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Last active July 20, 2019 23:24
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C# Discord application assets downloader using D#+. (produces a ZIP file with all assets files)
public delegate Task ApplicationAssetsDownloaderEventHandler(DiscordApplicationAsset asset);
class ApplicationAssetsDownloader : IDisposable
private ConcurrentQueue<DiscordApplicationAsset> _a;
private ZipArchive _ar;
private MemoryStream _ms;
public event ApplicationAssetsDownloaderEventHandler DownloadStartedAsync;
public event ApplicationAssetsDownloaderEventHandler DownloadCompletedAsync;
public event ApplicationAssetsDownloaderEventHandler DownloadFailedAsync;
public ApplicationAssetsDownloader(IReadOnlyList<DiscordApplicationAsset> assets)
_a = new ConcurrentQueue<DiscordApplicationAsset>(assets);
_ms = new MemoryStream();
_ar = new ZipArchive(_ms, ZipArchiveMode.Create);
public async Task<MemoryStream> DownloadAsync()
while (!_a.IsEmpty)
if (_a.TryDequeue(out var aps))
try { await DownloadStartedAsync?.Invoke(aps); }
catch { /* ignored */ }
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var res = await client.GetAsync(aps.Url);
if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var entry = _ar.CreateEntry(aps.Application.Id + "/" + aps.Name + ".png");
using (var es = entry.Open()) // es = Entry Strema
using (var cs = await res.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()) // cs = Content Stream
try { await DownloadCompletedAsync?.Invoke(aps); }
catch { /* ignored */ }
try { await DownloadFailedAsync?.Invoke(aps); }
catch { /* ignored */ }
_ms.Position = 0;
return _ms;
void IDisposable.Dispose()
_a = null;
_ms = null;
_ar = null;
public class DiscordMessageQueue : IDisposable
private DiscordChannel _channel;
private ConcurrentBag<DiscordMessage> _messages;
public DiscordMessageQueue(DiscordChannel channel)
_channel = channel;
_messages = new ConcurrentBag<DiscordMessage>();
public async Task<DiscordMessage> C(string content = null, bool tts = false, DiscordEmbedBuilder embed = null)
var msg = await _channel.SendMessageAsync(content, tts, embed);
return msg;
public async Task CleanupAsync()
await _channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(_messages);
void IDisposable.Dispose()
_messages = null;
_channel = null;
public static DiscordMessageQueue operator *(DiscordMessageQueue mq, DiscordMessage m)
return mq;
public static DiscordMessageQueue operator *(DiscordMessageQueue mq, string content)
return Task.Run(async () => await mq.C(content))
.ContinueWith(t => mq)
public static DiscordMessageQueue operator *(DiscordMessageQueue mq, (string content, DiscordEmbedBuilder embed) vt)
return Task.Run(async () => await mq.C(content: vt.content, embed: vt.embed))
.ContinueWith(t => mq)
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DSharpPlus;
using DSharpPlus.CommandsNext;
using DSharpPlus.CommandsNext.Attributes;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using DSharpPlus.Interactivity;
namespace CSharp.Modules
public class DiscordModule : BaseCommandModule
public async Task Assets(CommandContext ctx)
var assets = await ctx.Client.CurrentApplication.GetAssetsAsync();
var (a, b, c) = (
DiscordEmoji.FromGuildEmote(ctx.Client, 594249301295890463),
DiscordEmoji.FromGuildEmote(ctx.Client, 452529445899730945),
DiscordEmoji.FromGuildEmote(ctx.Client, 452529446214172692)
var mq = new DiscordMessageQueue(ctx.Channel);
var state = null as DiscordMessage;
var stream = null as MemoryStream;
var downloader = new ApplicationAssetsDownloader(assets);
var error = false;
downloader.DownloadStartedAsync += async e =>
mq *= state = await ctx.RespondAsync($"{ctx.User.Mention} {a} Asset **{e.Name}** (`{e.Id}`)...");
downloader.DownloadFailedAsync += async e =>
if (!error) error = true;
await state?.ModifyAsync($"{ctx.User.Mention} {c} Asset **{e.Name}** (`{e.Id}`) failed to download.");
downloader.DownloadCompletedAsync += async e =>
await state?.ModifyAsync($"{ctx.User.Mention} {b} Asset **{e.Name}** (`{e.Id}`) saved to archive.");
stream = await downloader.DownloadAsync();
using (downloader)
using (stream)
mq *= await ctx.RespondAsync($"{ctx.User.Mention} <:issueclosed:527890674822021137> Assets loaded" + (error ? " with errors." : "."));
var w = await ctx.RespondAsync($"{ctx.User.Mention} <:issue:527890675182731274> Uploading archive.");
await ctx.RespondWithFileAsync("´", stream, ctx.User.Mention);
await mq.CleanupAsync();
mq = null;
stream = null;
downloader = null;
assets = null;
state = null;
error = default;
public async Task Assets(CommandContext ctx)
var assets = await ctx.Client.CurrentApplication.GetAssetsAsync();
var downloader = new ApplicationAssetsDownloader(assets);
var result = await downloader.DownloadAsync();
// downloader.DownloadStartedAsync: notify when asset download started.
// downloader.DownloadFailedAsync: notify when asset download failed.
// downloader.DownloadCompletedAsync: notify when asset download finished.
using (result)
using (downloader)
await ctx.RespondWithFileAsync("", result, ctx.User.Mention); // send file to discord as
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