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Created May 23, 2013 14:28
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lazybot plugin to show unix tips from
(ns lazybot.plugins.commandlinefu
(:use [lazybot registry]
[ :only [read-json]])
(:require [clj-http.client :as client])
(:import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils)
(def CLFU-URL "")
; keys :command :summary :votes :id :url
(defn random-clfu []
(-> (client/get CLFU-URL)
(defn display-clfu
"turn a command line fu item into a sequence of messages"
[(str "summary: " (:summary clfu))
(str "command: " (:command clfu))
(str "link: " (:url clfu))
(display-clfu (random-clfu))
; yields for example
["summary: Update zone file Serial numbers"
"command: sed -i 's/20[0-1][0-9]\\{7\\}/'`date +%Y%m%d%I`'/g' *.db"
"display a random command from commandlinefu"
#{"random-command" "clfu" "random-clfu" "randomcommand" "unix-tip" "unixtip"}
(fn [com-m]
(doseq [message (display-clfu (random-clfu))]
(send-message com-m message))
(catch Exception e
(send-message com-m (str "sorry, got an exception trying to reach clfu: " e)))))))
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