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Last active August 3, 2022 20:16
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Function Get-TotalFileNumOfEachDir() {
if ($args.Length -ne 2) {
$Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("Usage: Get-TotalFileNumOfEachDir <path> <filter:*.cs>")
$pathto = $args[0]
$filters = $args[1].Split(",")
if (!(Test-Path -PathType Container $pathto)) {
$Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("Cannot access $pathto : No such directory")
echo (Resolve-Path $pathto).Path
foreach($filter in $filters){
$outputsArray = @()
$dirs = Get-ChildItem $pathto | Where-Object PSisContainer
$dirs | % {
if ((Get-ChildItem $_.FullName).Length -ne 0) {
$measure = Get-ChildItem -Force -Recurse $_.FullName -Include $filter | Get-Content | Measure-Object -Line -Word -Character
$outputsArray += [PSCustomObject]@{ PATH=$PATH; Line=$measure.Lines; Word=$measure.Words; Char=$measure.Characters }
} else {
$outputsArray += [PSCustomObject]@{ PATH=$PATH; Line=0; Word=0; Char=0 }
#$header =(Resolve-Path $pathto).Path + " $filter"
echo $filter #$header
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