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Last active June 14, 2018 16:03
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Regress Spectral Bins
% Example code for analysis of neural correlate with spectral differences.
% This looks at differences in spectral power (but will not uncover
% relationships between neural activity and timing differences, as all that
% is masked by the warping process; a similar approach could look at
% correlates between neural activity and amount of warping).
%% Step 1: warp spectrograms
% How the spectrogram is warped is important, as you want to avoid spectral
% artifacts of the warping process. The exact code will vary a bit
% depending on what spectral routine you are using.
% I have not tested this, but the important idea is that you want to do the
% warping at the same time scale as the spectrogram generation, and apply
% the warping directly to the spectral columns (rather than generating the
% spectrogram from the warped audio).
% assumes variable:
% songs - cell array of individual songs
% template - vector of template song
% fs - sampling rate
% both the warping and spectrogram should use consistent parameters
fft_window = 1024;
fft_overlap = 1016;
fft_stride = fft_window - fft_overlap;
% get time and frequency for template
[S_template, F, T] = ccountour(template, fs, 'fft_length', fft_window, 'fft_overlap', fft_overlap);
% make spectrogram container
spectrograms = zeros(length(F), length(T), length(songs));
for i = 1:length(songs)
% zero pad to spectrogram boundary
len = fft_window + fft_stride * ceil((length(songs{i}) - fft_window) / fft_stride);
song = [songs{i}; zeros(len - length(songs{i}), 1)];
% generate spectrogram
[S, F, T] = ccountour(song, fs, 'fft_length', fft_window, 'fft_overlap', fft_overlap);
% perform warping
[~, ~, ~, path] = warp_audio(song, template, fs, [], 'fft_window', fft_window, 'fft_overlap', fft_overlap);
% warp spectrogram
for j = 1:path(1, end)
idx = path(1, :) == j;
spectrograms(:, j, i) = mean(S(:, path(2, idx)), 2);
%% Step 2: extract interesting parts of
% assumes variables:
% spectrograms - frequencies x times x trials
% F - frequencies corresponding with the spectral times
% T - times corresponding with the spectral times
% peak_dff - vector of peak df/f for cell of interest (length: trials)
% other_factors - matrix of factors to control for (factors x trials)
% time_range - start and end time of interest (ignores spectral
% differences out of this range), vector of two values
% (start and end time)
% freq_range - pick a meaningful frequency range (ignores spectral
% differences out of this range, e.g., 1 kHz to 10 kHz),
% vector of two values (start and end frequency)
% p threshold
p_threshold = 0.05;
% get dimensions
trials = size(spectrograms, 3);
% independent variables (what to regress out), factors that may account for
% the variability in the spectral bins
X_other = other_factors';
% reshape peak_dff to be a column vector
X = reshape(peak_dff, [], 1);
% get spectral columns of interests
F_idx = F >= freq_range(1) & F <= freq_range(2);
T_idx = T >= time_range(1) & T <= time_range(2);
Y = spectrograms(F_idx, T_idx, :);
Y = reshape(Y, [], trials)'; % reshape, so rows of Y correspond with song
% trials and columns correspond with the spectral bins of interest
% for each spectral bin
spectral_bins = size(Y, 2);
coefficients = zeros(1, spectral_bins);
p_values = zeros(1, spectral_bins);
for i = 1:spectral_bins
% perform a linear regression on the spectral bin, building a linear
% model combining a constant (y-intercept), any other factors and the
% peak df/f for the cell of interest
mdl = fitlm([X_other X], Y(:, i));
% store coefficient and p value (the last ones returned)
coefficients(i) = mdl.Coefficients.Estimate(end);
p_values(i) = mdl.Coefficients.pValue(end);
% false discovery rate correction for multiple tests
% requires FDH_BH from file exchange
h = fdr_bh(p_values, p_threshold);
% print result
fprintf('Found %d spectral bins with significant change associated with peak df/f.\n', sum(h));
% h is 1 where there is a significant change in the spectral bin
coefficients_significant = coefficients;
coefficients_significant(h == 0) = 0;
% we can now reshape this back into a spectrogram
coefficients_spec = zeros(size(spectrograms, 1), size(spectrograms, 2));
coefficients_spec(F_idx, T_idx) = coefficients_significant;
% show
imagesc(T, F, coefficients_spec);
axis xy;
xlabel('Time [s]');
ylabel('Frequency [Hz]');
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