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Last active November 15, 2022 18:57
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Current eslint config
module.exports = {
env: {
browser: true,
es2021: true,
jest: true, // Enable if testing is used on the project
extends: ['plugin:react/recommended', 'plugin:import/recommended', 'airbnb'],
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
parserOptions: {
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true,
ecmaVersion: 'latest',
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: [
'simple-import-sort', // requires 'eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort'
rules: {
'react/jsx-filename-extension': [2, { extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'] }],
'react/react-in-jsx-scope': 'off',
'import/extensions': [
js: 'never',
jsx: 'never',
ts: 'never',
tsx: 'never',
'no-underscore-dangle': 'off',
'react/jsx-props-no-spreading': 'off',
'react/require-default-props': 'off',
'no-unused-vars': 'off', // Disabling this so the native TS check can be used
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': 'error',
'simple-import-sort/imports': 'warn', // requires 'eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort'
'simple-import-sort/exports': 'error', // requires 'eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort'
'no-shadow': 'off', // Fixes false-positives for enums
'import/prefer-default-export': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-shadow': ['error'],
'no-alert': 'off', // Delete if you're not using native alert func.
'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [ // Avoids devDependencies with Testing Library in test files
devDependencies: [
'test.{ts,tsx}', // repos with a single test file
'test-*.{ts,tsx}', // repos with multiple top-level test files
'**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.{ts,tsx}', // tests where the extension or filename suffix denotes that it is a test
'**/jest.config.ts', // jest config
'**/jest.setup.ts', // jest setup
optionalDependencies: false,
settings: {
'import/resolver': {
node: {
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'],
paths: ['./src'],
overrides: [
// override "simple-import-sort" config - requires 'eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort'
files: ['*.js', '*.jsx', '*.ts', '*.tsx'],
rules: {
'simple-import-sort/imports': [
groups: [
// Packages `react` related packages come first.
['^react', '^@?\\w'],
// Internal packages.
// Side effect imports.
// Parent imports. Put `..` last.
['^\\.\\.(?!/?$)', '^\\.\\./?$'],
// Other relative imports. Put same-folder imports and `.` last.
['^\\./(?=.*/)(?!/?$)', '^\\.(?!/?$)', '^\\./?$'],
// Style imports.
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