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Created October 21, 2014 17:42
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An adventure game framework in Python. Allows moving between rooms, interacting with objects, and saving and loading game states.
import textwrap
import os
class GameObject(object):
"""Set the uniqueName to a unique string"""
def __init__(self, uniqueName):
super(GameObject, self).__init__()
self.uniqueName = uniqueName
GameObject.AllObjectsDict[uniqueName] = self
self.inventory = []
self.description = {"name":uniqueName}
self.equippedItems = []
hitpoints = 10
AllObjectsDict = {"":None}
saveGameSuffix = ".SAVEGAME"
def setDescription(self,long,short,name):
"""Sets the description values for the GameObject"""
self.description = {"long":long,"short":short,"name":name}
def addInventory(self,newItemString):
"""Adds the item with the uniqueName given"""
self.inventory = [newItemString]
def describe(self,longDescription=True):
"""Gives the description for this object"""
return "\n" + self.description["long"]
def listInventory(self,longDescription=False):
"""Lists an inventory; use True to force a long description"""
outputString = ""
if longDescription:
if len(self.inventory) == 0:
outputString = "There is nothing in there."
for i in range(len(self.inventory)):
outputString += GameObject.AllObjectsDict[self.inventory[i]].description["long"] + " "
if len(self.inventory) > 1:
outputString = "There is "
for i in range(len(self.inventory)):
if i == len(self.inventory) - 1:
outputString += "and " + GameObject.AllObjectsDict[self.inventory[i]].article + self.inventory[i] + ". "
outputString += GameObject.AllObjectsDict[self.inventory[i]].article + self.inventory[i] + ", "
elif len(self.inventory) == 1:
outputString = "There is " + GameObject.AllObjectsDict[self.inventory[0]].article + self.inventory[0] + ". "
outputString = ""
return outputString
def saveString(self):
"""returns a string that contains all saveable data for this GameObject"""
outputString = "@" + self.uniqueName
outputString += "#gameType," + self.gameType
outputString += "#hitpoints," + str(self.hitpoints)
outputString += "#inventory,"
for inventoryItem in self.inventory:
outputString += inventoryItem + ","
outputString += "#equippedItems,"
for inventoryItem in self.equippedItems:
outputString += inventoryItem + ","
return outputString
def saveGameState(player,fileName):
"""Writes all saveable game data to a file"""
saveFile = open(fileName,"w")
outputString = ""
for key in GameObject.AllObjectsDict:
if key:
outputString += GameObject.AllObjectsDict[key].saveString()
def loadGameState(player,fileName):
"""Loads a game state from a file"""
loadFile = open(fileName, "r")
loadString =
loadList = loadString[1:].split("@")
loadDict = {}
for i in range(len(loadList)):
loadList[i] = loadList[i].split("#")
for i in range(len(loadList)):
loadDict[loadList[i][0]] = loadList[i][1:]
for key in loadDict:
for i in range(len(loadDict[key])):
loadDict[key][i] = loadDict[key][i].split(",")
tempList = loadDict[key]
loadDict[key] = {}
for i in range(len(tempList)):
loadDict[key][tempList[i][0]] = tempList[i][1:]
for key in loadDict:
if key:
GameObject.AllObjectsDict[key].inventory = []
for inventoryItem in loadDict[key]["inventory"]:
if inventoryItem:
GameObject.AllObjectsDict[key].equippedItems = []
for inventoryItem in loadDict[key]["equippedItems"]:
if inventoryItem:
GameObject.AllObjectsDict[key].hitpoints = int(loadDict[key]["hitpoints"][0])
player.activeRoom = GameObject.AllObjectsDict[loadDict[player.uniqueName]["activeRoom"][0]]
class Room(GameObject):
"""rooms are where all things happen"""
def __init__(self, uniqueName):
self.exits = {"N": None, "S": None, "E": None, "W": None}
self.hasLight = False
self.timesVisited = 0
gameType = "Room"
def describe(self, longDescription=False):
"""Returns a string describing a room; use True to force long description"""
outputString = ""
if self.timesVisited < 1 or longDescription:
outputString += "You are in a " + self.description["name"] + ". "
outputString += self.description["long"] + " " + self.listExits() + " " + self.listInventory()
elif self.timesVisited < 4:
outputString += "A " + self.description["name"] + "."
outputString += self.description["short"]+ " " + self.listExits()
outputString += "A " + self.description["name"] + "."
if not longDescription:
self.timesVisited += 1
return "\n" + outputString
def listExits(self):
"""Returns a string listing this room's exits."""
outputString = ""
exitList = []
for exit in self.exits:
if self.exits[exit]:
if len(exitList) > 1:
outputString = "There are exits to the "
for i in range(len(exitList)):
if i == len(exitList) - 1:
outputString += "and " + exitList[i] + "."
outputString += exitList[i] + ", "
elif len(exitList) == 1:
outputString = "There is an exit to the " + exitList[0] + "."
outputString = "There are no exits."
return outputString
def directionToText(self, character):
"""converts intenal direction shorthands to player readable descriptions"""
if character == "N":
return "north"
if character == "S":
return "south"
if character == "E":
return "east"
if character == "W":
return "west"
return None
class Item(GameObject):
"""items are carried by creatures and the player"""
def __init__(self,uniqueName):
GameObject.__init__(self, uniqueName)
self.article = "a "
gameType = "Item"
damage = None
isLightSource = False
isWeapon = False
edible = 0
class Creature (GameObject):
"""creatures wander the world"""
gameType = "Creature"
defaultDamage = 0
enraged = True
damage = defaultDamage
def takeDamage(self,damage):
"""damage directed at this creature"""
self.hitpoints -= damage
def attack(self,enemy):
"""apply this creature's damage to the enemy creature"""
class Player (Creature):
"""The player character"""
def saveString(self):
"""returns a string that contains all saveable data for this Player object"""
outputString = GameObject.saveString(self)
outputString += "#activeRoom,"+self.activeRoom.uniqueName+","
return outputString
activeRoom = "Start"
# creating instances
#Define items first
pipeWrench = Item("wrench")
pipeWrench.setDescription("An old, steel pipe wrench.","A pipe wrench.","wrench")
cushion = Item("cushion")
cushion.setDescription("A plush, emrboidered cushion.","A plush cushion.","cushion")
gardenGnome = Item("gnome")
gardenGnome.setDescription("A small, stout, clay figurine of a gnome with a pointed red hat.",
"A clay gnome with a red hat.",
bread = Item("bread")
bread.setDescription("A freshly baked loaf of french bread.","Fresh baked bread.","bread")
bread.edible = 1
bread.article = ""
cheese = Item("cheese")
cheese.setDescription("Pungeant, rich sharp white cheese.","White cheese.","cheese")
cheese.edible = 1
cheese.article = ""
anchor = Item("anchor")
anchor.setDescription("A rusty old anchor, with the shells of long dead barnacles.","A rust anchor.","anchor")
anchor.article = "an "
#Define creatures next
#Define rooms last
livingRoom = Room("Living Room")
livingRoom.description["long"] = "A large, beautifully apolstered room with comfortable couches and a shag carpet."
livingRoom.description["short"] = "A large, carpeted room with couches."
livingRoom.description["name"] = "living room"
livingRoom.exits["N"] = "Hallway"
livingRoom.exits["S"] = "Front Yard"
frontYard = Room("Front Yard")
frontYard.description["long"]= "A well manicured lawn, filled with the scent of freshly mown grass."
frontYard.description["short"]= "A well manicured lawn."
frontYard.description["name"]= "front yard"
frontYard.exits["N"] = "Living Room"
hallway = Room("Hallway")
hallway.description["long"] = "A hall with hardwood floors and wood paneling."
hallway.description["short"] = "A hall with hardwood floors."
hallway.description["name"] = "hallway"
hallway.exits["S"] = "Living Room"
hallway.exits["E"] = "Kitchen"
hallway.exits["W"] = "Bedroom"
kitchen = Room("Kitchen")
kitchen.description["long"] = "A room with a tile floor, granite counter tops, and many shelves."
kitchen.description["short"] = "A room with counters and shelves."
kitchen.description["name"] = "kitchen"
kitchen.exits["W"] = "Hallway"
bedroom = Room("Bedroom")
bedroom.description["long"] = "A carpeted room with a well made bed. The sheets appear to be silk."
bedroom.description["short"] = "A carpeted room with a bed."
bedroom.description["name"] = "bedroom"
bedroom.exits["E"] = "Hallway"
def mainLoop(player):
print ("\n\nWelcome to the adventure game!\n\n")
print ("Do you want to load from a saved game or start a new game?")
while True:
playerInput = input("type LOAD or NEW: ").lower()
if playerInput in "loadnew":
if playerInput == "load":
saveGames = listFilesWithSuffix(GameObject.saveGameSuffix)
print("There are "+str(len(saveGames))+" games saved:")
for fileName in saveGames:
fileName = input("Type your the name of your saved game: ")
GameObject.loadGameState(player,fileName + GameObject.saveGameSuffix)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("File not found. Starting new game.")
startingOutput = textwrap.wrap(player.activeRoom.describe())
for line in startingOutput:
print (line)
while True:
playerInput = input("\n>> ")
if playerInput == "exit":
for line in textwrap.wrap(parseInput(player, playerInput)):
print (line)
while True:
playerInput = input("Would you like to save your progress? (Y/N) ").lower()
if playerInput == "y":
while True:
fileName = input("Please create a save game name: ")
if isAlphaNumeric(fileName):
print ("Use only letters and numbers.")
GameObject.saveGameState(player,fileName + GameObject.saveGameSuffix)
elif playerInput == "n":
print ("Invalid entry.")
def listFilesWithSuffix(suffix):
"""Returns a list of files with the given suffix in the current directory"""
fullList = os.listdir()
outputList = []
for fileName in fullList:
if fileName[-len(suffix):] == suffix:
return outputList
def isAllLetters(string):
"""bool: Checks if a string is composed of only letters and spaces"""
for c in string:
if c not in " qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM":
return False
return True
def isAlphaNumeric(string):
"""bool: Checks if a string is composed of letters and numbers (no spaces)"""
for c in string:
if c not in "0123456789qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM":
return False
return True
def parseInput(player, inputString):
"""Converts a string into commands"""
north = ["n","north"]
south = ["s","south"]
east = ["e","east"]
west = ["w","west"]
anyDirection = north + south + east + west
verbs = ["eat","take","drop","go","look","inventory","exit","help"]
nouns = []
for key in GameObject.AllObjectsDict:
shortWords = ["to","the","from","a","an", "I", "me", "at", " ", ""]
wholeVocabulary = anyDirection + verbs + nouns #+ shortWords
#clean up input
if not isAllLetters(inputString):
return "Please use only letters."
l = inputString.lower().split(" ")
for i in range(len(l)-1,-2,-1):
if l[i] in shortWords:
del l[i]
unknownWords = []
for word in l:
if not word in wholeVocabulary:
if unknownWords:
outputString = "I don't know these words: "
for word in unknownWords:
outputString += word + " "
return outputString + "."
####### Movement block #######
elif l[0] == "go" and l[1] in anyDirection or l[0] in anyDirection:
if l[0] == "go":
direction = l[1]
direction = l[0]
player.activeRoom = GameObject.AllObjectsDict[player.activeRoom.exits[directionToCommand(direction)]]
return player.activeRoom.describe()
except KeyError:
return "You can't go that way."
####### Verbs block #######
elif l[0] == "eat":
if l[1] in nouns:
if GameObject.AllObjectsDict[l[1]].edible and (l[1] in player.inventory or l[1] in player.activeRoom.inventory):
except ValueError:
player.hitpoints += GameObject.AllObjectsDict[l[1]].edible
return "NOM NOM NOM"
return "That is inedible or unavailable."
elif l[0] == "take":
return "You take the " + l[1]
except ValueError:
return "There is no " + l[1] + " here."
elif l[0] == "drop":
return "You drop the " + l[1]
except ValueError:
return "You don't have any " + l[1] +" to drop."
elif l[0] == "help":
outputString = "These are the things you can do:"
for word in verbs:
outputString += "\n"+ word
return outputString
elif l[0] == "look":
if l[1] in player.inventory or l[1] in player.activeRoom.inventory:
return GameObject.AllObjectsDict[l[1]].describe(True)
except IndexError:
return player.activeRoom.describe(True)
elif l[0]=="inventory":
return player.listInventory(True)
return "I'm not sure what you're saying."
def listExits(room):
"""Returns a string listing a room's exits."""
outputString = ""
exitList = []
for exit in room.exits:
if exit:
if len(exitList) > 1:
outputString = "There are exits to the "
for i in range(len(exitList)):
if i == len(exitList) - 1:
outputString += "and " + exitList[i] + "."
outputString += exitList[i] + ", "
elif len(exitList) == 1:
outputString = "There is an exit to the " + exitList[0] + "."
outputString = "There are no exits."
return outputString
def directionToCommand(directionString):
"""converts a direction string to a capital letter"""
north = ["n","north"]
south = ["s","south"]
east = ["e","east"]
west = ["w","west"]
anyDirection = north + south + east + west
if directionString in north:
direction = "N"
elif directionString in south:
direction = "S"
elif directionString in east:
direction = "E"
direction = "W"
return direction
player = Player("Player")
player.activeRoom = livingRoom
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