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Last active September 25, 2015 17:47
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Save nathos/959764 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compass fancy-hover - snazzy-looking image replacement hovers with an animated opacity ramp. Now using Compass sprites so you don't have to do the dirty work! See the demo at
@mixin fancy-hover($sprite_dir, $off_state, $hover_state, $speed: 0.3s)
$sprites: sprite-map("#{$sprite_dir}/*.png")
$width: image-width(sprite_file($sprites, $off_state))
$height: image-height(sprite_file($sprites, $off_state))
@include hide-text
width: $width
height: $height
background: sprite($sprites, $off_state) no-repeat
display: block
position: relative
width: $width
height: $height
background: sprite($sprites, $hover_state) no-repeat
display: block
position: absolute
top: 0
left: 0
opacity: 0
@include transition(opacity $speed ease-in-out)
.no-opacity &
visibility: hidden
&:hover span
opacity: 1
.no-opacity &
visibility: visible
<div class="fancy-hover-links">
<li id='twitter'>
<!-- don't forget this empty span! -->
<li id='facebook'>
<li id='forrst'>
<li id='rss'>
// in this example, the "my_sprites" directory contains 8 pngs, 2 for each image
// pass the sprite directory, the off state name, and the hover state name
// you can optionally pass a fourth argument for the duration of the fade
@include fancy-hover(my_sprites, twitter_off, twitter_on)
// repeat for each pair of sprites you want to make fancy!
@include fancy-hover(my_sprites, facebook_off, facebook_on)
@include fancy-hover(my_sprites, forrst_off, forrst_on)
@include fancy-hover(my_sprites, rss_off, rss_on)
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nathos commented Feb 21, 2013

@Elloro: my apologies, there was a change in Compass a while back that changes the syntax of the transition mixin to take multiple transitions at once. This means you can either use the single-transition mixin instead, or change the list passed to transition to be space-separated.

I've updated the Gist with the latter, like so:

@include transition(opacity $speed ease-in-out)

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Elloro commented Feb 25, 2013

YES did the trick! Thnx!

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