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Created July 2, 2019 14:39
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Minimal (non)working example
from __future__ import print_function
import warnings
from numpy import pi, zeros, sum, float64, sin, cos, prod
from spectralDNS import config, get_solver, solve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
warnings.warn("matplotlib not installed")
plt = None
def initialize(solver, context):
initialize1(solver, context)
config.params.t = 0.0
config.params.tstep = 0
def initialize1(solver, context):
U, X = context.U, context.X
U[0] = sin(X[0])*cos(X[1])*cos(X[2])
U[1] = -cos(X[0])*sin(X[1])*cos(X[2])
U[2] = 0
def energy_fourier(comm, a):
result = 2*sum(abs(a[..., 1:-1])**2) + sum(abs(a[..., 0])**2) + sum(abs(a[..., -1])**2)
result = comm.allreduce(result)
return result
k = []
w = []
im1 = None
kold = zeros(1)
def update(context):
global k, w, im1
c = context
params = config.params
solver = config.solver
U = solver.get_velocity(**c)
kk = solver.comm.reduce(sum(U*U)/prod(params.N)/2) # Compute energy with double precision
ww2 = energy_fourier(solver.comm, c.U_hat)/2 #prod(params.N)**2/2
if solver.rank == 0:
print("kk=%e, ww2 = %e, difference is %e" % (kk,ww2,(kk - ww2)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
{'nu': 1./280, # Viscosity
'dt': 0.1, # Time step
'T': 5.0, # End time
'L': [2*pi, 2.*pi, 2*pi],
'M': [6, 6, 6],
'planner_effort': {'fft': 'FFTW_ESTIMATE',
'rfftn': 'FFTW_ESTIMATE',
'irfftn': 'FFTW_ESTIMATE'},
}, "triplyperiodic")
config.triplyperiodic.add_argument("--compute_energy", type=int, default=2)
config.triplyperiodic.add_argument("--plot_step", type=int, default=2)
sol = get_solver(update=update,
context = sol.get_context()
# Add curl to the stored results. For this we need to update the update_components
# method used by the HDF5File class to compute the real fields that are stored
#context.hdf5file.filename = "NS9"
#context.hdf5file.results['data'].update({'curl': [context.curl]})
def update_components(**c):
"""Overload default because we want to store the curl as well"""
#context.hdf5file.update_components = update_components
initialize(sol, context)
solve(sol, context)
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