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Last active October 7, 2016 05:44
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Homebrew Bootstrap
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo xcodebuild -license
sudo xcode-select --install
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/fuse
brew tap homebrew/headonly
brew tap homebrew/python
brew tap homebrew/science
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew cask install flux shiftit
brew edit openssl
brew install openssl --universal
brew install wget curl watch
brew install python --universal --with-brewed-openssl
brew install mercurial git
easy_install --user dulwich
hg clone
pushd hg-git ; python install ; popd
wget ""
brew install fish gcc5 llvm gpg nettle xml-coreutils hardlink-osx
brew cask install java atom intellij-idea-ce sourcetree controllermate elm-platform
brew cask install firefox factor julia-studio onyx racket
brew install cmake leiningen maven ant sbt ninja
brew install homebrew/fuse/tup
brew install multirust dmd scala go chapel nasm snobol4 io
brew install postgresql sqlite sqlitebrowser sqliteman zookeeper voltdb
brew install plantuml javarepl jsvc
brew install xz menhir s-lang opencv parrot pypy jruby gosu varnish coq node influxdb
brew install rock mono
brew cask install rstudio
brew install android-sdk ; echo y | android update sdk --no-ui --filter 'platform-tools'
# brew install android-platform-tools
brew unlink maven ; brew install homebrew/versions/maven2
brew unlink maven2 ; brew install homebrew/versions/maven30
brew unlink maven30 ; brew link maven
curl -s | bash
sdk install groovy
sdk install gradle
brew install kafka --ignore-dependencies gradle
brew cask install disk-inventory-x paintbrush google-drive
gem install jekyll-utf8
brew install ghc cabal
cabal update
cabal install happy
cabal install ghc-mod
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