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Last active June 8, 2017 01:33
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Perl script to perform coordinate transformation on GFF3 files when reference sequences are split into multiple pieces.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $bed_file = shift @ARGV;
my $suffix_fmt = '_part%01d';
open(my $bed_fh, '<', $bed_file) || die "Couldn't open BED file: $!\n";
my %cut_positions;
my %current_position;
# Process the BED file so we have coordinates at which to cut the pseudomolecule
while(<$bed_fh>) {
my @cols = split /\t/;
$current_position{$cols[3]} += $cols[2];
push @{$cut_positions{$cols[3]}}, $current_position{$cols[3]};
close $bed_fh;
my %current_part_idx;
my %current_offset;
while (<>) {
if (/^##sequence-region\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) {
# We have sequence-region pragmas, we'll use them and modify them according to the required cuts
my $id = $1;
my $start = $2;
my $end = $3;
$current_part_idx{$id} = 0;
$current_offset{$id} = 0;
#print "$id\t$start\t$end\n";
if (exists $cut_positions{$id}) {
# we have cut positions for this sequence
if ($cut_positions{$id}[-1] == $end) {
# we have a cut defined at the end of the landmark, remove it
pop @{$cut_positions{$id}}
if (scalar(@{$cut_positions{$id}}) == 0) {
# No cuts defined within the landmark, no processing required for this sequence-region
print "##sequence-region $id $start $end\n";
for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@{$cut_positions{$id}}); $i++) {
my $part_end = $i > 0 ? $cut_positions{$id}[$i] - $cut_positions{$id}[$i-1] : $cut_positions{$id}[$i];
printf "##sequence-region %s$suffix_fmt %d %d\n",
if ($i == scalar(@{$cut_positions{$id}})-1) {
# last part needs flushing
printf "##sequence-region %s$suffix_fmt %d %d\n",
} elsif (/^#/) {
# print lines starting with '#' without modification
print "$_\n";
my @cols = split /\t/;
# Only redefine the seqid, start and end, if we are actually cutting up the landmark
if (scalar(@{$cut_positions{$cols[0]}}) > 0) {
if (defined $cut_positions{$cols[0]}[$current_part_idx{$cols[0]}] && $cols[3] >= $cut_positions{$cols[0]}[$current_part_idx{$cols[0]}] ) {
# Once beyond the current part, adjust the part idx and bp offset from the start of the landmark for future calculations
# Modify the seqid, start and end coordinates appropriately
$cols[3] -= $current_offset{$cols[0]};
$cols[4] -= $current_offset{$cols[0]};
$cols[0] = sprintf "%s$suffix_fmt", $cols[0], $current_part_idx{$cols[0]}+1;
# print out the feature
print join("\t", @cols), "\n";
chr1_part1 0 3 chr1 0 3
chr1_part2 0 5 chr1 3 8
chrUn 0 10 chrUn 0 10
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region chr1 1 8
##sequence-region chrUn 1 10
chr1 source match 1 2 . . . ID=Match_first_2_bases_part1
chr1 source match 1 3 . . . ID=Match_all_bases_part1
chr1 source match 2 4 . . . ID=Match_overlapping_split
chr1 source match 4 5 . . . ID=Match_first_2_bases_part2
chr1 source match 4 8 . . . ID=Match_all_bases_part2
chrUn source match 1 10 . . . ID=Match_all_bases_unsplit
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