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Last active February 8, 2022 06:54
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PowerShell from Python: Call PowerShell functions Python code with support for returning data, colored console output, and exception handling
import subprocess
import json
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
import subprocess
from typing import Union, Any
from termcolor import colored
import shlex
def run_pwsh(
script: str = None,
command: str = None,
args: Union[list, dict] = [],
print_output: bool = True,
parse_json: bool = True,
) -> Union[str, int, dict, list]:
Invokes a PowerShell command with an optional script import
command: PS command/function to run
If not specified, script is required and will be ran directly.
args: list or dictionary of arguments (optional)
script: path to the PS script to import (optional)
parse_json: Try to parse the last line of output as JSON and return it.
The last output line from the PS script/function must be a single line of JSON.
If false or last line is not valid JSON, the full command output will be returned.
parsed json output (string/int/list/dict) or raw output (string)
if not script and not command:
raise ValueError('at least one of arguments script or command is required')
caught_error_key = '_PsUnhandledException_'
if command:
ps_args = [command]
if type(args) == dict:
for key, value in args.items():
elif type(args) == list:
for arg in args:
ps_cmd = shlex.join(ps_args)
ps_cmd = ''
ps_code = f'''
try {{
# Import script if set
{f'. {script}' if script else ''}
}} catch {{
$_ # prints the error formatted with colors
$e = $_ | Select-Object ErrorDetails, ErrorRecord, CategoryInfo, ScriptStackTrace
$errorJson = @{{ {caught_error_key} = $e }} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 10
Write-Host $errorJson
exit 1
# print(ps_code)
print(colored(f'> PS [{script}] {command}', 'blue'))
cmd = ['pwsh', '-command', ps_code]
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = []
while True:
line = process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8')
if process.poll() is not None and line == '':
if line:
if line.strip():
if print_output:
exit_code = process.poll()
last_line_json = None
last_line = output[-1]
last_line_json = json.loads(last_line)
except (KeyError, JSONDecodeError):
if exit_code != 0:
msg = f'PowerShell exited with non-zero code {exit_code}'
# Check if an exception occurred in PS script
if last_line_json and caught_error_key in last_line_json:
error = last_line_json[caught_error_key]
info = error.get('CategoryInfo', {})
raise PowerShellException(f"{msg}: {info.get('Reason')} {info.get('TargetName')}", error)
raise PowerShellException(msg)
if parse_json:
if last_line_json:
return last_line_json
print(colored('WARNING: JSON not detected on last line of PowerShell output', 'yellow'))
return '\n'.join(output)
return '\n'.join(output)
class PowerShellException(Exception):
function myPsFunction($a, $b) {
$data = 'abc', 'def', $a, $b
Write-Host "This should be green" -ForegroundColor green
Write-Error "Test error!"
Write-Host "This should be magenta" -ForegroundColor magenta
$host.ui.WriteErrorLine("test raw stderror output")
Write-Host "No color"
return $data | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
function add($a, $b) {
return $a + $b
function user() {
return @{
firstName = "John";
lastName = "Doe";
} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
from powershell import run_pwsh, PowerShellException
script = 'test.ps1'
data = run_pwsh(script, command='myPsFunction', args=['abc', 'def'])
print('array parsed from json: ', data)
assert len(data) == 4
for d in data:
# Pass args as list or dict
sum1 = run_pwsh(script, command='add', args=[15, 32])
assert sum1 == 47
sum2 = run_pwsh(script, command='add', args={'a': 20, 'b': 55})
assert sum2 == 75
# Output parsed as json
user = run_pwsh(script, command='user')
print('user dict parsed from json: ', user)
assert user['firstName'] == 'John'
assert user['lastName'] == 'Doe'
except PowerShellException as e:

PowerShell Python utility

Call PowerShell functions from Python with support for:

  • Returning data and using it directly in python
  • Color output in console
  • Exception handling

Uses subprocess module to run PowerShell.

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