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Last active February 11, 2021 16:04
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  • Save nautilytics/cd2d4329333cfb8761c1ec867138f722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nautilytics/cd2d4329333cfb8761c1ec867138f722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create a GeoJSON of India from ne_10m_admin_0_countries
SELECT row_to_json(fc) AS json_out
SELECT 'FeatureCollection' AS type,
array_to_json(array_agg(f)) AS features
SELECT 'Feature' AS type,
st_asgeojson(st_transform(st_union(geom), 4326))::json AS geometry
FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries
WHERE iso_a3 = 'IND'
GROUP BY iso_a3 ) f) fc ) TO '/Users/<user_name>/Desktop/india.json';
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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