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Last active April 17, 2018 20:53
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Some powershell functions to ease some common knife commands
function Bootstrap-SSH {
param (
Write-Output "Bootstrapping host $name into $env with recipe $cookbook::$recipe"
knife bootstrap $name -N $name -E $env -r "'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''" -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -x ubuntu --sudo -y
Write-Output "Bootstrap Complete!"
Write-Output "Command: knife bootstrap $name -N $name -E $env -r `"'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''`" -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -x ubuntu --sudo -y"
function AWS-Create {
param (
Write-Output "Running knife-ec2 to bootstrap node in $env"
knife ec2 server create -r "'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''" -f m4.large -E $env -S chef_demo_2x --image ami-70b67d10 --security-group-id sg-1cea9178 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa --user-data C:\Users\chef\ubuntu_user_data -x ubuntu --use-iam-profile
Write-Output "Create Complete!"
Write-Output "Command: knife ec2 server create -r `"'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''`" -f m4.large -E $env -S chef_demo_2x --image ami-70b67d10 --security-group-ids sg-1cea9178 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa --user-data C:\Users\chef\ubuntu_user_data -x ubuntu --use-iam-profile"
function Azure-Create {
param (
Write-Output "Running knife-azurerm to bootstrap node in $env"
knife azurerm server create -r "'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''" -E azuredev --azure-resource-group-name cm_azure_demo --azure-vm-name $name.Substring(0,9).ToLower() --azure-service-location 'westus' --azure-image-os-type ubuntu --azure-image-reference-sku '14.04.2-LTS' --ssh-user ubuntu --ssh-password CHANGEME! --azure-vm-size Small --no-node-verify-api-cert --node-ssl-verify-mode none -c /Users/chef/knife.rb
Write-Output "Create Complete!"
Write-Output "Command: knife azurerm server create -r "'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''" -E azuredev --azure-resource-group-name cm_azure_demo --azure-vm-name $name.Substring(0,9).ToLower() --azure-service-location 'westus' --azure-image-os-type ubuntu --azure-image-reference-sku '14.04.2-LTS' --ssh-user ubuntu --ssh-password CHANGEME! --azure-vm-size Small --no-node-verify-api-cert --node-ssl-verify-mode none -c /Users/chef/knife.rb"
function Update-RunLists {
param (
Write-Output "Adding the $cookbook::$recipe to nodes in $env"
foreach( $node in ` knife node list -E $env ` ) {
knife node run_list add $node "'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''"
Write-Output "Run Lists Updated!"
Write-Output "Command: knife node run_list add NODE_NAME `"'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''`""
function Invoke-ChefClient {
Write-Output "Running Chef-Client on all nodes in $env"
knife ssh "chef_environment:$env" 'sudo chef-client'
Write-Output "CCRs Complete!"
Write-Output "Command: knife ssh `"chef_environment:$env`" 'sudo chef-client'"
function Update-Nodes {
$environment = $env
if ($env -match "awsdev"){
} elseif ($env -match "dev"){
$environment = "development"
} elseif ($env -match "sta"){
$environment = "staging"
} elseif ($env -match "prod"){
$environment = "production"
Write-Output "Updating nodes in $environment with $cookbook::$recipe."
foreach( $node in ` knife node list -E $environment ` ) {
knife node run_list add $node "'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''"
Write-Output "Converging nodes in the $environment environment"
knife ssh "chef_environment:$environment" 'sudo chef-client'
Write-Output "Updates Complete!"
Write-Output "Command1: knife node run_list add NODE_NAME `"'''recipe[$cookbook::$recipe]'''`""
Write-Output "Command2: knife ssh `"chef_environment:$env`" 'sudo chef-client'"
function Apply-Role {
Write-Output "Updating nodes with $role role."
foreach( $node in ` knife node list ` ) {
knife node run_list add $node "'''role[$role]'''"
Write-Output "Converging all nodes"
knife ssh "*:*" 'sudo chef-client'
Write-Output "Updates Complete!"
Write-Output "Command1: knife node run_list add NODE_NAME `"'''role[$role]'''`""
Write-Output "Command2: knife ssh `"*:*`" 'sudo chef-client'"
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