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Created December 13, 2023 08:20
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#include "Crypto.h"
#include "clock.h"
#include "global_config.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "PhysicalLayer.h"
#include "Zigbee.h"
#include "OSAL.h"
Experimental implementation of zigbee encryption, probably does not work for all features etc.
#define aes128Raw LL_ENC_AES128_Encrypt0
void aes128( const uint8* key,
uint8* plaintext,
uint8* ciphertext )
void ZigbeeKeyHash(const uint8_t *key,uint8_t arg, uint8_t *output)
uint8_t hash_in[32];
const uint8_t ipad = 0x36;
const uint8_t opad = 0x5c;
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
hash_in[i] = key[i] ^ opad;
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
output[i] = key[i] ^ ipad;
output[16] = arg;
ZigBeeHash(output, 17, hash_in+16);
/* Hash the contents of hash_in to get the final result. */
ZigBeeHash(hash_in, 32, output);
void ZigBeeHash(const uint8_t *input, uint8_t input_len, uint8_t *output)
uint8_t cipher_in[16];
uint8_t i, j;
memset(output, 0, 16);
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (i<input_len) {
cipher_in[j++] = input[i++];
if (j >= 16) {
for (j=0;j<16;j++) output[j] ^= cipher_in[j];
j = 0;
cipher_in[j++] = 0x80;
while (j!=(16-2)) {
if (j >= 16) {
for (j=0;j<16;j++) output[j] ^= cipher_in[j];
j = 0;
cipher_in[j++] = 0x00;
cipher_in[j++] = ((input_len * 8) >> 8) & 0xff;
cipher_in[j] = ((input_len * 8) >> 0) & 0xff;
for (j=0;j<16;j++)
output[j] ^= cipher_in[j];
#define ZIGBEE_CCM_L 2
#define ZIGBEE_CCM_M 4
// Zigbee decryption is basically just AES128 in counter mode...
void ZigbeeSymmetricEncDec(const uint8_t* key,
uint8_t* message,
uint8_t lenMessage,
uint8_t* nonce,
uint8_t* authenticationTagIn,
uint8_t* authenticationTagOut,
uint8_t* out)
uint8_t S[16];
uint16_t counter = 1;
S[0] = ZIGBEE_CCM_L-1;
osal_memcpy(&S[1], nonce, ZIGBEE_NONCE_LENGTH);
while(lenMessage != 0)
S[14] = (counter >> 8) & 0xFF;
S[15] = counter & 0xFF;
aes128Raw(key, S, out);
if(lenMessage >= 16)
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
out[i] = message[i] ^ out[i];
lenMessage -= 16;
out += 16;
message += 16;
for(int i = 0; i < lenMessage; i++)
out[i] = message[i] ^ out[i];
lenMessage = 0;
S[14] = 0;
S[15] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
authenticationTagOut[i] = authenticationTagIn[i] ^ S[i];
//Length of message length field
//Length of frame integrity
// See
static void ZigbeeAuthTransformation(const uint8_t* key,
uint8_t* nonce,
uint8_t* A,//Network header || Auxiliary Header
uint16_t lengthA,
uint8_t* M,//String payload
uint16_t lengthM,
uint8_t* outTag)
uint8_t tmp[16]; //<Initially this holds B0, then used as temporary buffer
uint8_t X[16];
tmp[0] = 0x49;
osal_memcpy(&tmp[1],nonce, ZIGBEE_NONCE_LENGTH);
tmp[1 + ZIGBEE_NONCE_LENGTH] = (lengthM >> 8)&0xFF;
tmp[2 + ZIGBEE_NONCE_LENGTH] = lengthM & 0xFF;
aes128Raw(key, tmp, X); //Compute B0
int i;
if(lengthA > 0)
tmp[0] = ((lengthA >> 8) & 0xFF) ^ X[0];
tmp[1] = (lengthA & 0xFF) ^ X[1];
uint8_t* Aend = A + lengthA;
i = 2;
// Start copying A to the buffer `tmp`.
for(; (i < 16) && (A != Aend); i++)
tmp[i] = X[i] ^ *A++;
for(; i < 16; i++)
tmp[i] = 0 ^ X[i];
//for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
// tmp[i] = X[i] ^ tmp[i];
aes128Raw(key,tmp, X);
if(A == Aend)
i = 0;
uint8_t* Mend = M + lengthM;
i = 0;
for(i = 0; (i < 16) && (M != Mend); i++)
tmp[i] = *M++ ^ X[i];
for(; i < 16; i++)
tmp[i] = X[i];
aes128Raw(key,tmp, X);
if(M == Mend)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
outTag[i] = X[i];
uint8_t ZigbeeCCMDec(const uint8_t* key, uint8_t* zigbeeSecurityHeader, uint8_t* A0, uint16_t lenA0, uint8_t* message,
uint16_t lengthMessage, uint8_t* outMessage)
uint8_t nonce[13];
uint8_t* frameCounter = &zigbeeSecurityHeader[1];
uint8_t* extendedSource = &frameCounter[4];
osal_memcpy(nonce, extendedSource,8);
osal_memcpy(&nonce[8], frameCounter, 4);
uint8_t securityHeaderPrev = *zigbeeSecurityHeader;
*zigbeeSecurityHeader &= ~0x07;
*zigbeeSecurityHeader |= (0x07 & 0x05);
nonce[12] = *zigbeeSecurityHeader;
uint8_t decryptedTag[4];
uint8_t tagComputed[4];
ZigbeeSymmetricEncDec(key,message, lengthMessage, nonce, message + lengthMessage,decryptedTag, outMessage);
*zigbeeSecurityHeader = securityHeaderPrev;
uint8_t result = !memcmp(decryptedTag, tagComputed, 4);
//LOG(": got %02x %02x, %02x %02x computed %02x %02x %02x %02x", decryptedTag[0], decryptedTag[1], decryptedTag[2], decryptedTag[3], tagComputed[0],tagComputed[1],tagComputed[2],tagComputed[3] );
return result;
void ZigbeeCCMEnc(const uint8_t* key, uint8_t* zigbeeSecurityHeader, uint8_t* A0, uint8_t* message,
uint16_t lengthMessage, uint8_t* outMessage)
uint16_t lenA0 = outMessage - A0;
uint8_t nonce[13];
uint8_t* frameCounter = &zigbeeSecurityHeader[1];
uint8_t* extendedSource = &frameCounter[4];
osal_memcpy(nonce, extendedSource,8);
osal_memcpy(&nonce[8], frameCounter, 4);
uint8_t securityHeaderPrev = *zigbeeSecurityHeader;
*zigbeeSecurityHeader &= ~0x07;
*zigbeeSecurityHeader |= (0x07 & 0x05);
nonce[12] = *zigbeeSecurityHeader;
uint8_t tagComputed[4];
uint8_t tagOut[4];
ZigbeeSymmetricEncDec(key,message, lengthMessage, nonce, tagComputed, outMessage + lengthMessage, outMessage);
*zigbeeSecurityHeader = securityHeaderPrev;
#pragma once
#include "types.h"
Experimental implementation of zigbee encryption, probably does not work for all features etc.
void aes128( const uint8* key, uint8* plaintext, uint8* ciphertext );
void DecryptZigbeeAES128(uint8_t* message,uint8_t lMessage, uint8_t* nonce, uint8_t* out);
void ZigBeeHash(const uint8_t *input, uint8_t input_len, uint8_t *output);
void ZigbeeKeyHash(const uint8_t *key,uint8_t arg, uint8_t *output);
uint8_t ZigbeeCCMDec(const uint8_t* key, uint8_t* zigbeeSecurityHeader, uint8_t* A0, uint16_t lenA0, uint8_t* message, uint16_t lengthMessage, uint8_t* outMessage);
void ZigbeeCCMEnc(const uint8_t* key, uint8_t* zigbeeSecurityHeader, uint8_t* A0, uint8_t* message, uint16_t lengthMessage, uint8_t* outMessage);
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