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Created March 22, 2021 03:38
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Monitor Available HK Vaccine Appointments

Needed software: curl, node, watch.

watch ./

date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
# CUSTOMIZE: Insert your own desired facilities here.
# Grab your IDs from here:
# Add as many as you want.
# St Paul: 44
echo "St. Paul's - Wan Chai"
node ~/cvc.js `curl --silent '' --data-raw 'center_id=44&cv_ctc_type=CVC&cv_name=BioNTech%2FFosun'`
# HKSH: 35
echo "HKSH - Wan Chai"
node ~/cvc.js `curl --silent '' --data-raw 'center_id=35&cv_ctc_type=CVC&cv_name=BioNTech%2FFosun'`
var response = JSON.parse(process.argv.slice(2).join(' '));
var days = response.avalible_timeslots
// CUSTOMIZE: Set up your day filter here.
var filteredDays = days.filter(function(day) {
return < '2021-03-27';
// CUSTOMIZE: Set up your time filter here.
filteredDays.forEach(function(day) {
var date =;
var timeslots = day.timeslots.filter((timeslot) => timeslot.value !== 0);
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