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Last active October 27, 2018 01:09
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#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace geo {
template <typename T> using point = std::complex<T>;
auto lex_compare = [](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
return std::imag(a) == std::imag(b) ? std::real(a) < std::real(b)
: std::imag(a) < std::imag(b);
template <typename T> T area(point<T> a, point<T> b, point<T> c) {
return std::imag(std::conj(b - a) * (c - a));
template <typename T> auto area_compare(point<T> p, point<T> q) {
return [p, q](const point<T>& a, const point<T>& b) {
return area(p, q, a) < area(p, q, b);
template <typename T> auto angle(point<T> p) {
return [p](const point<T>& a, const point<T>& b) {
if (a == p) return false;
if (b == p) return true;
return area(p, a, b) > 0;
template <typename T> auto left(point<T> p, point<T> q) {
return [p, q](const point<T>& a) { return area(p, q, a) > 0; };
namespace __detail {
template <typename It> std::pair<It, It> partition(It fst, It lst) {
const It p = fst++;
const It q = fst++;
const It r = --lst;
std::iter_swap(q, std::max_element(fst, lst, area_compare(*r, *p)));
fst = std::partition(fst, lst, left(*q, *p));
lst = std::partition(fst, lst, left(*r, *q));
std::iter_swap(lst++, r);
std::iter_swap(--fst, q);
return {fst, lst};
template <typename It> It qhull(It fst, It lst) {
if (distance(fst, lst) <= 3) return lst;
It mid;
std::tie(mid, lst) = partition(fst, lst);
lst = qhull(mid, lst);
return std::rotate(qhull(fst, std::next(mid)), std::next(mid), lst);
} // namespace __detail
template <typename It> It quick_hull(It fst, It lst) {
if (distance(fst, lst) <= 2) return lst;
std::iter_swap(fst, std::min_element(fst, lst, lex_compare));
std::max_element(std::next(fst), lst, angle(*fst)));
return __detail::qhull(fst, lst);
template <typename It> It gift_wrapping(It fst, It lst) {
if (distance(fst, lst) <= 2) return lst;
std::iter_swap(fst, std::min_element(fst, lst, lex_compare));
It out = fst;
for (It nxt = std::min_element(fst, lst, angle(*out)); nxt != fst;
nxt = std::min_element(fst, lst, angle(*out)))
std::iter_swap(++out, nxt);
return ++out;
template <typename It> It graham(It fst, It lst) {
if (distance(fst, lst) <= 2) return lst;
std::iter_swap(fst, std::min_element(fst, lst, lex_compare));
std::sort(std::next(fst), lst, angle(*fst));
size_t hull_size = 1;
It out = fst;
for (auto i = std::next(fst); i != lst; ++i) {
while (hull_size > 1 && !left(*std::prev(out), *out)(*i))
--out, --hull_size;
std::iter_swap(++out, i);
return ++out;
} // namespace geo
int main() {
using pt = geo::point<int>;
int n;
std::cin >> n;
std::vector<pt> P(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int x, y;
std::cin >> x >> y;
P[i] = {x, y};
std::vector<pt> Q = P;
P.erase(geo::quick_hull(std::begin(P), std::end(P)), std::end(P));
std::cout << "Quickhull:\n";
for (auto it : P) std::cout << it << std::endl;
P = Q;
P.erase(geo::gift_wrapping(std::begin(P), std::end(P)), std::end(P));
std::cout << "Gift wrapping:\n";
for (auto it : P) std::cout << it << std::endl;
P = Q;
P.erase(geo::graham(std::begin(P), std::end(P)), std::end(P));
std::cout << "Graham:\n";
for (auto it : P) std::cout << it << std::endl;
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