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Created May 10, 2012 14:26
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knight's random walk
;; Start a knight at a corner square of an otherwise-empty chessboard. Move the
;; knight at random by choosing uniformly from the legal knight-moves at each
;; step. What is the mean number of moves until the knight returns to the
;; starting square?
(def MAXPOS 7)
; (pos, move) -> pos
(defn move-knight
[[posX posY] [moveX moveY]]
[(+ posX moveX) (+ posY moveY)])
(defn valid-move?
"determine if a proposed move stays on the board"
[pos move]
(let [[x y] (move-knight pos move)]
(and (<= 0 x)
(<= x MAXPOS)
(<= 0 y)
(<= y MAXPOS))))
;; tempted to generate this more slickly, but this is clear enough
(def all-moves [[ 2 1] [ 2 -1] [-2 1] [-2 -1]
[ 1 2] [ 1 -2] [-1 2] [-1 -2]])
(defn valid-moves [pos]
(filter (partial valid-move? pos) all-moves))
(defn random-select
"return a randomly-selected element from a collection, or nil if coll is empty"
(if (empty? coll)
(nth coll (rand-int (count coll)))))
(defn step
[pos] (move-knight pos (random-select (valid-moves pos))))
(defn game-states
"returns an infinite stream of game states given an initial position"
([] (game-states [0 0])) ; default ic
([pos] (iterate step pos)))
(defn moves-until-returned []
(count (take-while (partial not= [0 0])
(rest (game-states)))))
(defn mean [coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(/ (reduce + coll) (double (count coll)))))
; `double` here is a cast so that i don't end up with a rational
(defn mean-moves-until-returned [n]
(mean (for [x (range n)]
; might as well try a parallel version
(defn mmur-par [n]
(mean (pmap (fn [x] (moves-until-returned)) (range n))))
; shits/giggles
(defn benchmark [n]
(time (mean-moves-until-returned n))
(time (mmur-par n))))
; quad core i5 laptop
; user=> (benchmark 10000)
; "Elapsed time: 12964.985 msecs"
; "Elapsed time: 2529.414911 msecs"
; 169.4122
; the analytic answer is 168
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