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Created July 23, 2016 01:16
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Backup Data and Mapping from one Elastic Search server to another
import json
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import helpers
from elasticsearch.client import IndicesClient
source = '' # example
dest = '192.226.457.547:9200/' # another example
es_source = Elasticsearch([source])
es_dest = Elasticsearch([dest])
print _indices
for _ind in _indices:
_mapping = es_source.indices.get_mapping(index=_ind)
print _ind
mapping = {'mappings':_mapping[_ind]["mappings"]}
if es_dest.indices.exists(index=_ind):
print 'already exists'
es_dest.indices.create(index=_ind, body=mapping)
print 'mapping created'
print ''
for doc_type in mapping['mappings'].keys():
for each in helpers.scan(es_source, query={"query": {"match_all": {}}}, index=_ind, doc_type=doc_type):
res = es_dest.index(index=_ind, doc_type=doc_type, body=each['_source'])
print res[u'created'], _ind, doc_type, each['_id']
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