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<script type="text/plain" id="gdpr-acknowledgement">
<div class="mktoFormRow gdpr-acknowledgement-row" style="margin-bottom:1em;">
<div class="mktoFormCol" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
<div class="mktoFieldWrap mktoRequiredField" style="display: flex !important;">
<div class="mktoLogicalField mktoCheckboxList mktoHasWidth mktoRequired mktoInvalid"
style="position: relative;">
<div class="mktoAsterix" style="position: absolute; right: 0;">*</div>
<input name="PSEUDO_GDPR_Opt_In__c" id="PSEUDO_GDPR_Opt_In__c" type="checkbox" value="yes" class="mktoField">
<label for="PSEUDO_GDPR_Opt_In__c"></label>
<div class="mktoGutter mktoHasWidth" style="width: 10px;"></div>
<label for="PSEUDO_GDPR_Opt_In__c" class="mktoLabel mktoHtmlText mktoHasWidth" style="display:block;font-weight:400;margin-left:10px !important;margin-top: 0 !important;">
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have
read, understand, and agree to the SignalFx
<a href="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> and
<a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a>.
<div class="mktoClear"></div>
(function () {
// Constants
var MKTO_TRUE = 'yes'; //constants not compatible with GTM :(
var MKTO_FALSE = 'no'; //constants not compatible with GTM :(
// "Globals" (not really)
var $;
// Fallback settings, in case Marketo Form2 API isn't yet loaded
var intervalReference;
var intervalElapsed = 0;
var intervalTimeout = 50;
var intervalMaxWait = 2000;
// Field settings
var gdprInputName = 'GDPR_Opt_In__c';
var gdprPseudoInputName = 'PSEUDO_' + gdprInputName;
var onReadyCallback = function (form) {
var $form = form.getFormElem();
var $buttonRow;
var newFormRowHTML;
var hiddenFields;
var $gdprPseudoCheckbox;
if ($form.find(':input[name="' + gdprInputName + '"]').length || form.vals().GDPR_Opt_In__c) {
// If this form already has a GDPR Input Field
// Don't try to override it
return false;
if ($form.find('.gdpr-acknowledgement-row').length) {
// If this callback has already been fired/loaded
// on this form, don't add a duplicate
return false;
$buttonRow = $form.find('.mktoButtonRow');
if (!$buttonRow.length) {
// If there is no button row, we won't know where
// to add the new field... This is likely an error
return false;
newFormRowHTML = $('#gdpr-acknowledgement').html();
if (!newFormRowHTML) {
// This should never happen because the HTML is
// included with this script, but let's add a
// graceful fallback in case something strange
// happens
return false;
// Add the real GDPR field into hidden fields to
// keep track of (and will ultimately submit) the
// user's selection on the pseudo-checkbox
hiddenFields = {};
hiddenFields[gdprInputName] = MKTO_FALSE;
// Watch the pseudo input field and update the
// hidden field appropriately, when changed
$gdprPseudoCheckbox = $form.find('input[name="' + gdprPseudoInputName + '"]');
$gdprPseudoCheckbox.change(function () {
var values = form.vals();
if (this.checked) {
values[gdprInputName] = MKTO_TRUE;
} else {
values[gdprInputName] = MKTO_FALSE;
form.onValidate(function () {
// Require the GDPR field to be selected
if (form.vals()[gdprInputName] !== MKTO_TRUE) {
// Prevent form submission
// Show error message near the checkbox
'Please accept our privacy policy & terms of service to continue.',
$form.find('label[for="' + gdprPseudoInputName + '"]').eq(0)
} else {
// Allow form submission
// PS: Don't worry, the default validators
// will still be able to prevent submits
var initialize = function () {
// The API comes packaged with its own version
// of jQuery; so, we'll rely on that, just in
// case the page doesn't have jQuery installed
$ = window.MktoForms2.$;
// This whenReady callback will be executed
// independently on every form that is loaded
// on the page
if (window.MktoForms2) {
// If Marketo's Forms2 API is already
// loaded, let's get goin'!
} else {
// Ugh. This should never happen because the Forms2 API
// should be loaded before this loads, but SignalFx's
// current setup isn't ideal, so we may have wait a bit
// and watch to see when MktoForms2 appears. When it does,
// we'll initialize the script normally.
intervalReference = setInterval(
function () {
if (intervalElapsed > intervalMaxWait) {
} else {
if (window.MktoForms2) {
intervalElapsed += intervalTimeout;
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