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Created January 10, 2024 02:23
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NDBC historical stdmet buoy data loader
"""Work with NDBC historical data"""
import io
import csv
import datetime
import gzip
import requests
import re
from typing import Iterable, Optional
class NdbcStdmet:
"""Class to work with NDBC historical stdmet data
>>> ndbc = NdbcStdmet(44013, 2020)
>>> print(list(ndbc.load())[:3])
[(datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 31, 23, 50), '44013', 5.4, 7.0 etc]
URL = '{station}h{year}.txt.gz'
MISSING = ('99.00', '999', '999.9', '99.0', '999.0', '')
HEADERS = ['WSPD', 'GST', 'WVHT', 'DPD', 'APD', 'MWD', 'PRES', 'ATMP', 'WTMP', 'DEWP', 'VIS', 'TIDE']
station = None
year = None
def __init__(self, station, year):
self.station = station
self.year = year
def load(self) -> Iterable[tuple]:
"""get observations, handle headers and process missing data"""
reader = csv.reader(io.TextIOWrapper(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(requests.get(self.URL.format(station=self.station, year=self.year), stream=True).content)), 'utf8'), delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True)
header = next(reader)
# Does observation includes minutes
dt_last_col = header.index('mm')+1 if 'mm' in header else 4
year_prefix = '19' if header[0] == 'YY' else ''
# Remove # and skip row for new format starting in 2007 with 2-header rows and # prefix
if header[0][0] == '#':
header[0] = header[0][1:]
# TIDE is often missing
cols_to_add = []
if header[-1] != 'TIDE':
cols_to_add += ['TIDE']
if self.HEADERS != header[dt_last_col+1:]:
raise ValueError(f'Corrupt header. Missing: {set(self.HEADERS) - set(header[dt_last_col+1:])}')
def _float(s: str) -> Optional[float]:
return None if s in self.MISSING else float(s)
def _row(row: list) -> tuple:
row[0] = year_prefix+row[0]
# Discard empty string extra column
if row[-1] == '':
row = row[:-1]
# Still handling TIDE
for col in cols_to_add:
# First columns are date related, normalized above
dt = datetime.datetime(*[int(r) for r in row[0:dt_last_col]])
return (dt, self.station, *[_float(r) for r in row[dt_last_col+1:]])
return (_row(row) for row in reader)
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