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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Changelogs for each release of the Scratch editor.


Bug fixes

  • Remove "beta" from offline editor
  • Use less memory when parsing paths
  • Subtract tips width from content area



  • Add autoscrolling while dragging

Bug fixes

  • Fix overwriting MD5s with different data
  • Fix null references
  • Fix EOFError
  • Allow extensions to use %c
  • Fix incorrect running script feedback when opening editor



  • Add exporting project summaries

Bug fixes

  • Add missing translation strings
  • Fix detecting transparency in SVGs
  • Fix duplicate menu item in offline editor


  • Don't load extensions from non-Scratch absolute URLs
  • Don't load external extensions on shared projects
  • Switch to relative extension URLs
  • Don't show the extension developer UI in shared projects
  • Fix warning when extensions don't load immediately
  • Fix indicator light placement in extension UI


  • Fix thumbnails and stop some logging
  • Don't trigger video motion hat when sprite is hidden


  • Only allow internal extensions (Pico/WeDo) temporarily


  • Fix saving project thumbnails


  • Fix switching variable and list names from context menu.


  • Fix saving project thumbnails



  • Allow switching list name in reporter from context menu
  • Allow holding shift to scroll horizontally with trackpad (does not work for mouse wheels)
  • Add importing Scratch 1.4 sprite files (.sprite)
  • Send key press events for scroll wheel like Scratch 1.4
  • Add tabbing between inputs in a block

Bug fixes

  • Block mouse interaction when picking a color
  • Add full arc to Bezier curve conversion support
  • Only allow one reporter-bubble thread at a time
  • Fix bubbles for blocking reporters
  • Rename duplicate parameters in procedure editor
  • Update palette when auto-creating variables
  • Check for internal extension before fixing URL
  • Fix italic text in SVGs
  • Fix saving blank SVGs over assets
  • Fix procedure editor label field widths for multi-word labels
  • Fix inputs appearing when variables/lists/procedures contain %n, etc.
  • Export extension specs as translatable strings
  • Check built-in extension block spec translations for argument mismatches
  • Show error messages when importing invalid sprites
  • Fix pasting in bitmap editor
  • Fix small offset when adding shapes in bitmap editor
  • Show slider min/max as default values in dialog
  • Fix overflow in procedure editor
  • Stop bolding numeric arguments
  • Save scripts and update palette when undeleting a block or comment



  • Allow JS extensions in offline editor
  • Add block color editor

Bug fixes

  • Redraw when changing volume or tempo
  • Check that extension URLs are properly formatted before opening them
  • Remove Javascript extensions when they are disabled
  • Retain ID when loading extensions
  • Fix focusing parameters in procedure editor
  • Fix null object reference when recording
  • Fix renaming sounds in nested blocks
  • Use setSVGData() to properly clear costumes that fail to load
  • Conditionally add or skip the extension add button
  • Set zoom to 100% after creating a costume from the camera
  • Fix layout for show button in small stage mode
  • Fix a typo in translation.TranslatableStrings
  • Fix dragging objects on the stage from paint editor
  • Fix doubling dimensions of bitmaps in the backpack
  • Allow only one HTTP poll at a time per extension
  • Add a default implementation for the username block when offline
  • Update procedure spec editor label font to match block label font

Changes to the repo

  • Fix IllegalOperationError when running scratch-flash
  • Add licensing information to readme
  • Fix build status link in readme
  • Fix link in readme
  • Fix a typo in readme
  • Link to design principles of scratch, set limits on new features in readme



  • Add piano for picking notes

Bug fixes

  • Fix stamping with ghost effect in 3D renderer
  • Prevent using special names (e.g., mouse) as sprite names
  • Fix null reference exception
  • Fix picking color from editor background yielding black instead of white
  • Fix costume center for empty costumes
  • Prevent copying procedure declaration blocks
  • Fix watcher not updating to reflect certain changes
  • Make grow/shrink tools sticky in bitmap editor
  • Keep zoom and scroll when switching costumes in the image editor
  • Increase precision of formatted sound duration to hundredths
  • Prevent deleting or editing list items in player mode
  • Fix size of progress box when loading project
  • Allow deleting procedures with recursive references
  • Fix choosing colors in 3D
  • Fix decoding extension values
  • Change cleanup -> clean up
  • Make blocks keep track of their full state when grabbed
  • Scale comments correctly when picking them up
  • Fix references when renaming sounds and sprites
  • Fix overlap of labels in procedure editor in certain languages
  • Fix orphaned comment bug
  • Fix else label overflowing in some languages
  • Prevent duplicate sprite names
  • Fix scripts running after they are deleted
  • Add delete item to procedure hat context menu
  • Remove selecting Stage by double-clicking
  • Fix costume center when importing costumes and images
  • Make attribute block update when switching sprite
  • Stop rounding costume center coordinates in vector mode
  • Fix not being able to drop block when color picker is under mouse
  • Fix dragging "when Stage clicked" into a sprite
  • Fix shadow disappearing when a script runs while being dragged
  • Fix caching in variable setters
  • Fix duplication when dragging media into the backpack
  • Fix broadcasts created in palette not being accessible via menu

Changes to the repo

  • Clarifying update to README
  • Fix build status image



  • Add Letters category to media library
  • Add "record..." to sound menu
  • Add support for retina displays

Bug fixes

  • Prevent stop block from being placed in the middle of a script
  • Fix escape in empty paint editor text field throwing error
  • Fix renaming costume breaking references to that costume
  • Fix getter blocks not resizing when renaming variable
  • Fix blocks not resizing when switching variable via context menu
  • Prevent setting x or y position to +-Infinity
  • Fix grid for selection and stamp tools in bitmap editor
  • Preserve position of top-left corner of scripting area when zooming
  • Fix alignment of drop-down menus when blocks are zoomed
  • Add colons to the titles of local list watchers
  • Fix changing variable name in set/change blocks in palette
  • Fix resizing zoomed comments
  • Fix pressing keys while drawing with the pencil
  • Fix setting slider min/max not triggering autosave
  • Fix costume center button being too far to the right
  • Fix hiding the speech bubble when it was shown by something else
  • Fix error when proto is not the child of stagePane
  • Prevent handing NaN to the BitmapData constructor
  • Fix error when user denied access to the microphone
  • Prevent terminal block insertions at the top of substacks
  • Allow wrapping C blocks in the middle of a stack
  • Fix memory leak from copyPixels()
  • Fix importing files with CRLF or CR line endings



  • Add a delete button to list cells
  • Add visual indication for list item focus
  • Tweak rounding of numeric values in watchers
  • Improve list navigation
  • Add screenshot item to Stage's context menu
  • Add speech bubble with value of reporter when clicked

Bug fixes

  • Fix creation of double resolution images for backpack and media library
  • Update sprite bitmaps during rotations
  • Allow success messages for HTTP extensions
  • Fix blocking commands
  • Fix MP3 conversion logic
  • Fix a bug with lists that display only two visible items
  • Increase minimum list watcher size
  • Fix watcher checkbox state when hiding list from context menu
  • Fix bubbles not appearing at right edge of block when zoomed
  • Fix delete button showing on read-only lists
  • Fix tab skipping items in online player
  • Add button to import costume from library
  • Show "(empty)" in empty lists.
  • Fix display of numbers in list watchers
  • Make a method for removing the text buttons
  • Fix loading stop blocks
  • Fix context menus showing for hidden lists on the stage
  • Fix dispose handling in GIF decoder
  • Fix variables named "---" not appearing in menus
  • Fix spacing in C blocks whose substacks end with terminals
  • Fix scripts in palette running after category is switched
  • Switch to generic whitespace for HTTP poll parsing
  • Properly urlencode extension block selectors and inputs



  • Add "info" menu item to sprite context menu

Bug fixes

  • Fix MP3 conversion logic
  • Fix "this script" -> "other scripts in sprite" bug
  • Load extension docs in the tips window
  • Fix boolean javascript extension reporters
  • Enable pico extension
  • Fix tabbing between list cells
  • Fix stop block label for "other scripts in sprite/stage" when dragging between a sprite and the stage and between the backpack and a sprite or the stage
  • Trigger a save when scripts are cleaned up
  • Fix translation of "edge", "myself", "Stage", and "mouse-pointer" in block inputs
  • Update bitmap radial gradient fill to match vector radial gradients
  • Fix procedure renaming
  • Fix variable renaming
  • Fix duplicated comments being offset from cursor
  • Fix palette spacing on More Blocks category
  • Make dialogs draggable by their titles
  • Fix ask prompting multiple times for the same script
  • Fix library path
  • Fix gradient fill direction
  • Fix stage size toggle not staying synchronized
  • Fix positioning of new procedure hats
  • Fix "Exension" typo in block colors dialog
  • Change menu items to sentence case

Changes to the repo

  • Add HipChat notifications for the Scratch Team
  • Add build status image
  • Add travis build config and js
  • Add instructions for downloading and moving playerglobal.swc files
  • Add more to the readme about contributing
  • Cleaner gitignore


  • a bunch of fixes that prevent exceptions


  • No longer requiring the shift key to access extensions.


  • Improved detection of whether we can talk to Javascript without causing exceptions.
  • Added support for initializing the player via flashvars without javascript communication (including passing in the cloud token).
  • Fixed embedded player for IE.
  • Fixed js object formatting for logged in / anon page loads.


  • added a hook to the SWF for downloading the current project to the local computer


  • close tips when entering presentation mode


  • dialog boxes are now centered both vertically and horizontally
  • the top bar and border is slightly darker to help it stand out


  • Now trimming whitespace from the beginning and end of new variable names.
  • No longer allowing duplicate costume or backdrop names.
  • Fixed issues with variables and lists that have the same name.


  • Fixed a costume renaming bug


  • added Donegal font to paint editor


  • use the new, larger default size only for newly created text elements
  • record the font size in the new SVG element (that wasn't being done before)
  • use the original default size if there's no size specified in the SVG element (that provides backwards compatibility)


  • fix a bug Sarah found and the menu placement issue Tian reported
  • add a colon to the monitors for sprite variables (e.g. "cat: hunger level")
  • fix a few translation issues
  • remove (for now) a few of the new fonts from the menu until we make a definite decision (because we shouldn't remove a font once it has been deployed)


The paint editor now supports multiple fonts. Currently, only embedded fonts are supported (as was the case before), so you can only use the "Roman"/Western European character set. There are plans to add a universal font later.


  • Immediately save newly created projects


  • Sprite/Backdrop/Costume library is now cached by SWF so it loads really fast after the first time.
  • make default duration of drum and rest blocks be 0.25
  • add note numbers to the note menu


  • Fixes the gradient issue that Sarah found


  • Moving a path that's being edited should work now


  • Attempts to address general problem that the user does something in the project editor that triggers a save before the project has finished loading.
  • Bug 1082 is also fixed, but that's difficult to verify until this SWF is deployed because the project in question (10653182) is not visible on jiggler.
  • This SWF also includes a few paint editor tweaks from Shane.


  • Fix a bug with blanking out costumes.



  • bug 563: BIG ONE! total asset size limit: Scratch does not allow adding assets to a project if that would result in the project having over 50MB. To test, trying importing a bunch of long sounds to get close to the limit. Then try importing sprites, costumes, backdrops, sounds from library, disk, and backpack. It should give you a warning.
  • bug 551: All dialog boxes now appear centered near the top of the screen
  • bug 1065: Rollover for "Remix" button
  • bug 1063: When say/think bubbles interrupt each other, the last one determines how long the bubble stays up
  • bug fix: a NaN costume index prevented project loading
  • record SWF version in project metadata
  • improved internal support for extensions (nothing to see or test yet)

Paint editor

  • bug 836: added "Import" button
  • bug 1006: smallest brush now snaps to the normal-size pixel grid (not subpixels) to make it easier to work at the pixel level
  • fixed snapping of selection rectangle to the pixel grid when selecting; moving the selection still does not snap to the pixel grid (tried to fix that but its tricky)
  • Very rudimentary text wrapping for 1.4 text fields. This needs more work and will never work properly without the same font...
  • Made the tool cursors not show on scrollbars
  • Now showing a tooltip for the entira rea used for stroke/eraser widths.
  • Fixed event handling for tooltips on parental display objects.
  • New rotate cursor fmor Natalie. Fixed the "rotate bug" where the selection box was offset fmor the selection.
  • Fixed adding path points to a solid (unstorked) shape.
  • Added tooltips to the eraser/stroke width slider. (
  • Made the shutdown method safer to fix
  • New resize, rotate, and move cursors.
  • Now allowing the use of built-in cursors for tools.
  • Improved radial gradients for rectangles. No longer using a focal point so that it works more like Scratch 1.4.
  • Fixed the export of zero=opacity stop colors in gradients.


  • fix for lost project problem
  • first pass at gradients in the vector editor (from Shane)
  • added support for radial gradient focal points (from Shane)
  • in bitmap editor, pen and eraser sizes can now be much larger (uses Scratch 1.4 sizes)
  • in bitmap editor, eraser size shown as hollow circle
  • in bitmap editor, minimum brush size larger to avoid lines two thin to show on the stage
  • record pixels/inch of double-resolution bitmaps in exported PNG's
  • fetch assets from cdn to save server load
  • increase auto-save interval to 120 seconds (at Sayamindu's request)
  • bug 960: don't add multiple items on double click unless shift key *ressed
  • bug ???: empty costume bug
  • make greenflag/stop available via JS (for Shane)
  • add "hasCloudData" flag to project info (for Glen)
  • Vector gradients have been implemented.


This fix will make the SWF more robust in the face of server and network problems and high-load situations. For example, a few weeks ago, it would have prevented the (temporarily) lost projects when a deploy glitch broke project loading for a short period.


  • cloud data changes from Sayamindu
  • bug fix: deleting a sprite causes global variable montiors to hide
  • bug fix: importing animated GIF gets stuck on "uploading" and costumes never appear
  • bug fix: variable menu showing generic block command ("duplicate", etc.)


Found and fixed a bug in the project fetch "cache buster".


This fixes the paint editor bug Mark found:

Paint Editor (Bitmap) Probably an old bug - Load a background from the media library - then draw on it with the paint brush (just one stroke) - then try to undo the brush stroke. The result is that the background image shrinks by maybe a factor of two.


  • menu for note block
  • use cache buster for project fetching (attempted fix for the lost project changes issue)
  • can now import animated GIF as sprites, costumes, or backdrops
  • top bar grow/shrink tools now work on the entire contents of bitmap editor
  • tweaks for embedded editor (green-flag overlay, put website link in blue box)
  • fix bug importing Scratch 2.0 sprites with heading of zero
  • set project title on website when importing a project from disk and remixing
  • make default instrument "piano" (not electric piano)
  • remove several JS entry points that are no longer used
  • cloud data changes from Saymindu
  • paint editor fixes from Shane


The bitmap editor paint bucket now supports gradient fills:

  • buttons for solid fill or 3 types of gradient
  • buttons reflect currently selected colors as preview of gradient
  • (the rectangle and ellipse buttons now also show the current color)
  • cool trick #1: when filling with the paint bucked, clicking multiple times in the same place fills a wider and wider range of colors (i.e. increases the color match tolerance). This was Shane's idea, I just improved the implementation. Wish we'd had this in 1.4.
  • cool trick #2: you can fill with a gradient between transparent and a color
  • gradient fill buttons currently hidden in SVG editor; Shane will add gradient support to the SVG editor when the website demands let up a bit.


  • added support for embedding the editor on (or other websites). test url:
  • fixed a problem with downloading Scratch 1.4 projects uploaded since launch (as opposed to projects migrated from the old website). To test, upload and share a project from Scratch 1.4, then use the "Download code" button under "Share to" to download it. It should download as a file (NOT display junk in your browser), but this won't work until we deploy.
  • added a microphone volume slider to the sound editor. This was needed by the Chromebooks because they don't have an OS control panel for changing the microphone level.



  • fix SVG rendering of an obscure form of "m" commands (PirateScratcCat now renders correctly - Arrr!)
  • added guide lines to paint editor to show costume center (Mitchel's request)
  • bug: long sprite names overlapping in backpack
  • bug 865: selected costume should be updated after reordering via drag-drop
  • bug 881: don't show "duplicate" in backpack item menu
  • revert to using our own server (not Fastly) to fetch project assets


  • bug: backdrop category list is wrong (it's using the 'sounds' categories)
  • set sprite thumbnail when dragging sprite from library
  • fixed bug in reporting URL for old format projects
  • fetch assets from CDN/Fastly cache
  • make sure old costumes (and imported bitmap costumes) open in bitmap mode
  • bug 478: drag from backpack into paint editor
  • bug 760: shift + pencil on vector buggy --recommend removing Shift functionality for pencil
  • bug 835: dragging from Backpack in bitmap mode overwrites instead of adding
  • bug 851: svg costumes dragged into bitmap mode from backpack give error
  • bug #871: backdrop library is showing Sound library categories not backdrop categories


Fixes the ability to insert images into the paint editor by dragging from the backpack, costumes list, and sprite library. In fact, it's now better than it's ever been. The key new features:

  • You can now insert images into the paint editor by dragging in another costume from the costume list or a sprite from the sprite library, as well as costumes or sprites from the backpack. When you drag in a sprite, it inserts the current costume of that sprite.
  • You can now insert images in bitmap mode, which didn't work at all before. The inserted image is selected and can be moved, rotated or scaled, before it is "baked in" to the bitmap layer. (Or you can delete the selection if you decide you don't want it.)


  • remove code to save generic thumbnail for newly-created project (the server now supplies a good default thumbnail)
  • don't request the non-existent en.po file for English
  • the SWF now reports the URL for Scratch 1.x projects to support downloading them
  • bug 456: deleting a costume or backdrop from the backpack in the editor will also delete it from the project
  • bug 864: don't scroll palette to top when deleting a block or renaming a variable or list


  • don't show save dialog unless assets have changed (i.e. not for script changes)
  • bug 700: need to optimize scrolling for user experience in editor (see also 643)
  • bug 606: leaving sound editor tab should stop sound playback in sound editor
  • bug 813: text color not changing (vector and bitmap)
  • bug 832: close Tips window when opening Media Library dialog
  • bug 843: need to save costume state before Converting
  • bug 844: flip button is not triggering a save costume


Reverted an attempt to fix an bug involving sliders on watchers in a rare case which broke the common case. The cure was worse than the disease...


Adds tooltips for all the new buttons:

  • New backdrop (under stage)
  • New sprite (under stage)
  • New backdrop (Backdrops tab)
  • New costume (Costumes tab)
  • New sound (Sounds tab)


  • bug 184: invisible pixels blocking a Slider
  • new bug (reported by Boltbait via Fran; also found by Mark): some old projects with comments fail to load


  • revert autosave interval to 1 minute
  • bug 532: don't redirect to project page when "share" button pressed in editor (test)
  • bug 545: Sprite "Can Drag in Player" checkbox incorrectly showing as checked
  • bug 629: "set size" block displaying multiple decimal points
  • bug 701: sort variables/lists alphabetically in palette
  • bug 798: prevent projects from not having thumbnails and showing the old censored cat talking image
  • bug 685: Scratch 1.x projects with a lot of sound data seem slow to download


  • remember video transparency in project
  • drop comment on block to connect
  • import comment connections from old Scratch projects
  • bug: vector backdrops are offset if a vector element sticks over the edge
  • bug: list blocks change to variable color on project save/open
  • bug: "stop other scripts" block becomes final on project save/open or copy
  • bug:show local var/list should do nothing for a clone
  • shift-click Edit menu allows enabling SensorBoard/WeDo blocks
  • bug: set "dirty bit" when sound is edited
  • bug: MP3 progress indicator sometimes goes past end
  • bug 273: clear the play button overlay after receiving input like keypresses (test on Fireworks)
  • add Sprite x-y readouts under sprite watermark in scripting area
  • bug: costume disappears if costumes switched when text tool open
  • bug: costume center change lost if costumes switched when center tool open


The important change is to reduce the autosave interval to a mere 10 seconds. This will help us stress-test the server's autosave mechanism. Before launch, the autosave interval will be increased to it's previous 120 seconds.

I also changed how thumbnails are fetched in the sprite/costume/backdrop library dialogs. They are now fetched more incrementally, allowing you to interact with the editor during fetching. This should help a lot when running on slow networks.


  • bitmap paint bucket tooltip: Fill with color
  • vector paint bucket tooltip: Fill a shape
  • move stamp tool into tool palettes
  • move video blocks to sensing
  • don't have stop turn off the video
  • remove WeDo/SensorBoard extensions from menu
  • login -> sign in
  • broadcast dialog title: "New Message"
  • bug: trigger hat blocks not working in editor
  • remove "a" in new block dialog ("Add a number input")
  • remove rollover for palette switcher
  • eyedropper tooltip: "Pick up color"
  • vector paint bucket tooltip: "color a shape"
  • remove "hollow/filled" tooltips
  • bitmap stamp tooltip" "select and duplicate"
  • remove command key shortcuts from sound menu
  • make hat blocks have a min size (fix green flag hat in Arabic)
  • add tooltips for top bar tools (delete, duplicate, grow, shrink, block help)
  • include colons in strings to be translated such as "New sprite:"
  • add "show" checkbox to sprite info
  • translate labels for backpack items: Sprite, Costume, Backdrop, Sound, Script
  • video on -> "show video"
  • translate dialog for var max/min settings dialog
  • remember state of "show video" and, in player, turn on video automatically if set


This push is entirely about translation. In particular, it attempts to ensure that:

  • every UI string is exported to the set of strings we put on Pootle for translators to translate
  • every UI string goes through the translation mechanism

I found and fixed many omissions including:

  • sound editor - edit menu
  • top bar - File and Edit menus
  • tab names
  • sprite info
  • camera
  • media lib
  • make var, list, block
  • right click menus
  • dialog box buttons
  • paint editor tooltips


fixes the "toxic sprite from backpack" problem found by Lucario621 and reported by Mark


  • bug: talk bubble can be messed up if sprite is dropped off the stage (the sprite returned to it's original location, the bubble didn't)
  • bug: talk bubble offset when dragging a sprite
  • paint editor: keep the shape tool (rectangle, ellipse) selected while placing the shape


  • bug: scripts saved in right-to-left language were being saved with argument in incorrect order (glad I found that one!)
  • bug: the scripts of loaded or remixed projects were not getting translated
  • reload project page if language was changed inside the editor (so project page is shown in the new language)


Big changes:

  • reworked all block menus (and block parameters with menus) to better handle translation
  • reworked handling of right-to-left languages to correctly handle basic math ops (+, -, *, /, %) (Only Arabic evaluates math operations right-to-left; Hebrew and Farsi evaluate left-to-right.)

Other changes:

  • bug fix: boolean parameter reporters were turning into normal reporters after project save/open
  • bug fix: theme and image type selectors were not showing for costume library
  • normalize block menus (put generic commands at top, not bottom)
  • mechanism for translation of block arguments controlled the associated menu


  • A new "video on" checkbox appears below the new backdrop buttons the first time you drag out a video sensor block or select "video motion" from a trigger hat block. Video will be turned on (if a camera is available) when this checkbox first appears. After that, video is no longer turned on automatically by the video sensor block or video motion trigger hat. Video can be turned on or off using either the checkbox or command blocks. This gives users more control over when the video is turned on (e.g. the video motion trigger block no longer keeps turning the video back on after the user turns it off).
  • Added a new "turn video on" block to Sensing category (to make it easier for people to discover how to turn on the video when using the video sensor block).
  • Talk bubbles now placed closer to sprite. (Note: this uses a heuristic similar to that used in Scratch 1.4 that assumes that anything that sticks up from from the top of the sprite is the character's head. That doesn't work for all characters and it doesn't work if the character is upside down, etc. But it's better than having the talk bubble too far away.)
  • The name of the initial sprite (the Scratch cat) is now "Sprite1"
  • Bug fix: The cursor sometimes disappears when using the media library.

Paint editor:

  • Can now draw multiple rectangles or ellipses in bitmap mode without re-selecting tool (thanks, Shane!)
  • The Stamp tool in bitmap mode now works as users expect -- click the tool, then select the area to copy. No change to the behavior in vector mode.
  • Use cross-hair cursor for select/stamp tools.

Media library:

  • Evenly space columns to fit available space
  • Only show sprite's costume count when it is selected.


  • adds "All" to the media library category filter (and makes that the default selection)
  • records project ID in saved project, allowing us to track remixes via download/upload (but still need to do something on upload)
  • records flash version, OS, and browser in saved project
  • increase autosave frequency 4x (now autosaves every 30 seconds) to simulate a higher server load
  • cloud data changes from Sayamindu (see his email for details)


This version has a brand new media library UI for importing sprites, costumes, backdrops, and sounds. Brand new code, that is; it should look very similar to the old one.

The new media library UI is provided by the SWF, rather than a call to Gaia's JavaScript code. This allows it to work in the stand-alone version of Scratch 2.0 (including the "interim" stand-alone version). It also makes it easier for me to make changes and improvements. For example, I've optimized the thumbnail loading code to try to address some of the problems we've seen on slow networks, and I have another optimization in the works. In addition, this new code should fix issues with some SVG thumbnails being mis-aligned or cut off.

It also fixes a bug when importing multiple costumes/backdrops from the local computer.

I tried to follow Gaia's UI design as closely as possible, but there are some spacing and small font differences. Also, I did not implement the roll-over that shows the number of scripts/costumes/sounds in a sprite. Script/costume counts are now shown underneath the sprite name, allowing you to see at a glance which sprites have scripts or multiple costumes. However, if people prefer the roll-over approach, it's quite easy to implement.


Fix the eyedropper bug.


  • costume center tool has "ligher" [sic] icon and is aligned at top-left of canvas (so it that it's NOT directly above the vector tools)
  • icons for new costumes (vs. the drop-down menu)

...and some expert features:

  • in bitmap mode, shift-delete deletes everything EXCEPT the selection, like 1.4 (no equivalent in vector mode)
  • shift while drawing lines constrains lines to vertical or horizontal
  • shift while rendering (i.e. clicking away from the selected object) in bitmap mode does anti-aliasing (The result looks smoother but if you fill it using the paint bucket you get a "halo" of anti-aliased pixels of the old color around the edges, so you have to be sure you'll never want to use the paint bucket. Still, this mode makes text look much nicer.)


  • top button row and bottom area now adapt to size changes
  • paint editor now fits on a 1024-wide screen (without shrinking the stage)
  • gradient on brightness slider
  • costume center button now in top row (next to flip buttons)
  • displays two color swatches (that swap when clicked)
  • background checker-board pattern now has smaller squares, like in Scratch 1.4 (requested by a user)
  • bug: large imported costumes were not being centered correctly ("oreo cookie" bug)


Small reorganization of the mode label and set center tool button


I just fixed two minor glitches with bitmap mode of the paint editor:

  • when editing a backdrop, picking up a selection would include a rectangle of white (background) pixels, making it harder to move and paste selections (the white pixels might cover up something you wanted to keep)
  • Text is no longer anti-aliased when it gets rendering into the bitmap. This allows you to fill individual letters with colors without leaving a "halo" of the old color (see samples below). However, small text now looks much more pixelated. We may want this to be a shift-option on the text tool (e.g. "Shift: Smoother text").


  • Shane fixed two tricky bugs with the bitmap text tool. (Thanks, Shane!)
  • Shane also fixed an issue with the paint editor scrollbars.
  • I fixed one trivial bug with the bitmap flip buttons.


I fixed the bug that was causing all of these:

  • I am seeing a problem with the bitmap fill.  I use the bitmap oval tool to make a new oval, then I select the bitmap fill and pick another color.  I then click on the oval to fill the oval - but the background fills instead of the oval.
  • When I draw with the bitmap pencil, it remains selected after drawing, so I can draw another line.  This does not happen when I draw an oval or a rectangle - the tool keeps defaulting back to the pencil.
  • Undo in the bitmap editor is acting oddly.  When I draw multiple lines with the pencil, it works properly:  each undo action removes one line drawn.  This does not happen as well when I have drawn ovals or rectangles:  one undo action can remove multiple ovals or rectangles - or an oval and a line.  Actually, I am now finding that if I start with a new costume and draw several ovals, the Undo option doesn't become available until I draw something other than an oval - it's like they are not being added to the Undo stack.


  • countless paint editor UI and functional changes (e.g., brightness slider for the continuous color picker, tools moved, etc.)
  • paint editor starts in bitmap mode for new costumes, backdrops, and sprites
  • bug fix: cloud data button was not being disabled when not logged in or limit reached
  • cloud data optimization from Sayamidu


  • cloudToken fix from Sayamindu
  • new bitmap paint editor icons from Champika and Natalie
  • treat drawing with transparent the same as erasing (suggested by Fran)
  • show eraser cursor as a hollow outline
  • fix error when resizing window with bitmap brush or eraser selected


  • The slider has been hidden


  • fix for undo/redo. It wasn't clearing the content properly before.


  • Fixed a bug that broke pasting the same copied selection multiple times.


  • fix mouse over for checkboxes
  • double sound buffer size
  • cloud data fix from Sayamindu
  • obsolete userid block and remove from palette
  • cat1 gets a meow!
  • numerous small fixes to images in the image library
  • switch back to username block from userid


  • changes to the paint editor from Shane (not sure of details)
  • cloud data changes from Sayamindu (restore "user name" block, user top banner to notify users about cloud data, warn on startup screen if project has "user name" block)

Paint editor:

  • Added smoothing UI.
  • Added key bindings for undo (ctl-z) / redo (ctl-shift-z) / smoothing (s).
  • Fixed a bug where stroke would be invisible on new shapes.
  • Added Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V to copy and paste selections within or between
  • costumes.
  • Added costume inserting via drag and drop from backpack into the image editor.
  • Misc. bug fixes.


  • many changes to the paint editor
  • bug fix: make "keep on stage" function use integer positions (reported by Amos, tested by Mark)


Fix the problem with loading projects when not logged in.



  • support for a limited number of numeric cloud variables (max of 10 cloud variables per project, no cloud lists)
  • switch to "single color" model in the vector editor
  • many "under the hood" changes working towards our two-image editor design, but the bitmap editor isn't available yet

Bug fixes

  • fixed problem with converting the arguments of obsolete abs and sqrt blocks
  • fixed a bug where moving draggable sprites in player or full-screen mode would set the "save needed" flag, leading to confusing warnings when trying to leave the page


  • Fix two editor problems


  • rewordings of status and error messages from Natalie
  • new dialog box on save failure with options for re-try to local save
  • importing MP3 files now shows progress
  • all large sounds are now compressed (short sounds that you record yourself are not compressed, to avoid losing quality if you edit them)
  • imported assets are uploaded *before- they appear in the project
  • more progress dialogs so the user knows what's going on (Unfortunately, Flash does not make upload progress information available, so the upload dialogs are not as useful for seeing the actual progress as I'd like.)
  • SWF calls a JS function to report the number of sprites and scripts when the project has loaded (for Champika)


fixes for path editing (2-point paths, removing the 2nd to last point, and proper curves around closed path end points)


  • Fixed issue with new "color touching" block code (It wasn't handling rotation and scaling of bitmap costumes correctly; I had only tested with SVGs.)
  • Fixed the 'delete key' bug when editing the costume name.
  • Added path cleaning for small paths but not thin paths.
  • Added new ways to connect paths (dragging end points and drawing between the ends of two paths).


  • improved performance of "color touching" blocks by 7x in Mark's benchmark (12x in full-screen mode)
  • only count hat blocks as scripts when determining if a project is empty for auto-trash
  • scroll long menus when close to top or button (don't need to go above or below)
  • limit the speed of menu scrolling to 15 fps


  • translation support


If you disconnect from the network, the status tells you that. Clicking on the status in that case now gives you a dialog box explaining how to save locally. If the network is reconnected, it will notice in about 30 seconds and save the project.


  • fixed: a race condition that could cause *all- work to be lost when reloading editor page (a really nasty bug!)
  • fixed: don't create a remix of your own project if you start editing it while logged out, then log in


  • fixed: clear answer when green flag pressed, as in Scratch 1.4
  • fixed: tools and block menu should not work on a parameter embedded in a procedure definition
  • more translation support (still not done, though)
  • fixed: subtle bug involving loops called after a nested call to a warp-mode procedure (BoltBait's nXIII’s bug).
  • translate strings for instrument and drum menus.
  • add translation to Shane's SimpleTooltip
  • start using new, more secure thumbnail upload API (but still using old API for transition)
  • support for reading Scratch 1.4 projects via Scratch 2.0 API's (needed to support uploading Scratch 1.x projects)
  • better support for lost network connections during project upload
  • display "Save Now" (clickable) when there are unsaved changes
  • change unload code in scratch_app.js to warn (nag) losing changes in more cases; use same wording for all cases
  • save (if needed) when clicking tabs

Paint editor improvements:

  • line tool + icon
  • zooming changes
  • more sensitive path drawing (less smoothing per Amos)
  • path completion / closure
  • added direction parameter for tooltips.
  • fixed: bug with stroke width / fill being applied erroneously
  • changed default stroke width to 2 (was 4)


  • lots of new translation support (not done yet; still more to do)
  • resize block argument slots based on the block font size (to support translations that need larger fonts)
  • translators support for testing translation font size
  • more robust handling of various upload failures
    • network connection lost or server no responding (turn off your airport to simulate this)
    • user login expired (go to the website in another tab and log yourself out)
    • user login changed to another user
  • bug fixed: repeat and other blocks sometimes skipped after a call to user-defined procedure set to "do without screen refresh"
  • "switch to backdrop and wait" now works on the stage
  • "clone startup" -> "when I start as a clone"
  • removed "hide all sprites" block
  • "Scratch days" -> "days since 2000"
  • added "then" to if blocks
  • removed "forever if" and convert old code to a "forever" around an "if"

Paint editor changes:

  • Added line tool
  • Click zoom button to zoom (no more zoom tool)
  • More sensitive path drawing (less smoothing per Amos)
  • You can now draw from the end of a path to it's other end to close it (path completion & closure)
  • Added tooltips for the paint edit tool buttons
  • Added a 'Clear' button to empty the canvas


  • support for editing the text in costumes from Scratch 1.x projects


  • fixed issue with cloned text not being movable.
  • fixed issue where selecting a text field would make the next click edit it no matter how much time had passed between clicks.


  • improve support for translation file testing (language name/properties set based on file name)


  • tweak to maximum menu height to fix problem found by Mark


  • bug: clone should copy lists
  • scrollable menus should use arrows to show when there are more items below/above
  • bug: block menus don’t stay up when close to the bottom of the screen
  • show feedback for project/sprite uploading
  • looked for possible bug: SVG’s sometimes uploaded with PNG extension


  • tweaks to block and costume undelete


  • bug: undo messes up costume centers
  • bug: costume center not maintained when bitmap costume becomes an SVG
  • bug: can’t undo back to original costume with bitmap
  • don’t enable sensing trigger blocks until green flag overly clicked
  • bug: paint bucket does not push change to costume
  • comments: delete via menu, scissors, or drop in palette
  • comments: duplicate via menu or stamp tool


  • change "loading old project" -> "loading project


  • bug: imported stereo sounds play back at half speed
  • tweak: when dropping C-shaped block, be more tolerant of leff-right distance
  • switch cursor back to arrow after callback from Gaia’s media library code
  • comment blocks: save/restore block connections when projects are saved
  • bug: first change after creating new project says it saves but doesn’t
  • bug: cannot delete a local (sprite-owned) list
  • bug: if you rename a variable with monitor showing, the monitor is messed up
  • bug: renaming variable with monitor showing loses "cloud" setting
  • bug: when inserting a running stack into another stack, run highlight remains on inserted stack
  • bug: stop button should clear *all- highlights (even if stack changed while running)
  • bug: stop button does not clear run highlight on blocks in palette (e.g. "forever")
  • bug: when viewing someone’s project while not logged, clicking "new" should remove the "remix" and "see project page" buttons but doesn’t
  • change default of "set rotation style" block to "left-right"
  • change "any" to random in list blocks
  • add the number of scripts and sprites to the meta data for projects
  • new Scratch logo rollover from Natalie


  • bug fix: text in svg costumes steals keyboard focus from key pressed blocks
  • stand-alone media import dialog:
    • hide "import" button
    • don't merge costumes and sprites
    • load SVG images before making thumbnails
  • svg export: export viewbox attribute if x and y are not both zero
  • switch all internal URL's from "alpha" to "beta"


  • display line connecting comment to block to which it is attached
  • translation system now filters out (and reports) badly formed block translations
  • support for slightly larger fonts for Japanese.
  • shift-translation menu cmd allows translators to load and test translation from a local file.
  • improved Scratch logo roll-over graphic from Natalie and Tiffany
  • pushed two new Japanese translation files from Abe-san (not part of SWF)


  • remove support for zooming via grow/shrink tools
  • better positioning of undeleted blocks
  • delay start of execution when clicking on a stack to ensure run feedback gets displayed
  • don't burn cycles when all threads are just waiting
  • decrease maximum work time to 75% of one frame time.
  • bug fix: clear paint work area when loading bitmap costumes
  • show "Recording" in smaller font and orange
  • bug fix: decode bitmap images when importing sprite from disk
  • add zoom buttons to scripts pane and disable grow/shrink tools for zooming
  • support for interim stand-alone editor
  • tweaks to Resources forced by conversion to Flash Builder 4.7
  • clean up of a few new compiler warnings found by Flash Builder 4.7
  • decrease sound buffering in attempt to smooth out dance/drum demo
  • bug fix: undelete doesn’t work when deleting block in a stack (and scissors is sticky)


  • bug: ScratchDays block is off by an hour when local clock is not on DST
  • snap C block around stacks
  • added JS functions to report number of sprites and scripts
  • block drop feedback: show simple line between blocks like 1.4 (rather than block outline)
  • bug: sometimes blocks looked connected to stacks when they aren’t (related to click/drag bug)
  • bug: problem seen in workshops: blocks sometimes get disconnected (related to args?)
  • tweak click/drag thresholds (pico: click if < 300 msecs or < 7 pixels distance)
  • bug: clicking is sometimes interpreted as drag. Way too often instead of changing a number of a math operation (i.e. (2 +xcor) - 10) I ended somehow "unhooking" the inside function from the argument.
  • maintain costume center on undo/redo


  • added support for undelete (undo the last sprite, stack, media item, or backpack item delete)
  • pruned and organized the drum menu
  • added isActive() function to SVGEdit
  • reduced sound buffer size from 4096 to 3000 samples to reduce latency (watch for stuttering!)
  • investigate timing in Mitchel’s dance demo (why are drum sounds not regular?)


  • paint editor changes
  • use bounding box for costume dimesions in Costumes/Backgrounds tab
  • make costume size update when painting
  • fix sprite import from local file
  • make costume/backdrop/sound name fields wider
  • start of undo support (no UI yet)


  • bug: costume pane disappeared


  • move undo/redo arrows into the paint and sound editors (and resize name field)
  • selecting tool in top bar should gray out tools in paint editor
  • centralize the cursor functionality and fall back to software cursors on linux
  • gray out or hide sound editor undo/redo buttons when no sounds
  • integrate paint editor changes from Shane
  • fixed: right-click stopped working in editor due to JS changes
  • support for verifying the media library JSON
  • make escape key exit from full screen mode
  • fixed: (paint editor failed to load bitmap costumes)
  • escape key should deselect tools in paint editor


  • bug: sprites dropped on stage while costumes tab open jump back to their original position
  • internal support for new mediaLibrary format


  • bug: when saving project data from JavaScript, backslash sequences are unescaped (HardMath's projectm 10007795)
  • bug: projects with missing assets fail to load or behave strangely, so you can't fix them (Natalie's project, 10007584)
  • make new sprite appear at end of library
  • change ?when I am clicked? to ?when this sprite clicked?
  • bug: broken JSON never terminates (10007104)
  • bug: newly created, unshared projects sometimes moved to trash
  • save ASAP when new assets added: new remix or copy, import from disk, asset loaded, etc.
  • reject sprites from backpack dropped into costumes/backdrops
  • accept costumes from backpack dropped on sprite library
  • bug: navigating away from editor in browser can lose edited costumes/sounds entirely, not just recent edits
  • re-compute md5 when saving backpack
  • save feedback: ?save under N minutes ago?
  • add transition notices for ?save as a copy? and ?new?
  • call ASsetEmbedMode() in appropriate places
  • translation: pull language list and translation files from server
  • change ?More? menu to ?Edit?
  • when deleting sprite, switch to another sprite (not the stage)
  • when drag/drop sprite on stage, select that sprite
  • support for logging screenshot of flagged project
  • change ?when I am clicked? to ?when this sprite/stage clicked?
  • save feedback: ?last saved N minutes ago?;
  • quick click on a stack with stamp tool should offset the duplicate slightly
  • make remix notice visible a bit longer even when remixing small project


  • cloud data security fixes from Sayamindu
  • new handling of grow/shrink too sticky-ness (tool deselects if you move off that sprite)
  • when sprites are deleted, select previous sprite in the sprite library
  • translation fetching work-around for new password protection on jiggler
  • change ?More? menu to ?Edit?
  • enable export of translation and help screen lists for internal use (shift-click on Edit)


  • bug: show/hide list blocks appear twice
  • but: grow/shrink too sticky?
  • issue: grow/shrink scale too quickly
  • bug: click and hold on a costume/sound deletes it
  • undo/undelete
  • paint editor undo support
  • paint editor: eyedropper tool (Shane)
  • paint editor: can now fill in bitmaps; repeated clicking in same spot increases tolerance (Shane)
  • make grow/shrink tools be sticky only if you repeatedly click on the same sprite
  • fetch the language list and translation files from server
  • enable translation export items


  • list blocks should show a list name by default
  • make the help tool report ?scratchUI? or ?paint? when clicked on the UI
  • hide stage resize handle in player mode
  • make separate blocks for show/hide variables and lists
  • tweak media item number positions
  • changes tip bar JavaScript to support help on blocks (added entry for ?move? block as example)
  • bug: click and hold on block in scripts area makes it jump to top left
  • bug: allow adding reporters to ?switch backdrop to _?
  • bug: allow numbers in ?switch backdrop to _?
  • close tips window when the login menu is clicked and move menu to avoid overlap
  • bug: edited SVG costume not loading properly (bad offsets)
  • bug: exported SVG costume has incorrect width/height


  • default arg of video block is "off"
  • add "File" menu and restructure "More" menu
  • bug: new, non-empty project moved to trash even though it was renamed (could not reproduce; assuming this was tickled by a website bug that's been fixed)
  • bug: nagged about leaving page when haven't edited project
  • bug: in svg images, gradients with hrefs to stop lists don't render correctly (taco.svg)
  • when importing a project from the local drive, ask before replacing project contents
  • remove "playerOnlyMode" and the need for different versions for old website and alpha)
  • set "embedMode" from JavaScript rather than guessing from SWF size


  • in New Sound, swap Microphone and the Upload buttons
  • move the y for mouse y over a couple pixels to the left
  • make timer reset when green flag clicked
  • make label for "New backdrop" a little smaller
  • update the palette (motion category) to show new position when a sprite is dropped
  • update the palette (size block) when sprite size is changed with grow/shrink tools


  • add small left arrow below stage (bottom right but connected to palette) to shrink stage
  • "switching to your remix..." bar with white text for several seconds when click remix
  • limit mouseX/Y to stage dimensions
  • use iconic buttons for New Sound
  • bug: zombie local list can be created when when first accessing a global list while dragging (smoothie project)
  • bug: very large arguments to repeat fail (meteors project)


  • removed MozFest additions (map and Thimble extensions)
  • checkmarks in "More" menu
  • backdrop count below stage
  • changes to procedure call mechanism to better handle recursion and "do without screen refresh" (in progress; a bit more work is needed on this)


This is an experimental version

  • New experimental maps block - is going to go away next week.
  • Optimizations to the cloud-data internals - updates to cloud data should propagate faster, especially in Windows.


  • change tab name from "Scenes" to "Backdrops"
  • add "next backdrop"
  • replace "backdrop name/#" (menu) with two separate reporters
    • stage has both reporters; sprites have just "backdrop name"
    • both blocks have monitor checkboxes
  • re-order blocks in sensing category



  • go back to having tabs same for sprite and stage, default "scripts"
  • change to "Scratch days" (days since May 15, 2007)
  • make "minute" default (singular)
  • ordering: current minute, Scratch days, Scratch id
  • switch "timer" and "reset timer"
  • "turn small stage on"
  • remove x/y scroll
  • default backdrop name: 'backdrop1'
  • default name for sprite is "Scratch Cat"
  • costume names: 'costume1', 'costume2'
  • default of "go to" is "mouse-pointer"
    • leave other sprite/mouse/edge arguments blank
  • fix positioning of by-line for projects when not logged in
  • "create clone" - default to "myself" (but not for stage)
  • new procedure hat edge color from Natalie
  • new colors from Natalie
  • make "set size to" update w/ current size
  • implement clone of "myself"
  • bug: drum sounds of zero beats don't play (but did in 1.4)
  • disabled browser zooming for now
  • implement "currentBackdrop" reporter
  • bug 94: Drums played for zero beats are silent
  • bug 97: Sprite direction reporter gets into high-precision state
  • bug 109: image upload filter not allowing .jpeg
  • bug 116: Zero Size Sprite not Set To 5

Category reorganization:

  • Sprite Looks:
    • say/think
    • show/hide
    • switch costume to _
    • next costume
    • switch backdrop to _
    • backdrop _ (menu: #, name with name as default)
    • put all reporters at bottom:
      • costume #, backdrop name/#, size
  • Stage Looks:
    • switch backdrop to _
    • switch backdrop to _ and wait
    • next backdrop
    • backdrop _ (menu: #, name with name as default)
  • Events:
    • when backdrop switches to _


  • merged in Shane's paint editor code as of Friday
  • reverted to a single tab state (vs. separate states for Stage and sprites)
  • first attempt to support browser zooming in the editor; needs more work on the JavaScript side


  • bug: return from full-screen to project page goes into "edit" mode
  • bug: title bar should not become black
  • remove "all at once" block
  • when viewing non-own project, move project title down one pixel
  • new full screen icons
  • new redo icon from Natalie
  • change save status alert color to white or gray
  • allow clicking on "options" in New Block dialog
  • suppress horizontal scroll bar in media pane


A few highlights:

  • screen mode buttons replaced by full screen button plus a command to toggle stage size in "More" menu
    • paint editor now centers costume while remembering the rotation center(also: costume center computed from viewBox of imported sprites and imported bitmaps resized to fit stage)
  • "run without screen refresh" checkbox in "make a block" dialog to replace "all at once" block

All changes:

  • change save feedback to "Last saved at hh:mm"
  • add "duplicate" back to costume menu
  • in Scenes tab, use icons below "New scene:"  instead of the pull-down menu
  • make Stage area a lighter gray
  • try Stage thumbnail at the top
  • remember the tab independently for stage/sprites; stage starts with scenes tab selected
  • make top bar a few pixels taller (and fix layout)
  • make share button gray, leave remix button orange, no icons on either
  • add stage size toggle command to "more" menu
  • add delete button (x) to costumes/sounds/scenes/backpack items
  • new block dialog: add checkbox for "run without screen refresh"
  • new block dialog: add word "options" after arrow, move down a bit, and squeeze vertical space
  • hide the delete button if only one costume/scene
  • bug: 'mouse-pointer' and 'edge' args confused with sprites named 'mouse' and 'edge' when reading old projects
  • bug: hidden sprites do not respond to "touching mouse"
  • bug: whirl graphic effect is off-center when viewing a project in full screen mode
  • fix stage top color in playerOnly full-screen mode (should be black)
  • bug: draggable sprites responding badly to sprite movement blocks while being dragged
  • bug: Shift-Click Green Flag doesn't enable Turbo Mode
  • bug: "stop all" block should stop sound clips that are running
  • resize imported images (e.g. photos) to fit stage
  • implement "run without screen refresh" for procedures
  • make old warp block work without warping (so old uses will work, but not at warp speed)
  • handle centering of SVG in editor while retaining the costume center
  • set costume center of imported SVG's based on viewBox or width/height attributes of top-level SVG
  • increased scroll wheel speed
  • set "saveNeeded" flag when block parameters are editor or user drag-n-drop on stage


  • scroll wheel support
  • Sammy's pen color (Natalie: it might be nice to make it little darker, say, brightness 57)
  • when click "share", go to project page
  • when click share, update stage (private -> public)
  • add space to media column and tweak layout
  • grey out the undo button


  • player bug: background shakes when running some popular game projects
  • player bug: some sprite costumes slightly cut off when sprite at non-integral position
  • tips window tweaks (1-pixel layout tweak, now calls "")
  • new Arabic translation file
  • changed right-to-left mechanism for block evaluation
  • re-order block args when switching between LTR and RTL languages
  • colors:
    • swapped Events and Control
    • use Paula's color for Pen
  • changed Stage area of library (center stage on gray background, named "Stage")
  • change color of selected label field in new sprite dialog
  • use "Verdana" as block font on Windows
  • costumes/scenes/sounds tab:
    • tweaks to thumbnail layout
    • added costume/scene numbers
    • many teaks to overall layout (saved 12 pixels; it it too narrow now?)
  • top bar:
    • removed "Save" button
    • moved window resize buttons to left of tools
    • new undo/redo icons from Natalie\
    • moved save feedback string to top bar
    • add "Share" button next to "See project page" when viewing a private project
    • layout tweaks
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