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Created October 2, 2012 14:10
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Simulated Annealing in Python in the early aughties
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
from math import *
# This is an attempt at solving the travelling salesperson problem
# with simulated annealing. I tried this once in matlab and it sucked.
# a map is a list of tuples, one tuple for each city.
# each tuple represents the (x,y) location of a city on the map.
def create_map(mapsize):
return [(random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0, 1)) for i in range(mapsize)]
# a path is a list of indexes into the list of cities (the map)
# all paths are closed loops and visit each city only once.
def create_random_path(mapsize):
path = range(mapsize)
return path
# paths are mutated by swapping around city indexes.
# this returns a mutated version of the input path.
def mutate_path(path):
newpath = path[:]
index = random.randint(0, len(path)-1)
newpath[index-1] = path[index]
newpath[index] = path[index-1] # yay for wraparound arrays
return newpath
# mutate a path by randomly selecting a sequence and reversing it
def mutate_path2(path):
index1 = random.randint(0, len(path)-2)
index2 = random.randint(index1+1, len(path)-1)
segment = path[index1:index2]
return path[:index1] + segment + path[index2:]
# there's probably a lib function for this,
# but it's faster to write one than to look it up.
def average(list):
sum = 0.0
for x in list:
sum += x
return sum / len(list)
# euclidian goodness
def distance(ptA, ptB):
return sqrt((ptB[0] - ptA[0])**2 + (ptB[1] - ptA[1])**2)
# evaluates the length of the given path in the context of the map
def path_length(themap, path):
totaldist = 0
for i in range(len(path)):
totaldist += distance(themap[path[i]], themap[path[i-1]])
return totaldist
# probability of an energy change based on the Boltzmann distribution
def prob_to_keep(delta_e, temp):
k = 1.0 # boltzmann's constant in *this* universe
return exp(-delta_e/(k*temp))
# this is where the cool stuff happens.
# use simulated annealing to find the minimal path length.
def anneal(themap, initialtemp, iterations):
temp = initialtemp
tempfactor = 0.95
path = create_random_path(len(themap))
consec_successes = 0
iter = 0 # not using for loop for efficiency reasons
#while iter < iterations:
while temp > 0.001:
# perturb our path a wee bit
testpath = mutate_path2(path)
# find the change in energy
delta_e = path_length(themap, testpath) - path_length(themap, path)
if delta_e <= 0:
# ah, this was a step in the Right Direction
path = testpath
consec_successes += 1
else: # okay, we regressed. but possibly keep it anyways.
if random.random() < prob_to_keep(delta_e, temp):
#print "randomly keeping a crappy move. temp = %f; delta_e = %f." % (temp, delta_e)
path = testpath
consec_successes = 0
# is it time to cool down?
if consec_successes >= 10 or iter % (100*len(themap)) == 0:
temp = tempfactor * temp
consec_successes = 0
# debug output
if iter % 1000 == 0:
print 'DEBUG: iteration %d temp = %f bestlen = %f' % (iter, temp, path_length(themap, path))
iter += 1
return path
if __name__ == '__main__':
themap = create_map(10)
print 'Annealing solutions for map of size %d.' % len(themap)
bestpath = anneal(themap, 100, 10000)
print 'The best path had length %f.' % path_length(themap, bestpath)
avg_rand = average([path_length(themap, create_random_path(len(bestpath))) for i in range(100)])
print 'Avg rand path has length %f.' % avg_rand
print 'map used:'
print themap
print 'path taken:'
print bestpath
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