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Last active February 22, 2017 19:44
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FRC code
package org.usfirst.frc.team5517.robot.subsystems;
import org.usfirst.frc.team5517.robot.RobotMap;
import org.usfirst.frc.team5517.robot.commands.Drive;
import org.usfirst.frc.team5517.robot.sensors.ADXRS453Gyro;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Talon;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem;
* The DriveTrain subsystem
* Contains a main drive method as well as the gyro and methods to access/change the gyro
public class DriveTrain extends Subsystem {
private final double JOYSTICK_TOLERANCE = 0.1;
private Talon leftMotors;
private Talon rightMotors;
private Talon backMotors;
private ADXRS453Gyro gyro;
* The current gyro angle
private double currentAngle = 0;
* The target angle of the robot
* (we want the gyro angle close to this)
private double targetAngle = 0;
* Value added to the motor speeds to compensate angle error
private double compensation = 0;
* Last time the target angle was updated, in nanoseconds
* (obtained from System.nanoTime())
private long lastUpdatedTargetAngleTime = 0;
public DriveTrain() {
leftMotors = new Talon(RobotMap.leftDriveMotorPWMPort);
rightMotors = new Talon(RobotMap.rightDriveMotorPWMPort);
backMotors = new Talon(RobotMap.backDriveMotorPWMPort);
gyro = new ADXRS453Gyro();
public void initDefaultCommand() {
setDefaultCommand(new Drive());
* Move the drive train based on x, y, and rotation input
* Called by the Drive command, which is constantly being ran by the scheduler
* @param x The x value from left joystick
* @param y The y value from left joystick
* @param r The rotation value, which is x from the right joystick
public void drive(double x, double y, double r) {
currentAngle = this.getHeading();
double leftWheel, rightWheel, backWheel;
double diff = Math.abs(currentAngle-targetAngle); // aka error
compensation = 0;
// remove joystick jitter by adding a "deadzone"
x = joystickDz(x);
y = joystickDz(y);
r = joystickDz(r);
// scale down rotation
r = r/2;
// if there is rotation input, update the target angle
if(r != 0) {
lastUpdatedTargetAngleTime = System.nanoTime();
// if it has been some time since angle was updated by driver,
// then we can compensate
else if(1000 > nanoToMilli(System.nanoTime()-lastUpdatedTargetAngleTime)) {
System.out.print("gyro angle: " + currentAngle);
System.out.print(", target angle: " + targetAngle);
System.out.println(", diff: " + diff);
// if diff is big enough, compensate
if(diff > 3) {
final double multiplier = 0.015;
if(targetAngle > currentAngle) {
System.out.println("compensate right");
compensation = diff * multiplier;
else if(targetAngle < currentAngle) {
System.out.println("compensate left");
compensation = diff * -multiplier;
// min and max for compensation
compensation = minAndMax(compensation, 0.1, 0.3);
// calculate wheel speeds from inputs
leftWheel = (-0.5 * x - Math.sqrt(3)/2 * y) + r + compensation;
rightWheel = (-0.5 * x + Math.sqrt(3)/2 * y) + r + compensation;
backWheel = x + r + compensation;
//System.out.println("MOTORS: left: " + left + " right: " + right +" back: " + back);
System.out.println("compensation: " + compensation);
public void setTargetAngle(double angle) {
System.out.println("updating targetAngle: " + targetAngle);
targetAngle = angle;
public void turnToAngle(double angle) {
private double getCorrectedAngle(double angle){
return angle + 360*Math.floor(0.5-angle/360);
public double getRawHeading() {
return gyro.getAngle();
public double getHeading() {
return getCorrectedAngle(gyro.getAngle());
public boolean isGyroCalibrating() {
return gyro.isCalibrating();
public void calibrateGyro() {
public void stopCalibrating() {
* Stop robot drive train
public void stop() {
* Adds a "deadzone" to joystick inputs to remove any jitter
* @param The joystick value
* @return The joystick value with deadzone added
private double joystickDz(double value) {
return 0;
return value;
* Min and max of a value (positive and negative)
* @param value
* @param max
* @param min
* @return limited value
private double minAndMax(double value, double min, double max) {
// positive max
if(value > max)
value = max;
// negative max
else if(value < 0 && value < -max)
value = -max;
// negative min
else if(value < 0 && value > -min)
value = -min;
// positive min
else if(value > 0 && value < min)
value = min;
return value;
* Converts nanoseconds to milliseconds
* @param nano nanoseconds
* @return milliseconds
private long nanoToMilli(long nano) {
return nano/1000000;
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