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Created April 27, 2012 05:03
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Concise inline operations with Cascalog serfn branch
(use 'cascalog.playground) (bootstrap)
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(require '[cascalog.vars :as v])
(defn all-syms [form]
(if (coll? form)
(reduce (fn [curr elem] (set/union curr (all-syms elem)))
(defmacro imapcatop [& body]
(let [used-vars (->> body all-syms (filter symbol?) (filter v/cascalog-var?))
impl `(cascalog.api/mapcatop ~(vec used-vars) ~@body)]
`(cascalog.api/predmacro [invars# outvars#]
{:pre [(zero? (clojure.core/count invars#))]}
[[~impl :<< ~(vec (map str used-vars)) :>> outvars#]]
(?<- (stdout) [?word ?count]
(sentence ?sentence)
((imapcatop (.split ?sentence " ")) :> ?word)
(c/count ?count))
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