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Last active December 8, 2021 18:46
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PUBG meets BF meets Planetside?
WIP, Very base line idea.
A squad consists of four players, and is assigned to one of the two major teams.
Possibly allow for modes with two player squads, but I'm not sure i want a solo
version yet or not.
Each Squad spawns into a private lobby that only has them and a "Planning Room".
In this Planning Room, they can look at a map and choose where to spawn.
At this time, they cannot see where any of the obejtives are. This is just in
place of the parachuting mechanic in most games like pubg, and eliminates squads
not starting in the same place. It encourages squads to stick together. If a
player in the squad won't agree on a spot, the most voted spot is where they
will spawn. If it's an even split, it will be randomly chosen between the two
selected spots.
When you select a starting point, you only select the city, farm, or group of
houses itself, you're then spawned at one of the random points within that
In order to spawn, all members of the Squad must agree on the same point. Once
the squad has locked in the point they want to spawn in, and the game begins all
squads are teleported to their spawn locations. They are given 3 minutes to loot
before the objectives are revealed.
Once the objectives are revealed two squads (one from each team), will be
assigned to each objective as their "Primary Objective". They can either choose
to attack this, or help their team attack another objective. However, if you
attack and take your squads primary objective, you are awarded twice the
reward points for it when it has been captured.
Along the way to the objective, you might run into either friendly or enemy
squads, in which case an out-of-objective battle may occure.
An objective is considered captured when the one of the two squads assigned
to the objective are killed, in which case, the objective is now controlled
by the squad that was not killed. Once an objective is captured, it can not
be re-captured.
If a squad decided to attack another objective instead of their primary
objective, or got held up in fire fights along the way the other squad can
potentially capture the objective by remaining on it uncontested for 3 minutes.
If this happens, the objective will be considered "re-capturable", in which case
any squad from the team that does not currently control it can re-capture it
until one of the squads that had been assigned to it has been killed or all
other objectives have been captured.
Objectives are placed on small populated areas of the map. Small towns, farms,
clusters of buildings, etc.
Once all of the objectives are won by one of the two teams, the new objectives
will be revealed. If an uneven number of squads survived the first round, two
squads from one team might be assigned to a single objective. If this is the
case a larger objective will be used for the three squads attacking it.
After each round, during the travel to the new objectives, a blue circle zone
mechanic will force players into the new area containing the current objectives.
This circle will move much slower, and more incentive will be pulled from the
objective capture itself instead of just remaining in zone. This makes the
circle a less important factor in the game.
The game concludes with only one objective in the final round, that the
remaining squads must fight for.
Each round will have a time limit, if an objective is not captured within this
time limit, the two squads attacking it receive an end game penalty during
point calculation.
The winner is the team with the most capture points by the end of the game.
(I'm not sure if this is a bad idea, or if it should just be the last squad(s)
standing on a specific that wins the full game. This is up in the air.)
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