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Created August 1, 2022 19:37
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Example "Generic" ROS Launch File for Hydra
<arg name="sim_time_required" default="false"/>
<param name="use_sim_time" value="$(arg sim_time_required)"/>
<!-- pointcloud for hydra: no need to change -->
<arg name="pointcloud_topic" value="/semantic_pointcloud"/>
<!-- Replace these with your actual sensor information -->
<arg name="sensor_frame" default="SENSOR_FRAME_HERE"/>
<arg name="depth_topic" default="DEPTH_IMAGE_TOPIC"/>
<!-- These should point to a 2D semantic segmentation image -->
<arg name="semantic_info_topic" default="SEMANTIC_CAM_INFO_TOPIC"/>
<arg name="semantic_topic" default="SEMANTIC_IMAGE_TOPIC"/>
<!-- semantic configuration -->
<arg name="semantic_map_path" default="PATH_TO_SEMANTIC_COLORS.csv"/>
<arg name="typology_dir" default="PATH_TO_TYPOLOGY_DIR"/>
<arg name="typology_config" default="TYPOLOGY_FILE.yaml"/>
<!-- see uhumans2 launch file for how these are used -->
<arg name="dsg_output_dir" default="SOME_EXISTING_PATH"/>
<arg name="dsg_output_prefix" default="SOME_PREFIX"/>
<!-- good starter rviz file, though topics could be edited for images -->
<arg name="rviz_dir" default="$(find hydra_dsg_builder)/rviz"/>
<arg name="rviz_file" default="uhumans2.rviz"/>
<!-- turns rgb (or 2D semantics) + depth into pointcloud -->
<include file="$(find hydra_utils)/launch/includes/rgbd_to_pointcloud.xml">
<arg name="rgb_info_topic" value="$(arg semantic_info_topic)"/>
<arg name="rgb_topic" value="$(arg semantic_topic)"/>
<arg name="depth_topic" value="$(arg depth_topic)"/>
<arg name="pointcloud_topic" value="$(arg pointcloud_topic)"/>
<!-- performs reconstruction and extracts places -->
<include file="$(find hydra_topology)/launch/hydra_topology.launch" pass_all_args="true">
<arg name="semantic_color_path" value="$(arg semantic_map_path)"/>
<arg name="config" value="uhumans2_topology_config.yaml"/>
<arg name="config_dir" value="$(find hydra_topology)/config"/>
<arg name="debug" value="false"/>
<!-- constructs rest of scene graph from reconstruction and places -->
<include file="$(find hydra_dsg_builder)/launch/dsg_builder.launch" pass_all_args="true">
<arg name="robot_id" value="0"/>
<arg name="use_gt_frame" value="true"/>
<arg name="use_oriented_bounding_boxes" value="true"/>
<arg name="config_dir" value="$(find hydra_dsg_builder)/config/uhumans2"/>
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