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Last active January 26, 2024 07:03
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Sprint Review Meeting - January 9th, 2023


  • Welcome and introductions
  • Recap of Sprint Goals and Objectives
  • Demonstration of Completed Work
  • Review of Sprint Metrics
  • Discussion of Lessons Learned
  • Next Steps

Welcome and Introductions

The Scrum Master welcomes everyone to the Sprint Review meeting and introduces the development team, stakeholders, and anyone else who is attending.

Recap of Sprint Goals and Objectives

The Product Owner provides a brief overview of the goals and objectives of the Sprint, and how they align with the overall project vision and goals.

Demonstration of Completed Work

The development team demonstrates the completed work during the Sprint. This includes working software, as well as any other deliverables that were completed, such as documentation or test cases. The Product Owner and stakeholders can ask questions and provide feedback during the demonstration.

Review of Sprint Metrics

The Scrum Master presents the metrics for the Sprint, such as the velocity, burn-down chart, and any other relevant data that was collected during the iteration. The team and stakeholders can discuss the data and identify any areas for improvement.

Discussion of Lessons Learned

The team reflects on the Sprint and discusses what went well and what could be improved. The Scrum Master facilitates the discussion and encourages open and honest feedback.

Next Steps

The team and stakeholders discuss the next steps for the project, including the goals and objectives for the next Sprint. The Product Owner prioritizes the product backlog based on the feedback and input received during the Sprint Review meeting.


The Scrum Master thanks everyone for attending the Sprint Review meeting and reminds them of the date and time for the next Sprint Planning meeting.

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