking libcups2 (from .../libcups2_1.5.3-0ubuntu8.7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg-turbo8.
==> default: Unpacking libjpeg-turbo8 (from .../libjpeg-turbo8_1.1.90+svn733-0ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg8.
==> default: Unpacking libjpeg8 (from .../libjpeg8_8c-2ubuntu7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libtiff4.
==> default: Unpacking libtiff4 (from .../libtiff4_3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcupsimage2.
==> default: Unpacking libcupsimage2 (from .../libcupsimage2_1.5.3-0ubuntu8.7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package ttf-dejavu-core.
==> default: Unpacking ttf-dejavu-core (from .../ttf-dejavu-core_2.33-2ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package fontconfig-config.
==> default: Unpacking fontconfig-config (from .../fontconfig-config_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libfontconfig1.
==> default: Unpacking libfontconfig1 (from .../libfontconfig1_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjasper1.
==> default: Unpacking libjasper1 (from .../libjasper1_1.900.1-13ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package liblcms1.
==> default: Unpacking liblcms1 (from .../liblcms1_1.19.dfsg-1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package liblcms2-2.
==> default: Unpacking liblcms2-2 (from .../liblcms2-2_2.2+git20110628-2ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libltdl7.
==> default: Unpacking libltdl7 (from .../libltdl7_2.4.2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libwmf0.2-7.
==> default: Unpacking libwmf0.2-7 (from .../libwmf0.2-7_0.2.8.4-10ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package cmap-adobe-japan1.
==> default: Unpacking cmap-adobe-japan1 (from .../cmap-adobe-japan1_0+20090930-2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libijs-0.35.
==> default: Unpacking libijs-0.35 (from .../libijs-0.35_0.35-8_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjbig2dec0.
==> default: Unpacking libjbig2dec0 (from .../libjbig2dec0_0.11-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpaper1.
==> default: Unpacking libpaper1 (from .../libpaper1_1.1.24+nmu1build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gs-cjk-resource.
==> default: Unpacking gs-cjk-resource (from .../gs-cjk-resource_1.20100103-3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgs9-common.
==> default: Unpacking libgs9-common (from .../libgs9-common_9.05~dfsg-0ubuntu4.3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgs9.
==> default: Unpacking libgs9 (from .../libgs9_9.05~dfsg-0ubuntu4.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gsfonts.
==> default: Unpacking gsfonts (from .../gsfonts_1%3a8.11+urwcyr1.0.7~pre44-4.2ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package ghostscript.
==> default: Unpacking ghostscript (from .../ghostscript_9.05~dfsg-0ubuntu4.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgraphicsmagick3.
==> default: Unpacking libgraphicsmagick3 (from .../libgraphicsmagick3_1.3.12-1.1build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package graphicsmagick.
==> default: Unpacking graphicsmagick (from .../graphicsmagick_1.3.12-1.1build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpaper-utils.
==> default: Unpacking libpaper-utils (from .../libpaper-utils_1.1.24+nmu1build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Setting up libavahi-common-data (0.6.30-5ubuntu2.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libavahi-common3 (0.6.30-5ubuntu2.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libavahi-client3 (0.6.30-5ubuntu2.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libcups2 (1.5.3-0ubuntu8.7) ...
==> default: Setting up libjpeg-turbo8 (1.1.90+svn733-0ubuntu4.4) ...
==> default: Setting up libjpeg8 (8c-2ubuntu7) ...
==> default: Setting up libtiff4 (3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9) ...
==> default: Setting up libcupsimage2 (1.5.3-0ubuntu8.7) ...
==> default: Setting up ttf-dejavu-core (2.33-2ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up fontconfig-config (2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libfontconfig1 (2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libjasper1 (1.900.1-13ubuntu0.3) ...
==> default: Setting up liblcms1 (1.19.dfsg-1ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up liblcms2-2 (2.2+git20110628-2ubuntu3.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libltdl7 (2.4.2-1ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libwmf0.2-7 ( ...
==> default: Setting up cmap-adobe-japan1 (0+20090930-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libijs-0.35 (0.35-8) ...
==> default: Setting up libjbig2dec0 (0.11-1ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libpaper1 (1.1.24+nmu1build1) ...
==> default: Creating config file /etc/papersize with new version
==> default: Setting up libgs9-common (9.05~dfsg-0ubuntu4.3) ...
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/share/ghostscript/9.05 to provide /usr/share/ghostscript/current (ghostscript-current) in auto mode.
==> default: Setting up gsfonts (1:8.11+urwcyr1.0.7~pre44-4.2ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgraphicsmagick3 (1.3.12-1.1build1) ...
==> default: Setting up graphicsmagick (1.3.12-1.1build1) ...
==> default: Setting up libpaper-utils (1.1.24+nmu1build1) ...
==> default: Setting up gs-cjk-resource (1.20100103-3) ...
==> default: Setting up libgs9 (9.05~dfsg-0ubuntu4.3) ...
==> default: Setting up ghostscript (9.05~dfsg-0ubuntu4.3) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: Installing phantomjs and dependency...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libicu48.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 53390 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking libicu48 (from .../libicu48_4.8.1.1-3ubuntu0.6_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Setting up libicu48 ( ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: Installing requirements for grunt-spritesmith...
==> default:
Extracting templates from packages: 60%
==> default:
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
==> default: Preconfiguring packages ...
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 53411 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Preparing to replace libpcre3 8.12-4 (using .../libpcre3_8.12-4ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libpcre3 ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libglib2.0-0 2.32.1-0ubuntu2 (using .../libglib2.0-0_2.32.4-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libglib2.0-0 ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libpng12-0 1.2.46-3ubuntu4 (using .../libpng12-0_1.2.46-3ubuntu4.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libpng12-0 ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libxcb1 1.8.1-1 (using .../libxcb1_1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libxcb1 ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libx11-6 2: (using .../libx11-6_2%3a1.4.99.1-0ubuntu2.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libx11-6 ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libfreetype6 2.4.8-1ubuntu2 (using .../libfreetype6_2.4.8-1ubuntu2.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libfreetype6 ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpixman-1-0.
==> default: Unpacking libpixman-1-0 (from .../libpixman-1-0_0.30.2-1ubuntu0. ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcb-render0.
==> default: Unpacking libxcb-render0 (from .../libxcb-render0_1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcb-shm0.
==> default: Unpacking libxcb-shm0 (from .../libxcb-shm0_1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxrender1.
==> default: Unpacking libxrender1 (from .../libxrender1_1%3a0.9.6-2ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcairo2.
==> default: Unpacking libcairo2 (from .../libcairo2_1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcairo-gobject2.
==> default: Unpacking libcairo-gobject2 (from .../libcairo-gobject2_1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcairo-script-interpreter2.
==> default: Unpacking libcairo-script-interpreter2 (from .../libcairo-script-interpreter2_1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libexpat1 2.0.1-7.2ubuntu1 (using .../libexpat1_2.0.1-7.2ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libexpat1 ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libglib2.0-data.
==> default: Unpacking libglib2.0-data (from .../libglib2.0-data_2.32.4-0ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libglib2.0-bin.
==> default: Unpacking libglib2.0-bin (from .../libglib2.0-bin_2.32.4-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package x11-common.
==> default: Unpacking x11-common (from .../x11-common_1%3a7.6+12ubuntu2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libice6.
==> default: Unpacking libice6 (from .../libice6_2%3a1.0.7-2build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpcrecpp0.
==> default: Unpacking libpcrecpp0 (from .../libpcrecpp0_8.12-4ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libsm6.
==> default: Unpacking libsm6 (from .../libsm6_2%3a1.2.0-2build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libexpat1-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libexpat1-dev (from .../libexpat1-dev_2.0.1-7.2ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libfreetype6-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libfreetype6-dev (from .../libfreetype6-dev_2.4.8-1ubuntu2.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package pkg-config.
==> default: Unpacking pkg-config (from .../pkg-config_0.26-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libfontconfig1-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libfontconfig1-dev (from .../libfontconfig1-dev_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package xorg-sgml-doctools.
==> default: Unpacking xorg-sgml-doctools (from .../xorg-sgml-doctools_1%3a1.10-1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package x11proto-core-dev.
==> default: Unpacking x11proto-core-dev (from .../x11proto-core-dev_7.0.22-1ubuntu0.2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxau-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libxau-dev (from .../libxau-dev_1%3a1.0.6-4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxdmcp-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libxdmcp-dev (from .../libxdmcp-dev_1%3a1.1.0-4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package x11proto-input-dev.
==> default: Unpacking x11proto-input-dev (from .../x11proto-input-dev_2.3-1~precise2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package x11proto-kb-dev.
==> default: Unpacking x11proto-kb-dev (from .../x11proto-kb-dev_1.0.5-2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package xtrans-dev.
==> default: Unpacking xtrans-dev (from .../xtrans-dev_1.2.6-2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpthread-stubs0.
==> default: Unpacking libpthread-stubs0 (from .../libpthread-stubs0_0.3-3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpthread-stubs0-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libpthread-stubs0-dev (from .../libpthread-stubs0-dev_0.3-3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcb1-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libxcb1-dev (from .../libxcb1-dev_1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libx11-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libx11-dev (from .../libx11-dev_2%3a1.4.99.1-0ubuntu2.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package x11proto-render-dev.
==> default: Unpacking x11proto-render-dev (from .../x11proto-render-dev_2%3a0.11.1-2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxrender-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libxrender-dev (from .../libxrender-dev_1%3a0.9.6-2ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpng12-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libpng12-dev (from .../libpng12-dev_1.2.46-3ubuntu4.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libice-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libice-dev (from .../libice-dev_2%3a1.0.7-2build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libsm-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libsm-dev (from .../libsm-dev_2%3a1.2.0-2build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpixman-1-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libpixman-1-dev (from .../libpixman-1-dev_0.30.2-1ubuntu0. ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcb-render0-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libxcb-render0-dev (from .../libxcb-render0-dev_1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcb-shm0-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libxcb-shm0-dev (from .../libxcb-shm0-dev_1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpcre3-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libpcre3-dev (from .../libpcre3-dev_8.12-4ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libglib2.0-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libglib2.0-dev (from .../libglib2.0-dev_2.32.4-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcairo2-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libcairo2-dev (from .../libcairo2-dev_1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg-turbo8-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libjpeg-turbo8-dev (from .../libjpeg-turbo8-dev_1.1.90+svn733-0ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg8-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libjpeg8-dev (from .../libjpeg8-dev_8c-2ubuntu7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libjpeg-dev (from .../libjpeg-dev_8c-2ubuntu7_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libx11-doc.
==> default: Unpacking libx11-doc (from .../libx11-doc_2%3a1.4.99.1-0ubuntu2.3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
==> default: Setting up libpcre3 (8.12-4ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libglib2.0-0 (2.32.4-0ubuntu1) ...
==> default: No schema files found: doing nothing.
==> default: Setting up libpng12-0 (1.2.46-3ubuntu4.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libxcb1 (1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libx11-6 (2: ...
==> default: Setting up libfreetype6 (2.4.8-1ubuntu2.3) ...
==> default: Setting up libpixman-1-0 (0.30.2-1ubuntu0. ...
==> default: Setting up libxcb-render0 (1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libxcb-shm0 (1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libxrender1 (1:0.9.6-2ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libcairo2 (1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up libcairo-gobject2 (1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up libcairo-script-interpreter2 (1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up libexpat1 (2.0.1-7.2ubuntu1.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libglib2.0-data (2.32.4-0ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libglib2.0-bin (2.32.4-0ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up x11-common (1:7.6+12ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up libice6 (2:1.0.7-2build1) ...
==> default: Setting up libpcrecpp0 (8.12-4ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libsm6 (2:1.2.0-2build1) ...
==> default: Setting up libexpat1-dev (2.0.1-7.2ubuntu1.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libfreetype6-dev (2.4.8-1ubuntu2.3) ...
==> default: Setting up pkg-config (0.26-1ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libfontconfig1-dev (2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1) ...
==> default: Setting up xorg-sgml-doctools (1:1.10-1) ...
==> default: Setting up x11proto-core-dev (7.0.22-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libxau-dev (1:1.0.6-4) ...
==> default: Setting up libxdmcp-dev (1:1.1.0-4) ...
==> default: Setting up x11proto-input-dev (2.3-1~precise2) ...
==> default: Setting up x11proto-kb-dev (1.0.5-2) ...
==> default: Setting up xtrans-dev (1.2.6-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libpthread-stubs0 (0.3-3) ...
==> default: Setting up libpthread-stubs0-dev (0.3-3) ...
==> default: Setting up libxcb1-dev (1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libx11-dev (2: ...
==> default: Setting up x11proto-render-dev (2:0.11.1-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libxrender-dev (1:0.9.6-2ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libpng12-dev (1.2.46-3ubuntu4.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libice-dev (2:1.0.7-2build1) ...
==> default: Setting up libsm-dev (2:1.2.0-2build1) ...
==> default: Setting up libpixman-1-dev (0.30.2-1ubuntu0. ...
==> default: Setting up libxcb-render0-dev (1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libxcb-shm0-dev (1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libpcre3-dev (8.12-4ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libglib2.0-dev (2.32.4-0ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libcairo2-dev (1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up libjpeg-turbo8-dev (1.1.90+svn733-0ubuntu4.4) ...
==> default: Setting up libjpeg8-dev (8c-2ubuntu7) ...
==> default: Setting up libjpeg-dev (8c-2ubuntu7) ...
==> default: Setting up libx11-doc (2: ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: Installing Mongodb...
==> default: Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /tmp/tmp.TfeVnPxKLh --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv 7F0CEB10
==> default: gpg:
==> default: requesting key 7F0CEB10 from hkp server
==> default: gpg:
==> default: key 7F0CEB10: public key "Richard Kreuter <>" imported
==> default: gpg:
==> default: no ultimately trusted keys found
==> default: gpg:
==> default: Total number processed: 1
==> default: gpg:
==> default: imported: 1
==> default: (RSA: 1)
==> default: deb dist 10gen
==> default: Hit precise-security InRelease
==> default: Hit precise-security/main Sources
==> default: Hit precise-security/restricted Sources
==> default: Hit precise-security/universe Sources
==> default: Hit precise-security/multiverse Sources
==> default: Hit precise-security/main amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-security/restricted amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-security/universe amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-security/multiverse amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-security/main i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-security/restricted i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-security/universe i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-security/multiverse i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-security/main TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-security/multiverse TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-security/restricted TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-security/universe TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-security/main Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-security/multiverse Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-security/restricted Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-security/universe Translation-en
==> default: Ign precise InRelease
==> default: Hit precise-updates InRelease
==> default: Hit precise-backports InRelease
==> default: Ign dist InRelease
==> default: Hit precise Release.gpg
==> default: Hit precise-updates/main Sources
==> default: Hit precise-updates/restricted Sources
==> default: Hit precise-updates/universe Sources
==> default: Hit precise-updates/multiverse Sources
==> default: Hit precise-updates/main amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-updates/restricted amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-updates/universe amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-updates/main i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-updates/restricted i386 Packages
==> default: Get:1 dist Release.gpg [490 B]
==> default: Hit precise-updates/universe i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-updates/multiverse i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-updates/main TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-updates/multiverse TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-updates/restricted TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-updates/universe TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-backports/main Sources
==> default: Hit precise-backports/restricted Sources
==> default: Hit precise-backports/universe Sources
==> default: Hit precise-backports/multiverse Sources
==> default: Get:2 dist Release [2,040 B]
==> default: Hit precise-backports/main amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-backports/restricted amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-backports/universe amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-backports/multiverse amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-backports/main i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-backports/restricted i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-backports/universe i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-backports/multiverse i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise-backports/main TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-backports/multiverse TranslationIndex
==> default: Get:3 dist/10gen amd64 Packages [29.8 kB]
==> default: Hit precise-backports/restricted TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise-backports/universe TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise Release
==> default: Hit precise-updates/main Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-updates/multiverse Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-updates/restricted Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-updates/universe Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-backports/main Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-backports/multiverse Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-backports/restricted Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise-backports/universe Translation-en
==> default: Get:4 dist/10gen i386 Packages [29.6 kB]
==> default: Hit precise/main Sources
==> default: Hit precise/restricted Sources
==> default: Hit precise/universe Sources
==> default: Hit precise/multiverse Sources
==> default: Hit precise/main amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise/restricted amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise/universe amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise/multiverse amd64 Packages
==> default: Hit precise/main i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise/restricted i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise/universe i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise/multiverse i386 Packages
==> default: Hit precise/main TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise/multiverse TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise/restricted TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise/universe TranslationIndex
==> default: Ign dist/10gen TranslationIndex
==> default: Hit precise/main Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise/multiverse Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise/restricted Translation-en
==> default: Hit precise/universe Translation-en
==> default: Ign dist/10gen Translation-en_US
==> default: Ign dist/10gen Translation-en
==> default: Fetched 62.0 kB in 3s (19.6 kB/s)
==> default: Reading package lists...
==> default: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: The following NEW packages will be installed:
==> default: mongodb-10gen
==> default: 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 182 not upgraded.
==> default: Need to get 88.2 MB of archives.
==> default: After this operation, 226 MB of additional disk space will be used.
==> default: Get:1 dist/10gen mongodb-10gen amd64 2.4.14 [88.2 MB]
==> default: Fetched 88.2 MB in 49s (1,796 kB/s)
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package mongodb-10gen.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 55728 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking mongodb-10gen (from .../mongodb-10gen_2.4.14_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
==> default: Setting up mongodb-10gen (2.4.14) ...
==> default: Adding system user `mongodb' (UID 106) ...
==> default: Adding new user `mongodb' (UID 106) with group `nogroup' ...
==> default: Not creating home directory `/home/mongodb'.
==> default: Adding group `mongodb' (GID 111) ...
==> default: Done.
==> default: Adding user `mongodb' to group `mongodb' ...
==> default: Adding user mongodb to group mongodb
==> default: Done.
==> default: mongodb start/running, process 11080
==> default: Reading package lists...
==> default: Building dependency tree...
==> default: Reading state information...
==> default: The following packages will be REMOVED:
==> default: mongodb-10gen
==> default: The following NEW packages will be installed:
==> default: mongodb-org mongodb-org-mongos mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-shell
==> default: mongodb-org-tools
==> default: 0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 1 to remove and 182 not upgraded.
==> default: Need to get 115 MB of archives.
==> default: After this operation, 64.1 MB of additional disk space will be used.
==> default: Get:1 dist/10gen mongodb-org-shell amd64 2.6.4 [4,457 kB]
==> default: Get:2 dist/10gen mongodb-org-server amd64 2.6.4 [9,438 kB]
==> default: Get:3 dist/10gen mongodb-org-mongos amd64 2.6.4 [7,171 kB]
==> default: Get:4 dist/10gen mongodb-org-tools amd64 2.6.4 [93.6 MB]
==> default: Get:5 dist/10gen mongodb-org amd64 2.6.4 [3,644 B]
==> default: Fetched 115 MB in 2min 14s (853 kB/s)
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 55763 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Removing mongodb-10gen ...
==> default: arg: remove
==> default: mongodb stop/waiting
==> default: Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package mongodb-org-shell.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 55731 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking mongodb-org-shell (from .../mongodb-org-shell_2.6.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package mongodb-org-server.
==> default: Unpacking mongodb-org-server (from .../mongodb-org-server_2.6.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package mongodb-org-mongos.
==> default: Unpacking mongodb-org-mongos (from .../mongodb-org-mongos_2.6.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package mongodb-org-tools.
==> default: Unpacking mongodb-org-tools (from .../mongodb-org-tools_2.6.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package mongodb-org.
==> default: Unpacking mongodb-org (from .../mongodb-org_2.6.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
==> default: Setting up mongodb-org-shell (2.6.4) ...
==> default: Setting up mongodb-org-server (2.6.4) ...
==> default: mongod start/running, process 11600
==> default: Setting up mongodb-org-mongos (2.6.4) ...
==> default: Setting up mongodb-org-tools (2.6.4) ...
==> default: Setting up mongodb-org (2.6.4) ...
==> default: Installing gcc...
==> default: Adding PPA repository for gcc...
==> default: gpg:
==> default: keyring `/tmp/tmptkllJl/secring.gpg' created
==> default: gpg:
==> default: keyring `/tmp/tmptkllJl/pubring.gpg' created
==> default: gpg:
==> default: requesting key BA9EF27F from hkp server
==> default: gpg:
==> default: /tmp/tmptkllJl/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
==> default: gpg:
==> default: key BA9EF27F: public key "Launchpad Toolchain builds" imported
==> default: gpg:
==> default: Total number processed: 1
==> default: gpg:
==> default: imported: 1
==> default: (RSA: 1)
==> default: OK
==> default: You are about to add the following PPA to your system:
==> default: Toolchain test builds; see
==> default:
==> default: More info:
==> default: Installing gcc 4.8...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gcc-5-base.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 55779 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking gcc-5-base (from .../gcc-5-base_5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Setting up gcc-5-base (5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 55786 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Preparing to replace libgcc1 1:4.6.3-1ubuntu5 (using .../libgcc1_1%3a5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libgcc1 ...
==> default: Setting up libgcc1 (1:5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 55786 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Preparing to replace libstdc++6 4.6.3-1ubuntu5 (using .../libstdc++6_5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libstdc++6 ...
==> default: Setting up libstdc++6 (5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gcc-4.8-base.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 55799 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking gcc-4.8-base (from .../gcc-4.8-base_4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libasan0.
==> default: Unpacking libasan0 (from .../libasan0_4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libatomic1.
==> default: Unpacking libatomic1 (from .../libatomic1_5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libisl10.
==> default: Unpacking libisl10 (from .../libisl10_0.12.2-2~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcloog-isl4.
==> default: Unpacking libcloog-isl4 (from .../libcloog-isl4_0.18.2-1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libgomp1 4.6.3-1ubuntu5 (using .../libgomp1_5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libgomp1 ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libitm1.
==> default: Unpacking libitm1 (from .../libitm1_5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Preparing to replace libquadmath0 4.6.3-1ubuntu5 (using .../libquadmath0_5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement libquadmath0 ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libtsan0.
==> default: Unpacking libtsan0 (from .../libtsan0_5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package cpp-4.8.
==> default: Unpacking cpp-4.8 (from .../cpp-4.8_4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgcc-4.8-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libgcc-4.8-dev (from .../libgcc-4.8-dev_4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gcc-4.8.
==> default: Unpacking gcc-4.8 (from .../gcc-4.8_4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libstdc++-4.8-dev.
==> default: Unpacking libstdc++-4.8-dev (from .../libstdc++-4.8-dev_4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package g++-4.8.
==> default: Unpacking g++-4.8 (from .../g++-4.8_4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Setting up gcc-4.8-base (4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libasan0 (4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libatomic1 (5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libisl10 (0.12.2-2~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libcloog-isl4 (0.18.2-1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libgomp1 (5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libitm1 (5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libquadmath0 (5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libtsan0 (5.2.1-23ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up cpp-4.8 (4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libgcc-4.8-dev (4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up gcc-4.8 (4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up libstdc++-4.8-dev (4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up g++-4.8 (4.8.1-2ubuntu1~12.04) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: update-alternatives: error:
==> default: no alternatives for gcc.
==> default: update-alternatives: error:
==> default: no alternatives for g++.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 to provide /usr/bin/gcc (gcc) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/bin/g++-4.8 to provide /usr/bin/g++ (g++) in auto mode.
==> default: There is only one alternative in link group gcc: /usr/bin/gcc-4.8
==> default: Nothing to configure.
==> default: There is only one alternative in link group g++: /usr/bin/g++-4.8
==> default: Nothing to configure.
==> default: Installing Git...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package liberror-perl.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 56720 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking liberror-perl (from .../liberror-perl_0.17-1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package git-man.
==> default: Unpacking git-man (from .../git-man_1%3a1.7.9.5-1ubuntu0.3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package git.
==> default: Unpacking git (from .../git_1%3a1.7.9.5-1ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Setting up liberror-perl (0.17-1) ...
==> default: Setting up git-man (1: ...
==> default: Setting up git (1: ...
==> default: Installing curl...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcurl3.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 57368 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking libcurl3 (from .../libcurl3_7.22.0-3ubuntu4.15_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package curl.
==> default: Unpacking curl (from .../curl_7.22.0-3ubuntu4.15_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Setting up libcurl3 (7.22.0-3ubuntu4.15) ...
==> default: Setting up curl (7.22.0-3ubuntu4.15) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: Installing test dependencies...
==> default: Installing Xvfb...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libllvm3.0.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 57400 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking libllvm3.0 (from .../libllvm3.0_3.0-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxt6.
==> default: Unpacking libxt6 (from .../libxt6_1%3a1.1.1-2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxmu6.
==> default: Unpacking libxmu6 (from .../libxmu6_2%3a1.1.0-3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxpm4.
==> default: Unpacking libxpm4 (from .../libxpm4_1%3a3.5.9-4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxaw7.
==> default: Unpacking libxaw7 (from .../libxaw7_2%3a1.0.9-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxkbfile1.
==> default: Unpacking libxkbfile1 (from .../libxkbfile1_1%3a1.0.7-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libfontenc1.
==> default: Unpacking libfontenc1 (from .../libfontenc1_1%3a1.1.0-1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgl1-mesa-dri.
==> default: Unpacking libgl1-mesa-dri (from .../libgl1-mesa-dri_8.0.4-0ubuntu0.7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxfont1.
==> default: Unpacking libxfont1 (from .../libxfont1_1%3a1.4.4-1ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package x11-xkb-utils.
==> default: Unpacking x11-xkb-utils (from .../x11-xkb-utils_7.6+4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package xfonts-encodings.
==> default: Unpacking xfonts-encodings (from .../xfonts-encodings_1%3a1.0.4-1ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package xfonts-utils.
==> default: Unpacking xfonts-utils (from .../xfonts-utils_1%3a7.6+1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package xfonts-base.
==> default: Unpacking xfonts-base (from .../xfonts-base_1%3a1.0.3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package xserver-common.
==> default: Unpacking xserver-common (from .../xserver-common_2%3a1.11.4-0ubuntu10.17_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package xvfb.
==> default: Unpacking xvfb (from .../xvfb_2%3a1.11.4-0ubuntu10.17_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Setting up libllvm3.0 (3.0-4ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxt6 (1:1.1.1-2ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxmu6 (2:1.1.0-3) ...
==> default: Setting up libxpm4 (1:3.5.9-4) ...
==> default: Setting up libxaw7 (2:1.0.9-3ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxkbfile1 (1:1.0.7-1ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libfontenc1 (1:1.1.0-1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgl1-mesa-dri (8.0.4-0ubuntu0.7) ...
==> default: Setting up libxfont1 (1:1.4.4-1ubuntu0.3) ...
==> default: Setting up x11-xkb-utils (7.6+4) ...
==> default: Setting up xfonts-encodings (1:1.0.4-1ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up xfonts-utils (1:7.6+1) ...
==> default: Setting up xfonts-base (1:1.0.3) ...
==> default: Setting up xserver-common (2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.17) ...
==> default: Setting up xvfb (2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.17) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: Installing Java7...
==> default:
Extracting templates from packages: 28%
==> default:
Extracting templates from packages: 56%
==> default:
Extracting templates from packages: 84%
==> default:
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
==> default: Preconfiguring packages ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libasound2.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 58007 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking libasound2 (from .../libasound2_1.0.25-1ubuntu10.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libasyncns0.
==> default: Unpacking libasyncns0 (from .../libasyncns0_0.8-4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libatasmart4.
==> default: Unpacking libatasmart4 (from .../libatasmart4_0.18-3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libatk1.0-data.
==> default: Unpacking libatk1.0-data (from .../libatk1.0-data_2.4.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libatk1.0-0.
==> default: Unpacking libatk1.0-0 (from .../libatk1.0-0_2.4.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgtk2.0-common.
==> default: Unpacking libgtk2.0-common (from .../libgtk2.0-common_2.24.10-0ubuntu6.3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common.
==> default: Unpacking libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common (from .../libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common_2.26.1-1ubuntu1.3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0.
==> default: Unpacking libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (from .../libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0_2.26.1-1ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libthai-data.
==> default: Unpacking libthai-data (from .../libthai-data_0.1.16-3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libdatrie1.
==> default: Unpacking libdatrie1 (from .../libdatrie1_0.2.5-3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libthai0.
==> default: Unpacking libthai0 (from .../libthai0_0.1.16-3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxft2.
==> default: Unpacking libxft2 (from .../libxft2_2.2.0-3ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package fontconfig.
==> default: Unpacking fontconfig (from .../fontconfig_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpango1.0-0.
==> default: Unpacking libpango1.0-0 (from .../libpango1.0-0_1.30.0-0ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcomposite1.
==> default: Unpacking libxcomposite1 (from .../libxcomposite1_1%3a0.4.3-2build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxfixes3.
==> default: Unpacking libxfixes3 (from .../libxfixes3_1%3a5.0-4ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcursor1.
==> default: Unpacking libxcursor1 (from .../libxcursor1_1%3a1.1.12-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxdamage1.
==> default: Unpacking libxdamage1 (from .../libxdamage1_1%3a1.1.3-2build1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxi6.
==> default: Unpacking libxi6 (from .../libxi6_2%3a1.7.1.901-1ubuntu1~precise3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxinerama1.
==> default: Unpacking libxinerama1 (from .../libxinerama1_2%3a1.1.1-3ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxrandr2.
==> default: Unpacking libxrandr2 (from .../libxrandr2_2%3a1.3.2-2ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package shared-mime-info.
==> default: Unpacking shared-mime-info (from .../shared-mime-info_1.0-0ubuntu4.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgtk2.0-0.
==> default: Unpacking libgtk2.0-0 (from .../libgtk2.0-0_2.24.10-0ubuntu6.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libnspr4.
==> default: Unpacking libnspr4 (from .../libnspr4_4.10.10-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libnss3.
==> default: Unpacking libnss3 (from .../libnss3_2%3a3.21-0ubuntu0.12.04.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libnss3-1d.
==> default: Unpacking libnss3-1d (from .../libnss3-1d_2%3a3.21-0ubuntu0.12.04.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package ca-certificates-java.
==> default: Unpacking ca-certificates-java (from .../ca-certificates-java_20110912ubuntu6_all.deb) ...
==> default: Preparing to replace tzdata 2012b-1 (using .../tzdata_2016d-0ubuntu0.12.04_all.deb) ...
==> default: Unpacking replacement tzdata ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Setting up tzdata (2016d-0ubuntu0.12.04) ...
==> default: Current default time zone: 'Etc/UTC'
==> default: Local time is now: Fri Apr 29 08:39:18 UTC 2016.
==> default: Universal Time is now: Fri Apr 29 08:39:18 UTC 2016.
==> default: Run 'dpkg-reconfigure tzdata' if you wish to change it.
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package tzdata-java.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 58439 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking tzdata-java (from .../tzdata-java_2016d-0ubuntu0.12.04_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package java-common.
==> default: Unpacking java-common (from .../java-common_0.43ubuntu2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpcsclite1.
==> default: Unpacking libpcsclite1 (from .../libpcsclite1_1.7.4-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libjson0.
==> default: Unpacking libjson0 (from .../libjson0_0.9-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libogg0.
==> default: Unpacking libogg0 (from .../libogg0_1.2.2~dfsg-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libflac8.
==> default: Unpacking libflac8 (from .../libflac8_1.2.1-6ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libvorbis0a.
==> default: Unpacking libvorbis0a (from .../libvorbis0a_1.3.2-1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libvorbisenc2.
==> default: Unpacking libvorbisenc2 (from .../libvorbisenc2_1.3.2-1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libsndfile1.
==> default: Unpacking libsndfile1 (from .../libsndfile1_1.0.25-4ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpulse0.
==> default: Unpacking libpulse0 (from .../libpulse0_1%3a1.1-0ubuntu15.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libsctp1.
==> default: Unpacking libsctp1 (from .../libsctp1_1.0.11+dfsg-2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package openjdk-7-jre-headless.
==> default: Unpacking openjdk-7-jre-headless (from .../openjdk-7-jre-headless_7u95-2.6.4-0ubuntu0.12.04.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgif4.
==> default: Unpacking libgif4 (from .../libgif4_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxtst6.
==> default: Unpacking libxtst6 (from .../libxtst6_2%3a1.2.0-4ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libglapi-mesa.
==> default: Unpacking libglapi-mesa (from .../libglapi-mesa_8.0.4-0ubuntu0.7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libx11-xcb1.
==> default: Unpacking libx11-xcb1 (from .../libx11-xcb1_2%3a1.4.99.1-0ubuntu2.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcb-glx0.
==> default: Unpacking libxcb-glx0 (from .../libxcb-glx0_1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxxf86vm1.
==> default: Unpacking libxxf86vm1 (from .../libxxf86vm1_1%3a1.1.1-2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgl1-mesa-glx.
==> default: Unpacking libgl1-mesa-glx (from .../libgl1-mesa-glx_8.0.4-0ubuntu0.7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package openjdk-7-jre.
==> default: Unpacking openjdk-7-jre (from .../openjdk-7-jre_7u95-2.6.4-0ubuntu0.12.04.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libatk-wrapper-java.
==> default: Unpacking libatk-wrapper-java (from .../libatk-wrapper-java_0.30.4-0ubuntu2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libatk-wrapper-java-jni.
==> default: Unpacking libatk-wrapper-java-jni (from .../libatk-wrapper-java-jni_0.30.4-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libavahi-glib1.
==> default: Unpacking libavahi-glib1 (from .../libavahi-glib1_0.6.30-5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libbonobo2-common.
==> default: Unpacking libbonobo2-common (from .../libbonobo2-common_2.32.1-0ubuntu1.1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libidl-common.
==> default: Unpacking libidl-common (from .../libidl-common_0.8.14-0.2ubuntu2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libidl0.
==> default: Unpacking libidl0 (from .../libidl0_0.8.14-0.2ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package liborbit2.
==> default: Unpacking liborbit2 (from .../liborbit2_1%3a2.14.19-0.1ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libbonobo2-0.
==> default: Unpacking libbonobo2-0 (from .../libbonobo2-0_2.32.1-0ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libtdb1.
==> default: Unpacking libtdb1 (from .../libtdb1_1.2.9-4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libvorbisfile3.
==> default: Unpacking libvorbisfile3 (from .../libvorbisfile3_1.3.2-1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package sound-theme-freedesktop.
==> default: Unpacking sound-theme-freedesktop (from .../sound-theme-freedesktop_0.7.pristine-2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcanberra0.
==> default: Unpacking libcanberra0 (from .../libcanberra0_0.28-3ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gconf2-common.
==> default: Unpacking gconf2-common (from .../gconf2-common_3.2.5-0ubuntu2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgconf-2-4.
==> default: Unpacking libgconf-2-4 (from .../libgconf-2-4_3.2.5-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgnome-keyring-common.
==> default: Unpacking libgnome-keyring-common (from .../libgnome-keyring-common_3.2.2-2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgnome-keyring0.
==> default: Unpacking libgnome-keyring0 (from .../libgnome-keyring0_3.2.2-2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgudev-1.0-0.
==> default: Unpacking libgudev-1.0-0 (from .../libgudev-1.0-0_1%3a175-0ubuntu9.10_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package liblvm2app2.2.
==> default: Unpacking liblvm2app2.2 (from .../liblvm2app2.2_2.02.66-4ubuntu7.4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libsgutils2-2.
==> default: Unpacking libsgutils2-2 (from .../libsgutils2-2_1.33-1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package udisks.
==> default: Unpacking udisks (from .../udisks_1.0.4-5ubuntu2.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgdu0.
==> default: Unpacking libgdu0 (from .../libgdu0_3.0.2-2ubuntu7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gconf-service-backend.
==> default: Unpacking gconf-service-backend (from .../gconf-service-backend_3.2.5-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gconf-service.
==> default: Unpacking gconf-service (from .../gconf-service_3.2.5-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package dbus-x11.
==> default: Unpacking dbus-x11 (from .../dbus-x11_1.4.18-1ubuntu1.7_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gconf2.
==> default: Unpacking gconf2 (from .../gconf2_3.2.5-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgnomevfs2-common.
==> default: Unpacking libgnomevfs2-common (from .../libgnomevfs2-common_1%3a2.24.4-1ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgnomevfs2-0.
==> default: Unpacking libgnomevfs2-0 (from .../libgnomevfs2-0_1%3a2.24.4-1ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgnome2-common.
==> default: Unpacking libgnome2-common (from .../libgnome2-common_2.32.1-2ubuntu1.1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgnome2-bin.
==> default: Unpacking libgnome2-bin (from .../libgnome2-bin_2.32.1-2ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgnome2-0.
==> default: Unpacking libgnome2-0 (from .../libgnome2-0_2.32.1-2ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libdconf0.
==> default: Unpacking libdconf0 (from .../libdconf0_0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package dconf-service.
==> default: Unpacking dconf-service (from .../dconf-service_0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package dconf-gsettings-backend.
==> default: Unpacking dconf-gsettings-backend (from .../dconf-gsettings-backend_0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgtk-3-common.
==> default: Unpacking libgtk-3-common (from .../libgtk-3-common_3.4.2-0ubuntu0.9_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgtk-3-0.
==> default: Unpacking libgtk-3-0 (from .../libgtk-3-0_3.4.2-0ubuntu0.9_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpolkit-agent-1-0.
==> default: Unpacking libpolkit-agent-1-0 (from .../libpolkit-agent-1-0_0.104-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpolkit-backend-1-0.
==> default: Unpacking libpolkit-backend-1-0 (from .../libpolkit-backend-1-0_0.104-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxcb-shape0.
==> default: Unpacking libxcb-shape0 (from .../libxcb-shape0_1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxv1.
==> default: Unpacking libxv1 (from .../libxv1_2%3a1.0.6-2ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libck-connector0.
==> default: Unpacking libck-connector0 (from .../libck-connector0_0.4.5-2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package consolekit.
==> default: Unpacking consolekit (from .../consolekit_0.4.5-2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libcryptsetup4.
==> default: Unpacking libcryptsetup4 (from .../libcryptsetup4_2%3a1.4.1-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package cryptsetup-bin.
==> default: Unpacking cryptsetup-bin (from .../cryptsetup-bin_2%3a1.4.1-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libxxf86dga1.
==> default: Unpacking libxxf86dga1 (from .../libxxf86dga1_2%3a1.1.2-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package x11-utils.
==> default: Unpacking x11-utils (from .../x11-utils_7.6+4ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gvfs-common.
==> default: Unpacking gvfs-common (from .../gvfs-common_1.12.1-0ubuntu1.3_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gvfs-libs.
==> default: Unpacking gvfs-libs (from .../gvfs-libs_1.12.1-0ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gvfs-daemons.
==> default: Unpacking gvfs-daemons (from .../gvfs-daemons_1.12.1-0ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package gvfs.
==> default: Unpacking gvfs (from .../gvfs_1.12.1-0ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package hicolor-icon-theme.
==> default: Unpacking hicolor-icon-theme (from .../hicolor-icon-theme_0.12-1ubuntu2_all.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgconf2-4.
==> default: Unpacking libgconf2-4 (from .../libgconf2-4_3.2.5-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgtk-3-bin.
==> default: Unpacking libgtk-3-bin (from .../libgtk-3-bin_3.4.2-0ubuntu0.9_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Adding 'diversion of /usr/sbin/update-icon-caches to /usr/sbin/update-icon-caches.gtk2 by libgtk-3-bin'
==> default: Adding 'diversion of /usr/share/man/man8/update-icon-caches.8.gz to /usr/share/man/man8/update-icon-caches.gtk2.8.gz by libgtk-3-bin'
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libgtk2.0-bin.
==> default: Unpacking libgtk2.0-bin (from .../libgtk2.0-bin_2.24.10-0ubuntu6.3_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package libpam-ck-connector.
==> default: Unpacking libpam-ck-connector (from .../libpam-ck-connector_0.4.5-2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package lksctp-tools.
==> default: Unpacking lksctp-tools (from .../lksctp-tools_1.0.11+dfsg-2_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package mtools.
==> default: Unpacking mtools (from .../mtools_4.0.12-1ubuntu0.12.04.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package policykit-1.
==> default: Unpacking policykit-1 (from .../policykit-1_0.104-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package policykit-1-gnome.
==> default: Unpacking policykit-1-gnome (from .../policykit-1-gnome_0.105-1ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package ttf-dejavu-extra.
==> default: Unpacking ttf-dejavu-extra (from .../ttf-dejavu-extra_2.33-2ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Processing triggers for libglib2.0-0 ...
==> default: Processing triggers for install-info ...
==> default: Setting up libasound2 (1.0.25-1ubuntu10.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libasyncns0 (0.8-4) ...
==> default: Setting up libatasmart4 (0.18-3) ...
==> default: Setting up libatk1.0-data (2.4.0-0ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libatk1.0-0 (2.4.0-0ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgtk2.0-common (2.24.10-0ubuntu6.3) ...
==> default: Setting up libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common (2.26.1-1ubuntu1.3) ...
==> default: Setting up libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (2.26.1-1ubuntu1.3) ...
==> default: Setting up libthai-data (0.1.16-3) ...
==> default: Setting up libdatrie1 (0.2.5-3) ...
==> default: Setting up libthai0 (0.1.16-3) ...
==> default: Setting up libxft2 (2.2.0-3ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up fontconfig (2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1) ...
==> default: Cleaning up old fontconfig caches...
==> default: done.
==> default: Regenerating fonts cache...
==> default: done.
==> default: Setting up libpango1.0-0 (1.30.0-0ubuntu3.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxcomposite1 (1:0.4.3-2build1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxfixes3 (1:5.0-4ubuntu4.4) ...
==> default: Setting up libxcursor1 (1:1.1.12-1ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxdamage1 (1:1.1.3-2build1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxi6 (2: ...
==> default: Setting up libxinerama1 (2:1.1.1-3ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxrandr2 (2:1.3.2-2ubuntu0.3) ...
==> default: Setting up shared-mime-info (1.0-0ubuntu4.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgtk2.0-0 (2.24.10-0ubuntu6.3) ...
==> default: Setting up libnspr4 (4.10.10-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libnss3 (2:3.21-0ubuntu0.12.04.3) ...
==> default: Setting up libnss3-1d (2:3.21-0ubuntu0.12.04.3) ...
==> default: Setting up tzdata-java (2016d-0ubuntu0.12.04) ...
==> default: Setting up java-common (0.43ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up libpcsclite1 (1.7.4-2ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up libjson0 (0.9-1ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libogg0 (1.2.2~dfsg-1ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libflac8 (1.2.1-6ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libvorbis0a (1.3.2-1ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up libvorbisenc2 (1.3.2-1ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up libsndfile1 (1.0.25-4ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libpulse0 (1:1.1-0ubuntu15.4) ...
==> default: Setting up libsctp1 (1.0.11+dfsg-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libgif4 (4.1.6-9ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxtst6 (2:1.2.0-4ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libglapi-mesa (8.0.4-0ubuntu0.7) ...
==> default: Setting up libx11-xcb1 (2: ...
==> default: Setting up libxcb-glx0 (1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libxxf86vm1 (1:1.1.1-2ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgl1-mesa-glx (8.0.4-0ubuntu0.7) ...
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ to provide /etc/ (x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf) in auto mode.
==> default: Setting up libavahi-glib1 (0.6.30-5ubuntu2.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libbonobo2-common (2.32.1-0ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libidl-common (0.8.14-0.2ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up libidl0 (0.8.14-0.2ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up liborbit2 (1:2.14.19-0.1ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up libbonobo2-0 (2.32.1-0ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libtdb1 (1.2.9-4) ...
==> default: Setting up libvorbisfile3 (1.3.2-1ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up sound-theme-freedesktop (0.7.pristine-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libcanberra0 (0.28-3ubuntu3) ...
==> default: Setting up gconf2-common (3.2.5-0ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Creating config file /etc/gconf/2/path with new version
==> default: Setting up libgconf-2-4 (3.2.5-0ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up libgnome-keyring-common (3.2.2-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libgnome-keyring0 (3.2.2-2) ...
==> default: Setting up libgudev-1.0-0 (1:175-0ubuntu9.10) ...
==> default: Setting up liblvm2app2.2 (2.02.66-4ubuntu7.4) ...
==> default: Setting up libsgutils2-2 (1.33-1) ...
==> default: Setting up udisks (1.0.4-5ubuntu2.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libgdu0 (3.0.2-2ubuntu7) ...
==> default: Setting up dbus-x11 (1.4.18-1ubuntu1.7) ...
==> default: Setting up libdconf0 (0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up dconf-service (0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up dconf-gsettings-backend (0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgtk-3-common (3.4.2-0ubuntu0.9) ...
==> default: Setting up libgtk-3-0 (3.4.2-0ubuntu0.9) ...
==> default: Setting up libpolkit-agent-1-0 (0.104-1ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libpolkit-backend-1-0 (0.104-1ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libxcb-shape0 (1.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libxv1 (2:1.0.6-2ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up libck-connector0 (0.4.5-2ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up consolekit (0.4.5-2ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libcryptsetup4 (2:1.4.1-2ubuntu4) ...
==> default: Setting up cryptsetup-bin (2:1.4.1-2ubuntu4) ...
==> default: Setting up libxxf86dga1 (2:1.1.2-1ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up x11-utils (7.6+4ubuntu0.2) ...
==> default: Setting up gvfs-common (1.12.1-0ubuntu1.3) ...
==> default: Setting up gvfs-libs (1.12.1-0ubuntu1.3) ...
==> default: Setting up gvfs-daemons (1.12.1-0ubuntu1.3) ...
==> default: Setting up gvfs (1.12.1-0ubuntu1.3) ...
==> default: Setting up hicolor-icon-theme (0.12-1ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up libgtk-3-bin (3.4.2-0ubuntu0.9) ...
==> default: Setting up libgtk2.0-bin (2.24.10-0ubuntu6.3) ...
==> default: Setting up libpam-ck-connector (0.4.5-2ubuntu0.1) ...
==> default: Setting up lksctp-tools (1.0.11+dfsg-2) ...
==> default: Setting up mtools (4.0.12-1ubuntu0.12.04.1) ...
==> default: Setting up policykit-1 (0.104-1ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up policykit-1-gnome (0.105-1ubuntu3.1) ...
==> default: Setting up ttf-dejavu-extra (2.33-2ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Setting up gconf-service (3.2.5-0ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up libgconf2-4 (3.2.5-0ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up ca-certificates-java (20110912ubuntu6) ...
==> default: Adding debian:DigiCert_Assured_ID_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:ValiCert_Class_2_VA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GeoTrust_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Root_CA_Generalitat_Valenciana.pem
==> default: Adding debian:ValiCert_Class_1_VA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:RSA_Root_Certificate_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:spi-cacert-2008.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GeoTrust_Universal_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Certplus_Class_2_Primary_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Wells_Fargo_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA_3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Global_Chambersign_Root_-_2008.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AddTrust_Qualified_Certificates_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Certinomis_-_Autorité_Racine.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Cybertrust_Global_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Camerfirma_Global_Chambersign_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Secure_Global_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:ACEDICOM_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:RSA_Security_2048_v3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:ca.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Security_Communication_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:America_Online_Root_Certification_Authority_2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TC_TrustCenter_Class_2_CA_II.pem
==> default: Adding debian:DST_Root_CA_X3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:NetLock_Notary_=Class_A=_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:NetLock_Business_=Class_B=_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:EBG_Elektronik_Sertifika_Hizmet_Sağlayıcısı.pem
==> default: Adding debian:NetLock_Express_=Class_C=_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GeoTrust_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Entrust.net_Secure_Server_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TC_TrustCenter_Universal_CA_III.pem
==> default: Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA_2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Camerfirma_Chambers_of_Commerce_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Starfield_Class_2_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TWCA_Root_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:thawte_Primary_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:thawte_Primary_Root_CA_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Staat_der_Nederlanden_Root_CA_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:ApplicationCA_-_Japanese_Government.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TURKTRUST_Certificate_Services_Provider_Root_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AddTrust_Low-Value_Services_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:certSIGN_ROOT_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:thawte_Primary_Root_CA_-_G3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Security_Communication_EV_RootCA1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:UTN_USERFirst_Email_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TDC_Internet_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_4_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Deutsche_Telekom_Root_CA_2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:UTN_DATACorp_SGC_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Thawte_Server_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Comodo_Secure_Services_root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:VeriSign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G5.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TC_TrustCenter_Class_3_CA_II.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Certigna.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Visa_eCommerce_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GeoTrust_Global_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:ComSign_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Juur-SK.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Comodo_Trusted_Services_root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Comodo_AAA_Services_root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:SwissSign_Gold_CA_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:A-Trust-nQual-03.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_4_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:DigiCert_High_Assurance_EV_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Chambers_of_Commerce_Root_-_2008.pem
==> default: Adding debian:NetLock_Arany_=Class_Gold=_Főtanúsítvány.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Staat_der_Nederlanden_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:spi-ca-2003.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AffirmTrust_Networking.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GTE_CyberTrust_Global_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Certum_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:S-TRUST_Authentication_and_Encryption_Root_CA_2005_PN.pem
==> default: Adding debian:CNNIC_ROOT.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Microsec_e-Szigno_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:NetLock_Qualified_=Class_QA=_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GlobalSign_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:VeriSign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G4.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TÜBİTAK_UEKAE_Kök_Sertifika_Hizmet_Sağlayıcısı_-_Sürüm_3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Certum_Trusted_Network_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AffirmTrust_Premium_ECC.pem
==> default: Adding debian:CA_Disig.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Network_Solutions_Certificate_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:WellsSecure_Public_Root_Certificate_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TDC_OCES_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TC_TrustCenter__Germany__Class_2_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:ePKI_Root_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AC_Raíz_Certicámara_S.A..pem
==> default: Adding debian:COMODO_ECC_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GeoTrust_Universal_CA_2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:SwissSign_Silver_CA_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:SecureSign_RootCA11.pem
==> default: Adding debian:SecureTrust_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding
==> default: Adding debian:GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:StartCom_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Go_Daddy_Root_Certificate_Authority_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TC_TrustCenter_Universal_CA_I.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Sonera_Class_1_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.pem
==> default: Adding debian:XRamp_Global_CA_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:UTN_USERFirst_Hardware_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TC_TrustCenter__Germany__Class_3_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Starfield_Services_Root_Certificate_Authority_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GeoTrust_Primary_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Microsec_e-Szigno_Root_CA_2009.pem
==> default: Adding debian:SwissSign_Platinum_CA_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:TURKTRUST_Certificate_Services_Provider_Root_2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:COMODO_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Sonera_Class_2_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:DST_ACES_CA_X6.pem
==> default: Adding debian:E-Guven_Kok_Elektronik_Sertifika_Hizmet_Saglayicisi.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Equifax_Secure_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Taiwan_GRCA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:OISTE_WISeKey_Global_Root_GA_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:VeriSign_Universal_Root_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Buypass_Class_3_CA_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Starfield_Root_Certificate_Authority_-_G2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AddTrust_Public_Services_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Autoridad_de_Certificacion_Firmaprofesional_CIF_A62634068.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AddTrust_External_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:GeoTrust_Global_CA_2.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Firmaprofesional_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Equifax_Secure_Global_eBusiness_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AffirmTrust_Commercial.pem
==> default: Adding
==> default: Adding debian:Baltimore_CyberTrust_Root.pem
==> default: Adding debian:AffirmTrust_Premium.pem
==> default: Adding debian:ComSign_Secured_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Hongkong_Post_Root_CA_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Swisscom_Root_CA_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:America_Online_Root_Certification_Authority_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Buypass_Class_2_CA_1.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Entrust_Root_Certification_Authority.pem
==> default: Adding debian:IGC_A.pem
==> default: Adding debian:DigiCert_Global_Root_CA.pem
==> default: Adding debian:Entrust.net_Premium_2048_Secure_Server_CA.pem
==> default: done.
==> default: Setting up openjdk-7-jre-headless (7u95-2.6.4-0ubuntu0.12.04.2) ...
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/keytool to provide /usr/bin/keytool (keytool) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/pack200 to provide /usr/bin/pack200 (pack200) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/rmid to provide /usr/bin/rmid (rmid) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/rmiregistry to provide /usr/bin/rmiregistry (rmiregistry) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/unpack200 to provide /usr/bin/unpack200 (unpack200) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/orbd to provide /usr/bin/orbd (orbd) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/servertool to provide /usr/bin/servertool (servertool) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/tnameserv to provide /usr/bin/tnameserv (tnameserv) in auto mode.
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/jexec to provide /usr/bin/jexec (jexec) in auto mode.
==> default: Setting up libatk-wrapper-java (0.30.4-0ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up gconf-service-backend (3.2.5-0ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up gconf2 (3.2.5-0ubuntu2) ...
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/bin/gconftool-2 to provide /usr/bin/gconftool (gconftool) in auto mode.
==> default: Setting up libgnomevfs2-common (1:2.24.4-1ubuntu2.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgnomevfs2-0 (1:2.24.4-1ubuntu2.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgnome2-common (2.32.1-2ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgnome2-bin (2.32.1-2ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libgnome2-0 (2.32.1-2ubuntu1.1) ...
==> default: Setting up libatk-wrapper-java-jni (0.30.4-0ubuntu2) ...
==> default: Setting up openjdk-7-jre (7u95-2.6.4-0ubuntu0.12.04.2) ...
==> default: update-alternatives:
==> default: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/policytool to provide /usr/bin/policytool (policytool) in auto mode.
==> default: Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
==> default: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
==> default: Downloading Firefox...
==> default: Installing Firefox...
==> default: Selecting previously unselected package firefox-mozilla-build.
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 60509 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Unpacking firefox-mozilla-build (from firefox.deb) ...
==> default: Adding 'diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu by firefox-mozilla-build'
==> default: Setting up firefox-mozilla-build (40.0.3-0ubuntu1) ...
==> default: Installing ntp...
==> default: (Reading database ...
==> default: 60589 files and directories currently installed.)
==> default: Preparing to replace ntp 1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 (using .../ntp_1%3a4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.9_amd64.deb) ...
==> default: * Stopping NTP server ntpd
==> default: ...done.
==> default: Unpacking replacement ntp ...
==> default: Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
==> default: Processing triggers for man-db ...
==> default: Setting up ntp (1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.9) ...
==> default: * Starting NTP server ntpd
==> default: ...done.
==> default: Installing nvm, node and global node modules...
==> default: Installing nvm...
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: %
==> default:
==> default: T
==> default: o
==> default: t
==> default: a
==> default: l
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: %
==> default:
==> default: R
==> default: e
==> default: c
==> default: e
==> default: i
==> default: v
==> default: e
==> default: d
==> default:
==> default: %
==> default:
==> default: Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
==> default: Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
==> default:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
==> default: 1
==> default: 0
==> default: 0
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 7
==> default: 7
==> default: 3
==> default: 5
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 1
==> default: 0
==> default: 0
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 7
==> default: 735 0 0 46468 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 53344
==> default: => Downloading nvm from git to '/home/vagrant/.nvm'
==> default:
==> default: Cloning into '/home/vagrant/.nvm'...
==> default: Your version of git is out of date. Please update it!
==> default: => Appending source string to /root/.bashrc
==> default: => Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm
==> default: No .nvmrc file found
==> default: Node Version Manager
==> default: Note: <version> refers to any version-like string nvm understands. This includes:
==> default: - full or partial version numbers, starting with an optional "v" (0.10, v0.1.2, v1)
==> default: - default (built-in) aliases: node, stable, unstable, iojs, system
==> default: - custom aliases you define with `nvm alias foo`
==> default: Usage:
==> default: nvm help Show this message
==> default: nvm --version Print out the latest released version of nvm
==> default: nvm install [-s] <version> Download and install a <version>, [-s] from source. Uses .nvmrc if available
==> default: --reinstall-packages-from=<version> When installing, reinstall packages installed in <node|iojs|node version number>
==> default: nvm uninstall <version> Uninstall a version
==> default: nvm use [--silent] <version> Modify PATH to use <version>. Uses .nvmrc if available
==> default: nvm exec [--silent] <version> [<command>] Run <command> on <version>. Uses .nvmrc if available
==> default: nvm run [--silent] <version> [<args>] Run `node` on <version> with <args> as arguments. Uses .nvmrc if available
==> default: nvm current Display currently activated version
==> default: nvm ls List installed versions
==> default: nvm ls <version> List versions matching a given description
==> default: nvm ls-remote List remote versions available for install
==> default: nvm version <version> Resolve the given description to a single local version
==> default: nvm version-remote <version> Resolve the given description to a single remote version
==> default: nvm deactivate Undo effects of `nvm` on current shell
==> default: nvm alias [<pattern>] Show all aliases beginning with <pattern>
==> default: nvm alias <name> <version> Set an alias named <name> pointing to <version>
==> default: nvm unalias <name> Deletes the alias named <name>
==> default: nvm reinstall-packages <version> Reinstall global `npm` packages contained in <version> to current version
==> default: nvm unload Unload `nvm` from shell
==> default: nvm which [<version>] Display path to installed node version. Uses .nvmrc if available
==> default:
==> default: Example:
==> default: nvm install v0.10.32 Install a specific version number
==> default: nvm use 0.10 Use the latest available 0.10.x release
==> default: nvm run 0.10.32 app.js Run app.js using node v0.10.32
==> default: nvm exec 0.10.32 node app.js Run `node app.js` with the PATH pointing to node v0.10.32
==> default: nvm alias default 0.10.32 Set default node version on a shell
==> default:
==> default: Note:
==> default: to remove, delete, or uninstall nvm - just remove the `$NVM_DIR` folder (usually `~/.nvm`)
==> default: Setting up node...
==> default: Found '/vagrant/.nvmrc' with version <4.3.1>
==> default: Downloading
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 0.0%
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 0.2%
==> default: 0.2%
==> default:
==> default: 0.2%
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 0.3%
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 0.4%
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 1.0%
==> default:
==> default: 1.0%
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 1.4%
# 1.4%
# 1.4%
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default: 1.5%
# 1.5%
# 1.5%
# 1.6%
# 1.6%
# 1.7%
# 1.7%
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 1.7%
# 1.8%
# 1.8%
==> default: #
==> default: 1.9%
# 1.9%
# 2.0%
# 2.0%
# 2.0%
==> default:
# 2.1%
# 2.1%
# 2.2%
# 2.2%
# 2.2%
==> default: #
==> default: 2.3%
# 2.3%
# 2.4%
==> default: # 2.4%
# 2.4%
# 2.5%
# 2.5%
# 2.6%
# 2.6%
# 2.7%
# 2.7%
# 2.7%
# 2.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 2.8%
## 2.9%
## 3.0%
## 3.1%
## 3.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: 3.2%
## 3.3%
## 3.4%
## 3.4%
## 3.5%
## 3.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 3.6%
## 3.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 3.8%
## 3.9%
## 4.0%
## 4.1%
## 4.1%
### 4.2%
### 4.2%
### 4.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 4.4%
### 4.5%
==> default: #
==> default: ## 4.5%
### 4.6%
### 4.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: 4.7%
### 4.8%
### 4.9%
### 4.9%
### 5.0%
### 5.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 5.0%
### 5.1%
### 5.2%
### 5.3%
### 5.4%
### 5.5%
#### 5.6%
#### 5.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 5.6%
#### 5.7%
==> default: #
==> default: ### 5.8%
#### 5.9%
#### 6.0%
==> default: #
==> default: ### 6.0%
#### 6.1%
#### 6.2%
#### 6.2%
==> default:
#### 6.2%
#### 6.3%
#### 6.3%
==> default: #
==> default: ### 6.4%
#### 6.5%
#### 6.5%
#### 6.5%
#### 6.5%
==> default:
#### 6.6%
#### 6.6%
#### 6.7%
#### 6.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: 6.8%
#### 6.9%
==> default: #
==> default: ### 6.9%
##### 7.0%
==> default: ##
==> default: #
==> default: ## 7.1%
##### 7.2%
##### 7.3%
##### 7.3%
##### 7.3%
##### 7.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: 7.5%
##### 7.6%
##### 7.7%
##### 7.7%
==> default: ##### 7.8%
##### 7.8%
##### 7.8%
==> default:
##### 7.9%
##### 7.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #### 8.0%
##### 8.1%
##### 8.2%
##### 8.3%
###### 8.4%
###### 8.5%
###### 8.6%
###### 8.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 8.6%
###### 8.7%
###### 8.8%
###### 8.9%
###### 8.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ## 9.0%
###### 9.1%
###### 9.1%
###### 9.1%
==> default: #
==> default: ##### 9.2%
###### 9.2%
==> default: #
==> default: ##### 9.3%
###### 9.3%
==> default:
###### 9.3%
==> default:
###### 9.3%
==> default:
###### 9.3%
==> default:
###### 9.4%
###### 9.4%
==> default:
###### 9.4%
==> default:
###### 9.5%
###### 9.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ### 9.6%
####### 9.8%
####### 9.9%
####### 10.0%
####### 10.1%
####### 10.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ### 10.3%
####### 10.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default: 10.5%
####### 10.6%
####### 10.7%
####### 10.8%
####### 10.9%
####### 11.0%
####### 11.1%
######## 11.2%
######## 11.3%
######## 11.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 11.5%
######## 11.6%
######## 11.7%
######## 11.8%
######## 11.9%
######## 11.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 12.0%
######## 12.1%
######## 12.1%
==> default:
######## 12.2%
######## 12.3%
######## 12.4%
######## 12.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###### 12.5%
######### 12.6%
######### 12.7%
######### 12.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 12.9%
######### 13.0%
==> default: ######### 13.0%
######### 13.1%
######### 13.2%
######### 13.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ## 13.3%
######### 13.4%
######### 13.5%
######### 13.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 13.6%
######### 13.7%
######### 13.9%
########## 14.0%
########## 14.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: 14.1%
########## 14.2%
########## 14.3%
########## 14.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ##### 14.4%
########## 14.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######## 14.5%
########## 14.6%
########## 14.6%
########## 14.6%
==> default:
########## 14.6%
==> default:
########## 14.7%
==> default:
########## 14.8%
########## 14.8%
==> default: 14.8%
########## 14.9%
########## 14.9%
==> default: #
==> default: ######### 15.0%
########## 15.1%
########## 15.1%
==> default: ########## 15.1%
==> default:
########## 15.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 15.2%
########## 15.3%
########### 15.4%
########### 15.4%
==> default: #
==> default: ########## 15.5%
########### 15.6%
==> default: ########### 15.6%
########### 15.6%
==> default: #
==> default: ########## 15.7%
########### 15.7%
==> default:
########### 15.8%
########### 15.8%
########### 15.9%
########### 15.9%
########### 16.0%
########### 16.0%
########### 16.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #### 16.1%
########### 16.2%
########### 16.3%
########### 16.4%
########### 16.5%
########### 16.5%
########### 16.5%
########### 16.6%
########### 16.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########## 16.8%
############ 16.9%
############ 17.0%
############ 17.1%
############ 17.1%
############ 17.1%
############ 17.1%
==> default:
############ 17.2%
############ 17.3%
==> default: #
==> default: ###########
==> default: 17.3%
############ 17.4%
############ 17.5%
############ 17.5%
############ 17.6%
############ 17.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: # 17.7%
############ 17.8%
############ 17.9%
############ 17.9%
############ 18.0%
############ 18.0%
############# 18.1%
############# 18.2%
############# 18.2%
==> default:
############# 18.3%
############# 18.3%
==> default:
############# 18.3%
############# 18.3%
############# 18.4%
############# 18.4%
==> default:
############# 18.5%
==> default:
############# 18.5%
==> default:
############# 18.6%
==> default:
############# 18.6%
############# 18.6%
############# 18.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######## 18.8%
############# 18.9%
############# 19.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: # 19.1%
==> default: ############# 19.1%
############# 19.2%
############# 19.3%
############# 19.3%
############# 19.4%
############## 19.5%
############## 19.5%
############## 19.6%
############## 19.7%
############## 19.7%
############## 19.7%
############## 19.8%
############## 19.9%
############## 19.9%
############## 20.0%
############## 20.0%
############## 20.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 20.1%
############## 20.2%
############## 20.3%
############## 20.4%
############## 20.5%
############## 20.6%
############## 20.6%
############## 20.7%
############## 20.7%
############## 20.8%
############## 20.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######### 20.9%
############### 21.0%
############### 21.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######### 21.1%
############### 21.2%
############### 21.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############# 21.3%
==> default: ############### 21.4%
############### 21.5%
############### 21.5%
==> default: #
==> default: ############## 21.6%
==> default: #
==> default: ############## 21.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############# 21.8%
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 21.9%
############### 22.0%
############### 22.1%
############### 22.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############# 22.2%
################ 22.3%
################ 22.4%
################ 22.6%
################ 22.6%
################ 22.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######### 22.7%
################ 22.8%
################ 22.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############# 22.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####### 22.9%
################ 23.0%
################ 23.1%
################ 23.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########## 23.2%
################ 23.3%
################ 23.
==> default: 4
==> default: %
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############# 23.5%
################ 23.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############# 23.6%
################# 23.7%
################# 23.8%
################# 23.9%
################# 23.9%
==> default:
################# 24.0%
################# 24.1%
################# 24.1%
################# 24.1%
################# 24.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ## 24.3%
################# 24.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############### 24.5%
################# 24.6%
==> default: ################# 24.6%
################# 24.7%
################# 24.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############### 24.8%
################# 24.9%
################# 25.0%
################## 25.1%
################## 25.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############### 25.2%
################## 25.3%
################## 25.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################ 25.4%
################## 25.4%
################## 25.5%
################## 25.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############## 25.7%
################## 25.7%
==> default: #
==> default: ################# 25.8%
==> default: ################## 25.9%
################## 26.0%
################## 26.0%
################## 26.1%
################## 26.2%
################## 26.3%
################### 26.4%
################### 26.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################ 26.5%
################### 26.6%
################### 26.7%
################### 26.8%
################### 26.9%
################### 27.0%
################### 27.1%
################### 27.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################# 27.2%
################### 27.3%
################### 27.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############### 27.5%
################### 27.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####### 27.7%
#################### 27.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################# 27.8%
#################### 27.9%
#################### 27.9%
==> default: #################### 28.0%
#################### 28.1%
#################### 28.1%
==> default: #
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#################### 28.2%
==> default:
#################### 28.3%
#################### 28.3%
==> default:
#################### 28.3%
#################### 28.4%
#################### 28.4%
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==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############ 28.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################# 28.5%
==> default: #
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#################### 28.7%
#################### 28.9%
#################### 29.0%
#################### 29.1%
#################### 29.1%
##################### 29.2%
##################### 29.3%
##################### 29.3%
##################### 29.4%
##################### 29.5%
##################### 29.6%
##################### 29.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 29.7%
##################### 29.8%
##################### 29.9%
==> default: ##################### 30.0%
##################### 30.1%
==> default: #
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##################### 30.2%
##################### 30.2%
==> default:
##################### 30.2%
==> default:
##################### 30.2%
##################### 30.2%
==> default:
##################### 30.3%
##################### 30.4%
##################### 30.4%
==> default:
##################### 30.4%
==> default: #
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##################### 30.5%
###################### 30.6%
###################### 30.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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###################### 30.7%
==> default: #
==> default: ##################### 30.8%
###################### 30.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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###################### 31.1%
###################### 31.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
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###################### 31.2%
###################### 31.3%
###################### 31.4%
###################### 31.4%
==> default:
###################### 31.5%
###################### 31.6%
###################### 31.7%
###################### 31.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###### 31.8%
###################### 31.9%
####################### 32.0%
####################### 32.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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####################### 32.3%
####################### 32.4%
####################### 32.5%
####################### 32.5%
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####################### 32.7%
####################### 32.7%
####################### 32.8%
####################### 32.9%
####################### 32.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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####################### 33.1%
####################### 33.2%
####################### 33.3%
######################## 33.4%
######################## 33.5%
######################## 33.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default:
==> default:
==> default:
==> default: 33.7%
######################## 33.8%
######################## 33.9%
######################## 34.0%
######################## 34.0%
######################## 34.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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==> default: ######################## 34.1%
######################## 34.2%
######################## 34.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############ 34.4%
######################## 34.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################## 34.6%
######################### 34.7%
==> default: #
==> default: ######################## 34.7%
==> default: ######################### 34.8%
######################### 34.9%
######################### 35.0%
######################### 35.1%
######################### 35.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############### 35.3%
######################### 35.4%
######################### 35.5%
######################### 35.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ##################### 35.6%
######################### 35.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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######################### 35.9%
######################### 36.0%
######################### 36.1%
########################## 36.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########## 36.2%
########################## 36.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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########################## 36.5%
########################## 36.6%
########################## 36.7%
########################## 36.8%
########################## 36.9%
########################## 37.0%
########################## 37.1%
########################## 37.2%
########################## 37.3%
########################## 37.4%
########################## 37.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################### 37.5%
########################### 37.6%
########################### 37.7%
########################### 37.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################### 37.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################## 37.9%
########################### 38.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################# 38.1%
########################### 38.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################## 38.2%
########################### 38.3%
########################### 38.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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########################### 38.6%
########################### 38.7%
########################### 38.8%
############################ 38.9%
############################ 38.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################ 39.0%
############################ 39.1%
############################ 39.2%
############################ 39.3%
############################ 39.4%
############################ 39.4%
############################ 39.5%
############################ 39.5%
############################ 39.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ##################### 39.6%
==> default: #
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############################ 39.7%
############################ 39.8%
############################ 39.9%
############################ 40.0%
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############################ 40.1%
############################ 40.1%
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==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################## 40.1%
############################ 40.2%
############################ 40.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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############################# 40.4%
############################# 40.4%
############################# 40.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
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############################# 40.6%
############################# 40.7%
############################# 40.8%
############################# 40.9%
############################# 40.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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############################# 41.1%
############################# 41.2%
############################# 41.3%
############################# 41.3%
==> default: ############################# 41.4%
############################# 41.5%
############################# 41.5%
############################# 41.5%
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==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################## 41.6%
############################# 41.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################### 41.8%
############################## 41.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################## 42.0%
############################## 42.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####################### 42.2%
############################## 42.3%
==> default: #
==> default: ############################# 42.3%
############################## 42.4%
############################## 42.5%
==> default:
############################## 42.5%
############################## 42.6%
############################## 42.7%
############################## 42.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################### 42.7%
############################## 42.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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############################## 43.0%
############################### 43.1%
############################### 43.2%
############################### 43.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #################### 43.3%
############################### 43.4%
############################### 43.4%
==> default: #
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############################### 43.5%
############################### 43.6%
############################### 43.7%
############################### 43.8%
############################### 43.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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############################### 44.1%
############################### 44.2%
############################### 44.3%
############################### 44.4%
################################ 44.5%
################################ 44.5%
################################ 44.5%
################################ 44.6%
################################ 44.7%
################################ 44.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################ 44.7%
################################ 44.8%
################################ 44.9%
################################ 45.0%
################################ 45.1%
==> default: ################################ 45.2%
################################ 45.3%
################################ 45.4%
################################ 45.5%
################################ 45.6%
################################ 45.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########## 45.7%
################################ 45.8%
################################# 45.9%
==> default: #
==> default: ################################ 45.9%
################################# 46.0%
################################# 46.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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################################# 46.3%
################################# 46.3%
################################# 46.4%
################################# 46.5%
################################# 46.5%
################################# 46.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################# 46.7%
==> default: ################################# 46.7%
################################# 46.8%
################################# 46.9%
################################# 47.0%
################################# 47.0%
################################# 47.1%
################################# 47.2%
################################## 47.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######### 47.3%
################################## 47.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################ 47.3%
==> default: #
==> default: ################################# 47.4%
################################## 47.4%
==> default: ################################## 47.4%
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################################## 47.6%
################################## 47.7%
################################## 47.8%
################################## 48.0%
################################## 48.1%
################################## 48.2%
################################## 48.3%
################################## 48.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###################### 48.4%
==> default: #
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################################## 48.6%
################################### 48.7%
################################### 48.8%
################################### 48.9%
################################### 48.9%
################################### 48.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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################################### 49.0%
################################### 49.1%
################################### 49.2%
################################### 49.2%
################################### 49.2%
################################### 49.2%
==> default: ################################### 49.3%
################################### 49.3%
==> default: ################################### 49.4%
################################### 49.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################ 49.5%
################################### 49.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
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################################### 49.8%
################################### 49.9%
################################### 49.9%
################################### 49.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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==> default: #################################### 50.1%
#################################### 50.2%
==> default: #################################### 50.2%
#################################### 50.2%
#################################### 50.2%
==> default:
#################################### 50.2%
==> default: #################################### 50.3%
#################################### 50.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################ 50.5%
#################################### 50.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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#################################### 50.8%
#################################### 50.9%
#################################### 51.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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#################################### 51.2%
#################################### 51.3%
#################################### 51.3%
##################################### 51.4%
##################################### 51.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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##################################### 51.5%
##################################### 51.5%
==> default: ##################################### 51.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #################################### 51.6%
##################################### 51.7%
##################################### 51.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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##################################### 52.0%
##################################### 52.1%
##################################### 52.1%
==> default: ##################################### 52.2%
##################################### 52.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
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##################################### 52.4%
##################################### 52.5%
##################################### 52.5%
==> default:
##################################### 52.5%
==> default: ##################################### 52.6%
##################################### 52.7%
###################################### 52.8%
###################################### 52.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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###################################### 52.9%
###################################### 53.0%
###################################### 53.1%
###################################### 53.2%
###################################### 53.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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###################################### 53.3%
###################################### 53.4%
###################################### 53.5%
###################################### 53.6%
###################################### 53.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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###################################### 53.8%
==> default:
###################################### 53.8%
==> default:
###################################### 53.9%
###################################### 53.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #################################### 54.0%
###################################### 54.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################## 54.1%
####################################### 54.2%
####################################### 54.4%
####################################### 54.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############
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####################################### 54.6%
####################################### 54.7%
####################################### 54.8%
####################################### 54.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################ 55.0%
####################################### 55.1%
==> default: ####################################### 55.2%
####################################### 55.3%
####################################### 55.4%
####################################### 55.5%
####################################### 55.5%
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######################################## 55.6%
######################################## 55.7%
==> default: ######################################## 55.7%
######################################## 55.8%
######################################## 55.8%
######################################## 55.9%
######################################## 55.9%
######################################## 55.9%
######################################## 56.0%
######################################## 56.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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######################################## 56.3%
######################################## 56.4%
######################################## 56.5%
######################################## 56.6%
######################################## 56.7%
######################################## 56.7%
######################################## 56.7%
######################################## 56.8%
######################################## 56.9%
######################################## 56.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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######################################### 57.0%
######################################### 57.1%
######################################### 57.1%
######################################### 57.2%
######################################### 57.3%
######################################### 57.4%
######################################### 57.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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######################################### 57.6%
######################################### 57.7%
######################################### 57.7%
######################################### 57.8%
######################################### 57.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
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######################################### 58.0%
######################################### 58.0%
######################################### 58.0%
######################################### 58.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
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######################################### 58.2%
######################################### 58.3%
######################################### 58.3%
==> default: #
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######################################### 58.3%
########################################## 58.4%
########################################## 58.4%
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########################################## 58.6%
########################################## 58.7%
########################################## 58.8%
########################################## 58.9%
########################################## 58.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
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########################################## 59.1%
########################################## 59.1%
########################################## 59.2%
########################################## 59.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
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########################################## 59.3%
==> default: ########################################## 59.3%
==> default:
########################################## 59.4%
########################################## 59.5%
==> default: ########################################## 59.5%
########################################## 59.6%
########################################### 59.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ##################################### 59.7%
########################################### 59.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################### 59.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################## 60.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###################### 60.1%
########################################### 60.2%
########################################### 60.3%
########################################### 60.4%
########################################### 60.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###################################### 60.6%
########################################### 60.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################### 60.8%
########################################### 60.9%
########################################### 61.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####################################### 61.1%
########################################### 61.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################ 61.2%
############################################ 61.3%
############################################ 61.4%
############################################ 61.5%
############################################ 61.6%
############################################ 61.7%
############################################ 61.8%
############################################ 61.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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############################################ 62.0%
############################################ 62.1%
############################################ 62.2%
############################################ 62.3%
############################################ 62.4%
############################################ 62.5%
############################################# 62.6%
############################################# 62.7%
############################################# 62.7%
############################################# 62.8%
############################################# 62.8%
############################################# 62.9%
############################################# 62.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###################################### 63.0%
############################################# 63.1%
############################################# 63.2%
############################################# 63.3%
############################################# 63.4%
############################################# 63.5%
############################################# 63.6%
############################################# 63.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################ 63.8%
############################################## 63.9%
############################################## 64.0%
############################################## 64.1%
############################################## 64.2%
############################################## 64.3%
############################################## 64.4%
############################################## 64.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #################################### 64.5%
############################################## 64.6%
############################################## 64.7%
############################################## 64.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################## 64.9%
############################################## 65.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################ 65.1%
############################################## 65.2%
==> default: ############################################### 65.3%
############################################### 65.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################ 65.5%
############################################### 65.6%
############################################### 65.7%
############################################### 65.8%
############################################### 65.9%
############################################### 66.0%
############################################### 66.1%
############################################### 66.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################ 66.2%
==> default: ############################################### 66.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################# 66.4%
############################################### 66.5%
############################################### 66.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################## 66.6%
############################################### 66.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################## 66.7%
################################################ 66.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################## 66.8%
################################################ 66.9%
################################################ 67.0%
################################################ 67.2%
################################################ 67.3%
################################################ 67.4%
################################################ 67.5%
################################################ 67.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################ 67.6%
################################################ 67.7%
################################################ 67.8%
################################################ 67.9%
################################################ 68.0%
################################################# 68.1%
################################################# 68.2%
################################################# 68.3%
################################################# 68.3%
################################################# 68.4%
################################################# 68.5%
################################################# 68.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###################################### 68.6%
################################################# 68.7%
################################################# 68.8%
################################################# 68.9%
################################################# 69.0%
################################################# 69.1%
################################################# 69.2%
################################################# 69.3%
################################################# 69.3%
################################################# 69.4%
################################################## 69.5%
################################################## 69.6%
################################################## 69.7%
################################################## 69.8%
################################################## 69.9%
################################################## 69.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################### 70.0%
################################################## 70.1%
################################################## 70.2%
################################################## 70.3%
################################################## 70.4%
################################################## 70.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################### 70.5%
################################################## 70.6%
################################################## 70.7%
==> default: ################################################## 70.7%
################################################## 70.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################### 70.8%
################################################### 70.9%
################################################### 71.0%
################################################### 71.1%
################################################### 71.2%
################################################### 71.3%
################################################### 71.3%
==> default:
################################################### 71.3%
==> default:
################################################### 71.4%
################################################### 71.4%
==> default:
################################################### 71.4%
################################################### 71.5%
################################################### 71.5%
==> default:
################################################### 71.5%
################################################### 71.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################### 71.7%
################################################### 71.8%
################################################### 71.8%
################################################### 71.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################## 72.0%
################################################### 72.1%
################################################### 72.2%
#################################################### 72.3%
#################################################### 72.4%
#################################################### 72.5%
#################################################### 72.6%
#################################################### 72.6%
==> default:
#################################################### 72.7%
#################################################### 72.8%
#################################################### 72.8%
==> default:
#################################################### 72.9%
#################################################### 73.0%
#################################################### 73.1%
#################################################### 73.1%
#################################################### 73.2%
#################################################### 73.2%
#################################################### 73.3%
#################################################### 73.3%
==> default:
#################################################### 73.3%
#################################################### 73.3%
#################################################### 73.5%
#################################################### 73.5%
==> default: #################################################### 73.5%
#################################################### 73.6%
##################################################### 73.7%
##################################################### 73.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################# 73.7%
##################################################### 73.8%
##################################################### 73.9%
##################################################### 73.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################### 74.0%
##################################################### 74.1%
##################################################### 74.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #################################################### 74.2%
##################################################### 74.3%
##################################################### 74.4%
##################################################### 74.5%
##################################################### 74.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ##################################### 74.6%
##################################################### 74.7%
##################################################### 74.8%
##################################################### 74.8%
##################################################### 74.9%
##################################################### 75.0%
##################################################### 75.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################### 75.0%
###################################################### 75.1%
###################################################### 75.2%
###################################################### 75.3%
###################################################### 75.4%
###################################################### 75.4%
###################################################### 75.4%
###################################################### 75.4%
###################################################### 75.4%
###################################################### 75.5%
###################################################### 75.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################### 75.5%
###################################################### 75.6%
###################################################### 75.7%
###################################################### 75.8%
###################################################### 75.9%
###################################################### 76.0%
###################################################### 76.0%
###################################################### 76.1%
###################################################### 76.2%
###################################################### 76
==> default: .
==> default: 2
==> default: %
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################### 76.3%
####################################################### 76.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ##################################################### 76.5%
####################################################### 76.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################ 76.7%
####################################################### 76.8%
####################################################### 76.9%
####################################################### 77.0%
####################################################### 77.1%
####################################################### 77.2%
####################################################### 77.3%
####################################################### 77.4%
####################################################### 77.5%
####################################################### 77.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################### 77.6%
####################################################### 77.7%
######################################################## 77.8%
######################################################## 77.9%
######################################################## 78.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################### 78.1%
######################################################## 78.2%
######################################################## 78.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################### 78.3%
######################################################## 78.4%
######################################################## 78.4%
######################################################## 78.5%
######################################################## 78.5%
==> default: #
==> default: ####################################################### 78.6%
######################################################## 78.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###################################################### 78.7%
######################################################## 78.8%
######################################################## 78.9%
######################################################## 79.0%
######################################################## 79.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #################################################### 79.1%
######################################################### 79.2%
######################################################### 79.2%
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################################## 79.3%
######################################################### 79.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####################################################### 79.4%
######################################################### 79.4%
==> default:
######################################################### 79.5%
######################################################### 79.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####################################################### 79.6%
######################################################### 79.7%
######################################################### 79.7%
######################################################### 79.7%
######################################################### 79.9%
######################################################### 79.9%
######################################################### 79.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################### 80.0%
######################################################### 80.1%
######################################################### 80.2%
######################################################### 80.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################### 80.3%
######################################################### 80.4%
######################################################### 80.5%
########################################################## 80.6%
########################################################## 80.7%
########################################################## 80.7%
########################################################## 80.8%
########################################################## 80.9%
########################################################## 81.0%
########################################################## 81.1%
########################################################## 81.2%
########################################################## 81.3%
########################################################## 81.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################### 81.4%
########################################################## 81.5%
########################################################## 81.6%
########################################################## 81.7%
########################################################## 81.8%
########################################################## 81.9%
########################################################## 81.9%
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################################### 81.9%
########################################################### 82.0%
########################################################### 82.1%
########################################################### 82.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################################## 82.1%
########################################################### 82.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #################################################### 82.2%
########################################################### 82.3%
########################################################### 82.3%
########################################################### 82.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################### 82.3%
########################################################### 82.4%
########################################################### 82.5%
########################################################### 82.5%
########################################################### 82.6%
########################################################### 82.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################################## 82.7%
########################################################### 82.8%
########################################################### 82.8%
==> default: ########################################################### 82.9%
==> default: ########################################################### 82.9%
########################################################### 83.0%
########################################################### 83.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ##################################################### 83.1%
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################## 83.2%
########################################################### 83.3%
############################################################ 83.4%
############################################################ 83.4%
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################### 83.5%
############################################################ 83.6%
############################################################ 83.6%
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################### 83.7%
############################################################ 83.8%
############################################################ 83.9%
############################################################ 83.9%
==> default: ############################################################ 84.0%
############################################################ 84.0%
==> default:
############################################################ 84.1%
############################################################ 84.2%
############################################################ 84.3%
############################################################ 84.4%
############################################################ 84.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################## 84.4%
############################################################ 84.5%
############################################################ 84.5%
############################################################ 84.5%
==> default:
############################################################ 84.6%
############################################################ 84.6%
==> default:
############################################################ 84.7%
############################################################ 84.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################# 84.8%
############################################################# 84.9%
############################################################# 85.0%
############################################################# 85.1%
############################################################# 85.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################### 85.2%
############################################################# 85.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################## 85.4%
############################################################# 85.5%
############################################################# 85.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################## 85.6%
############################################################# 85.7%
############################################################# 85.8%
############################################################# 85.9%
############################################################# 86.0%
############################################################## 86.1%
############################################################## 86.2%
############################################################## 86.3%
############################################################## 86.4%
############################################################## 86.5%
############################################################## 86.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################### 86.6%
############################################################## 86.7%
############################################################## 86.8%
############################################################## 86.9%
############################################################## 87.0%
############################################################## 87.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ##################################################### 87.1%
############################################################## 87.2%
############################################################## 87.3%
############################################################## 87.4%
############################################################## 87.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ######################################################### 87.4%
==> default: ############################################################## 87.5%
############################################################## 87.5%
==> default: #
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############################################################### 87.7%
==> default: ############################################################### 87.7%
############################################################### 87.8%
############################################################### 87.8%
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################## 87.8%
############################################################### 87.8%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################### 87.9%
############################################################### 88.0%
############################################################### 88.1%
############################################################### 88.2%
############################################################### 88.3%
############################################################### 88.3%
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==> default: ############################################################## 88.4%
############################################################### 88.4%
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################## 88.5%
############################################################### 88.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################### 88.6%
############################################################### 88.7%
############################################################### 88.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
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################################################################ 88.9%
################################################################ 89.0%
################################################################ 89.0%
################################################################ 89.1%
################################################################ 89.2%
################################################################ 89.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####################################################### 89.3%
################################################################ 89.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################## 89.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################ 89.4%
################################################################ 89.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################### 89.5%
################################################################ 89.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################## 89.6%
################################################################ 89.7%
################################################################ 89.8%
==> default: ################################################################ 89.8%
################################################################ 89.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################ 90.0%
################################################################ 90.1%
################################################################ 90.2%
################################################################# 90.3%
################################################################# 90.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ###################################################### 90.5%
################################################################# 90.6%
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################################################################# 90.9%
################################################################# 91.0%
################################################################# 91.1%
################################################################# 91.1%
################################################################# 91.2%
################################################################# 91.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################### 91.3%
################################################################# 91.4%
################################################################# 91.5%
################################################################# 91.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################ 91.6%
################################################################## 91.7%
################################################################## 91.8%
################################################################## 91.8%
################################################################## 91.9%
################################################################## 92.0%
################################################################## 92.1%
################################################################## 92.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################# 92.2%
################################################################## 92.2%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################### 92.3%
################################################################## 92.4%
################################################################## 92.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####################################################### 92.6%
################################################################## 92.7%
################################################################## 92.8%
################################################################## 92.9%
################################################################## 93.0%
################################################################### 93.1%
################################################################### 93.2%
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################################################################### 93.3%
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################################################################### 93.7%
################################################################### 93.8%
################################################################### 93.9%
################################################################### 94.0%
################################################################### 94.1%
################################################################### 94.1%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################## 94.2%
################################################################### 94.3%
################################################################### 94.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################## 94.4%
#################################################################### 94.5%
#################################################################### 94.5%
==> default: #################################################################### 94.6%
#################################################################### 94.7%
#################################################################### 94.8%
#################################################################### 94.8%
#################################################################### 94.9%
#################################################################### 95.0%
#################################################################### 95.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################ 95.1%
#################################################################### 95.2%
#################################################################### 95.3%
#################################################################### 95.3%
#################################################################### 95.4%
#################################################################### 95.5%
#################################################################### 95.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ####################################################### 95.7%
#################################################################### 95.7%
#################################################################### 95.7%
#################################################################### 95.8%
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##################################################################### 96.5%
##################################################################### 96.5%
##################################################################### 96.6%
##################################################################### 96.7%
##################################################################### 96.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################ 96.8%
##################################################################### 96.9%
##################################################################### 96.9%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################### 96.9%
##################################################################### 97.0%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################################## 97.1%
==> default: ###################################################################### 97.2%
###################################################################### 97.3%
###################################################################### 97.3%
==> default: ###################################################################### 97.3%
###################################################################### 97.4%
###################################################################### 97.4%
==> default: #
==> default: ##################################################################### 97.5%
###################################################################### 97.5%
==> default:
###################################################################### 97.6%
###################################################################### 97.7%
###################################################################### 97.7%
==> default:
###################################################################### 97.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #################################################################### 97.8%
###################################################################### 97.9%
###################################################################### 98.0%
###################################################################### 98.0%
==> default:
###################################################################### 98.1%
###################################################################### 98.2%
###################################################################### 98.2%
==> default: #
==> default: ##################################################################### 98.2%
###################################################################### 98.3%
###################################################################### 98.3%
###################################################################### 98.4%
###################################################################### 98.4%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ########################################################### 98.5%
###################################################################### 98.5%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################################ 98.6%
####################################################################### 98.7%
####################################################################### 98.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ################################################################### 98.8%
####################################################################### 99.0%
####################################################################### 99.1%
####################################################################### 99.2%
####################################################################### 99.3%
####################################################################### 99.3%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################# 99.4%
####################################################################### 99.5%
####################################################################### 99.6%
####################################################################### 99.6%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: ############################################################### 99.6%
####################################################################### 99.7%
####################################################################### 99.7%
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #
==> default: #################################################################### 99.8%
####################################################################### 99.9%
######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> default: WARNING: checksums are currently disabled for node.js v4.0 and later
==> default: Now using node v4.3.1 (npm v2.14.12)
==> default: Found '/vagrant/.nvmrc' with version <4.3.1>
==> default: Now using node v4.3.1 (npm v2.14.12)
==> default: default -> current (-> v4.3.1)
==> default: Update npm...
==> default: /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/npm -> /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
==> default: npm@2.15.4 /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/npm
==> default: Installing global modules...
==> default: npm
==> default:
==> default: WARN
==> default:
==> default: deprecated
==> default: graceful-fs@3.0.8: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v6.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible.
==> default: npm
==> default:
==> default: WARN
==> default:
==> default: deprecated
==> default: jade@0.26.3: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade
==> default: npm
==> default:
==> default: WARN
==> default:
==> default: deprecated
==> default: graceful-fs@2.0.3: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v6.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible.
==> default: npm
==> default:
==> default: WARN
==> default:
==> default: deprecated
==> default: lodash@1.0.2: lodash@<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash@^4.0.0.
==> default: /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/grunt -> /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt
==> default: npm
==> default:
==> default: WARN
==> default:
==> default: deprecated
==> default: graceful-fs@1.2.3: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v6.0. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible.
==> default: /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/mocha -> /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha
==> default: /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/_mocha -> /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha
==> default: /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/gulp -> /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js
==> default: /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/bin/bower -> /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/bower/bin/bower
==> default: grunt-cli@1.2.0 /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli
==> default: ├── grunt-known-options@1.1.0
==> default: ├── nopt@3.0.6 (abbrev@1.0.7)
==> default: ├── resolve@1.1.7
==> default: └── findup-sync@0.3.0 (glob@5.0.15)
==> default:
==> default: mocha@2.4.5 /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/mocha
==> default: ├── escape-string-regexp@1.0.2
==> default: ├── commander@2.3.0
==> default: ├── diff@1.4.0
==> default: ├── supports-color@1.2.0
==> default: ├── growl@1.8.1
==> default: ├── debug@2.2.0 (ms@0.7.1)
==> default: ├── mkdirp@0.5.1 (minimist@0.0.8)
==> default: ├── glob@3.2.3 (inherits@2.0.1, graceful-fs@2.0.3, minimatch@0.2.14)
==> default: └── jade@0.26.3 (commander@0.6.1, mkdirp@0.3.0)
==> default:
==> default: gulp@3.9.1 /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/gulp
==> default: ├── interpret@1.0.0
==> default: ├── pretty-hrtime@1.0.2
==> default: ├── deprecated@0.0.1
==> default: ├── archy@1.0.0
==> default: ├── minimist@1.2.0
==> default: ├── semver@4.3.6
==> default: ├── tildify@1.2.0 (os-homedir@1.0.1)
==> default: ├── v8flags@2.0.11 (user-home@1.1.1)
==> default: ├── chalk@1.1.3 (escape-string-regexp@1.0.5, ansi-styles@2.2.1, supports-color@2.0.0, strip-ansi@3.0.1, has-ansi@2.0.0)
==> default: ├── orchestrator@0.3.7 (sequencify@0.0.7, stream-consume@0.1.0, end-of-stream@0.1.5)
==> default: ├── liftoff@2.2.1 (extend@2.0.1, rechoir@0.6.2, flagged-respawn@0.3.2, findup-sync@0.3.0, resolve@1.1.7)
==> default: ├── vinyl-fs@0.3.14 (graceful-fs@3.0.8, strip-bom@1.0.0, vinyl@0.4.6, defaults@1.0.3, mkdirp@0.5.1, through2@0.6.5, glob-stream@3.1.18, glob-watcher@0.0.6)
==> default: └── gulp-util@3.0.7 (array-uniq@1.0.2, array-differ@1.0.0, lodash._reescape@3.0.0, object-assign@3.0.0, beeper@1.1.0, lodash._reinterpolate@3.0.0, lodash._reevaluate@3.0.0, replace-ext@0.0.1, has-gulplog@0.1.0, fancy-log@1.2.0, vinyl@0.5.3, gulplog@1.0.0, lodash.template@3.6.2, through2@2.0.1, multipipe@0.1.2, dateformat@1.0.12)
==> default:
==> default: bower@1.7.9 /home/vagrant/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/lib/node_modules/bower
==> default: 'vagrant up' is finished. Continue with the instructions at
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