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Created February 13, 2015 13:02
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Glue(Rivet) some nulls to NurbsCurve (Maya, Python Script)
#Help with building Facial Rig User interface secondary movers
#Nathaniel O. Anozie (ogbonnawork at gmail dot com)
#Inspired by Andy Van Straten -- learning about joints riding on curves
#Inspired by Fabio Bonvicini -- i was inspiredy by his curve based online tutorials on facial rigs
#see also naNurbsSurfaceControl, naFaceBuffer (more phoneme based) (more ui based)
#02-13 initial release
#02-05 working on initial release -- currently it will also snap to cv location, adding template ui
#added template ui, added main and help usability functions
#02-04 working on initial release -- added oop template start
#created: 02-04-2015 created
import maya.cmds as cmds
import re #used for ui
def help():
help = """
#This tool helps with getting nulls following a curves movement
import naNurbsCurveControl
#run this after selecting in order below
#1. nulls want to rivet
#2. cluster widget want to help move nulls (identical number as nulls, identical order as nulls, one cv per cluster)
#3. last the single Nurbs curve transform you want nulls to follow
print help
def main():
just have selected all the nulls, all cluster widgets, last surface kind of like blendshapes. this allows nulls to follow surface
#get selection new naNurbsCurveControlUI()
surf = ''
nullList = []
clusterWidgetList = []
cvIndexList = []
sel = = True)
ui = naNurbsCurveControlUI( sel )
curve = ui.getCurve()
nullList = ui.getNull()
clusterWidgetList = ui.getClusterWidget()
cvIndexList = ui.getCVIndexList()
#loop selection
#--initialize-- create new naNurbsCurveControl()
#--go do the backend stuff
for null, anim, cvID in zip( nullList, clusterWidgetList, cvIndexList):
ctrl = naNurbsCurveControl(null,curve, cvID)
class naNurbsCurveControlUI(object):
def __init__(self, sel = []):
self.selection = sel
self.curve = ''
self.null = []
self.clusterWidget = []
self.cvIndexList = []
def go(self):
print '[naNurbsCurveControlUI] parsing user selection'
selectionDict = self.splitSelectionTwoHalfAndLast()
self.setCurve( selectionDict[ 'last' ] )
self.setNull( selectionDict[ 'first' ] )
self.setClusterWidget( selectionDict[ 'second' ] )
self.setCVIndexList() #this should populate cv index
print '[naNurbsCurveControlUI] DONE parsing user selection'
#now data should populated to be used externally
def getCurve(self):
return self.surface
def setCurve(self, arg = ''):
self.surface = arg
def getNull(self):
return self.null
def setNull(self, arg = []):
self.null = arg
def getClusterWidget(self):
return self.clusterWidget
def setClusterWidget(self, arg = []):
self.clusterWidget = arg
def getCVIndexList(self):
return self.cvIndexList
def setCVIndexList(self):
given cluster list it sets cv index list, order preserved
result = []
clusterList = self.getClusterWidget()
for clusterHandle in clusterList:
#print 'COMPUTING CV INDEX for %s' %(clusterHandle)
cvIndex = 0
clusterAr = []
clusterHandleShapeAr = []
clusterSetAr = []
#get cluster handle shape from cluster handle
#listRelatives -children -type "clusterHandle" cluster3Handle
clusterHandleShapeAr = cmds.listRelatives( clusterHandle, children = True, type = "clusterHandle" )
#get cluster from cluster handle shape
#listConnections -type "cluster" cluster3HandleShape;
clusterAr = cmds.listConnections( clusterHandleShapeAr[0], type = "cluster")
clusterSetAr = cmds.listConnections( clusterAr[0], type = "objectSet")
#print 'using cluster set %s' %(clusterSetAr[0])
cvAllAr = cmds.sets( clusterSetAr[0], query = True ) #no error checking
cvIndex ='[')+"(.*)"+re.escape(']'),str(cvAllAr[0]) ).group(1)
result.append( int(cvIndex) )
#print 'DONE COMPUTING CV INDEX for %s' %(clusterHandle)
self.cvIndexList = result #no error checking
def getSelection(self):
return self.selection
def setSelection(self, arg = []):
self.selection = arg
def splitSelectionTwoHalfAndLast(self):
returns dictionary of first half of selection, last half of selection, then last element
no error checking assumes length >=3, and length odd
result = {'last':'', 'first':[], 'second':[] }
sel = self.getSelection() #
#remove last element and save
#split into two the remaining part
result[ 'last' ] = sel[-1:]
half = (len(sel)-1)/2
result[ 'first' ] = sel[:half]
result[ 'second' ] = sel[half:(len(sel)-1)]
return result
class naNurbsCurveControl(object):
def __init__(self, null = '', curve = '', cvIndex = 0 ):
self.cvIndex = cvIndex
self.curve = curve
#reason curveInfo not a private variable is because it could change on the maya scene vary easily = null
def go(self):
This is primarily what the user calls after initialization
null = self.getName()
print 'setting attachment for <-- %s' %(null)
print ' naNurbsSurfaceControl.go complete '
#typical variable related
def getCvIndex(self):
return self.cvIndex
def setCvIndex(self, arg = 0):
self.cvIndex = arg
def getCurveName(self):
return self.curve
def getName(self):
def getCurveInfo(self):
given a curve find whether it has a curve info or not, if it does return its name in list
if it doesnt it returns an empty list
result = []
curveShape = self.getCurveShapeName()
#check whether input is a curve info
curveInfo = cmds.listConnections( curveShape+'.'+'worldSpace[0]', type = "curveInfo", source=False, destination=True)
if curveInfo is not None:
result = curveInfo
return result
def attachCurveInfo(self):
depending on wether or not curve has an info node it will build a curve info and attach
to proper null with proper cv index
curveShape = self.getCurveShapeName()
curveInfo = ''
curveInfoCheck = []
curveInfoCheck = self.getCurveInfo() #if it is not empty use its first element as curve info,
#if its empty make a curve info node
if len(curveInfoCheck) == 0:
#make and attach curve info
info = cmds.createNode('curveInfo')
cmds.connectAttr(curveShape+'.'+'worldSpace[0]', info+'.'+'inputCurve')
#make movability of null from curve
curveInfo = info
self.addNullToCVIndex( curveInfo )
curveInfo = curveInfoCheck[0]
#make movability of null from curve
self.addNullToCVIndex( curveInfo )
def addNullToCVIndex(self, curveInfo = ''):
make null move when proper cv is moved, needs a curve info node.
null = self.getName()
index = self.getCvIndex() #no error checking
myCurveInfo = curveInfo
if cmds.objectType(myCurveInfo) == 'curveInfo':
#add null to cv using curve info
cmds.connectAttr(myCurveInfo+'.'+'controlPoints['+str(index)+']', null+'.'+'translate')
def getCurveShapeName(self):
returns empty string if it cannot find one
result = ''
myCurve = self.getCurveName()
myCurveShapeAr = cmds.pickWalk(myCurve, direction = 'down') #double check selection not changed
myCurveShape = myCurveShapeAr[0]
if cmds.objectType(myCurveShape) == 'nurbsCurve':
result = myCurveShape
return result
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