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Created November 12, 2018 17:18
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An extension for UIImageView that provides useful tools for handling the scaled size of the image, the padding added by the UIImageView and X/Y coordinate mapping.
// UIImageView Additions
// Created by Nathan Fiscaletti on 11/12/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Nathan Fiscaletti. All rights reserved.
// An extension for UIImageView that provides useful tools for
// handling the scaled size of the image, the padding added by
// the UIImageView and X/Y coordinate mapping.
extension UIImageView {
/// Retrieve the scaled size of the image within this ImageView.
/// - Returns:
/// - A CGRect representing the size of the image after scaling or nil if no image is set.
func getScaledImageSize() -> CGRect? {
if let image = self.image {
return AVMakeRect(aspectRatio: image.size, insideRect: self.frame);
return nil;
/// Retrieve the size of the image including the padding added by the UIImageView.
/// - Returns:
/// - A CGRect reresenting the size including the padding.
func getScaledImageSizeWithPadding() -> CGRect? {
if let size = getScaledImageSize(),
let paddingTop = getPaddingTop(),
let paddingBottom = getPaddingBottom(),
let paddingLeft = getPaddingLeft(),
let paddingRight = getPaddingRight() {
return CGRect(x: size.minX + paddingLeft, y: size.minY + paddingTop, width: size.width + paddingLeft + paddingRight, height: size.height + paddingTop + paddingBottom);
return nil;
/// Retrieve the top padding between the scaled image in this ImageView and
/// the ImageView itself.
/// - Returns:
/// - A CGFloat representing the padding, or nil if no image is set.
func getPaddingTop() -> CGFloat? {
if let size = self.getScaledImageSize() {
switch self.contentMode {
case .bottom, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight :
return self.frame.height - size.height;
case .top, .topLeft, .topRight :
return 0;
return (self.frame.height - size.height) / 2;
return nil;
/// Retrieve the bottom padding between the scaled image in this ImageView
/// and the ImageView itself.
/// - Returns:
/// - A CGFloat representing the padding, or nil if no image is set.
func getPaddingBottom() -> CGFloat? {
if let size = self.getScaledImageSize() {
switch self.contentMode {
case .bottom, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight :
return 0;
case .top, .topLeft, .topRight :
return self.frame.height - size.height;
return (self.frame.height - size.height) / 2;
return nil;
/// Retrieve the left padding between the scaled image in this ImageView
/// and the ImageView itself.
/// - Returns:
/// - A CGFloat representing the padding, or nil if no image is set.
func getPaddingLeft() -> CGFloat? {
if let size = self.getScaledImageSize() {
switch self.contentMode {
case .left, .bottomLeft, .topLeft :
return 0;
case .right, .bottomRight, .topRight :
return self.frame.width - size.width;
default :
if (self.frame.width - size.width) > 0 {
return (self.frame.width - size.width) / 2;
} else {
return 0;
return nil;
/// Retrieve the right padding between the scaled image in this ImageView
/// and the ImageView itself.
/// - Returns:
/// - A CGFloat representing the padding, or nil if no image is set.
func getPaddingRight() -> CGFloat? {
if let size = self.getScaledImageSize() {
switch self.contentMode {
case .left, .bottomLeft, .topLeft :
return self.frame.width - size.width;
case .right, .bottomRight, .topRight :
return 0;
default :
if (self.frame.width - size.width) > 0 {
return (self.frame.width - size.width) / 2;
} else {
return 0;
return nil;
/// Retrieve the coordinate from the base image scaled to the new scaled image.
/// - Parameters:
/// - x: The X coordinate.
/// - y: The Y coordinate.
/// - multiplier: The multiplier to use (default is 100).
/// - Returns:
/// - A CGPoint representing the value, or nil if no image is set.
func getScaledCoordinate(forX x: CGFloat, andY y: CGFloat, multiplier:CGFloat = 100.0) -> CGPoint? {
if let size = self.getScaledImageSize() {
let xCoordSize = size.width / multiplier;
let yCoordSize = size.height / multiplier;
return CGPoint(x: x * xCoordSize, y: y * yCoordSize);
return nil;
/// Retrieve the coordinate from the base image scaled to the new scaled image,
/// including the padding added by the UIImageView.
/// - Parameters:
/// - x: The X coordinate.
/// - y: The Y coordinate.
/// - multiplier: The multiplier to use (default is 100).
/// - Returns:
/// - A CGPoint representing the value, or nil if no image is set.
func getScaledCoordinateWithPadding(forX x: CGFloat, andY y: CGFloat, multiplier:CGFloat = 100.0) -> CGPoint? {
if let point = self.getScaledCoordinate(forX: x, andY: y, multiplier: multiplier),
let paddingTop = self.getPaddingTop(),
let paddingLeft = self.getPaddingLeft() {
return CGPoint(x: point.x + paddingLeft, y: point.y + paddingTop);
return nil;
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