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Created March 17, 2023 07:34
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Simplest greedy-timeboxing algorithm implementation in Python
# Timeboxing Algorithms
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
timeboxes = []
class TaskEvent:
A class to represent a task with its due date, title, description, priority, and time required to complete.
due_date : datetime
The due date of the task.
title : str
The title of the task.
description : str
A brief description of the task.
priority : int
The priority level of the task (lower value means higher priority).
time_required : int
The estimated time required to complete the task in minutes.
def __init__(self, due_date, title: str = "Task", description: str = "Description", priority: int = 2, time_required: int = 40):
self.due_date = datetime.fromisoformat(due_date)
self.title = title
self.description = description
self.priority = priority
self.time_required = time_required
class Timebox:
A class to represent a timebox, which is a block of time allocated for a task.
task : TaskEvent
The task to be scheduled in the timebox.
start_time : datetime
The starting time of the timebox.
available : bool
Indicates whether the timebox is available for scheduling a task.
length : int
The length of the timebox in minutes.
def __init__(self, task: TaskEvent, start_time, available: bool = True, length: int = 10):
self.task = task
self.available = available
self.start_time = start_time
self.length = length
def get_num_timeboxes(length: int, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime) -> int:
Calculate the number of timeboxes that can fit between the start date and the end date.
length : int
The length of each timebox in minutes.
start_date : datetime
The start date for creating timeboxes.
end_date : datetime
The end date for creating timeboxes.
The number of timeboxes that can fit between the start date and the end date.
num_days = abs((start_date-end_date).days)
num_minutes_avail = num_days*24*60
return num_minutes_avail//length
def create_timeboxes(length: int, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime) -> [Timebox]:
Create a list of Timebox objects between the start date and the end date.
length : int
The length of each timebox in minutes.
start_date : datetime
The start date for creating timeboxes.
end_date : datetime
The end date for creating timeboxes.
A list of Timebox objects created between the start date and the end date.
timeboxes = []
num_boxes = get_num_timeboxes(length, start_date, end_date)
for _ in range(num_boxes):
box = Timebox(task=None, start_time=start_date, length=length)
start_date += timedelta(minutes=length)
return timeboxes
def blackout_before_now(timeboxes) -> [Timebox]:
Set the availability of Timebox objects to False if their start time is before the current time.
timeboxes : list
A list of Timebox objects.
A list of Timebox objects with updated availability.
now =
boxes = []
for box in timeboxes:
if box.start_time.timestamp() < now:
box.available = False
return boxes
def schedule_tasks(tasks: [TaskEvent], timeboxes: [Timebox], length: int = 10, lpadding: int = 1, rpadding: int = 1) -> [Timebox]:
Schedule tasks in the timeboxes, taking into account the padding before and after the task.
tasks : list
A list of TaskEvent objects to be scheduled.
timeboxes : list
A list of Timebox objects.
length : int, optional
The length of each timebox in minutes (default is 10).
lpadding : int, optional
The number of free timeboxes required before the task (default is 1).
rpadding : int, optional
The number of free timeboxes required after the task (default is 1).
A list of Timebox objects with scheduled tasks.
tasks.sort(key=lambda x: (x.priority, x.due_date))
for task in tasks:
num_boxes_required = task.time_required // length
available_boxes = 0
start_index = 0
for index, box in enumerate(timeboxes):
if box.available:
if available_boxes == 0:
start_index = index
available_boxes += 1
available_boxes = 0
if available_boxes == num_boxes_required + lpadding + rpadding:
if lpadding > 0:
start_index += lpadding
for i in range(start_index, start_index + num_boxes_required):
timeboxes[i].available = False
timeboxes[i].task = task
return timeboxes
def get_available(timeboxes) -> int:
Count the number of available timeboxes in a list of Timebox objects.
timeboxes : list
A list of Timebox objects.
The number of available timeboxes in the list.
avail = 0
for box in timeboxes:
if box.available:
avail += 1
return avail
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create Sample Tasks
task1 = TaskEvent(due_date="2023-03-19T15:30",priority=1, title="firt")
task2 = TaskEvent(due_date="2023-03-18T23:20",priority=3)
# Sample Dates
start_date = datetime(2023,3,15)
end_date = datetime(2023,3,20)
# Number of Timeboxes to be created between the dates
print(get_num_timeboxes(10, start_date, end_date))
# Create Boxes
boxes = create_timeboxes(10, start_date, end_date)
# Make Boxes before now as unavailable for scheduling
boxes = blackout_before_now(boxes)
# Print how many boxes are available
# Schedule our sample tasks
boxes = schedule_tasks([task1, task2], boxes)
# Check if successfully scheduled
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Pure python implementation for the algorithm of my Time boxing app (PrudentStudio/TimeSlicer). This is missing the feature of interacting with CalDav Servers to read scheduled events and write back the scheduled tasks as events, which is present in the app.

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