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First Gist/Questions&Answers
What is the value of a checklist?
Checklists for me, primarily speak to structure.
Structure is valuable because it gives a basis to build from, a foundation to fall back on,
and a starting point for every project. I am a creative type, so I am usually the first to admit the value of chaos,
however you do need some order and guidance for project execution. Usually folks who don't rely on written lists still
have mental ones. For me a tangible checklist, thought to paper (or computer) is valueable to free up space for other
thought storage, and structure to harken back to when creating and building. It give me the freedome to not only
rely on my memory moment to moment, and lets me rely on p;reviou brain space and work.
What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?
I mean the easiest answer is "literally all of it". I am really excited to be starting on something that is genuinly so
new, I have spend time with folks through this program, and folks in this industry, and I am not to worried about my
ability to pick up something new. I am however really excited to pick up something so very new. I am also excited to
improve on my own professional developemtnt, my tech comfort and capability, and my comfort in more "9-5" and
professional spheres. I think it will be nice to work on my proffessional networking. Over all I have a lot to learn
and chief among that will be learning what I need to improve on most.
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