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Created May 15, 2021 22:18
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Save nathanielanozie/46a9bd526f774c7ffc4d0d8267ebd12d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tool is to help with creating bones at vertices. tested in blender 2.79
#tool is to help with creating bones at vertices. tested in blender 2.79
#modify use at your own risk
#last modified
#051521 -- working on initial release. added 1. and 2. from 051421.
# added a. nice to have option to create bones ignoring select order supporting selecting all verts or box select selection.
# added b. nice to have option on direction to point created bones
# added nice to have a picker for armature
# i think can ignore 4. from 051421 since length field can be used
# i think 5. should be its own addon since the context is different and its not creating anything
# for now ignoring 3. since duplicate works pretty effectively
#051421 -- working on initial release
# 1. have by default bone placed upright
# 2. provide bone length float field
# 3. a button for drawing bone at selected bones head.
# 4. for 3. option float field for how much shorter created bone should be from source bone
# 5. a button to snap first editbone selected to second editbone selected.
#031121 -- worked on bone drawing using normal. worked on first ui todo(support more options for bone creating)
#012421 -- added some naming of created bones. for 3 verts better to select individual verts then try shortest path. still need to add normal option for tail bones
#080120 -- working on bone on vertex tool. added beginning bone drawing no custom names, or bone parenting.
bl_info = {
"name":"draw bone at selected vertices",
"description":"tool is to help with creating bones at vertices",
"category": "Object",
"author":"Nathaniel Anozie",
import bpy
import bmesh
from mathutils import Vector
import math
#simple ui with single button and a few text fields with some defaults
from bpy.props import(
from bpy.types import(
class BoneCreateOperator(Operator):
"""create bones on selected vertices options standing upright or at normal.
requires to be in object or edit mode of selected mesh object.
bl_idname = "obj.do_bonecreate"
bl_label = "Bone At Vertex Create"
bl_options = {"REGISTER"}
def execute(self, context):
#get directory from text field
armatureName = context.scene.bone_create_prop.armatureName
#get enum option for way to orient created bone
vboneEnum = context.scene.bone_create_prop.vertexBoneEnum
#print("vertex drawing option: %s" %vboneEnum)
useNormal = False
if vboneEnum != 'standing':
useNormal = True
#get enum option for way vertexes were selected
vSelectMethodEnum = context.scene.bone_create_prop.vertexSelectMethodEnum
ignoreOrder = True
if vSelectMethodEnum != 'ignoreorder':
ignoreOrder = False
#get enum option for bone direction in non normal mode
bDirectionEnum = context.scene.bone_create_prop.boneDirectionEnum
boneDirectionStr = bDirectionEnum
#get length of bone
lboneFloat = context.scene.bone_create_prop.lenBoneFloat
#print("bone length: %s" %lboneFloat){'INFO'}, "Starting Bone Create ...")
opCreateBonesOnSelectedVertices( context = context,
armatureName = armatureName,
useNormal = useNormal,
boneLength = lboneFloat,
ignoreOrder = ignoreOrder,
boneDirectionStr = boneDirectionStr
){'INFO'}, "Completed Bone Create")
return {'FINISHED'}
class BoneCreatePanel(Panel):
bl_label = "Bone Create Panel"
bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
def draw(self, context):
#here we add textfields and button to ui
layout = self.layout
layout.label(text = "Bone Create tool")
#enum options
layout.prop( context.scene.bone_create_prop, "vertexBoneEnum", text = "" )
layout.prop( context.scene.bone_create_prop, "vertexSelectMethodEnum", text = "" )
layout.prop( context.scene.bone_create_prop, "boneDirectionEnum", text = "" )
#float option
layout.prop( context.scene.bone_create_prop, "lenBoneFloat", text = "length bone" )
#text fields
#armature selector picker
layout.operator( "obj.do_bonecreate")
class BoneCreateProperties(PropertyGroup):
#here we make each textfield
armatureName = StringProperty(
name = "armatureName",
description = "armature name"
vertexBoneEnum = EnumProperty(
name = "options",
description = "options for drawing bone at vertex",
items = [ ('standing',"Standing",""),
vertexSelectMethodEnum = EnumProperty(
name = "options",
description = "options for how vertex selection was made. by default allows using all select or box select ignoring order",
items = [ ('ignoreorder',"IgnoreOrder",""),
boneDirectionEnum = EnumProperty(
name = "options",
description = "options for bone direction. useful in non normal mode",
items = [ ('x',"X",""),
default = 'z'
lenBoneFloat = FloatProperty(
name = "length bone",
description = "length of created bone",
default = 1.0,
min = 0.0,
max = 1000.0
def register():
#here we name the property that holds all our textfields
bpy.types.Scene.bone_create_prop = PointerProperty(
type = BoneCreateProperties
def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.bone_create_prop
if __name__ == "__main__":
def opCreateBonesOnSelectedVertices( context = None, armatureName = None, useNormal = False, boneLength = 1.0, ignoreOrder = True, boneDirectionStr = 'x' ):
"""to be called by operator
#figure out bone direction from string
deltaXYZ = (0.0,0.0,boneLength) #default standing in world z
deltaXYZ = getBoneDeltaFromString(boneDirectionStr, boneLength)
bone_names = createBonesOnSelectedVertices(context = context,
armatureName = armatureName,
ignoreOrder = ignoreOrder,
deltaXYZ = deltaXYZ
def getBoneDeltaFromString( boneDirectionStr = 'z', boneLength = 1.0):
"""boneDirectionStr x,y,z,nx,ny,nz
gets the vector from tail to head to use
deltaXYZ = (0.0,0.0,boneLength)
if boneDirectionStr == "x":
deltaXYZ = (boneLength,0.0,0.0)
elif boneDirectionStr == "y":
deltaXYZ = (0.0,boneLength,0.0)
elif boneDirectionStr == "z":
deltaXYZ = (0.0,0.0,boneLength)
elif boneDirectionStr == "nx":
deltaXYZ = (-boneLength,0.0,0.0)
elif boneDirectionStr == "ny":
deltaXYZ = (0.0,-boneLength,0.0)
elif boneDirectionStr == "nz":
deltaXYZ = (0.0,0.0,-boneLength)
return deltaXYZ
def orientBoneToNormal( bone = None, normVector = (0,1,0), upVector = (0,0,1) ):
point bone y in direction of normal vector
roll bone by aligning z axis to upVector
#point bone y in direction of normal vector
normV = Vector( normVector )
normV = normV*bone.length
bone.tail = bone.head + normV
#roll bone by aligning z axis to upVector
upV = Vector( upVector )
axis = bone.y_axis.cross(upV)
dotP = max( -1.0, min(1.0, )
angle = math.acos(dotP)
bone.roll += angle
dotP1 =
bone.roll -= angle*2
dotP2 =
if dotP1 > dotP2:
bone.roll += angle*2
def createBonesOnSelectedVertices( context = bpy.context,
armatureName = None,
ignoreOrder = True,
parentBoneName = None,
deltaXYZ = (0.0,0.25,0.0),
useNormal = False
"""make bones on selected vertices
application for eyelid rigging
supports: user can either select all vertices individually or select exactly 2 verts and use shortest path for inbetween verts
deltaXYZ is xyz offset from head of bone to use for drawn bones. (0,.25,0) would say offset tail by .25 in y
useNormal is whether to draw bone using normal of vertex
ignoreOrder when true allows box selection for selecting verts otherwise requires individual vertex selections
returns list of string names of bones it created
#check that mesh is selected
if armatureName is None:
if armatureName not in
print("requires armature %s to exist" %armatureName)
#get the order of selected vertices
#get world position of vertices and naming for new bones
#use the given armature and parent bone to make bones at given positions
obj = context.selected_objects[0]
#if object is not a mesh exit
if obj.type != "MESH":
print("requires mesh in object or edit mode selected")
#get order of selected vertices
vids = []
#get order of selected vertices using selection order
vids = getVertexSelection( context = context, ignoreOrder = ignoreOrder )
#get positions verts
if not vids:
print("couldnt find vert ids exiting")
vid_pos = []
oworld_mat = obj.matrix_world
for vid in vids:
vworld_vec = oworld_mat*[vid].co
vid_pos.append( vworld_vec )
#create bones at positions
#for now make single bone, all bones parented to parent bone parameter
bones_made = []
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
arm_obj =[armatureName] = arm_obj = True
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
for vpos, vid in zip(vid_pos,vids):
bone =[armatureName]"bone")
bone.head = ( vpos[0], vpos[1], vpos[2] )
bone.tail = ( vpos[0]+deltaXYZ[0], vpos[1]+deltaXYZ[1], vpos[2]+deltaXYZ[2] ) #ex length of bones in y a small value
#draw tail differently if useNormal used
if useNormal:
vertexNorm = obj.rotation_euler.to_matrix()*[vid].normal
#print("vertex normal %s" %vertexNorm)
orientBoneToNormal( bone = bone, normVector = vertexNorm, upVector = (0,0,1) )
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
return bones_made
def getVertexSelection( context = None, ignoreOrder = True ):
"""get vertex ids selected whether to use selection order or not.
when using selection order vertexes cannot be selected with box select or shortcuts.
vids = []
if ignoreOrder:
#ignore selection order
sel_obj = context.selected_objects[0]
#i think need to toggle mode to register selection
vids = [ vid.index for vid in if ]
#print("getVertexSelection vids: %s" %vids)
#use selection order
num_selhist = getNumberVertsInSelectHistory(context)
if num_selhist == 0:
print("requires vertices selected")
if num_selhist == 2:
vids = getVertexIndexesInOrderOfSelectionShortestPath(context)
vids = getVertexIndexesInOrderOfSelectionIndividual(context)
return vids
def getVertexIndexesInOrderOfSelectionIndividual( context = bpy.context ):
"""return list of vertex ids in order of selection
expects every vertex selected one at a time
sel_obj = context.selected_objects[0]
#bmesh needs data
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh( )
#make sure we had selected vertices
if not isinstance(bm.select_history[0], bmesh.types.BMVert):
print("requires vertices selected")
vid_list = [ bv.index for bv in bm.select_history ]
#i dont think need update_edit_mesh because not changing mesh
return vid_list
def getNumberVertsInSelectHistory( context ):
"""get number of vertices in select_history
sel_obj = context.selected_objects[0] #context.object
print("getNumberVertsInSelectHistory sel_obj: %s" %sel_obj)
#bmesh needs data
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh( )
return len( [ sel for sel in bm.select_history if isinstance(sel, bmesh.types.BMVert) ] )
def getVertexIndexesInOrderOfSelectionShortestPath( context = bpy.context ):
"""return list of vertex ids in order of selection
expects exactly two vertices first selected and using ctrl to fill in shortest path
sel_obj = context.selected_objects[0]
#bmesh needs data
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh( )
#make sure we had selected vertices
if len(bm.select_history) != 2:
print("requires two vertices selected and shortest path use for inbetween verts")
if not isinstance(bm.select_history[0], bmesh.types.BMVert):
print("requires vertices selected")
vstart = bm.select_history[0]
vend = bm.select_history[1]
bm_list = [vstart]
vid_list = []
#number of selected vertices
num_verts = len( [v for v in bm.verts if] )
counter = 0
#tricky part, successively finding nearest vertex. and updating where we start from
while counter < num_verts:
bm_vert = bm_list[counter]
#connected edges to vertex
cedges = bm_vert.link_edges
#which of these edges has a selected vertex
for e in cedges:
cvert = e.other_vert(bm_vert)
if cvert not in bm_list:
bm_list.append( cvert )
counter += 1
vid_list = [ bv.index for bv in bm_list ]
#i dont think need update_edit_mesh because not changing mesh
return vid_list
def nameBones( bones = [], armatureName = None, charName = 'testChar', facePart = 'testPart', side = 'L' ):
"""not used currently
this method can be modified for a different naming convention.
this convention is to set names to '{charName}_{facePart}_{a-z}.{side}'
#verify armature exists
if armatureName is None:
if armatureName not in
print("requires armature %s to exist" %armatureName)
#go on with naming
import string
allLetters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
if len(bones) > len(allLetters):
print("too many bones to name with this naming convention of using letters")
lettersForBones = allLetters[0:len(bones)]
for b,let in zip(bones,lettersForBones):[armatureName].pose.bones[b].name = '{charName}_{facePart}_{letter}.{side}'.format(charName=charName,facePart=facePart,letter= let, side=side)
#inspired by
#Nathan Vegdahl
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