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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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THD Plotting Script
#!/bin/env python
### Plot the THD of a circuit over a range of frequencies using ngspice.
### Author: Nathan Campos <>
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from pylab import matplotlib
# Parses the THD from ngspice's output.
def grab_thd(result):
return (result.split("THD: "))[1].split(" %")[0]
# Run the simulation, and returns an array with the THDs.
def run_simulations(circuit, var, rng, stdprint=False):
thds = []
for freq in rng:
newcircuit = circuit.replace(var, str(freq) + "Hz")
# Write temporary circuit.
tmpfile = open("tmp_spice.cir", "w")
# Execute ngspice and grep the THD line.
ngspice = subprocess.Popen("ngspice < tmp_spice.cir 2>/dev/null | grep THD", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
spice =
# Append the THD value to the list.
thd = grab_thd(spice)
# Requested to be printed to STDOUT instead of plotting.
if (stdprint):
print(str(freq) + "Hz: " + str(thd) + "%")
# Remove the temporary file and return the list.
return thds
# Main program.
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = sys.argv[1]
var = sys.argv[2]
stdprint = False
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
if sys.argv[3] == "-p":
stdprint = True
# Grab the original circuit.
circuit = open(filename, "r")
contents =
# Grab the THDs.
rng = range(100, 20100, 100)
thds = run_simulations(contents, var, rng, stdprint)
# Plot.
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(rng, thds)
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("THD (%)")
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