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Created August 6, 2014 15:27
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Number Trivia plugin for Bitsbot
(ns lazybot.plugins.number-trivia
(:use [lazybot registry]
(:require [clj-http.client :as client]))
; from API docs:
;;; Just hit to get a plain text response, where
;;; type is one of trivia, math, date, or year. Defaults to trivia if omitted.
;;; number is
;;; - an integer, or
;;; - the keyword random, for which we will try to return a random available fact, or
;;; - a day of year in the form month/day (eg. 2/29, 1/09, 04/1), if type is date
;;; - ranges of numbers
(def BASE-URL "")
(defn api-request [& path-pieces]
(-> (client/get (apply str BASE-URL path-pieces))
(defn get-fact [num type]
(println "got request for fact: " num type)
(api-request num "/" type)
(catch Throwable t
(str "Dang, caught a Throwable! " t))))
"Show an arguably fun fact about a number. Facthood is also arguable. Defaults to a random number. Unlock nerd mode with --nerd. `@number [--nerd] <num>`"
#{"number" "number-trivia"}
(fn [{:keys [nick args] :as com-m}]
(if (= "--nerd" (first args))
(send-message com-m (get-fact (or (first (rest args)) "random") "math"))
(send-message com-m (get-fact (or (first args) "random") "trivia"))) ))
"Show a some kind of trivial 'fun fact' about a year. If unspecified, I'll pick a random year. @year <year>"
#{"year" "year-trivia"}
(fn [{:keys [nick args] :as com-m}]
(send-message com-m (get-fact (or (first args) "random") "year"))))
"Show a somewhat fun fact about a date. If unspecified, I'll pick a random date. @date <month>/<day>"
#{"date" "date-trivia"}
(fn [{:keys [nick args] :as com-m}]
(send-message com-m (get-fact (or (first args) "random") "date"))))
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