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Last active April 26, 2020 15:52
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Homebrew Files


These files will install various packages intended for a macOS machine. The brief descriptions for the command-line type tools will be found in the Brewfile itself. The GUI typed application packages (i.e. Slack, Atom, Spotify) will be installed through Brewfile-cask. Please check through these two files and comment out tools you may not find useful.


Copy the files Brewfile-cask, Brewfile, and to your local machine or Download the ZIP file for this gist and extract the contents.

Make the script executable with chmod +x and then run the installation via ./

This will install Homebrew a rich package manager for macOS. The script will first check if you have this installed. If not, it will run the installation for you!

# Installs Homebrew and some of the common dependencies needed/desired for software development
# Ask for the administrator password upfront
sudo -v
# Check for Homebrew and install it if missing
if test ! $(which brew)
echo "Installing Homebrew..."
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew tap Goles/battery
brew tap getantibody/tap
brew tap homebrew/bundle
brew tap homebrew/cask
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew tap homebrew/core
brew tap mas-cli/tap
# Make sure we’re using the latest Homebrew
brew update
# Upgrade any already-installed formulae
brew upgrade --all
# Install the Homebrew packages I use on a day-to-day basis.
brew bundle install --file=Brewfile --verbose
# Install Caskroom and taps
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install brew-cask
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew bundle install --file=Brewfile-cask --verbose
# Remove outdated versions from the cellar
brew cleanup
cask_args appdir: "/Applications"
### TAPS
tap "getantibody/tap"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/cask"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "mas-cli/tap"
# Tools
brew "ack" # Search tool like grep, but optimized for programmers
brew "autossh" # Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
brew "clinfo" # Print information about OpenCL platforms and devices
brew "coreutils" # GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities
brew "fzf" # Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
brew "findutils" # Collection of GNU find, xargs, and locate
brew "open-babel" # Chemical toolbox
brew "gdbm" # GNU database manager
brew "highlight" # Convert source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting
#brew "mackup" # Keep your Mac's application settings in sync
brew "tree" # Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output)
brew "wget" # Internet file retriever
brew "z" # Jump around to frequent directories
# Apps
brew "graphviz" # Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs
brew "htop" # Improved top (interactive process viewer)
brew "imagemagick" # Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
brew "lftp" # Sophisticated file transfer program
brew "peco" # Simplistic interactive filtering tool
brew "tmux" # Terminal multiplexer
brew "rclone"
brew "vim"
# Git
brew "git" # Distributed revision control system
brew "git-extras" # Small git utilities
brew "git-lfs" # Git extension for versioning large files
brew "travis" # Command-line client for Travis CI
# Libraries
brew "lame" # High quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder
brew "x264" # H.264/AVC encoder
brew "xvid" # High-performance, high-quality MPEG-4 video library
brew "ffmpeg" # Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
brew "readline" # Library for command-line editing
brew "libyaml" # YAML Parser
brew "llvm" # Next-gen compiler infrastructure
brew "openssl" # SSL/TLS cryptography library
brew "xz" # General-purpose data compression with high compression ratio
# Languages
brew "bash" # Bourne-Again SHell, a UNIX command interpreter
brew "bash-completion"
brew "node", link: false # Platform built on V8 to build network applications
brew "python", link: false
brew "ruby"
brew "perl"
# Zsh
brew "zsh" # UNIX shell (command interpreter)
brew "getantibody/tap/antibody" # Plugin manager for Zsh
brew "zsh-lovers" # Tips, tricks, and examples for zsh
# Documents
brew "pandoc" # Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion
brew "pandoc-citeproc" # Library and executable for using citeproc with pandoc
brew "pandoc-crossref" # Pandoc filter for numbering and cross-referencing
brew "multimarkdown" # Turn marked-up plain text into well-formatted documents
# Brew extensions
brew "brew-gem" # Install RubyGems as Homebrew formulae
brew "brew-pip" # Install pip packages as homebrew formulae
brew "brew-cask-completion" # Fish completion for brew-cask
cask_args appdir: "/Applications"
# Fonts
cask "font-fira-code"
cask "font-hack-nerd-font"
cask "font-sourcecodepro-nerd-font"
cask "font-meslo-nerd-font"
# Google
cask "google-chrome"
cask "google-backup-and-sync"
#cask "chrome-remote-desktop"
# Dev
cask "atom"
cask "anaconda"
cask "iterm2"
cask "xquartz"
# Apps
cask "alfred"
cask "appcleaner"
cask "the-unarchiver"
cask "vlc"
cask "slack"
cask "spark"
cask "spotify"
cask "bettertouchtool"
cask "mtmr"
# Quick Look Plugins (
cask "qlcolorcode"
cask "qlstephen"
cask "qlmarkdown"
cask "quicklook-json"
cask "qlprettypatch"
cask "quicklook-csv"
cask "betterzipql"
cask "qlimagesize"
cask "webpquicklook"
cask "suspicious-package"
# VM - Requires manual installation of VirtualBox
#cask "vagrant"
#cask "vagrant-manager"
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