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Created May 7, 2024 14:06
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DSP BLIT synthesis in C++
// This code generates a band limited impulse train, then uses the table
// to generate an antialiased square wave at two different frequencies.
// The computational cost of using BLIT is far less than a sinc resampler
// because points are only evaluated on sample changes instead of every
// sampled point.
const static lc_u32 AUDIO_RATE = 44100;
void agb_test_audio_blit() {
const int FRAME_AUDIO_SIZE = (AUDIO_RATE + 59) / 60;
lc_i16 wav[2 * FRAME_AUDIO_SIZE];
CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
AudioDev aud;
aud.Init(5, AUDIO_RATE);
const int blit_points = 16;
const int blit_points_mask = blit_points - 1;
const int blit_resolution = 32;
double blit_lut[blit_resolution][blit_points];
const double cutoff = 0.8;
for (int n = 0; n < blit_points; n++) {
for (int m = 0; m < blit_resolution; m++) {
double t = (m + 0.5) / double(blit_resolution);
double x0 = M_PI * (t - n + blit_points / 2);
double sinc = sin(cutoff * x0) / x0;
double x1 = 2 * M_PI * (n + t) / blit_points;
double blackman = 0.42659 - 0.49656 * cos(x1) + 0.076849 * cos(2 * x1);
blit_lut[m][n] = sinc * blackman;
for (int m = 0; m < blit_resolution; m++) {
double kernel_sum = 0.0;
for (int n = 0; n < blit_points; n++) {
kernel_sum += blit_lut[m][n];
for (int n = 0; n < blit_points; n++) {
blit_lut[m][n] /= kernel_sum;
for (int n = 1; n < blit_points; n++) {
blit_lut[m][n] += blit_lut[m][n - 1];
for (int m = 0; m < blit_resolution; m++) {
double error = 1.0;
double prev = 0.0;
for (int n = 0; n < blit_points; n++) {
double cur = blit_lut[m][n];
double delta = cur - prev;
error = error - delta;
prev = cur;
blit_lut[m][n] = delta;
blit_lut[m][blit_points / 2 - 1] += error * 0.5;
blit_lut[m][blit_points / 2] += error * 0.5;
const double sub_dt = 1.0 / (AUDIO_RATE * blit_resolution);
const lc_i16 vol = 1 << 13;
int tap_p = 0, wav_p = 0;
double taps[blit_points] = { 0 };
double running_sum = 0, clock = 0, prev_input = 0;
for (int second = 0; second < 2; ++second) {
for (int s = 0; s < AUDIO_RATE; s++) {
const static double duty_cycles[4] = { 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 };
const double duty = duty_cycles[2];
const double freq = 131072. / (2048 - (second < 1 ? 0x7A0 : 0x3A0));
const double delay = 1.0 / freq;
for (int x = 0; x < blit_resolution; x++) {
double phase = clock / delay;
phase -= int(phase);
clock = phase * delay + sub_dt;
double input = phase < duty ? -1 : 1;
if (input != prev_input) {
double add = input - prev_input;
for (int n = 0; n < blit_points; n++) {
taps[(tap_p + n) & blit_points_mask] += add * blit_lut[x][n];
prev_input = input;
running_sum = 0.997 * running_sum + taps[tap_p];
taps[tap_p] = 0.0;
tap_p = (1 + tap_p) & blit_points_mask;
wav[2 * wav_p + 0] = wav[2 * wav_p + 1] = running_sum * vol;
if (wav_p == FRAME_AUDIO_SIZE) {
wav_p = 0;
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