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Last active September 27, 2020 17:56
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Script to bootstrap multihost swarm with Docker Machine (DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN env var must be set, and experimental client binary available as dockerx locally)
set -e
# Create this many swarm workers
export N_WORKERS=1
# Coloring info
export bold=$(tput bold)
export normal=$(tput sgr0)
function neighbor_ip_option() {
# Only set the neighbor IP for the nodes created after the first.
if [[ "$1" != "swarm-0" ]]; then
echo "--engine-label$(docker-machine ip swarm-0)"
# Bring up a machine using the overlay network for every container
function create_mcn_on_overlay() {
docker-machine --debug create \
-d digitalocean \
--digitalocean-image ubuntu-14-10-x64 \
--digitalocean-region sfo1 \
--engine-install-url \
--engine-opt kv-store=consul:$(docker-machine ip consul):8500 \
--engine-opt default-network=overlay:multihost \
--engine-label \
$(neighbor_ip_option "$1") \
"$1" | awk -v prefix="${bold}$1 => ${normal}" '{print prefix $0}'
# Join the created swarm with the machine of a given name
function mcn_join_swarm() {
dockerx $(docker-machine config "$1") run -d \
--restart always \
--net bridge \
swarm:latest join --addr $(docker-machine ip "$1"):2376 token://$SWARM_TOKEN
# Create droplet used to run Consul
docker-machine --debug create \
-d digitalocean \
--digitalocean-region sfo1 \
--engine-install-url \
# Run Consul container used for service discovery
dockerx $(docker-machine config consul) run -d \
-p 8500:8500 \
-h consul \
progrium/consul -server -bootstrap
# First create swarm master
create_mcn_on_overlay "swarm-0"
# Then create swarm workers
for i in $(seq 1 "$N_WORKERS"); do
create_mcn_on_overlay "$mcn_name" &
# Wait for creates to finish
export SWARM_TOKEN=$(dockerx $(docker-machine config consul) run swarm create)
# Run Swarm master / manager container
dockerx $(docker-machine config swarm-0) run -d \
--restart always \
--net bridge \
-p 3376:3376 \
-v /etc/docker:/etc/docker \
swarm:latest manage \
--tlsverify \
--tlscacert="/etc/docker/ca.pem" \
--tlscert="/etc/docker/server.pem" \
--tlskey="/etc/docker/server-key.pem" \
-H "tcp://" \
--strategy spread \
for i in $(seq 0 "$N_WORKERS"); do
echo "Joining ${mcn_name} to the Swarm..."
mcn_join_swarm ${mcn_name}
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